Cup cakes for birthday

hmm... i can let go of my extra pooh.. when cl lets me know how much, i will sell half price to whoever mummy wants in cl's list..

cl, how much to pay u?

mama to 5js, i want cookie monster! any elmo?

Nicely baked kuih bangkit there..
Like I can smell the freshness from my pc..(umm)

Thank you..
Ya, quite a lot of work put in especially for the individual small boxes.
Not to mention scratching my head over for designs on baby shower.
Nevertheless, I love doing it and wanna do it the best I could possible can..

Any other design besides that?
Can pls find out for us.. Thank you!
Nice cupcakes there.
Your hard work is paid off.
Keep it up and do it passionly and you will see great results!

Lovely baked on the Crunchy Sugi Cookies.
My mom loves anything to do with sugi..
Can share recipe?
Would love to try out if time permits..

Foreverfriends Honey,
Thank you, thank you..
I am sure everyone can do it too. Pink done well too, she is the expert here.
For the cupcake seperator, I am using styrofoam cut out by measuring the box. You can get styrofoam cutter from Popular, so the cut out won't be flaky but neat.
That was done for an order.
Eileen N van,

i tried the kueh bangkit just now too but my dough very dry untill i need to add water!!! u both know how come like that??? taste wise not bad.....I also tried to use mould to cut but dough stick to the mould, may I know how u do that??
Hi all, I'm new here. Very encouraged n impressed by all the hardwork all u mummies put in to bake cupcakes, CNY cookies, donuts .....

I just tried making some pineapple tarts n donuts today.
Can anyone advise how to decorate donuts n cupcakes? Any good donuts, cupcakes or CNY recipes I can learn from? this thread moves too fast, hard to capture the recipes. Thanks in advance.

I would like to ask where can i get the pineapple filling from sunlik?

Also i have asked for recommendation for mixer but think it was 'drown' in the posting. :p Pls, any recommendation for brand and why?

thanks in advance
Hi CL,

Can i have the address of the Japan shop selling the cookie cutter? My hb is going on Thurs, thot of asking him to help me check it out, hopefully still have some left after your coll clear the shelf. :p

Tks in advance.
Vanessa Lu,
Wow, your "fruits" certainly look inviting!
What a nice spread..

Mama to 5Js,
Thank you for your kind words.

Hi hi!!
Thanks for sharing your recipe..
Many thanks for your kind remarks.
You are certainly most welcome on the link to make the cupcake stand.
I am glad that you find it useful.
Just wanna share with everyone the useful link.
Syeda, count me in for the cookie cutter.
If your friend does carry any other design, pls keep me inform too ya.
Appreciate that.
My mama doesn't allow me to bake CNY goodies since I wz pregnant wif my 1st child Tis yr my hubby joins her dun allow me to bake CNY goodies. So I can only c the fruits here n
Anyway, I m concentrating on cup cake coz wanna bake for bb full mth (if possible) n my son's b'dy
u wanna share sugi cookies recipe wif me?

Egg white can make agar agar. I ate b4 but never try b4

Pandan Agar Agar
Ingredients (serves 5)
1 1/2 packet agar agar powder
1 cup skim milk
5 cups water
3/4 cups sugar
3 egg whites
2 pandan leaves
1 tsp green colouring

Boil water, sugar, pandan leaves and agar agar.
Meanwhile, mix milk, colouring and beaten egg whites together and strain.
Remove pandan leaves. Add milk mixture to boiling agar agar.
Pour into a mould and allow to set. Serve well-chilled

U hv the 2 CNY goodies dat I like - pineapple tarts n shrime roll

Where do u get the styrofoam?
hmmm taking bout baking as expensive hobby! buy this buy that, try this try that, want this want that!
juz left over flour alone fill 1 cabinet ord! kou fen / snowskin / bread / cake / corn / glut / self-rising / plain / tapioca / what a variety! hahhaha...
plus all e barang like baking paper, cuppies, tools, trays! chocolate, custard, powders, poison hahhaha.... making inventory hahhaha...
aiyo guess its cheaper to buy off e shelves to eat lor hahha but itchy hands bake own eat ord fat nvm more fulfilling hahhahah....

who can help me buy dog bone cookie cutter????

wanna add to my clutter hahahha...
Hi Syeda, count me in for the cookie monster cookie cutters. My suggestion is to see the number of people interested. If we cannot get enough people to share the shipping from the website, then we just get from your local lobang. Let me know yah? You can reach me at [email protected] as I seldom come to this thread. Thanks.

1.syeda 1
2.mama to 5Js 1
3.jj (jjsan) 1
4.spicegal 1
morning everyone!

wow, didn't login for 24hrs.... i lost the topic?

so many "fruits" good job!

thumb up! so much "fruits" within a day!

i love the cupcakes! make me hungry early in the morning....

so sorry missed out yr Q, this thread moved too fast! often scroll up and down till blur.... dunno who ask who and who say what liao

ok ok, for buttercream, i've experienced to store in the fridge for a week, the texture still very nice and firm.
but usually mine will finished within 3 days leh.

thks for the agar agar recipes... i'll try it soon, cos i'm going to bake lapis (AGAIN) tis week
elaine tan,
you can try my eggs white zebra cake, texture is very smooth and soft...... even catika's hubby oso love it

any update for the cookies cutter list? so tat i can know who is the 1st mummy didn't get it (as i promised yesterday), then i'll give away pooh for her.
hi cla,
you new here? welcome to baking thread....

for mixer, you prefer the "BIG" type or the normal one? any budget?
I've use the normal PHILIP brand for abt 5 yrs, but tis mixer can't hold if you wanna make bread or pizza dough....
i changed to Kenwood chef for abt 2 yrs, the reason? i can make everything lor

especially bread & pizza, cos my family loves to eat bread & pizza.
you may visit my blog to see the mixer that i have:

btw, i heard kitchen aid oso very good, but i didn't experience it.
perhaps time to visit me liao...
guarantee will success if you visit me

i can go to your place during lunch time...
but hor, the problem is, i'm street directory idiot leh.... possible to fetch me from IKEA? or anchor point? then send me back to office after the donuts session? if so, let me know.
i'm bringing my hand whisk (incase u dun hv) and yogurt to office.... who know u super on and wanted to practice today :p
I try lah..hee hee...these few days got to work OT olso.

wow..yummy pineapple dun dare to do..too much work and not enuff time.

thanks for yr kind words, i find it too dark color but it sure taste yum yum..will post the recipe later, need to find it.

Shook, ur mom and hb love really lots of hard work...stand until my back pain...

I sure miss you...and also Niko and Pink..+ Hwee and Icelim too......lets meet up again before Pink go back indo? or after too busi with my change in workscope lah..
Van, thanks for showing me the cutter. But hor, why your kueh bangkit like got pattern on the surface, whereas the cutter i see just cut out the shape only. Do you make pattern on top?
Your pineapple tart looks so 'bao mun', yummy!

Fatmum, thanks for the recipe. As maruolin ask, can use Quaker Oats?

angi wee, I totally agreed with you. Ever since come to this thread, I have not stop buying. Indeed a expensive hobby. BUT, my kids enjoy eating whatever I bake. LUCKY ME!
u r right! at times i think cheaper to buy than to make! imagine the time we spent also. my cupboard also full of my baking stuffs. but certainly more satisfying to make.

solly i cant differentiate elmo n cookie monster! when i was in universal studio i called out elmo so loudly when i saw him but my son told me thats cookie monster!!

me not the one doing the bp la! hehe.. u blur! its syeda.
Eileen, I post the receipe later, cos today at my mum's place.

Yes, we are supposed to fry the flour and use it cooled. Use low or medium heat, fry till fragrant and light.

Sorry, I don't know what time they open, but if you go around 11am should be safe.

I don't understand, make what softer? The filling or the pastry?

don't add water, if too dry, add more coconut cream/milk. dust your cutter with some tapioca flour to prevent sticking.

I use tweezer to "pinch" the pattern on top.

I really love your cupcakes design.
Waiting for Chrilee leh. I emailed her liao. Waiting for her reply woh.

If I assume Chrilee takes pooh & Piglet & Chip n dale

Then I think up to no. 11 will each get a pooh & piglet or pooh & tigger

Chrilee, please reply and choose from the remaining list

Updated for Cookie Cutter
Pooh & Tigger - 4
Pooh & Piglet - 3
Chip and Dale - 1

Then I can continue with the distribution.

Eron is after you , Her wish list is no chance to take mickey & minnie, then will take Pooh n piglet, Chip and Dale.

1. hwee (hwee00) chip and dale, pooh and piglet
2. Shers (shers) : Pooh & Tigger ,Pooh & Piglet
Mickey and Minnie , Chip and Dale
3. n2inpink ; Pooh & Tigger, Pooh & Piglet, Mickey n Minnie, Chip and Dale

4. chrilee ALL DESIGN EACH !!!
5. Eron (eron) : ALL DESIGN EACH !!!
6. PENG : Piglet n Pooh & An Pan Man
7. gunjan : All design each!!
8. nikonnet1 Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
9. Eileen Tan: Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie (or any 4 well-known characters if these not available)
10. apple: Pooh & Piglet, Pooh & Tigger, Mickey & Minnie, chipmucks
11. augustmum All design each
12. cookiepie mickey & minnie, and chipmunks
13. blessedmommy: mickey & minnie, chipmunks, winnie & piglet
14. Maywong : Pooh & Piglet, Mickey & Minnie
15. Catika Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
16. Tulip - Piglet n Pooh & Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
17. choko_latte : Pooh & Piglet, Mickey & Minnie and chipmunks.
18.mama_mya:first four designs of the pic (not the last piglet one
19. fatmum: Chipmunks
20. Michelle : Pooh & Piglet, Pooh & Tigger, 21.Mickey & Minnie, chipmucks
22.ppp- Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie
23. Hello Kitty: Pooh & Tigger, Mickey & Minnie, chipmucks
25. daniellegoh: Mickey, Minnie, Piglet, Pooh

Shers, Peng
Please email me at [email protected] on how you would like to collect

Sorry cannot advise the price of the cutter yet because waiting for colleague to inform but I doubt it will be more than $8
Hi pink
I am looking at the zebra egg white cake last night, how to measure 500cc egg white? Because I have 6 egg white now so not sure how much is 500cc? Can skip the condense milk? Thanks!
Catika and pink, how about tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday? I can bring pink to your house. I can bring my hand whisk, then we can make double portion. Will bring 2 yogurts but you sponsor me with other ingredient, ok? Hehe..
Hi Eileen,

Managed to find the egg white recipe from my mum's place
My sister have it too.

Egg white Cake

300ml cold egg white
160ml Fine Sugar
50ml cold water
20g Ovalet (Sponge stablizer)
200g Hong Kong / Cake Flour
1/4 tsp Salt
100g Melted Butter (Cooled)
2 tsp Coffee / Chocolate Paste
1 tsp Vanilla essence

1) Whisk Egg white, ovalet, cold water and Fine sugar till fluffy.
2) Fold in flour, salt. Add in melted butter
3) Mix half of the mixture with vanilla essence and the other half with coffee paste
4) Pour 2 scoops each mixture to the centre of the 10" cake tin. Repeat until both mixture finish. Do no use scraper to smooth it.

(Note: Lay grease proof paper and grease with butter)

For me, I make them into cupcakes lor, cos lazy to do big cake and later got to cut mah. And I garnish with chocolate ganache.

Hope this helps.

Can add more coconut milk hah....I need to boil 100ml coconut milk as per recipe n also boil some to spare in case too dry is it? but it is really tooo dry until the dough cannot stick together leh....
Gunjan and Nikonnet1, You may proceed to state your choice

Updated for Cookie Cutter
Pooh & Tigger - 3
Pooh & Piglet - 2

1. hwee (hwee00) chip and dale, pooh and piglet
2. Shers (shers) : Pooh & Tigger ,Pooh & Piglet
Mickey and Minnie , Chip and Dale
3. n2inpink ; Pooh & Tigger, Pooh & Piglet, Mickey n Minnie, Chip and Dale
4. chrilee Pooh & Tigger, Chip and Dale
5. Eron (eron) : Pooh & Piglet
6. PENG : Piglet n Pooh & An Pan Man

7. gunjan : All design each!!
8. nikonnet1 Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
9. Eileen Tan: Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie (or any 4 well-known characters if these not available)
10. apple: Pooh & Piglet, Pooh & Tigger, Mickey & Minnie, chipmucks
11. augustmum All design each
12. cookiepie mickey & minnie, and chipmunks
13. blessedmommy: mickey & minnie, chipmunks, winnie & piglet
14. Maywong : Pooh & Piglet, Mickey & Minnie
15. Catika Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
16. Tulip - Piglet n Pooh & Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
17. choko_latte : Pooh & Piglet, Mickey & Minnie and chipmunks.
18.mama_mya:first four designs of the pic (not the last piglet one
19. fatmum: Chipmunks
20. Michelle : Pooh & Piglet, Pooh & Tigger, 21.Mickey & Minnie, chipmucks
22.ppp- Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie
23. Hello Kitty: Pooh & Tigger, Mickey & Minnie, chipmucks
25. daniellegoh: Mickey, Minnie, Piglet, Pooh

Shers, Peng
Please email me at [email protected] on how you would like to collect

Sorry cannot advise the price of the cutter yet because waiting for colleague to inform but I doubt it will be more than $8
Eileen n Van,

Just to check for kueh bangkit, u both use mixer to fold in the flour or hand or spoon (wooden or s/s)?
Hi ppp
I use spoon to fold in the flour first then use hand to kned it. Mine also a bit dry so I add in some coconut milk.
Gunjan, please state your choice before I can move down the distribution list.

Updated for Cookie Cutter
Pooh & Tigger - 3
Pooh & Piglet - 1

1. hwee (hwee00) chip and dale, pooh and piglet
2. Shers (shers) : Pooh & Tigger ,Pooh & Piglet
Mickey and Minnie , Chip and Dale
3. n2inpink ; Pooh & Tigger, Pooh & Piglet, Mickey n Minnie, Chip and Dale
4. chrilee Pooh & Tigger, Chip and Dale
5. Eron (eron) : Pooh & Piglet
6. PENG : Piglet n Pooh & An Pan Man
<font color="0000ff">7. gunjan : All design each!!</font>
8. nikonnet1 Piglet n Pooh

9. Eileen Tan: Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie (or any 4 well-known characters if these not available)
10. apple: Pooh &amp; Piglet, Pooh &amp; Tigger, Mickey &amp; Minnie, chipmucks
11. augustmum All design each
12. cookiepie mickey &amp; minnie, and chipmunks
13. blessedmommy: mickey &amp; minnie, chipmunks, winnie &amp; piglet
14. Maywong : Pooh &amp; Piglet, Mickey &amp; Minnie
15. Catika Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
16. Tulip - Piglet n Pooh &amp; Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
17. choko_latte : Pooh &amp; Piglet, Mickey &amp; Minnie and chipmunks.
18.mama_mya:first four designs of the pic (not the last piglet one
19. fatmum: Chipmunks
20. Michelle : Pooh &amp; Piglet, Pooh &amp; Tigger, 21.Mickey &amp; Minnie, chipmucks
22.ppp- Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie
23. Hello Kitty: Pooh &amp; Tigger, Mickey &amp; Minnie, chipmucks
25. daniellegoh: Mickey, Minnie, Piglet, Pooh

Shers, Peng
Please email me at [email protected] on how you would like to collect

Sorry cannot advise the price of the cutter yet because waiting for colleague to inform but I doubt it will be more than $8

Dun worry lah. I dun even know the exact price yet. So maybe you collect the cutter I still dunno then payment I just collect via transfer later. Let you happy bake the cookies first
Hi n2inpink, I just visited your interesting blog! Your lapis cake look very beautiful. Will you be conducting any classes for baking kueh lapis? Btw, for the mini donuts, do you have to use special chocolate colouring to colour the white choc pink and blue? Cos I thought food dye that has any water content will cause the choc to "seize" Thanks
Hi mummies,
Me very busy recently at work. Still have not have time to read the thread. Too many things need to follow up at work today.
I think Van has answer all yr questions la! When I whisk the coconut, egg &amp; sugar, I whisk till all well mix n think around 5 to 10min.
ladies, who needs me to collect the cutters from cl pls let me know. will be doing it tonight.

as for the rest of the ladies who didn't manage to get the cutters, i'll keep the list. i'll be going to tokyo in late march and will try to find the cutters there and get as many as i can.

cl, better gie me the exact directions to the location to getting those stuff. thanks ya!!!
My recipe for Crunchy Sugi Cookies

100g Ghee
100g Caster Sugar
150g plain flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla esscence

Egg Glaze : 1 egg yolk w/ few drop of water.
Preheat oven: 180 deg

1. Mix Ghee, Sugar, Egg yolk and vanilla essence till well combined.
2. Sift flour, baking soda and salt, stir well.
3. Use metal spoon, fold the flour mixture into the ghee mixture.
4. Knead lightly to form a dough.
5. Pinch a small amount (1/2 level tablespoon) of dough and roll into a ball.
6. Place the dough 2 cm apart as they will spread during the baking process.
7. Brush egg glaze on the top to give them a nice &amp; shiny top.
8. Bake for 14 mins.
9. Must cool completely before storing in tight container.

Happy Baking

I don't know whether got the chance to get the cutter or not? BTW, where do u &amp; chicken little stay? U are so nice &amp; so good have a chance to go tokyo. My hubby don't like to go Japan saying all the things are very expensive.
