Clueless abt sex


Hi I wonder if anyone is a virgin and your SO is also one & neither knows how to do the deed? Any tips? TIA

Hmm I would say getting into the mood would be important for you both, don't be nervous, just focus on the love. Or lust. Whatever you feel more. For girls, sometimes it's harder or takes longer to get into the mood, he has to be patient. Both of you read up on how to arouse your partner. Test and see what works. Don't be shy to say "This works" or "This isn't really working, what about... (give suggestion)." You'll figure it out together. This is part of the discovery process. Even if the first time you don't even end up with penetration, that's good too. You'll get there slowly. What's more important is you both enjoy this time of intimacy together. Explore together. You're in a rare situation that you're both on the same level, don't rush into trying to pretend to be pros at it. Enjoy! :)
I think it's time to explore each other. If he doesn't wanna touch u, he might hv other underlying issues e.g. porn addiction
Monitor him, check his belongings, him on social media. He might hv a fetish, n is unleashing his sexual energy in other forms. Keep yr eyes peeled
