Cup cakes for birthday

Mrs Teng
only can use bubble tea straw and not normal straw to replace dower? Can share how you do it using the straw? Can also pm me your sponge cake recipe? Thanks a lot!

The manual scale - i have one of that too, quite accurate but unable to weigh 1 gram kind. It is useful as a stand-by and to weigh finished products. Most digital scales are flat and if you put the cake on, the display is blocked.

I got the Tanita as a Mother's Day present but you can find it at Takashimaya's household section and shd be between $30-$40.

If you are planning to do another 2-tier fondant cake, I can pass to you some new/unused bubble tea straws which i have "accumulated" waiting for that moment of inspiration to bake/deco a 2-tier fondant cake to arrive....hahaha
Are you fatmum?? If so, I am going to check out the srcapa bowl on Monday... I see if I can get 1 extra for you if you want. My friend unable to get from states..

Cakeboss is shown on which channel last time before starhub change their system to 3 digit?? which day is the show on?? Thanks
Yes it me

Ok help me get one then. Cos I went IMM branch they say must be purchase with purchase then Breadmum say no need. Abt to ask for her help to get. Thanks thanks
vivien, dior,
think Cake Boss ending 26 May cos 03 Jun got new series, also cake deco de but forgot the name.

Show times:
Wed, 7pm on ch 427 (previously ch 16)

Repeats: (these R what i know)
Thu 1:00 am
Sat 12:00 noon
Wed 5:00 am
Wed 1:00 pm


Already email thru your FB acct.

Bubble tea straws (the big ones) are much much stronger then normal straws.

I normally use 3.

First, use a skewer or any tiny tip object to make 3 markings on the cake.
Second, you use one straw and insert into one of the markings. Den use a parring knife or any small knife to make a marking at the side of the straw. (1mm above the surface of the cake)

Gently pull it out, use a scissor and cut the straw, den cut another 2 similar length.

Finally just insert all 3 straws on the earlier markings.

Spread or pipe a little buttercream or royal icing in the middle of the cake before putting the top tier.


Wah! you have master the techniques of sponge cake liao. Sponge cake sifu! Looks so yummy..

Yes, you have to use cake board, otherwise that depletes the purpose of using dowel support. There's nothing solid to support the pressure point of the dowels. It's just like stack blocks, you need a flat surface.

As far as I know I tried stacking a 6" and 8" above a 10" fondant cake using that. Touchwood, nothing happened.

After putting the straw in, do you pop the cake out from the straw and let it hollow, or leave the cake into the straw??
YewTewMum : Where did you buy yours from? I bought mine from PH TPY.(Redman brand)
Before the sales person rang it up on the cashier, he opened the package infront of me and
showed me that the scale's working fine, no issues so far.

Should check on the spot then no need to bring back if got problem.

Maggie : Wait till I've tried making a 2 tier stack cake. lolx Been watching videos on how to do roses.
But won't have the time to bake for the moment because I will be very busy real soon.
Mrs T
actually for this type of tier cream cake do u use a base for top tier? Cos instructor say no need but I find cutting it kind of difficult esp serving time.
i bot from some ABC neighbourhood store. didn't check cos was $22 so "expected" it to be working. who knows!

ur cake all so nice.

if put cake board, then when cut, gotta finish top tier first then remove board, then can eat bottom tier?


It is your choice, if you let it me hollow, ppl knows that the little bit of the cake is in your tummy
If u left it there, they'll think you lazy to take it out.. So it's dependent on who you want to pls.


For sponge base, I won't put if it's for own consumption but if it's for other ppl, better make it convenient for them. Not every body knows how to handle tier cake. I usually will give them a note attached to the cake box. The note will tell them how to cut and how to handle the cake.

And if dun know base hor, how to use hand to put the cake on top of the other cake? before u could reach the middle, the crumbs from the bottom already drop on the cake below liao. Will be very messy orh!
Bake for this week ~ very bad results one under baked, the other I totally can't smell or taste the cake. I'm so sick until I can vomit blood when I cough.. siao liao!

This one under bake bcos I was drowsy and can't wait too long.. So took it out and immediately went to take a 3 hour nap.

Pandan n raisin bun


This one can't smell or taste.. dun know what to comment about the cake.

Gula Melaka Chiffon cake

Mrs T

Tried your Butter cake recipe...1st time hubby commented nice yummy cake..Thanks!

What does it mean if you get a "dome" & "crack surface" on the cake?

Planning to bake the sponge cake (the recipe u send to me?) this coming weekend!
Hi Mrs Teng,

So many mummies comment that your butter cake and sponge cake is very nice. Would you mind to share the receipe with me. I would like to try it out. Thx.
hi mummies

i've been a silent visitor to this thread, love visiting this page as there are some many pretty cakes to see ">

started baking recently "> er need some expert advise on the fondant cake... can i use sponge cake instead of butter cake?? as one of my family member can't take butter.... but i really really want to try fondant... look fun...

pls help...

Thanks for your concern
Finally been able to taste a little.


It's not that I baked too much. I got the virus from my daughter. That's why so jialat.

If I dun bake, I think I will die.
haha hahaha... I bake too much, I will get sick.. aiyoh then rest a bit lor... Me now head pain... kena a pimple on top of head... at hair points.. that hurts a lot... and another one inside my left eye lid.. me also heaty liao..

Glad that you liked the butter cake.

Getting dome and crack have got to do with the baking agent. Sometimes we put a little too much and this will happen.

The other possibility could be the oven temperature was too hot, causing the outside of the cake to bake and form a crust too quickly. As the mixture in the center of the cake continued to cook and rise, it burst up through the top of the cake.

You got to know how your oven works, sometimes you got to adjust a bit, can't follow strictly to the recipe.

i tried a sponge cake with fondant for my gal cake once. but was using marshmallow fondant. hv a slight indent towards the center.. cos using a pretty heavy PM figurine as topper.... but if u plannin on light decoration on top of a single layer sponge cake, shld b ok??
Love your cake, looks yummy.

I'm using a digital 1 weighing scale. Cost abt $40 from AMK.

My bake for the week:
Chicken Pie

Swiss Roll
Hi baywater,

Thks ^_^

Will plan to go down to Tangs to take a look at the kitchenaid mixer.

Hi snnowy,

Your swiss roll looks very beautiful, I can never roll till like that.
Mrs Teng - pei fu pei fu. sick still baking away. Pls do take care. Baking is also "heaty". Stay away from the oven as well.

snowy - the swiss roll is so nice
Slmummy. My apologies. It's robinson sales tat I went to  did some shopping over the wkn n end up forgetting which shopping center hvg sales

it's good to hv supporters to the cakes u bake. Think tat y mrs tang love baking such. I've a problem of not takers after I've bake the cakes, as most of my family members don't hv sweet tooth n my friends worry abt their weight.

Haha end up, I've to ensure no left over before I can start baking again.
juz baked Coco Mudcake near noon... glutton J whop one for lunch liow... think the texture could be better tomorrow... normally need to rest overnite.


get kid to drink more water. whoh looks very heavy on choco..

baywater I also had the same b=problem except is my kids very scary one's that wants to eat all at one goal.. end up control till can dump in bin.. upset.. found new way give those neighbours whom are alone at home for tea...

Like I've said, if I dun bake, will die..

Yesterday made some Garlic Rolls and Luncheon Meat Buns



And this afternoon, tried making STEAMED Pandan Kaya Cake.. Made a big mistake of forgetting to add baking powder but the sponge cake still turn out well, although I modified the amount and also did not follow the recipes method of mixing the ingredient. Probably will also add a little more flour to make the sponge denser.

But I need to improve on the kaya part.. find that the one from the recipe book to soft.


Wah! the cuppies are awfully sinful man! Chocs chocs n chocs. How nice if I can have one, warm it up in the microwave, den add 2 scoops of cookie n cream ice cream, topped with more choc fudge... and a few slices of Mango next to it...... Yummmy!!!! drool drool..

But I can't leh... still very sick with nose totally block, wind pipe congested and lots of thick phlegm that is never ending... haizzzz...
Happy belated birthday!!!!!!!!!!

Swiss roll very neatly rolled up!

Cuppies full of chocolate wor...yum yum!

Mrs Teng
If am at your condition and still baking I sure kana left right centre! Anyway nice bake! I like the bread!
Thanks/ It's my 1st attempt in baking a swiss roll. Hubby said texture is a bit coarse.

Cuppie looks yummy... Drooling as I type....

Mrs Teng,
The pandan kaya cake looks good and rich in kaya too. Did you made the kaya yourself too?
Do take lots of vit C.
Like the way your Coco Mud cake "huat" so evenly without overflowing.

Mrs Teng,
Can smell the fragrance of "Pandan" nice!

Yes, everything is done from scratch. I didn't really made enough kaya filling for the cake, so I wasn't able to cover the whole cake. But I was pretty amazed that the sponge cake can turn out soft and nice even when it is steamed. In fact, steaming the sponge cake is so much faster than baking it. And gas is definitely cheaper than electricity. Haha! probably be starting my steaming a series of kueh and cakes soon.


Haha! if you live next door, will sure give you a big portion of the cake. When I was steaming it around noon time, I thot it smell funny. PArtly because my nose was a gone case and I thot because the contractor were painting the carpark. Haha! after watching the news then I realised there were oil spillage off changi. Gosh! I thot I added something wrongly.
Mrs Teng,
Wow! cool...steam kueh and cakes. Do show us the pic when you made them. Meanwhile rest well and get plenty of fluid.
*I wanna be your neighbour, I wanna be your neighbour* Almost every other day got cakes/bread to eat.
Mrs Teng,
I love cakes & sweets and you would be the perfect neighbour! Only steam cake I tried before is the chinese kai tang ko. Surprised steam cake can turn out so well to make pandan cake.

Suddenly came down with very bad sore throat ystd and my ear drums are like ringggging all day long and cannot see straight.

Just a qn, do u mummies enjoy eaing ur bakes? Curious cos I enjoy baking but dont enjoy the eating part...Its still ok if its nice, but if its a bad bake, I would rather throw into the dustbin. But I dun really enjoy eating them if u understand wat I mean. hehehe

Must take care, I also developed painful throat due to swollen tonsils, became v heaty(blood in mucus) on monday. Plus I had headaches and my body aches like mad. Took lots of barley water, flu tablets to get better...oh ya and lots of sleep!! Now still left with alittle body ache.
