Dr. A L Lim from TMC

oic. so you have to go back see Dr Lim earlier? Hmmm, are you in sales lines that why you are so busy? sorry if i ask too much....cos just hard to find someone to talk to here.
dunno yet. i've pm u~
Thumbs up for Dr Lim! I was recommended to him by my mum n he delivered my sis n bro....dat means he has at least 24 years of experience! Unlike 'older' gynae, he is still young-looking and very friendly...I hardly ask him much during my routine visits cos I have 100% confidence in him. Unless I encounter something worrying, I will usually spend abt 10min or less in his room. And I do agree with the rest, wait time is pretty long but it's all worth it. He is a very calm n professional gynae! Charges are very very reasonable as well, esp considering his fame n wealth of experience...
Hi,may i know Dr Lim's package pricing?
Alot of the mum here mentioned the waiting time is long, but tot we can call to book appointment? please advice.
Hi all,

Cna i just check with you, how are his rates like? Does he have any packages?

How is his delivery charges like?
dina jones (gondina) 
I also encounter the similar situation as you,whenever i went for my check up, i had to wait for at least 3-4hrs.
Then there is once my mother kind of say him but he insulted my mother until she cried. My mother had been visiting him for more than 20yrs and this is how he treats his loyal customer. 
I promised myself i will never ever visit him again and I also never recommend him to any of my friends or relatives.
Joy tan shi en (nononini)
That is bad, your mom must have been very sad and traumatised by what he did to her. With me, I was broken hearted when he literally kick me out of his clinic. And with your mom, she was a loyal patient to Dr. Lim.
Someone also mailed me privately that she experienced the same thing, she was overweight according to Dr Lim, and Dr told her to find a different gynae. It was her 36th week already and had been seeing him from day one. She found different Dr , and Dr said weight is average, nothing to worry.
Anyway, there is this motherhood member who ruined my name on d internet after I commented on Dr Lim. If i post about something, it is just an opinion, not against Dr lim. This lady who ruined my name on the internet, will definitely get hers badly.
Anyway, hope your mum was able to move on. I also heard from a small birdie that she doesnt like Dr Lim as well, on his approach.
Did you find a different doctor already? Hope you feel better now.
Hi Michelle (Mershel13),

After my M/C, i got pregnant shortly after that and also been seeing Dr Lim for my pregnancy. Just gave birth in Mar and maybe we met before in his clinic. heheee...
Overall, my experiences with him are ok...just like when i was seeing him for my #1 so decide to go back to him for my #2.

He kept asking me to rest at least 8 hrs no matter if i am tired or not and also not to walk too much cos my legs was swollen.

I be going back for my check-up again on Apr 23.
I've just switched to another gynae at TMC after being treated like some "excess & unwelcome" patients in AL Lim Clinic.

DR AL LIM @ TMC delivered my 1st child after a nurse at the Polyclinic referred me to him for my cyst problem, saying "he's the most gentle gynae I've known of".

Actually, for Dr Lim, I'm bearable to his kind of attidude and I can fully imagine what dinajones (gondina) & joy tan shi en (nononini) went through. I've several brushes with him too but swallowed hard and put up with him since I'm already seeing him for pregnancy. I can only say that he is not one who could stand too many questions. Yes, he "appears" very patient and attentive everytime but when he sees that you've many questions up your list, he'd get impatient with replies like "I don't have all the time, you know", "I still have many patients waiting" etc. And he say these in such usual calm manner that I'm often caught by surprise with only enough time to show a hint of disgust before before hurried out by his response. And mind you, I've never taken up more than 10-15min in his room. We can wait hours to see him yet he can't offer some genuine patience to see us through our doubts. He's not a gynae whom I can turn to when in doubts and need assurance.

I just discovered my pregnancy 4 days ago at the GP - was happy but terrified because I've taken a bout of antibiotics which is not to be taken during pregnancy and I've bled. I called AL Lim's clinic in distress and was actually surprised and happy they're open on a Sat. While Yanling (btw, Lilian & Lynn were both no longer there - they're terrific) was digging out my records & in the midst of checking with Dr Lim (I suppose) if he could see me urgently, Jianing picked up my call and insisted they're full and "已经看不完了" (already can't attend to all patients). She "kindly" suggested I go to any 24hr clinic or A&E for help as they can also do what Dr Lim can do. I told her I'm bleeding and Dr Lim is my regular gynae, why do I have a regular gynae yet I can't turn to him when in distress? She kept repeating the same things and refused to even ask if Dr Lim is willing to see me. Anyway, Yanling managed to get me a slot and so I went. Husband and me naturally asked for his advise on the effects of the antibiotics I've taken. While I understand he can't give a full assurance that the drug won't cause abnormalities, it's his impatience when being probed further that irked me. He kept saying "nowadays you can find all the info on the web. go and search and you might even know more than me if you search long enough", showing no signs of assurance and implied "we can read all about it ourselves and decide ourselves(whether we decide to keep or abort)". As my patience runs thin, I explained "you're my regular gynae, of course we hope to hear your advice based on any relevant experience and cases you've seen, right? even my GP said we should consult you." And he replied "doctors are not encyclopedias, we cannot know everything..." blah blah blah. I'm surprised I still managed to swallow this and left in a peaceful mode.

The next incident is the last straw:
2 days later, I was cramping badly and spotting more after taking the progesterone prescribed. Called the clinic wanting Dr's advise (I've never experienced this in my first pregnancy; wanted a second child badly, explaining my panic). Call was unfortunately picked up by Jianing again and a huge quarrel erupted. She, again, "suggested" that I go to 24hr clinic or another gynae since "you always call say bleeding want urgent appointment la and since you're always unhappy, you can go and see another doctor". On my last visit, I did ask about the increase in price - was ~S$45 per visit previously, now S$75. Can't I even ask about the disparity? According to her, I was unhappy with the answers doctor gave, unhappy with price etc, so I better go elsewhere. So apparently, it probably runs in this clinic - that asking questions is a no-no. The more questions you ask, the more unhappy a customer you are. So, they'll gladly ask you go elsewhere. They're not hard up for business. And with Jianing's kind of "not happy, feel free to go elsewhere" attitude, I'm not surprised that was directly/indirectly advocated by Dr Lim himself. Because Jianing was usually the assisting nurse in Dr Lim's room previously, when Lilian and Lynn were still there. She must have witnessed many cases when Dr Lim told patients off in his usual calm and "patient" manner.

I spent more to see another gynae at TMC that same afternoon. He is a blessing - totally, even though I'm a miscarriage case. Thanks to the lousy experience at AL Lim's Clinic, I feel extremely assured and safe in contrast with this new gynae. Infinite times more professional. Even if the waiting time here is as long as at AL Lim, I'd still gladly switch (for the records, waiting time was within 15min for both trips so far).

Yanling called me several times while I was at the new gynae. I went up to her after my appointment and she said Dr Lim might want me to do an ultrasound at TMC before he sees me. Yanling is nice. At least I know that Dr Lim did agree to see me when asked and that my condition did warrant an appointment. (FYI, Jianing insisted Dr Lim will also not want to see me even if she had asked.) I told Yanling nicely that I've gone to another gynae and thanked her for her helpfulness. Then, I turned to Jianing and gave her a good verbal trashing before stomping out of the clinic - for good. She was so proud of quarrelling with an audience of patients in the clinic earlier on with me on the phone - I asked over the phone if there're patients at that time, and told her her professionalism is questionable if she could be quarrelling with me over the phone with customers around. She proudly said "当然有人啦". But at the clinic, she dare not even look at me as I ranted. I also asked earlier on the phone if she's a mother with children - I wonder how could a mother be so unempathetic at all, not showing concern to preggies in distress & never once offering help besides asking me to go elsewhere; she too, proudly replied "我当然有(孩子)啦". I'm appalled. I told her, "everytime when I call and you pick up my call, I know I'll get no help at all".

I'm ok if they're old-fashioned in some ways - Dr Lim's handshake as commented by many; the clinic decor (though they finally changed the seats to more modern-looking ones); or the many many years of valuable experience of Dr Lim. But if this "oldschool" becomes an attitude problem that's not moving ahead with times, perhaps it's time for retirement and a good rest to enjoy their success over the years.
oh no... hiazzz.. how could such thing happen? Think the charges he offers is the cheapest in market.. I still miss lilian and lynn.. they are good unlike Jianing. Yan ling is good...
The China girl, i dont know her name is really horrible. Once, she asked me to come say my turn coming, but end up when i come i waited like 4 hours in hunger and nauses. I so angry and complained to Dr Lim, he apologized and said will scold her, i dont know if he would. He should fire this lady, she has no heart n sympethy for patients.
My lesson learnt, i always asked for Yan Ling when i call.
I miss Lilian n Lynn too.
I just had a very bad xperience wit this Dr. Ah Leng Lim. Yeah chepest but attitude is so bad. I got long story to tell but never mind, not worth my time.
I am going to Dr Lim on 22/01 for my very first check up~ ^^ So excited... Most of my colleagues when to him and I was informed that he will b a good dr... ^^
If u wanna go for normal delivery. PLS do not go to him. Yes he is a nice n friendly Doctor but he was nvr able to encourage me to go for normal birth though my baby was in position.. Whenever I keep asking him he didnt want to say yes you can try..
Finally I was in for C-sect. At the delivery suite the nurse were so gd n even said that ur doing good and ur cervic's r opening but he just cut her off and said stop giving her false hope.
If u wanna go for C-sect you can go to him as he will do a very very clean job.

For my second child I will definitely not go to him. Long queue and have to take queue number in the morning.. I think with a kid waiting for that long is definitely not feasible.
