Cup cakes for birthday

congrats on your new oven.... so fast "kai chang" oredi.....
hm, when u do other cuppies etc, spare some for me leh!

agogo7171 (agogo7171),
thks for your info!

no need to thank me lah! u hv baking talent and it's in yr blood.... i only help to bring it out...hahaha!

muffin, catika
hv recd yr payment. thks
can i post out the scales on monday? cos i hv to go buy those bubble wraps. n i dun wan to leave the scales at the post office over the weekends in case lost.. (my theory)

the mummies here so sweet.. ask me to reserve for u.. only hv the white one. then again lollie indicated her interest..
if i can get 12 pcs. i can order from supplier again.. so any takers?
u win lor.....

desperately need one more cos i'm having workshop soon, and i hv one digital scale only....
hope ep hv extra.....

got spare for me?
muack muack muack!
me loves white color, i mean beside pink.....

can pls e-mail me yr bank details? i opt for postage.
thks for your info leh...... i think i almost donate the milk bottle steamer.

invest in digital scale is the right choice

no worries, you'll get hooked with baking!
if the price remains it good liao lor.. with everything increase.. i really hope its the same price.
later i try to call supplier..
Actually, isetan also selling but $49 etc. but not with glass top. this square shape is very unique.. i hv also seen them having sale but only limited pcs. my aunt went there once before lunch but sold out. isetan sale now on..
Wow, this thread really faster thenI bullet train.

Well received the cutter, Thank you.

I oso interested in getting one, pls add me in if you confirm BP.

If i not going back batam, then i will join this gathering.

Date: 23Mar (Sun)
Time: From 11 am
Place: CL's CCK hse
Agenda: Baking mummys pot-luck gathering cum baking & MAHJONG
1) angi & seth [sambal quail eggs n hotdog} *MJ*
2) CL (kids porridge and Japanese oden) *Tea*
3) hwee (jelly) *MJ*??
4) Eileen & Zhe Lei (Grill chicken wings) *Tea*
5) Serene <-- *MJ*??
6) pink *Tea*
7) Catika *MJ*??
8) Lim * Tea*

But dun worry for the mixer, i will pass to you all baking material you needed b4 i leave.
you ok bo? ah boy stil having fever? oh no! take care! yr children wan anything from jpn or not? let me know.
take good care!
thank God, ah boy fever went down, now ard 37.8 to 38.9 lah... not as high as 40.6 liao... scary... thks for asking....

kids no need lah... u enjoy yr trip okie? hv fun!
Hi Maruolin,
Where you brought the oven? Is it good? Can put 2 trays at one go? How big? Thinking to change mine as it is small and temp not even. Look forward for you advise. Thanks.
Hi mummies

I hv bought 5 Avent bottles which come with 3 pcs of Teat 1 and 2 pcs of Teat 2. My son only use variable flow teat so I had no use of these BN teats. For sale at $2 each or $8 for all five pcs. Pls PM me
dear all,
juz wanna share this sweet looking mixer..... maruolin.... thks for yr info! now u make me dream abt tis mixer liao! SIGH!
hi Kim,
I bought it from Courts AMK. At first went to Megastore but they don't have. The customer service lady kind enough to find out from other outlets for me. That night when i went to pick up, it's the last pc. i think you can order with them.

This oven comes with fan force, something which i wanted. After the advice from a friend, i decide to take it. Forgot to tell you, we saw it at mustafa first.

It has 4 upper elements and 2 below. Yesterday when i baked the oreo &amp; raisins cuppies, the colour also not very even, i think I must turn the tray after way through to get a even colour.

The noise from the fan is kind of noisy to me but still can accept.

Hope the above info is good for you.
Cream Cheese
Do you all have problem finding the cream cheese block?

Phoon huat in amk selling in 2kg only... that will make 8 cheese cakes? i don't want to stress myself leh... but buy more, a lot cheaper.
Welcome back.How is your genting trip ? Got jam on causeway bo

Ya noted you can pass me all the stuff for baking hor ha ha.

if everyone opt for postage. I also lor.BTW Where is your pick up point ? can email me at [email protected] for your account, i pay you back.
Charsiew Rice (charsiew_rice),
me kai po abit....
Philadelphia cream cheese block is available in simei NTUC leh... plenty wor....

PH cream cheese is not as fragrant as philadelphia, and more stiff, more difficult to handle compared to philadelphia.
and.... it's 2kg..... once you open it, u gotta finished it fast... perhaps within 2weeks? not sure
'tho store inside the fridge, will turn sour and moldy...
it's happen to me, i think i keep for abt 3wks, in the end? i throw it away... use only 500gr, throw away 1.5 kg.. haiz!

unless u makes lots of things like:
jap cheesecake, cream cheese chiffon, new york cheesecake, etc etc etc!
then u will phobia of cream cheese
can collect from bishan or punggol, convenient for you? but after hearing what pink said, i don't know if you still want or not.

thanks for the info, but i don't stay near simei leh. and i didn't know the shelf life is so short.
lollie (lollie),
sob sob...... u bot it? what color? tat time when i went there with my fren, only hv white color.
the only reason i didn't buy is becouse the dough hook and the K beater not from stainless steel, it's nylon coated. if it's drop and chipped out, then can't use liao..... u bot at ard S$669 rite?

but if tat time they have pink color, then i dun care liao....... hantam....

then i'll wash the K beater &amp; dough hook my self so that will not easily chipped out..

KA is more silent than kenwood......
charsiew rice..
haha.. i have bought the cream cheese before, but cannot finish using it up too.. it is really tempting to use it cos it cost half the price of Phil cream cheese.. Phil cream cheese is 250gm for $4 plus (nearly 5).. PH cheese is $18 for 2kg!..
When u cut it, make sure cut with dry knife.. then wrap it up properly before putting back in fridge.. then wun spoil so fast.. another thing with cheesecake is, the baking time is so damn long!! bake so long leow, then not successful, very pek chek..
I can collect from u anytime.. work at amk and stay at pasir ris.. which ph do u go to?
i will buy from ph amk. i work in amk too! sekali we are neighbours? PM me your contact ok? i can meet up with u tmr.

thanks for the tips, i will cut it with clean knife.
Not jam leh, very smooth traffic wor.
Genting kids confirm enjoy, every day play at teampark. At KL is my shopping time , ha ha...

Ask some Philadelphia cheese transfer to CCK NTUC or BT Panjang NTUC le,so i can bake ur japanese cheese cake. Last week i go sns,ntuc &amp; coldstorage near my place all dun hv,sigh.

have pmed you.


Ya I bought the white one at $669 plus I bought the attachment (slicer/strainer/meat ginder) at $339.

I dun mind the colour but i didn't notice the different between the nylon and stainless steel K beater and dough never take into consideration...

But hor, after i went back realised the stainless steel bowl got two small brown stain. Cannot wait until the exchange so start using and then they disallow exchange due to the fact that I have use before(got scratches liao).

They also sells display set heavy duty series at around $600plus at that time.
u bought at $699, so cheap? I bought it last mth at IMM at $899. But I didn't get the pink one, I take grey colour.

Ya, I bought at the warehouse sales last month at $669 but I can't choose colour coz there is only white available and that is one of the reason why pink never buy i no heart pain lah...

somemore i got a bit of problem with the stainless steel bowl and one of the attachment (both got brown stain) so i have to make another trip down to their changi troublesome....

btw, did it come with stainless steel k beater? Mine is nylon coated.
no stainless steel k beater only nylon coated. Come with naylon coated k beater, dough, egg beater n the cover. Do u attend their baking course? I have signed up one in apr at causeway point.

Did they gave you baking coupon or something? I wasn't informed during the i did not sign up, but if i were to sign up i would sign up causeway point class as well as that is where i stay.
Hi lollie
yes, 2 baking coupons was given when purchase. I signed up through their website. U must ask them for the coupon because need it to sign up for the course.
first time bake choco sponge cake wif satin icing...cake a bit overdone too dry and the icing not even enough...must improve next time

cake b4 deco



