Cup cakes for birthday

no is 1/4tsp to fondant. I want super fast harden, so I add 1/2. but u must have fast hands lor.

From Eliz BP the cutters. U want can buy ready make dough at $5.50 from me. just go home cut and no need to flour it.

hi maggie..

peisei..its 1/4 tsp to how many fondant? i abit blurz..

ready made dough collection from where? $5.5 can make cover how many cakes? i thinking of doing 2 tier...dunno whether am i too ambitious..scully i run out to buy a cake
Final update of Batch 1 & Batch 2

Mailed on Monday(18/10/2010):
8. Cashewnut - 1 (Paid)

Pending set(s) from Batch 2 - Stock arrived & collecting tomorrow.
Angel(babymaybe) - Please pm me if you see this, angel. Thanks

Still Pending payment for Batch 1 - Meow collect on behalf of Kendy on 17/10/2010
Kendy (Lotus Paste + Cutters) - S$15.74
Thanks ah, help me promote. Hee.

lh_jyc (lh_jyc)
Pm u on the cookie cutters.
You can also try Phoon Huat ready made fondant. I find it not bad. Its $7/500g pack for white colour.
My gal loves it! hahaha.. She's my rubbish bin when i did the fondant cake for my sis.. she ate all my bits and pcs...
No complains from my family who ate it all up

Texture also ok.. i didn't had much problem. Didn't need to dust much corn flour too.

But i have only tried the white ya.. I also bought the Black. Haven't used it yet.
How is PH's fondant taste compared to Wilton? For me, Wilton taste really urghhh, but like wat u said, the kids just lap everything up.
I cannot compare as I haven't tried Wilton ones as after hearing all the negative comments, i didn't buy it to try.
But the adults and myself found the phoon huat ones ok so shdn't be too bad..

By the way, any one got COW cutter to lend me? Or where can i buy??
Friend's son wants cow fondant cookies for his birthday. With cutter would be so much easier. haha..
Eliz I already promote like 10 times to other mummies and buy from u hoh... by pm that is.

cow cutter, I think I have..keke playdoh one.
hahaa.. thanks thanks!!

Playdoh ah.. got use on playdoh not?? But you so far from me.. tough to collect also.. haha.. headache. I suggested to friend to use edible images instead.. haha..
no play, strictly for fondant or cookies only. when u need it. I this sunday will be meeting mimi at Simei opp ur house , though timing have to later part then say as I have to attend birthday party first.

or can change to sheep a not I got fast method.

Thanks , I juz received the cutters. Have not opened it in office though but ha ha my recep ask if I bought children's masak

Can't meet up with you ladies tomorrow.. Still haven't recover from my flu and cough. And now with the haze, my asthmatic cough which was slightly under control got even worse. Cough until my lungs also want to come out. My poor little one also suffering with me, every time cough cough, that fella also kena traumatised and woken up.

Enjoy your lunch ladies!
morning ladies,

seems like all no mood to bake this week coz of haze??? lol
try to bake cheese chiffon cake yesterday..FAILURE!!! hard like a stone...but my gals still eat coz of the cheese kekeke..
Last Update:

Mailed out on 22/10/2010
12. Angel(babymaybe) - 4 (Paid)

Received payment from Kendy already - Many thanks

Thanks mummies for placing your trust in me for Batch 1 & 2 orders. Enjoy your cutters!
Mone and all baking kakis anybody keen on spreeing Birkies and Papillos fr Approx S$325 gets free shipping to Singapore. I wan get 1-2 pairs for myself. PM for details or email [email protected]. Thx
Muffin just share with you what I took from my friend's house on the cuppies that were sold and I really don't think its worth it.

I heard from my friend that the cup cakes rings or picks must purchased on our own and is not included.

Look at the size of our normal adult fork. I was really shock at the size of the cuppies.
This is the one from the Bulk Purchase.

My friends bought it for her daughter birthday, I was so shock to see it, I expected it to be quite big since it stated 3cm diameter. So when at my friend house, I took a ruler and measure. I think the 3cm is refer the top part not the base. Funny right I still ask my husband where is diameter, should't it be the base??

My friend was quite upset cause she pay $15 for 12pcs and she bought quite a few dozens for birthday party.
Kylie: 3cm diameter is the width of the cupcake size, definitely not the base I think.

Because its stated that it's mini cupcakes, it will definitely be real small & bite size - I know because I've made mini ones before
so I can tell you roughly what I know for sizing.

The standard size is more or less similar to muffin sizing - large by american standard. While medium size is slightly smaller than
the standard size - more suited to asian standard of cupcake size. Actually, you can measure the diameter of hole from the top
in the 6 hole standard & 12 hole mini cupcake/muffin tray for a general idea of what the size is going to be

But I have to admit $15 for 12 pcs of mini cupcakes is a little overpriced
Hi Mone so its measure from the top not the base! I see if its from the base, its only 1.5 to 2cm instead. But still its very small.

I was disappointed too not just my friend. Luckily I did not place my order yet cause waiting to see the end results :p
that is super mini cuppy, whoh I am doing that for sale also but only 35cents per piece. I find $15 for that 12pcs is ridiculous. And hark care weather nice to eat anot liao. See already disappointing..

Is it from Bt Panjang area?? or Ang Mo Kio Area..
IF u want to know this person, so sorry cannot spam here.

This happen to me earlier this year and friend (TRUE STORY).

I offer to share partnership, as to lower the baking cost and to share baking tips or whatever u guys know.. She ***** me off and a lot of this and that....

So u know what type of person this is.

I meet a mummy(Whom later became a friend) whom ordered and paid after ordering, so on the day of collection, she decided to go shopping at the shopping centre since its 2hrs early. She saw someone bought lots of cake home from cake shop. So she is thinking this person must be KS. Didnt think much after that. Reach her waited time for collection. Guess whom she saw doing her daughter's cake.... the KS person.... So now its bad to have this kind of ppl lor.

then she know that her cake was done from cake shop, not bake by the baker herself...
kendy I did before the cookie dough mixture, hard work and almost every buyer wants it at doorstep. So if got car then can if not, may not be worth the time and effort plus the brain storming and answering ppl question lor...
Kylie: That's correct. Besides the cupcake pics looks nice but the size is definitely small - more suitable for kids with sweet tooth in small quantity.

Kendy: Some of us are working mummies, we will 'die' of extra work - where will we find extra time for ourselves after work? :p But frankly, baking is
very time consuming & we need alot of baking supplies for a BP scale.

But I think its better if we had an open market like flea markets & pasar malaams to sell baked goodies.
Vivien: Actually, some bakers have done this before for fairs. This concept is not new - also used overseas, not only in sg.
But the no of fairs is not alot either, that why.

But yes, it is not common to see any open market selling baked goodies since people go to bakeries to buy cakes, pastries.
Thanks for the info. I thot 3cm is base also?! I wanted to order for my gal's birthday as it falls on the 2nd day of CNY and not many bakers open. Also I lazy lah, thinking CNY shd rest and be Mei Mei. Hahaha. Now having 2nd thots. Maybe I shd celeb on birthday for Chinese calendar instead of English , cos my in laws have their yearly CNY open house that day and I would need to bake a cake to cater for 50 if celeb on that day
The cuppies is from the Y_n one. I saw a lot of people order but I guess they are like me don't know how the actual size looks like from the pic it looks big!

Maybe can start the Flea Market for Home Bakers. I saw from TV there's a lot of weekend market in overseas where they bring lots of home cook stuff or bake or things they grow in their garden. Many people participate but a friendly competition cause every store is unique for the things they sell.
Hi I might be able to organise one if you gals are keen.

But first need to source for venue. Anybody know of any suitable venue?

Probably can come out with a first Singapore weekend market like the one in Bangkok!!!
Hi Mummies, well actually I do have a Mall in mind. I did a fair there before, I can speak with the Management whom happen to be a friend.

The mall can take in 20 table space or 30 table space, so only limited slots. Table and 2 chairs provided. Must commit 2 days which is Saturday and Sunday. Price to be advise but I think its going to be minimum and deposit might be needed. I think they charge extra if there is any electrical point needed for those need to bring their fridge or whatever.

What I did previously was I mass send my company mailers to our regulars informing them of the event. And on that day itself I do the set up before 10.30am.

Let me know who are keen so that I can speak to them.

Tentatively I start with myself.

1) Diamonds Mum: Chocolates, Cup Cakes, Pineapple Tarts
Wah, so onz to organize.

But I have a small oven - not easy to churn out alot of baked goodies.

What I suggest for those who are keen on participating in such event & who have small ovens - a partnership
with someone else who can add on to a bigger count of goodies per stall with their own quantity of goodies.

Profit wise - up to the parties in question & besides it is friendly participation.

Other than that, the main question is.. is it viable to sell within the stated no of days?

Cause I not working now, if I start work then too bad someone have to take over. The previous fair table is quite big and I am sure 2 pax can share.

But I don't know if they agree to let us do it or not, cause they might be liable for 'Home Food' issues. I was told previously they have the activities line up, probably the slots till December already taken.

Until we get about 10 or so people keen then I email them. Later cannot get people then I paiseh.
