Dr HO from Mt Alvernia


the nurses are SUPER kind...haha.....they will chat with u more once u are a regular in their clinic.....the nurses are very friendly and also will be there to cheer u up after u deliver ur baby in the delivery suite :>

one of the nurse named Mimi, is no longer with the clinic, she is great...there's one dr ho nv give me my scanned pic, she secretly printed it out and passed 2 me...hehe

I had assisted delivery w/o epi. You seeing Dr Ho now?


Actually the starting $1050 is charged by Dr Ho (delivery charges). I was required to pay that as deposit think in my 34th or 35th week. What the hospital charges (maternity package charge) is for your hospital stay. Then the $600 is Dr Ho's antenatal package for your antenatal visits only.
wah!! w/o epi...
u can brave!!
Wish I can go w/o epi too... :p

the $1050...is it one shot pay or by installments? Only thru cash/NETS right?

not that I brave la, I had a very short labour, so didn't have time for epi even if I wanted.

When's your EDD??

The $1,050, paid by one shot lor, yup, only cash/NETS.... that month my pocket one hole big big...
yours is 1st child? my EDD is 17/10. btw which are the things can be claim by medisave? The receipts for the visits I kept all... how do we go bat making claims?

my birth story quite drama leh... Think I passed the starting stage of labour pretty smoothly coz my contractions were painless, up till I entered active labour stage. A shortened version:

22/1/07, 1.19am: Woken up by strong contraction. Got tummyache and urge to poo, so went to toilet. Because I haven't pooed that day, I thought I was having constipation, so quite irritated (acutally think back am very lucky I never push the baby out into the toilet bowl hor??!!)
1.50am: Got a bit of show. Finally! But then again, notes said that even when there's a show labour might only start 1-2 days later. Decided to go back to sleep since contractions not very pain leh.

2am: VERY strong contraction. Decided to wake hubby up. Hubby helped me to time contractions: clocked in at 4.5min interval. PANIC.

Around 2.30am: Finally finished changing (had some difficulty because I couldn't focus when I was having contractions, so I changed very slowly), grabbed a storybook on the way out (coz labour very long one hor, right?) But in the car my contractions were clocking in at 2.5min interval.

2.45am: Wheeled into delivery suite. Cervix check by midwife: 8-9cm dilated! Nurse got gas ready for me while midwife rushed out to call Dr.

2.45-3.15am: Midwife broke my waterbag. After that, contractions intensified and urge to push was very strong.

Around 3.15-3.20am: Dr Ho arrives, dresses and then sits down and chats with my hubby, just like any other antenatal visit. Wanted to faint liao - how come no one seemed to understand that I was DYING??!!! Gas machiam no use because I was in complete panic mode liao, so I wasn't breathing in properly at all.

Around 3.20-3.25am: Finally got the OK to start pushing. Given very brief instructions. But I was too gone by that time to follow instructions properly. After 2 "pushes", Dr Ho said I wasn't pushing at all, so decided to use vacuum (indescribable experience).

3.30am: My princess was born.

Congrats! Enjoy the nine-month journey! I really miss being pregnant though I'm relieved to see my princess safe and sound. Think it's one of the most beautiful experiences.

Actually until now though my bills all that settled liao I still dun really understand how the medisave thing works. I had assisted delivery, so I claimed the max amount of $1,600 (if it's natural delivery the max claimable is $1,250). Somehow they will split the $1,600 between the hospital and doctor's charges; all I know is the total claimed from medisave at the end of the day was $2,050 (including the additional $450 for antenatal). I separated mummy and baby bills, coz a lot of people say you can claim more that way. My baby bill think claimed around another $400 extra.

For my antenatal receipts, I really only used the package one to claim the $450, for the rest of the receipts, I claimed $10 from my org for each receipt (that's the max I was allowed to claim).

Keep all your receipts and bring them to the hospital to submit - hospital will settle the claims for you.

Oh yeah, and be prepared to pay your maternity package price (amount depends on what room you choose) as deposit upon admission to the hospital.
this one is HK Ho le...got another one is KK Ho le...dun mixed up

wow good for u no epi! hee:p btw cna feel the vacuum all that or not ? painful?
wow ur labour quite short hor?

mine is dr ho break my waterbag @8am, den give birth @ 11am+
for my 2nd delivery, dr ho break my waterbag @ 9am, give birth @ 1pm....ppl usually say 2nd labour is faster but mine is longer

nurse say my bladder is full tatz y take longer time to deliver my baby...need to empty bladder 1st...but i no feeling to pass urine, in the end, nurse draw out for me....den after that abt 30-45 mins later i give birth le...if nurse draw urine for me earlier, i tink i will give birth earlier too

both delivery also nv take epidural....nurse asked once but i rejected...cos the gas & jab on the thigh are included in the package too...so must use 1st if really cannot take it den take epidural...

Like I said lor, the insertion of the vacuum cap is an indescribable experience.
Though I think there was LA injected. My hubby say he see liao feel like crying for me.

Yeah, luckily got short labour lo.
But if not so short hor, dunno if I can tahan without epi also or not... really salute all the mummies with long labour leh!!!
Yours both natural delivery?
yup...noted.. there's 2 dr wif same surname there... ;p mine's HK ho.

wah..so many info here... keke..
thanks ladies!
then you're in good hands ;p really no worries liaoz

i took epidural le mine also vacuum assisted delivery....my labour long le 4am admit cuz waterbag burst then only until 6pm the next day then i deliver le..a whole whoppy 13 hours+ but cuz with epidural so no pain at all hee

How long did it take for your baby's head to return to normal shape? I thought my gal's was not very bad (my cousin's baby had it much worse), but now when I go family gathering everyone keep telling me my gal's head very long, say until I a bit pek chek and gek sim.
ya, mine both natural delivery...
actually i don ve any contraction pain/show when i go to hosp....
for 1st delivery, i feel something wet but when i go to hosp, nurse said waterbag nt yt burst, must wait dr ho to come in the morn to burst it..
for 2nd delivery, my hubby was going for a long oversea trip during my EDD so he asked me to try going to hosp see got chance to give birth anot, when i go to hosp, nurse said i only 2 or 3 cm open..asked me not to go home cos mite give birth anytime the next day....so i decide to do admission then dr ho come n drip me in the morning also burst my waterbag....den i give birth abt 1pm..
to me i also considered quite short labour...cos waterbag burst at 8am for my 1st birth and 9am for my 2nd birth...

for now if ur baby's head is long, u just sayang her in circular way in the top of her skull to make it shorter....last time my newborn also lidat...i sayang her head on top almost everyday at least 100times...
I'll like to share my 1st birth story wif u gers and what i can say is DR HK Ho is realli very pro....

16/02 8.45pm - Having my evening nap and woke up by "wet wet sensation"... Waterbag burst and called my husband back home (he's working nite shift)While waiting for him back home,I sat in the toilet as maternity pad can't hold the water.

16/02 9.30pm - Husband reached home but get him to buy me dinner & waited till 11.30pm then left the hse to hospital( if admit b4 midnite consider 1 day charge)

16/02 11.50pm - reached delivery suite . Dr ho was @ OT for c-section.

17/02 1am Dr Ho visited me after his op and put me on drip as I dun hve any contraction.He did explain to me & my husband tat he started on leave @ 17/02 8am and his flight is 10am.If by 8am i still can't give birth,his relief doc will delivery me baby instead.At tat pt of time,cervix was 3cm dialted.

17/02 2am - Midwife asked any epi,i said "no" and they gave me jab.

17/02 4am - Was told by the midwife tat Dr Ho called up hospital to check my condition.But still not ready to deliver.

17/02 5.30am - Have the urge to push & cervix was 8cm dilated and called up Dr Ho.

17/02 5.50am - Arrival of Dr Ho and my baby boy was delivered 20 mins later...

17/02 7.30am - still in delivery suite resting. B4 Dr Ho leave, he did visit me and check my condition again.

My husband & I were pleased wif his service but there's a price to pay for it. (His Charges was quite expensive)As for his sitches,I dun feel any pain at all, juz onli tight feeling.Thumb up for his skill and will return to him for my next prenancy.
Hi mothers/mothers-to-be,

I am considering Dr Ho and have to confirm the following things:

1) Is the package signed on the 16th or 20th week?
2) What are the consultations hours
3) The latest package consists of $600 of consulatation per month and 1050 delivery charges

Many Thanks!!!
the package is signed only ard 16 weeks. The nurses will ask u abt it when the time comes..no worries...esp when u have been seeing him since the 1st appt.

Consultation hours are basically the office hours... mon-fri 0830hrs-1700hrs; sat 0830hrs-1300hrs
Closed on sunday n public holidays.

The package of $600 is actually to cover the consulation for the remaining weeks till the birth...but I think it excludes additional lab tests etc. Hope u r clearer.

If u r keen, can make an appt wif him n see if your wife is comfy wif him n both of u feel secure or not... then only when 16 weeks on...sign up wif him.

Just one word if caution is that if u call the clinic up to ask abt packages,etc..the nurses won't reveal much... cos they r always busy.
But his nurses r very friendly one n gives sound advices too if u ask them.
Hi all,
i have used both HK Ho and KK Ho before. Well tho KK Ho is "less popular", but i personally feel that he attend to his patients with more time and patience. I will defintely go back to KK Ho instead.

To me, HK Ho is more like a biz doctor to me as many of my frens encounter bad experience with him.
I just delivered less 2 months ago by Dr Ho. He is very good throughout from when i am pregnant till delivery. Being the first time mom-to-be, I am very scare he asked me to learn to trust him n keeps assuring me. He told me that if I dun trust my gynae, I may make things/situation worse, doubting his every action. He is pro, I was admitted to mt. A n was delivered 5 hrs later no epidural! To me it is a nice 1st time experience. His stitching is good, no pain at all. I got out of bed immediately after i was transferred to my ward. Since then till now i nvr taken any painkillers. Dr Ho also explained to me that his fees is expensive cos less patients n quality time can then be spent to his patients. Not only patients choose good gynae, he told me that even gynae choose patients(he choose patients that would trust him). I most certainly would go to him again for my 2nd child. Dr Ho knows that cos I told him that. He said he is not surprised. =)
The lactation specialists in mt A are very good too. Sister Kang the head lactation consultant told me that Dr Ho would refer his patients to her if he checks that their nipples are not suitable to breastfeed (that is of course if mothers-to-be want to breastfeed). Sister Kang said that e.g. some patients have short nipple so they need to be detected early by gynae so that she can rectified that early and mothers-to-be will be able to breastfeed more easily. The rectification process is a simple one but needs to be done before or during pregnancy but not after birth. Maybe that is one of the reason why Dr Ho checks on breasts. Anyway he did the checks very professionally at the presence of his nurse.
hi ladies

have been reading forums in search of a gynae since i've tested positive last weekend.. have decided to make appt with dr ho but his earliest appt will be on 13th august... will all his appt be so far ahead?

btw, can someone share with me his charges as his nurse just told me that 1st consulation is $100, scans $50 and above.
Congratulations 1st time mtb (tratties)!! I dun remember his 1st time consultation but his consultation (maybe subsequent) is $80. His rate I heard is considered expensive. Each scan during my pregnancy is $80.

After your first visit, the next appmt will be booked 1 mth in advance. Is this consider far ahead for you? You will visit him every month until later will be once fortnightly then weekly, depending on the progress of your pregnancy.

Hope you will enjoy your pregnancy journey and delivery like me. =)
Dear all

I'm new to here. Mind sharing with me Dr Ho's contact? Anyone saw him since the day u tested positive preg? He only has 1 clinic at Mt A?
clovy: thanks! am so excited.. think that maybe 1st consulation rates went up becoz of the 2% hike in GST? anyway, have decided to go back to my own gynae at gleneagles as he will have my past records and know my situation better..

cutiebb: Dr ho's contact is available above in the earlier thread.. anyway, here it is Tel:63538833. and Yes, he has only 1 clinic in Mt A.
i tink its better for u to fix an appt before u go down, cos if u walk in, i tink u will have to wait v long
yup jeslyn is rite. i think most of the patients are by appmt. they may try to fix an appmt with u instead when you walk in that day!
I think you should call his clinic to check at 63538833 for accurate information. The last time I go is each visit $80 and each scan is $80. Then at the 4th/5th month you can opt to sign their package.
1st visit $80, subsequent visit $50, scan $50, package starts on the 4th months $800 inclusive of consultations & normal scanning, exclude detailed scan, blood tests & non appointment visit. No idea of the delivery changes as my bb will not be delivered by Dr Ho.
hi ladies,just to check with you all.It seems that there are 2 Dr Ho posted by Lynda Tam (ltam),1 is KK Ho and e other is HK Ho?so which 1 is e good 1?
another qs,seems like u gals mostly are C-sect?this DR ho only does C-sect?
Hi Babystarlet,

I've been with HK Ho since my first consultation at 8 weeks. Am currently in my 30th week of pregnancy now. So far my consultations with Dr HK Ho have been nice, but he is very busy so appointments will always need to be made before hand.

He's the sort of doctor who works very quickly and will tell you what you need to know. He won't make much small talk unless he's not busy (which is very seldom). If you have any questions to ask him, you should write them down before you see him so that you can ask him when you see him (in case you forget what you want to ask).

He's a no fuss doctor and maybe because his scans are done very efficiently (and very quickly), some patients may feel that he doesn't spend enough time with them. In my opinion, he's confident in what he does and works quickly. On average, if I make an appt to see him on a Sat morning, my waiting time is about 45mins but my consultation with him is abt 10-15 mins.

Dr HK Ho does natural with or without epidural too. My friend delivered her 1st daughter with Dr HK Ho thru natural with epidural.
Dr Ho delivered my boy naturally but I opted to hav epidural. He's a confident doc though nt very friendly... I will definitely go back to him if I hav my #2 cos I like his way of doing things.
hi i am pregnant with my first bb. (4 weeks) made an appointment at dr HK Ho. friends went there and told me he is good. can anyone advise me on the question to ask.
Hi dog,

It's really difficult to advise you on what questions to ask the doctor because everyone will have different concerns during their pregnancy. For myself, I was travelling a lot for work so I was concerned whether I could still travel. Plus I also wanted to find out whether I could still do my regular sports - which ones I should stop, which ones I could continue.

If you have any questions, write them down before you go and see Dr Ho. Otherwise, you are likely to forget when you see him...

Enjoy your pregnancy!

i went for my appointment today but the dr ho seemed to be tired....
any i did get to ask my questions
hi all,

i'm also with dr ho. i actually needed a gynae urgently n called mt a to refer me to their most experience gynae n landed here. so far so gd, i like the fact that the place is quiet n not like glen or tmc....i also like the monitor above u so u can watch the scans without turning your head. my first impression of him was he's rather distant but think he knows what he;s doing so stay. my friends were shocked at my bills at each visit as it ranges from $280 -$320 per trip.

actually i was considering douglas ong but hubby says mt e's parking is terrible n the jams are bad so stict to mt a lor.

Mt A parking can be quite bad on Saturday late mornings (around 11am) or on weekdays late mornings too, so I try to schedule my appts at 9am. Alternatively, if you have the energy to walk, you can park across the road at the terrace houses (I think it's called Westlake Ave) and walk across the overhead bridge. It's free parking but can get a bit tiring and hot coz you got to walk abt 15 mins
hi blue skies,

normally i do valet park before 2pm. after that no more, so will get hubby to drop me off first then park so going to mt a has been pleasant

is there anyone seeing dr ho now? can share yr experience?
i do not know how he's like cos non of my friends use him
I'm going to see him for my first appt next week. Will report more after that.

Does anyone know whether he is christian?


My experience with him is great!thou many pple commented that his charges are on steep side but u pay for wat u get lor...he knows wat's he doing n very confident.
