Cup cakes for birthday

hi all,
didnt login the whole i hv to spend hrs reading... :p

hwee, niko, catika, pink and icelime, its really fun to meet you all for lunch..really look forward to the next one soon.

Pink, Thanks for the yummy donuts & lapis....

pls tell him then! Really nice writing.

me oso wanna diet leh, one more mth is CNY.
Going back to jakarta wor, dun wanna look ugly. Ha ha!
Btw, next wk i'm going to cityhall for chiropractic treatment, we can meet if u wan, can make some eggless cupcake for u to try, always made it for my MIL coz she hv high cholestrol.

tis wkend wanna try cheese lapis cake, wan some?
Hammie, special paste is here for you. But your cookie already taste very good to me! Yeah!

10 Tips to Help You Bake the Perfect Cookie

Baking cookies is a great treat for children and adults. I've put together a few tips to help make sure your cookies bake perfectly each and every time you make them. I wish you success with each sheet of cookies you bake!

1. Use shiny cookie sheets.
You could even cover dark cookie sheets with aluminum foil. The reflective quality of the pan insures even baking and browning of your cookies. With the right cookie sheet, you will produce perfectly browned cookies each time you bake.

2. Use a spoon or other measuring device to measure out drop cookies.

Making sure your cookie dough is evenly divided is essential. Your cookies will bake more evenly during their cooking time. If your cookies are different sizes, they will require different cooking times. You will end up with some underdone and some overdone cookies. We definitely wouldn't want that to happen!

3. Chill dough thoroughly if you are rolling out cookies.

By making sure that the dough has been chilled completely, the dough will be much easier to work with during rolling and cutting.

4. Monitor the baking time of you cookies closely.

Remove your cookies from the oven when they still look a little underdone in their centers. They will finish cooking on the cookie sheets.

5. Use the correct fat for your cookies.

If the recipe calls for butter, use butter. Butter happens to be my personal favorite for baking cookies! I never use margarine. If the recipe calls for shortening, I will use butter flavored. Butter and shortening provide the bonding fate that keeps our cookies from spreading too thin while cooking. If you use margarine when it calls for butter, your cookies may be thinner and may cook too quickly for optimum taste benefits.

6. Rotate your cookies halfway through the baking time.

Often ovens cook faster towards the rear of the oven. Rotating the cookies insures even baking of your wonderful treats. If you are cooking more than one sheet of cookies at a time, make sure you switch top and bottom sheets halfway through baking time also.

7. Always use large eggs.

This is the standard size egg used for developing cookie recipes. Your cookies will mix perfectly by using the correct size eggs.

8. Measure all of your ingredients carefully.

Don't use heaping cups of flour or sugar. Make sure you use a flat surface to level all dry measured ingredients. Measure your liquid ingredients carefully also or else you might end up with very dry or very runny cookie dough.

9. Preheat your oven to the correct temperature.

Do this before you place your cookies in the oven. This will make sure your cookies will cook properly to become the perfect cookies!

10. Have Fun!

Baking cookies is a wonderful tradition in homes today. Have fun while you are making them, and the smiles will be even bigger when you eat them! Having fun and smiling makes everything taste better!
it looks like sponge cake? haha.... i am actually trying for chiffon cake leh. really look so different ah?

this morning when i eat it, it's quite dry to me...
Pink darling, i have been busy at work lei so did not post question. Haha today bery free "eng eng ching ching" so log on ask some questions.

Its those pastry type lor very buttery smell one...tried before pies from Cottage Pies at White Sands Pasir Ris? Very nice but sinful coz its oily.

Btw,i have been baking cupcakes and have been rather successful (i assume haha) the toppings i use whipcream instead of buttercream coz my son likes. But am too lazy + too busy to post pics here.

When you coming to Cityhall? I am working at Raffles City Tower...i bake cupcake the night in advance let you try want? Or we can meet for lunch, let me know la.
This is not helping leh. Got low fat cake ? Ha ha. Sure will be pleased to meet up. juz attempted my microwave cupcake. more like ji dan kou. Better than yday. Later wait for hb come back celebrate ist then post pics
how many container do u give to ea of your sil? they v lucky
where do u stay?

Do u cook after your hubby come home?

Flourless cake u mean bake w/o flour?

Thx for sharing tips on baking cookies
"1. Use shiny cookie sheets.
You could even cover dark cookie sheets with aluminum foil. The reflective quality of the pan insures even baking and browning of your cookies. With the right cookie sheet, you will produce perfectly browned cookies each time you bake."
Does the abv mean cover the dough wif aluminium foil? Cover for the entire baking process?
ur zebra cake and lapis is very nice leh.. drooling liao.

I go check out the price already.
NTUC - Morries Brand - $79
Harvey Norman - Tefal - $199
Harvey Norman - Tecno - $129
I won't be getting.. cos my mum say she will give me her National Brand Multipurpose Oven which I can grill, microwave and bake. I will pass my normal microwave to her. hehe..since she never bake so we exchange.
we baked the new year cookies together. Just I have to prepare the pineapples fillings in advance. I don't know how to do it just follow their instructions. Then we share our fruits among ourself. My hubby has a big family & his few nieces already married. So can imagine must distribute to so many people.

I am staying in Jurong. U want to visit me?
As promised, here's the pic.

Agar Agar Powder (Swallow Globe Brand - $0.95)

"SHOU" Mould Top View($2)

Peach Mould Top View (cannot rem the price, should be abt $2 also)
May wong
Thanks for your picture! Where did u stay? I think I have seen the peach mould before. U use how many packet of agar agar powder? The size of the agar agar shld be quite big. So long never make agar agar last time used to make. Will try one day thank!
Hi May Wong, thanks for the pic! The peach mould is plastic ar?

Eileen, I want visit u ler, welcome? Hehe, me stay at Jurong East St. 32. You?
RE: Agar Agar Recipe
I increase the amount of water which differ from the packaging so that it is softer.

2 packets of White Agar Agar Powder
2.5 Litre of Water
500g Sugar (up to individual taste)
1.5 packet of KARA coconut milk
Food Colouring (red,green,orange)
A bunch of pandan leaves (nicer smell)

1) Boil the water, bring to boil.
2) Stir in the powder, keep stiring to prevent lumps.
3) Stir in the sugar. Taste while adding so that u can control the sweetness.
4) Lower the fire.
5) Put the pandan leaves.
6) Keep stirring till the pandan leaves gives off nice smell.
7) while doing the mould, keep very low fire and keep stirring to prevent lumps.
8) Scoop up whatever u need in a small bowl to mix the colour.

"SHOU" Mould


1) 3 tablespoon of plain agar agar mixture (mix in RED)
2) 1/3 bowl of plain agar agar mixture mix with coconut milk (mix in ORANGE) *control the coconut milk up to individual
3) Use stringe to insert the RED colour at 1.
4) Wait for it to dry, pour in the orange.
5) Put in fridge to dry faster.



1) 3 tablespoon of plain agar agar mixture (mix in GREEN)
2) 1/2 bowl of plain agar agar mixture mix with coconut milk (mix in RED) *control the coconut milk up to individual to get pink
3) Use stringe to insert the GREEN colour at 1.
4) Wait for it to dry, pour in the PINK.
5) Put in fridge to dry faster. * REPEAT TO GET 6

1) Mix 1/3 of the balance mixture with coconut milk
2) Pour into Round Base Mould
3) Put in fridge for faster drying
4) Mix RED into the 2/3 balance mixture

1) Overturn the BASE onto the plate
2) Lay the SHOU and PEACHES on top to serve
Sorry to have used up so much space.
I spent abt 2hrs on this agar agar, so the steps are longer. hehe.

I stay at Jurong West St 61. I went to blk 500+ there to get. The shop face the carpark sell lots of baking stuffs. I rem one of the mummies asking me where I get the mould. Wa.. u so hardworking to do the pineapple fillings urself. I bought off the shelves one.. hehe.. very difficult to make the fillings leh.

Yes, Peach is plastic mould.
RE: Birthday Figurines
Mummies I need to get #2 birthday candle by this wkend and barney figurine if possible for my girl's birthday cake. Any idea where to get it? I bought one #2 candle but the finishes not smooth one. Need to get nice and presentable one. Anyone can help?
May Wong, barney figurine i saw in yahoo auction before but it is closed now. Last time the seller wants to sell me at $3.50 with postage. You can see who is the buyer and you bought over lor. Hehe.

I made my barney myself, ugly and not smooth ler.
This is my humble first attempt for cupcakes. Decoration is by my daughter. Baked for hb and son's birthday. So pai sei in front of all shifu

finally finished reading...

hwee: thanks for the chicken wing!!! goes well with porridge... hahahahhaa...

niko: thanks for the help to get the drink! hahahaha... i am burdened with my zzz bb... hahahahah

hammie: thanks for the failed-math cupcake cups! hahahaha... me can't bake this afternoon as planned... this saturday must send the newly bought oven to kaki bukit first for checkup... lotsa smoke when baking... impossible rite?!?!?!? hahahahaha...

pink: wah seh! my son ate first mouth the lapis and zebra, asked: u didn't bake this, right? (so sarcastic hor???) ... they are terribly nice!!! after seeing ur lapis recipe... 20 yolks!!! eeks... hahhah... and by the way, last step, bake using what temperature? hmm... silly que here... how to grill in oven??? door open? also, can teach me (post/email) how to do the zebra using the leftover egg whites? ... i love the taste... u using ur maid's milk powder huh? ... can taste the fragrance leh... think tomorrow i go NTUC buy the milk powder too... yummy!!! will boycott UHT milk liow!!! no fragrance one!!! anyway, if u baked during weekend, can i go peek peek if got chance??? wanna see how u do all these tasty bakes leh... mine "1/2 pail water" one... *big sigh*

wah... may: hmm... u can try the 500+mkt shops there... instead of the uncle's shop facing carpark, walk in and see a shop facing market one... inside got all kinds of things, from plastic to metal to (whatever u can think of!) ... anyway, this shop sells handmade pineapple paste too... haven't tasted yet though.

hwee, icelim, the 3 charbors, nice meeting up again... hahahaha... if got chance, meet up again hor!!! Saya anywhere one... hehehehhe...
Thank you for your kind words.
Pink does conduct baking class.
Me love doing cupcakes esp decorating it.
Welcome to the baking thread!

Pink and Niko,
The banana cake I made was not the dense type. Soft and moist.

Mama to 5Js,
Thanks for the info on Kitchen Aid.
Definately a good investment and good bargain that time your hubby bought for you.
I am eyeing for one too..

Very nice lapis you have made.
20 egg yolks, oh my!
Can omit brandy or not? If so, what to substitute?

Your egg white Zebra Cake so cute looking.
Really have the Zebra strips in it..
Good creation!
Welcome back to the thread.

Eileen Tan,
Wow, I bet you are really good in making pineapple tarts and prawn roll.
Can even make in such a big quantity.
They will love you deep deep.

May Wong,
Thanks for sharing your Agar-agar recipes and the detailed steps with illustration pics.
Can see you spend so much time doing the Agar-agar.
Truly made with love.
Xiau Ling,
Nice lapis too.
Seems like different texture from Pink's.
Not the same recipe right?

Chicken Little,
Good try on the cupcake for 1st attempt.
Your daughter can help out the deocating, that's good.
Most importantly you baked it with love for your hubby and son.
I am sure they are touched by wife and mummy's love.
Keep up the baking spirit ya, you done well.
thanks for the compliment.

i believe xiau ling lapis is truly indonesian type, the 30 eggs yolk... for 18cm square pan.
mine modified liao......

yes you can omit brandy, no need to subtitute anything..... but result would be totally diff.
the brandy is not strong at all, infact it's enhance the spice, the eggs and the butter flavour.
For the last step, bake using 180C temperature.
for grill method, i didn't leave the door open.. juzt use the grill function, after the lapis cake surface turn brown, take it out and place another layer to grill.

yes yes, will post the zebra recipe asap, many mommies PM and e-mail asking for the recipe

ha ha! you can buy FERNLEAF FULL CREAM milk powder......
i bot it for my maid, she loves to drink milk in the morning, but if drink fresh milk will "lao sai", then i bot milk powder loh.

sure if i baked during weekend, u can come, how many hours in advance to inform you?
nice cuppies there!! gorgeous looking cuppies, your dd very good, can help hor? yes yes muz involved her in the baking, so tat you have more time spend with her

we all learn from each other lah..... no shi fu here.... only have mommies who inlove and have passion with baking and cooking
augustmum (augustmum),
thanks for your kind word....

michelle my dear,
yes let's meet up next thursday? lunch time?

can make it on thursday 17 Jan?

ehm.... yr chiffon cake dun really looks like chiffon cake...
nvmn, practice makes perfect...
did you over fold the eggs white to the eggs yolk batter? or did u takes too long to fold it? will cause the batter sink down...
dun give up ya? i often failed and throw away the cakes when practicing or when i modifying the recipe..
*jia yeu*
may wong,
my extra candle mailed to one of forum mummy liao......
i saw PH simei carry numeric candle, not sure abt other PH.
sunlik confirmed didn't have.
btw, thks for sharing the very details step.... i'll try it out soon, my kids loves agar agar...

the eggs yolk scary hor?
you haven't see the truly indonesian recipe, 30 eggs yolk without flour at all !!! some recipe use 45 eggs yolk..... without flour also.... it's purely butter, eggs yolk, mixed spice and sugar.
I've to stop now, if not, you all dun dare to eat lapis liao...
xiau ling,
yr lapis looks very tempting leh... hv extra not? want leh..
btw, layang layang finished liao.... can't wait for 20 jan...
thanks for your compliment and encouragement. Would not have done well without the help of the mummies. But I realli beat till my hand very tired yesterday so ha ha should get a mixer hor.

My gal loves to bake since the time I brought her for a class at Genius r us and in school they bake alot during the theme for food.

Now got the kick and ha ha will try more. Of course must get my oven first
Morning! So early u in the office oredi? Yes go n get the oven! Sure yr kids n hubby wl proud of u! Mummy bake with loves.
Happy oven hunting!
overnite so many thread to read!! can u all slow down a bit or not...after reading very chuan leh getting old liao....hahahha..

CL...well done for ur first attempt....may i know wats the alpahet make of??

Pink...quick post ur zebra cake recipe!! so tempting...
When give to relatives, hv to make a lot. Give 1 dun give the other 1, not nice. So gotta make for whole village
Jurong hahaha is n alien plc to me. I m Easterner

Thx for sharing the steps on making the agar agar, v detailed
Like to find out
how many g of coconut milk did u buy?
is your agar agar v soft? the amt of liquid u use is abt 0.5 time more than the amt stated in the pac.
Do u boil the coconut milk wif the agar agar or juz mix wif the agar agar w/o boiling?
I saw Bengawan sells no candles

Chicken Little
Your cup cake pic has a brighten up effect, sun shine look
How sweet of your gal to do the deco. Mummy n gal join effort to do smth for daddy n boi. V heart warming. Tell her the deco she did is v sweet looking. How old is she?
I beg your pardon, u dun hv oven, how did u bake the cup cake?

juz egg yolk n butter, OMG!
Wat abt the type of I'sian cake wif prune, I dunno if it's call lapis?
Hi Pink,
Thanks for offering to share your mama's kuih bangkit recipe. Looking forward to seeing it. Haven't taste one that really melts in the mouth for a long time ....
hwee, pink, thanks for your warm invitation....guess i have to rain check on the pot luck gathering.....remember to get someone to bring bee hoon...i also like lapis if u coming to cck remember to keep some for me...hwee dun eat all ok...hahaha
Thanks to your step by step agar agar recipe. Its very detail. Don't know when will starts mine too?

Chicken little,
your cuppies are very nice. Sure your hb and son will be very impressed with it.

wow lau..early in the morning see you lapis and zebra cake, make me lau nua again.
When are you open another workshop for CNY cookies? Wanna come leh...
No more oredi the kue lapis i try put abit flour tat day but i like original wan more oily & soft.

Layang layang tomorrow i fry lei. U want? coz my frd order she want to bring to indonesia. Hehehehehe
Thanks all for your encouragement.
I am truly motivated liao.

I have got this tupperware kit which I can make this cupcakes from those normal microwave oven. My gal is 5 years old liao. Turning 6 in Aug same age as Hwee's.

Last year teachers' day, my gal baked cookies using our toaster oven for her teachers. Ha ha.

I bought the alpha gummy sweets from Sun Lik only $2 for a jar and they oso have other numbers, carrots, bears etc. Quite cute.

Not in office in the morning. Was logging in while waiting for my lao ye, shao ye and xiao jie to wake up.

Any other mummies kids around age 5 and above ? Then can form a group for the kids to play together. My gal waited till 11 pm when her daddy comes home. Keep calling him to tell him got surprise and must come home before his birthday over
my stomach is always ready to take ur cakes if ur neighbour dun want. :p And my kids would like me to say thank you for your yummy donuts..they LOVE IT.

Thanks for the tips.

I looking forward to your cupcake soooon...

Hwee, nice meeting you and hope to see you soon.

Hi all

Been following up on the threads but no contribution yet. Suppose to bake Cupcakes during last week of Dec but fall sick
. But I managed to bake mini donuts 3 times liao.

The Pizza and Lapis making me hungry...

Pink & all - sorry, I cannot join you all for the Potluck on 20 Jan. Prefer Sat la.

Hi Chicken Little - My girl will be 6 this year also, going P1 next year liao. Stress man.
