Cup cakes for birthday

what is this? see my blog hehehe...


I used the Frozen Puff Pastry bought from PH. 1 pc cut into 3 pcs then bake till cripsy. Mix 100g instant custard mix with 200g of cold water. Whisk 100g of whip cream then mix into the custard. Pipe the custard mixture on the baked puff pastry then put cut mango. Sieve some icing sugar on top on the puff pastry.
how come my choco chanche didnt melt fully... still got choco bits. but the next day cut up all bits mia... so strange...

ANy way off topic.. my hairclips of the day..


Maggie strawberries are so cute looks edible.

Mdl, Mone PM you. Mone maybe earlier file too big, went into junk/spam folder.

Last time I also baked apple pie using store bought puff pastry, the following day also turned soft, very disappointed
Eileen : Thanks! Btw, need to set any oven temperature for the puff pastry?

Jandew : I've replied to your PM. Your previous email mysteriously disappeared, don't know where it reach to?
I set 180 to 200degreee, I place a aluminium foil on the baking tray, brush with butter. Then place the puff pastry, brush the butter on top of the pastry too.

I receive yr email with 2 attachment but cannot view, it said can't view because the file is empty.
mummies... wanna ask, watz hong kong flour? any diff bet plain flour & hong kong flour? can b interuse? tot of using this flour instead of plain flour for the fruit pastry cake
Tulip - Hong Kong flour is used for soon kueh, bao. Cannot use for fruit pastry cake. only plain flour, self raising flour can be interuse.
My next target is pau using pau flour. After too many not quite successful experiences, I reckon shld use Pau Flour. Haha...
Eileen : Thanks for the info! Shall try doing mango strudel maybe this weekend.

Jandew : Thanks dear. Finally see your mooncake moulds but think peach mooncake mould is
quite big - I think around 100-125g type right? Got smaller size?
Mone...hehe.... Good gift for our parents or grandparents.

Kendy I saw ur Fb pic on aloe vera in your muffins. Extra "ingredient".

How does the Spinach Egg tart taste like?!!! Wow... sounds adventurous. Egg tart is next on my list to bake this Friday. Hopefully it'll turn out fine.

Baked 40 breads on Monday and till today, everybody is complaining, how are they going to finish everything! Guess I should learn from Mrs Teng, bake enough for everyone to finish within 2 days. Or else not fresh anymore.

Wah you baked 40 breads? So many...

If you cant finish, may be you could put in the freezer, when want to eat, put in the oven for a while, this is what I always do

Ya... Cos last week, during my first attempt of baking bread. It was a failure as I used normal temperature water to knead the dough. The dough did not rise in the end. And I had rock bread.

Then monday, I tried again, hubby said do 2 portion, in case one dough don't rise. And this time round, I used warm water to knead the dough. And end up, both rise very nicely. That's how I ended up with 40 breads. Not only that, I was asked to bake choc chip cookies as well as Pandan Chiffon Cake. Can roughly guess how much food I had in my kitchen on Monday?

I'll do your method. Guess it's time to place some in the freezer. Hehe.

You used warm water when making bread? Normally I used cold water and cold egg (learned from Alex Goh's book). I dunno what's the reason, just follow.
Angeline, give to your colleagues or hubby's colleagues? Or neighbours? That is what I alw do. If not eat until scared. Lolx.

For those using breadmachine, what shld be the correct order we add in the ingredients? For me, I add liquid such as egg, water, milk, cream, sugar, salt, bread flour, yeast, butter after 15mins in this order.

For liquids, I heard shld cool down first right?

Now my Bluesky breadmachine got prob, gota stop making breads for awhile until I manage to fix the blade. *Bread deprived*

Mrs Teng, so many days nvr see you in the forum?
Mrs Teng mia.. I sms her also no reply.. maybe sick or busy with something...

Angeline if u dont mind maybe can give those old folks-some welcome this very much..
JAndew, Maggie

Busy lah! Maggie paiseh, I din notice your sms. That day a lot of sms, den I got confused and simply deleted a lot of the incoming text.

Will be busy until the end of this month. Too many orders liao. I do until blur blur.
Jen, you can try Peng's recipe or Florence(Hongkong website) or something? Do a recipe search.

Poky, din rec'd your PM leh....hmmm....
My mother in law gave away to neighbours as well as my BILs. But my sons refused to let her distribute the cookies and the Pandan cake away, cos they both love these.

I tried using cool water. I put in the flour, yeast, sugar first.... then up with the butter. Thing is, it never rise! I don't know why. Then suddenly remembered when I did the crust for pizza, the recipe used warm water. That's why I tried this time with warm water. My dough then did rise.

Anybody know the reason why when I use cool water, the dough didn't rise as expected???? I need advise.
Mrs Teng wah got orders. Not a problem.. U go do ur bakes... remember take ur lovely pics show us hoh.. Urs always very lovely... hehe

Angeline, if I stay near u, I will also want to take from u...hahaha.. woh pandan cake yeah my boys also like..

Any mummy knows the show where kim Ern is the host, then 1 celebrity did a very easy pizza dough by putting into 1 zip-lock bag and shake??? where to find their show huh... This is a bit old liao and also got very easy trimisu.
Angeline: for the dough to rise, it must be placed in warm places or areas that are warm. Then it can proof properly. Maybe that's one of the reason?

The orders are very simple ones, but I'm trying to cut down on my orders. REally can't do leh! Suddenly, my blood pressure becom low and this few days very dizzy. Think I dying soon.
Mrs Teng, Suggest u boil some red date and go qi zhi with some rock sugar to drink when cool.. then the dizzy will not be so bad...
