Dr L C Cheng ( TMC)

how old are your twins now? how nice to have a girl and boy

when u going for your FET?

how many weeks were u when u miscarried? did they find out the cause?
do rest well so your body can prepare for FET next month.
they are currently 17mths. planning to have baby born in the year of rabbit. so the lastest to catch the train is around feb 2011. but im still considering cos it needs alot of energy, cost and time to bring them up.

no. i did not take anything except the follic acid that Dr cheng ask me to. you mean the embryo did implant but mc? earlier stage? did dr tell you the cause of it?
seriously i did nothing special before and after. only rest at home 2 days after transfer and went back to work and shop as per normal. throughout the 2WW also no symptoms not even sore breast. thought gone case liao. so went to buy hpt to test 2 days before and to my surprise...
raisy & yck,
yup, it implant but mc at abt 5 wks... but both TCM doc & Dr Cheng mentioned there are a few reasons.. the egg & sperm might not be good or the lining is not good enuff etc... anyway I have moved on..muz be positive..that's v important.. I am building up my immune system and looking forward to my fet..

which day after ET are you now? R u on HL? how long? Take good rest & think +ve ya...
Raisy, Hey yours was cultured to blastocyst and you tranfer to Day 5 ? Definitely better chance of success. Guess u had a fair bit of fertilized embbies ? Feeling excited for you . At times, I am looking forward to start the program. Am counting down to the start of the birth control pill.

yck, Wow..you have a pair of 1.5yr old boy-girl twins . If both you and your hubby are pro-kids/family, delay no longer!. Get everything done deal. But its easier said than done. Parenting is definitely a life-long commitment and in our competitive society, its a tough decision. How many more frozen embbies you have ?

TTCingbb, Rest well before you embark on your FET.
Hi Daylesford,
Yup, cultured to blast and transferred back on Day 6. now its the waiting game.. Am couting down for you too, to start your pills. you're starting in Aug? have u been upstairs before or all the while downstairs?
I have 5 frozen. I believe this will be e last try. Don think all will survive thawing. Yes. It's alot of factor to consider. That's y we are still considering.
Raisy, i started with Dr Cheng @ L1 since Feb but now am being transferred to TFC. Just did counseling. U started off with Dr @ L1 too ? I should start popping the pill during the last wk of July. You should be resting at home during this 2WW ?...

yck,Indeed its a big decision.But seeing that you conceived twins make me feel positive.

sunstillshines,how are u ? Am starting the pill by end of july. Jabs will likely to begin by 2 or last wk of Aug. Hows your cycle monitoring with Dr Cheng ?
Hi Daylesford,
I have been both upstairs and downstairs too. I personally prefer upstairs. The staff are all so warm and friendly. Maybe its a more personal setting

Am really excited for you that u will be starting your cycle soon...
day 14?? i have long way more to go..... nurse said to test on 27th ... that would be day 16.
the waiting game sucks
Hi gals,

I am also with LC cheng but just started visiting him. Me and my hubby also find that he is really good and patient in explaining things clearing.
Hi Raisy,

I am not pregnant yet but planning to try again do you think I should go and book an appt before or after getting preggers?

Also can you give a rough estimate on the fee for consulting him?
hi, i'm also with lc cheng now.

anyone trying iui without clomid or injections?
i could detect ovulation on opk... so i'm thinking of not taking medication or injections.
Hi Ling,
Are u intending to see Dr Cheng as a fertility doc (as in... you have trouble conceiving) or as a 'gynae'? If you need help in falling pregnant, then u should see him now. He will check you and advise u if u have any problems or if he finds nothing wrong,he will ask u to try naturally for a few months before going back to him.
Good luck!
Hi Raisy,

I think I got pregnant relatively easy but my problem is staying preggers all the 9 months... Would you think dr Cheng would entertain cases like me?

Hi daylesford,
thanks for rememering!
tested today and its positive!!! can't believe it. i will call the clinic tomorrow and probably go down for a blood test. wishing you success as you start your treatment too
congrats on your positive. Must be feeling very excited now. Meanwhile, take care. Rest well and eat well.
care to share what did u do before the start of IVF and what u did during 2ww?
take gd care & keep us posted on your scan..

before IVF started, i didn't do anything. but once i started the daily jabs before egg collection, i was more cautious. also ate a lot of egg whites until i was so so sick of them! Dr Cheng said egg whites will improve the quality of your eggs.the 2WW was the worst! i did rest for 3 days straight after the egg transfer and then continued on life but this kind of waiting is the hardest! i didn't have any feeling at all but yck encouraged me cos she didn't feel anything either so that gave me hope!
dear ladies, this site is buzzing with positive reviews for Dr Cheng! I am doing my 'homework' now - have decided to do ivf after ttc for 1 year.

I'm trying to get the sense of things here - so when we visit Dr Cheng we are making the appt through his private clinic (WC Cheng & Associates) or through the Fertility Centre which he heads?
Hi missy L, if you have decided to do IVF, you can make an appointment to visit him at TFC. Most of the girls that visit him at WC Cheng & Associates are preggies.
I feel that u should see dr cheng at level one first. He will assess ur condition and will discuss with u the possible methods for u and ur hubby. This is to try other means like clomid, SO IUI and testing ur tubes etc before embarking on the IVF journey. Only when u have decided to do IVF, then see him at TFC on level 5
Hi raisy,
Thanks for the information!
Doc wants me to continue to try natrually with the help of clomid..am into the 3rd cycle alrdy. Hope to have some good news this month.
How long have you seeing Dr Cheng before he recommended IVF to you?
Hi ladies,
I have been seeing Dr Cheng and my last visit was my Progesterone bt. The nurse told me that they will not call me if the result is good. So they did not call me. Now I don't know what is next? Do anyone of you have the same experience? What should I do now? dh and I have tried on our own for 2 cycles but still bfn.
Hi all,

I was under Dr Cheng at TFC also. Been trying for about 3 years with 2 miscarriages. Did SO-IUI and strike the 2nd time. Still continuing with him now seeing him at his clinic at Level 1. I'm going to give birth soon in October.

Really feel very comfortable and safe in his hands. He always seems so calm and know what he is doing. Actually i also like his nurses at TFC. They are just so friendly.

To all those who are still trying.. All the best and have trust in Dr Cheng and his nurses.
piccadolly, i m currently seeing Dr Cheng @ TFC too. Pretty much the waiting time at TFC is much shorter than at Level1.
Hi, this thread seems a bit inactive...

Just wanna ask any patient of Dr Cheng if he's given you progynova and you are pregnant already?

I'm a patient of his, have been going on clomid cycles and monitorying, and now I'm six weeks pregnant, but I had conceived without medication/iui/ivf. Last week I was asked to go down to the clinic to just collect medicine first... Apparently (told to me through the nurse), Dr Cheng prescribed to me duphaston, progynova, and aspirin. I was wary and curious about aspirin at first cos I know more about the medicine and that it's used to thin blood, so had requested to speak to doc over the phone to ask why i'm given the medication. After like 3 calls to the nurse, she finally let me speak to him. But i didn't think about progynova at first cos she'd told me it's hormonal pills (i thought to an tai). But now i see on the web that it's to thicken the lining, but usually not for pregnant women.....??? So i'm a bit puzzled here.. and just wondering if there are similar experiences by patients of Dr Cheng's ???

Appreciate any response. Thanks !!

Hi rosegal, just concerned over you. Have your doubts being cleared?

Think this thread has not been active for quite some time.............
