Cup cakes for birthday

Siew Lai

I only own a tabletop oven with fan. According to the brand, the fan helps to make item crisp i.e. good for roasting and biscuits. But do look for a model where the fan can be turned off. The fan will make some cakes unstable. Maybe the other mummies can advise.
Siew Lai mine is built in, Cruzino brand if I rem correctlyuz go home cfm...lolx.

Having fan is good even baking some stuff like muffins. I use them when doing chiffon cake 1st 15mins, makes the cakes rise faster.

But then it all boils down to personal preference!
Firstly, Congrats Mrs Teng... So wo men guess correct.. with all the systoms lai...

Re: oven U go IKea buy those built in one's. cheaper and its the same as Mayer's selling ones'.

and they got can on fan and off fan.. I am eyeing one that is $1.2+k on offer.. still saving for it.
Hi 1-0,

the mould can only use for jelly. got it from KL.
not confident enough to do other bake or snowskin mooncake...

btw, anyone tried alex goh's chiffon cake recipe before? tried his choclate chiffon cake yesterday but fail, the cake cant hold the mould when turn over. end out the texture like huat kueh.
Mrs Teng,

Congrats! I am expecting a tiger in Nov and you are preggie with a bunny yeah!
I have been enjoying reading the post silently.
oh oh oh.. haha.. no wonder i dono.. :p long time no go visit blog.. congrads again!!!

meow.. u found the PERFECT cookie recipe yet? i thinking of making cookie liao!! :p now make mooncake i keep thinking of cookie.. royal icing n flooding.. omg..
Juz finished doing cupcake pops... it's actually a test run for the incoming children's day party so didnt do a lot... here are the pics:




but i think i'm not going to make this again coz too sweet & too unhealthy esp for kids, even i myself also dun feel like eating it, haha... i actually used store bought pound cake and cream cheese frosting (too lazy to make my own) to make & i can 'smell' tat the cake is super super sweet & je-lat lor ....

No time to bake any moonies this year so shall share the HK ones my friend gave me, all the way from HKG

Make Agar agar mooncake with yam fillings, my boy can't wait for it to set and keep shouting want to eat, hehe! I just realise the color I use is not bright enough for the imprint to show clearly.

Sui! ... tonite then I 'view moon' at home... hahahaha... so tired! Clearing stock and packing house for shifting ... tireds me out!!! ...
K. Tell me how it taste... I gotto find a way to make my HB and Kid(s) EAT brinjal and MORE to come... eg. bitter guord, (long/sweet/season/snow)BEANS, ladysfingers etc etc ...

no, just cut into small slices like fries then put some sauce like oyster sauce n light sauce, top with cheese then bring it to bake till golden brown.

it taste nice but hb still complain not enough cheese, hehe! Zhe Lei also eat it.

Finally I manage to take pictures of the mooncakes that I had made this year.

Baked mooncakes (Small one at the centre is butter cheese lotus paste mooncake)

The difference in height cos the higher one is 4 egg yolks.

Pictures of the cut mooncakes

hi maggie, thanks for the cake topper link. do you have the contact details. i browsed thru the link but can't seem to find the contact details. thanks
Hi ladies,

I am new in baking. Now keen to bake the fruit pastry cake that found in Peng's blog,(thank peng's for the nice blog)

The instruction given to cover the cake with foil for the last 15min, but I am using Philip convention mircrowave oven, is it safe to use the foil, or I can use plastic wrap? Can anyone advise, I really keen to try baking the cake. Thank in advance.
xav: or u can use baking paper to cover the top lor.. This is what I do also, either one also can..

better read ur manual, some convention microwave cant put foil..-M******* can't

What is the bake of this week??? all missing liao??? keke
hi maggie,

Baking paper oso can? then better use baking paper, cuz i remember the manual did state cannot use foil. Saw alot of baking ware in daiso but cannot buy
cuz it stated cannot use on microwave oven.

Hi Peng,

Mine is also Sharp convection microwave oven, not blur blur.. did u use those baking ware from daiso, eg the mini chiffon pan and fruit tart problem?
