Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Thanks miraclebb for ur list. Ptl for ur lining! Think positive u will bfp n it will b multiples so I advise u buy the insurance.

For me I put in 2 n I bot insurance. Actually glad I did cos E had complcations n stayed in glens nicu for 2 weeks. Though not much payout but still something like 4k. At least paid for pd charges.

Haha re ur comment abt me not waking up for E night feeds. Impossible lah I dun even trust my hb to do a gd job in that aspect let alone the helper. This bb is so sticky to me I doubt anyone can pacify him.

Hope u will b able to take the full 2 weeks to rest. Saw ur post that u r v busy w work.

Rest of sisters how r all of u? Tokkie hope urbohss has subsided n ur appetite returned.

NZ hope boy boy swell is gone too

sunny dun worry abt job. Rem that person is assistant so u know more than her.

Joy - how r u? Hope it will be a good result next week.

Strawberry- how r u?

Blackberry- see ya Tom

msfamily - how r u 2?

Abit tense cos hb v sad n worried abt mil. I didn't have chance to talk to him cos busy w e n then hb sleep already. E prayed for his ah Ma just before he sleep.
vanilla- i miss u. i heard from mricky u are stayin on your own do u manage that? i really feel very embarrassed that i hv 2 maids n i can still complain tired cos i am breast feeding. i am just like you i am a clean freak! i am going to tt my2 maid out not that she is not gd but cos i need some one who eng is gd when i go back to work. i need someone who is clean, eng good n love my bbs a lot b4 i dare to leave for work. present fili maid is clean ( i think u all might think i am nuts i make her wash hands b4 she can carry bb even at night if not use hand rub) n luv my bbs a lot.. i really very reluctant to sent her away BUT i cant afford 2 maids i am not working n i realise i m getting lazy. the bbs will cry but i will learn to cope with 1 m... my biggest prob is i need to teach raf in the afternoon n pump my milk for n hr for 7 x a day.. raf will be running all over n i stuck to a pump. i m planning to cut down to 5 x a day is i can wean the bb to cereal.

i feel really ashamed that u are working n coping with night feeds.. i just pump milk n 2 maids take care of the bb at night.but soon it will be my job to handle 3 kids..

i wonder how thistle manage with 3 kids on her own n 1 maid.

i am depressed though i cant stand having maids cos no privacy but now thati am sending 1 away i realise that i m going to miss her..she has become like part of the family..not telling her yet in case she becomes depressed too...she really treat the bb like her own but no perfect maid, i cant understand her eng over the phone.

miraclebb- welcome.. u are a strong lady having been thru so much... i m praying to hear your good news too...

sunflower- helloooo i wish i have more time to surf next time after i sent 1 maid away.

just wondering if thistle is back? can we have a gathering soon... all welcome to pop by my place - not my hse though cos a bit small.. but i dun mind booking the .function rm.

NZ- is your boy swelling coming down? i will show u my son's ear next time.. raf swollen ear could be due to my neglience cos i let him apply his sun tan lotion b4 his swim class n after swim i noticed his ears are red n itchy n swollen.. i didnot suspect it was due to sun tan lotion until i saw the dr n he told me either insect bite or allergic reaction..then i rem the sun tan lotion stated not to touch the face or ears... is your boy swollen leg due to insect bite or allergic reaction to some thing?
Hello th dun say that. U r doing so great w 2 bbs n a little boy to take care it ain't easy.

I still have alot of help my mum n mil n I have stop bf.

Dun put urself down cos u r doing v well.

Not sure is thistle is back. I try email her on mon

e is down w gastric flu. He vomitted 1x last evening n 4 x this morn. Now awake from his nap n up 2 no gd again. Hope he recovers in time for our hol next thur
hi vanilla, oh it's must be stressful for you to cope lately. Mil has health prob, caring for E at midnight and now E is having stomach flu. Did you bring him to the pd? When J had stomach flu the pd advised me to cut down his milk and food intake to half. Pd also gave some inserts to stop the vomitting. Poor E...
Are you at home today? Your headache better? Do u have other help besides sending E to childcare? You mum will be more than happy to take care of E right? Hope your hb agrees.

Miraclebb, Praise God for your good lining. $4k for insurance is rather expensive but i think u should get it. Take it as part of the FET cost. I had the same thinking as u previously. I was also more worried of not being preg than having multiples. May God bless you with twins too!

Sunny, TGIF!

TH, u r a great mum and a strong woman. Of all the sisters here, your load is the heaviest. I am nothing close to yours. God has given you more strength.

Joy, i forgot to say hi to you. I have been looking at your hokkaido photos again and again. Joie, you know wat to do right? Pls upload more photos from Japan esp the food. I plan to go Japan whn bbs are 3...hehee

Thanks all for your prayers. J's foot is better. The swelling is slowly subsiding. This morning he was back to his active self, running very fast more limping away.

J has developed a very bad behaviour lately. He likes to snatch D's toy and made her cry. Although there is another similar toy, he insists on having the one D is holding. He will whine and whine until he gets it. D usually gives in to him. I dun have much time to teach him properly and my maid alwz ask D to give gor gor the toy. Poor D..she is very afraid tt J will scratch or bite her.
Miraclebb, thats great news! Rest well for your ET on mon, these few days weather is crazy and storms almost every evening! Take good care!

TH, these days i also have less time to surf. And every night reach home by 9plus i say i want to sleep liao. Hb look at me eyes big big in disbelief cuz his usual bedtime is no earlier than 1130pm.

Oh dear Vanilla, must let him drink loads water too to prevent dehydration.

NZ, yup yuppie! TGIF and its weekend in another 20mins!
NZ, Trusting - i know it is really not easy to take care of twins.. Jia you, i really wish Abbey has another BB to play with though....

Miracle BB, although i am not a firm beliver of INSURANCE, but if you can afford, will urge you to buy beacuse i guess it does help when there is a real need.

All Mummies, me too like the rest of you feel very tired everyday after work, feel that i need / should do more for Abbey but just too tired, i am like a weekend mummy....

Abbey not talking very much, she is still babbling. she will respond to what we ask her by nodding her head or shaking them but she is just not saying Yes, No.... PD feel we need to talk to her more and read to her but by the time i reach home, i am dead tired already.... feel so guilty.
Hello sisters e vomitted again after his porridge n just after his milk. NZ Already gave half but he still vomit. Poor boy he hungry want to eat but eat already 5 mins later vomit until nose also come out vomit. V jialat.

Just now after milk he vomitted he lay on the sofa so poor thing look. When I brought him in to sleep he signed he wat milk so I took chance make diluted milk but I m worried he will vomit again. He fell asleep by snuggling to my lap. Like a sick little puppy. Think tonite he will wake up alot of times for milk.

NZ- boys tend to b more aggressive n selfish any toys etc. I rem reading somewhere that act boys r more sensitive than girls. Teach J that he must share. Sometimes distraction helps like offer him something else or take him to another plc.

Hi msfamily - my boy says less than 10 words I m worried but m believing that when he starts to talk it will b in sentences. I talk alot to e till this guy on my estate ask me if e understands wat I saying
take 30 mins a night the speech therapist recommend that

hi haze how r u? Projects ended?
NZ gd that j is running abt n the swell is subsiding!

Hi sunny enjoy ur wkend. Thks I made barley for e to drink cos doc say will have fever.

Hi miraclebb God bless ur ET this coming mon. So excited for u. Rem rest real well during these 2 wks.
Vanilla - poor E. u must be so burdened. God is with you in all of this. He will never leave you nor forsake u. i pray that ur MIL will also receive God's healing and perfect peace.

miraclebb- yup many blessings to ur ET! it's so exciting. my period has yet to come since my D&C aft the mc in Mar. that time i was told that i can put 4 embies in due to age and the history of 2 failed ivfs. i was quite pained by the insurance but chose to do it anyway. in the end there were only 3 viable ones for transfer. insurance is better in my opinion. may God bless u with the wisdom in all of this. I believe u are req to send in the cheque within a certain no of days from the ET?

Joie- sounds like u r having fun! the last time i was there was when i was 20~ sigh! so very long ago. was a mission trip but i rem being v fascinated by the place but was burdened by the pple...

ALL MUMMIES - it's easy to be caught up with guilt when bbs are not well or not behaving as expected. pls dont take all the responsibility and be ridden by the guilt. the devil wants to name us 'bad mother/wife/etc'. we are not named that way by our heavenly Father. We are his beloved, precious ones. guilt paralyses. one thing that i help myself to fight guilt is to admit that i am different & to forgive myself for being different and to move on to learn if i need to, or let go... i know that whatever te situation we are in - mums or not, ttcing or not, God gives us the faith and grace to carry on. They are like crutches to hold when we are injured but it is our choice to hold on to them or not to help us through till we have recovered in some measure. may we all lay claim to the faith and grace.

sorry not been posting much. feel kinda tongue-tight cos life is kinda in limbo waiting for AF... like waiting for life to move on though i know life is here, now...
miraclebb - all the best for your ET on mon!

vanilla - did u bring e back to see pd? the vomit shd get better on 2nd day else he'll dehydrated. if nt let him take sips of water every 15 min. tk i did tat when andrea was young. when she stopped vomitting,then i go back to work.

blackberry - miss you too.

when we meeting for lunch again? nowadays i decide to visit bb a during lunch time on mon and fri cos i realize i am very very tired after my hospital visit.

nz/thistle/TH - i tk you are all amazing, having to cope with twins. having 1 kid is amazing but having 2 at the time makes u an extraordinary women!
Good morning ladies


poor E. Hope he is feeling better. You also need to take some precautions so that you don't fall sick during your trip. Maybe more vit c?


your AF should report 4 to 6 weeks from the d&c. Expect the flow to be lighter as well due to the clean-up of the uterus done during the procedure. By the next cycle or so, flow should be more normal... U can use the flow as a rough indication of the uterine lining...

Thanks ladies for your well-wishes and prayers. I am a bit nervous whether all my embies will thaw well on Monday...think will know only 2 hours before ET when I go to the clinic for the pregnyl jab. But I will go in faith and trust Him to have the best plan for me.

Yes, am planning to be on leave for the 2ww until BT day. Glad to leave the office work behind...boss was still squeezing the last drop from me wanting to discuss this and that at 5.30pm before I was wrapping up. I will only check blackberry maybe once a day during 2ww. Must really rest and relax during the 2ww...

It's actually the end of the 2 weeks and the BT results that I fear. Speifically that call from dr f...worse than the horror movie 'the ring'...

Actually this fet like quite easy... Just eat progynova every 8 hours and see dr f once vanila, if u want to use the fet to see dr f, then like not much opportunity leh...hehe
MSFamily, i am not sure if its too early but how about enrolling Abbey in playgroups so that she mingle often with other kids and maybe she will get more chance to talk to many people?

Oh dear Vanilla, hope E get well soon! I know how it feels as last time my mom babysitted a toddler gal, she was running fever and swollen gums and whining and leaning in my mom's hug only. I see already so heartpain. That night she stayed overnight with us, we could hardly sleep well. Pray that your MIL gets better too. Must be tough on you these few days.

Blackberry, have you started Ms Jin again too? Maybe can see whether from a TCM point, any foods to take to naturally restore the womb's hormonal balance and then naturally onset AF? Otherwise, i know its dull feeling neither here nor there but very important to let the body do its natural course.

I find a good point in what you just shared "God gives us the faith and grace to carry on. They are like crutches to hold when we are injured but it is our choice to hold on to them or not to help us through till we have recovered in some measure." Thanks sis!

Mricky, take care amidst your daily shuttling to and fro!

Haze, your work commitments not so taxing now? Take care too!

Miraclebb, i also think opt for the insurance is wise. And i totally understand the jitters towards the last part of 2ww. You know the day i was waiting for KK's call about my BT, they say will call at 1pm. At 11am, i was already shivering and feeling dizzy (too scared). Then i had to shut myself in toilet cubicle from 1245pm just to wait out for the call. It doesnt help that the cubicles next to me were so busy (lunch time alot of people), all that flushing noise made me feel sicker. Then came the call and i had to feel the toilet walls and wobble my way out. Cannot walk at all cos too overwhelmed.

But we will be here for you. Come chat with us anytime!

Ladies, so strange .. i am not dr F's patient but last night i dreamt of him! Haha! He will likely be my next choice if i go private.
Vanilla, very heartache to hear tt E vomitted again. If he still vomitted after cutting half his feed, cut another half. No choice even if he is hungry. Will cont to pray for him. Mummy must b very stressed a and worried. May God give heal E asap and give him comfort.

Blackberry, thx for posting today. I somehow felt u have been gg thru some emotional issues but sister, take heart. God is with you. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11

Sunny, thx for the cute icon...very amusing. work late most of the time?

Miraclebb, our prayers are with u for your ET on Mon. Dun think abt work anymore.

MSfamily, Mricky, thx. Being a mother of twins is really not easy. Physical, emotional, mental and financial health must be sane. Thank God for His grace. When I am weak, He is strong. Kudos to Thistle, TH and Twinnies too.

My gal's hair has grown longer and she perpires a lot. Today i tied a little pony tail for her. J saw something new in D and he kept wanting to pull her pony tail. I had to stop him. I think I will try to distract him like wat Vanilla suggested.
J is so cute! Thanks for ur prayers. Tdy is better E didn't vomit but body temp went to a 37.2 not fever yet but it did make him Sian sian. He demands tv n sat beside me leaning on me. Mil saw said he v v sticky to me. Guess after we moved E became closer to me.

This morn he v poor thing I dared not feed him cereal cos I scared he v. Last night since 5am I was awake w him cos he wanted milk n I scared he puke all over my bed. He was hungry went to his high chair n demand to sit there. It is his sign he wanted cereal.

Later on afternoon he drank diluted milk n then 1 Hr later took his towel put on his neck crawled n lie on sofa hinting milk time again.

Hope he recover soon.

Hi blackberry- rem Joy's quote - for thus I have Jesus. It is such a powerful comfort.

Hi miraclebb - haha I m so work lazy I will de-power the blackberry during 2ww! Up to now I refuse to get blackberry for work! To the disbelief of my Ldn colleagues. Try to do as little work as possible during 2 ww cos out hormones must b kept to the max of happiness. Rem watch mire comedies.

Hi mricky- ya I handle e alone I think God is great to give me 1 n not 2. He really knows I can't cope. Just now I had to carry e n made his med-I put in small bot w mill. Wah this boy knows the small bot got med n he doesn't want to drink! I bluff him later n transfer to big bot. He took 1 sip n give me back the bot. I lied that milk is cold so taste diff! I m running out of creative reasoning now!

Ok me go bed now. Hb in some swanky wedding dinner, gd thg e slept early so I can eat my kimchi rice in peace while watchg tv. Nigella bites look delicious compared to my din. Think E will cry for milk soon cos he had such diluted milk it is like drinking water.
Hi sunny haha I tell dr f if I ever see him again that he got secret admirer! But like eat miraclebb say Fet chances of seeing him not much. If I have my 2nd bb from fet I will keep him as my reg gynae till birth n potang my current gynae. My hb told me b4 that is disloyal. Haha. I told him I just want see who make better csec cut on me!
aiyo, sunny, tk dr f got alot of secret admirer, esp those on this thread. u saw him in person b4?

vanila - heard tk dr f's cssec cut is superb. there's no such thing as loyalty in this era, even to gynaes. how many pp stick to same 1 for all their kids?!

blackberry - how waiting for AF doesn't bring your mood down. cheers! just rmbr tis sweet round face.

miraclebb - all of us are v nervous during the end of 2ww, esp the hopeful yet dreadful fr the hos/gynae. don worry, God will provide..... cont to pray and have peae in him. better nt check your blackberry during the period.
Hello sisters my E woke up at 2 am for milk then 4am woke up again. After that he can't sleep Cos still hungry n I keep feeding him diluted milk. He just fell asleep at 10am. I had to drink thick coffee to keep awake.

Hi mricky I think dr f dun want me cos he v prof dun want take biz away from my gynae. Like my fresh cycle once I pos he "returned" me back.
Hehe...looks like dr f has quite a few admirers... I also find him quite charming. Wah, Sunny you can even dream of him when he is not your gynae...I don't find him handsome but his personality and voice/accent add to his charm. Some more, he is so unaware of his charm. When I ask him 'only see you once?' for fet, he said 'you don't want to see this face so often...' . Another time, he joked that I was better off looking at the picture above the bed than looking at him. He was scanning me during fresh cycle and I told him that if I can't look at the ultrasound screen, then I only have the picture and him left to see...
feeling a bit down, nt becos of bb A. she's doing pretty fine. nurse told me after tom's eye review if ok (ie no need laser treatment), they will consider letting her try out the oxygen box slowly. tat's a start of off the cpap o2 support. she's 3.6kg now. nurse say newborn diapers very tight for her thunder thigh so they wd probably using s-sized diapers.

i got quite a number of lumps at my right nipple. they are hard ones, like a marble ball. seems tat i have nt been doing my pumping tat correctly tat's why the let-down and flor nt so gd. becos i started to stretc out the interval, my let-down reflex (ie leaking when time due to pump) is no longer there since confinement. she said mentality (ie more laxed since she's bigger now) and the knowledge tat i have a full freezer make my hormone think tat my breastmilk not sure critical anymore, thus causing the current condition. anyway, back to my lumps. nurse say if they get bigger, may nd to see breast specialist to draw out the milk inside - ie poke needle in and draw out. yeeks!
Vanilla, will pray for E.. hope he is getting better this weekend.

Mricky, baby A is making such good progress. Maybe you can get a lactation nurse to help you massage when you next go to KK to visit baby A? Sounds too horrifying to poke in needle and draw out.

NZ, I think D will learn soon to stand up to J.. I guess it's common to see siblings fight... even at 1.5 yrs old

Sigh, holiday ending soon--back to work life. Let's catch up for lunch next week ok
Weather-wise, we experienced hash winter during the spring season. The last spring snowfall in Tokyo was Apr 17, 1969, 41 years ago Sightseeing wise, we experienced an unexpected exhilarating sight of beautiful flowers blooming in spring, ...against the snow-white backdrop at the renowed Hanamiyama Park, truely a Shangri-La in Fukushima!

We had to wrap our little gal up in 5 layers of spring clothes.. in the snowy weather.and give her a diaper change in an open shed in the snowy weather when she pooped..

Thinking back, it is amazing how our little ones can be adaptable when they are put in a different environment.. she had to eat rice + fish since there was no more cereal... and she enjoyed sukiyaki tofu + beef, and of course the wonderful Jap strawberries + melon and the yummy egggs..

I keep telling her to eat more cos mummy wouldn't buy her the yummy jap food back in Sg.. cos Jap eggs and fruits are overpriced in SG

More pics via my facebook..
hello sisters. Wah Joie - the pic is so pretty. I forgot to tell u ..the last time i went in mid May it was cold though early summer. It was like less than 10 degrees.

E is feeling better now. i had restarted full milk feed for him and for porridge 2 tbspn uncook rice but blended and alot of water.

miraclebb - God bless ur ET update us ok... God will look after the thawing process, give Dr F wisdom in putting the embroys in and God will ensure perfect implantation.

mricky - massage like crazy and massage pump, massage pump. And have a warm towel to apply to those lumpy areas...

that time i got congestion..a big lump of hardened milk stuck in breast - LC said i stressed and luckily not blocked ducts... she massage real hard, pump massage pump... until the lump cleared and i got a bruise.

if really really bad, take cold cabbage leaves and put there.
hi ladies

Nope NZ, i no longer work late. These days on the dot i run off. I figured that no matter how hard we worked, we are not indispensible plus my bosses also not the appreciative type, i rather spend my time on my family and myself, going for ACU twice weekly, visiting parents and in laws and thats already 4 weeknights gone after work, i hardly return home to still be able to see some sunlight.

Vanilla, great that E is better! You drank thick coffee? Me also steal milk tea today, cant resist, bought a cup but will just drink 1/3 hehehe

Joie, nice pics, the sakuras against the snow, so rare! I haven seen snow all my life, i been pinning for white christmas and never had the chance yet.

Miraclebb, how's your ET today?
hi sunny == thanks. I am glad he is better too. But getting alot more whiny and sticky to me too. i usually dont drink thick kopi cos will trigger my gastrics, but between tiredness and gastrics i drank.
Hi All

Am lying in hospital bed and typing on my iPhone.

I completed the transfer with all 4 embies surviving and 8 cells on D3. One grade 1 (eqivalent to grade 5 for KK), Two grade 1-2 ( or KK grade 4) and one ave grade 2 ( or KK grade3). Somehow, 2 cells from my 10-cell embie broke down and became the ave grade one. Now resting till 5.30pm then heading to Jin for acu..Am thankful to God that all embies have survived.

Mricky, hope it won't come to this but I do have a good breast specialist whom I see for breast cysts and nodules. Let me know...

Will post more later.
Miraclebb - yeah on ET!
am praying for you. may the Lord's peace and assurance be yours. you are His precious and He knows your heart's desires and even tremors.

Mricky - ya, i think of u and smile. u must be quite a lot of discomfort. praying for your chest!

NZ - thanks for your verse fr Jer. u r possibly right abt emotional issues. career has been given up (not even put on hold) in this ttc journey and this pause seems to be so long! while i know that there's purpose in the present, the sense of fulfilment is not all there... well,i know God is with me in all of this and all i need to do is to keep on knowing Him, loving Him and be loved by Him.... thanks for the note.

Vanilla - good to hear tat E is getting better. the FB pic of him clearing his toys is so cute!

Joie- welcome back!
so u and Faith have firmer cheeks now?

Sunny - ur nights are busy. may you have time to renew yourself physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually!
miraclebb - PTL for your darling embies. rest well for next 2 wks. log on the forum. don pick up calls from office.

vanilla - gd tat e is much e. they are usually very sticky to mummy. by 3-4 they will outgrow and u start missing them...

joie - wonderful pic. i'd always wanted to go japan but no budget. maybe next yr, if bb a is ok. else don bring her. i was just smiling and wonderfing when u mentioned changing diaper for faith out in the cold - ie does her poo hardened? :p

sunny - your nights are really occupied. try to have 2 nights all to yourself and hubby. too tiring bad for ttc journey. nowadays i only do night visits at hos on wed when we can leave at 6pm. the rest of the time (ie mon & fri) i go during lunch. tue & thur are my time.

miraclebb - tks for hte offering the br spec. i will ask u if need to. she/he from kk? can i know the name?

the nurse asked whether i'm taking any supplements. i said just fenugreek. she said they can prescribe some medication to eat together with fenugreek. that'll increase the supply. but i told her like tat won't my lumps get worse? she laughed. i may consider taking it but gotta clear the lumps first.

vanilla - i asked abt the cabbage. she said it doesn't work for the kind of clots i'm experiencing now. i didn't put warm towel cos last time i did tat it didn't yield much results. only squeezing the massaging help and tat i need the nurse's powerful squeeze cos i can't do it myself. the position is awkful and the clots are really hard. like small marbles....

bb a's eyes - no change from last week. so they'll review her again next week. since there were no improvements, they will retain the cpap. her weight is now 3.716kg. a bit scary esp her thunder thighs but then again, i'm happy cos she has come this far.
Hi blackberry- nice to see u post. Haha that pic is fake one. In the end mummy has to pack all his toys. I hope he gives u encouragement becos he is a lesson God gives to me.

Hi mricky - I actually likes him sticky to me haha. I complain but in my heart I like how he koala me.
hello sisters - super pek chek w colleague. So dense..keep telling her cannot, but she still wants to do something really stupid. hope when i go on leave she does not do wat she thinks is intelligent and screw all my risks up!


This morn, E did a 6 piece puzzle by himself. So happy that he sat on the bed n fitted all the pieces while i lay there looking at him.
Smart boy E.. have u been prepping him up for the trip? Tell him abt the farm animals he will see :)

mricky, will pray for Baby A eyes. Continue to pray over her n put annointing oil on her forehead. In Jesus name , she will be healed! Amen

Today is 1 day post ET and already bored. Also am not as calm as I would like. My heart skipped a beat like twice today. My cousin's who is at the end of her 2ww had her BT today. KK called to say the hcg is vv low at 6 plus. Do u think she should ask for any progesterone support or just let her womb
wash out? She already started some menses like flow and
even if the pregnancy continues it's vv unstable. She decided
to let it go, but I don't know whether she should just give the
embie another chance and get supports while waiting to be retested 2 days later. Then I got another call but this
time it's from DBS asking me what I want to do with my
SRS...anticlimax but it was the ringing of my phone shortly
after that got my heart to skip another beat. Aiyo...hope no adverse effect from the bad news...

I feel funny lying around with nothing to do...hands itching to pick up my blackberry to check office emails but I tell myself I don't need to get upset further today. Just not used to the lazy life...


don't know what is worse....hard massage that leave bruises or needle extraction. Anyway, my dr is Prof Walter Tan at Raffles Hospital. He is also a plastic surgeon, so am sure will do a nice cosmetic result. He has good bedside manners also like dr f but not as charming since he is almost 60 years old...old liao. I have been going to him for years...consultations are $65, can't remember how much for 1st consult. He told me that I must breast feed for a long time when I get preggy so that I can get rid of my cysts and nodules. When time comes, I must from all of u...


must be looking forward to your trip. I didn't do any long trips since last year all sacrifice in the name of ttc. Always wanted to go japan to see sakura...joie's picture is looks so nice and serene. Will miss your postings when you are holidaying...

Re your colleague, set some boundaries and ask her not to mess up your stuff else tell your boss this is not within your control...
E's ability to do puzzle is really good. My younger sister couldn't speak beyond a few words until she was almost 2 but she was also really good with blocks and puzzles. Since then, she has been doing really well in school... On dean's list in university and got scholarship to do master's so not to worry.
thanks miracle bb.

Abit tough on the colleague - becos my 2 bosses got fired, we have to report to Germany and alot of things she does not understand.

Try to watch dvds or tv..u like korean shows? Got 2 to recommend - one is called Grand Chef and another is formidable rivals..all v funny.

my last trip w hb is when we were Japan. My mense then was so so heavy...i thot i miscarried...i told my hb. the end when found out i have blocked tubes my hb told me to stop blaming him for my 'miscarriage"..cos he made me climb /hike this stupid hill until i want to die...

for ur cousin, her hcg is low. but low hcg does no mean no chance. wait 2 days and do another BT. if hcg double then it is ok... got chance. she can still continue her support. Until BT show otherwise, there is always hope.

I still rem Dr F's voice when he told me my hcg is more than 2 yrs but i still recall that scene so vividly.

hello sisters - pls pray for me.. i got the gastrics flu bug from E. Had been running to loo and nauseous and burping alot. Supposed to b on MC now and tom...maybe tom will take mc...
Vanilla -oh dear! will keep u in prayer. do take gd care!

miraclebb- can empathise with u. My trip to Aus was cancelled earlier this year cos of IVF. dont dare to plan trips too. Also resting can be tough tho when we are busy, we pine for it! one of my biggest takeaway since leaving my job for ttc was that the soul needs to catch up. there's a time for renewal and that time is more frequent than we realise. i am now reading Terry Hershey's The Power of Pause that talks about pausing so as to (1) let go and (2) to take in and be...Good read! well, God bless your 2ww with fabulous results and also spiritual refreshment! so exciting...
i was looking at topics and saw someone post 2011 mums...

Miraclebb, Joy, Strawberry, Haze, Blackberry, Tokkie, Sunny, Msfamily, Joie - God will bless u all ok..u will all be in that thread!
hi miraclebb, have a nice 2ww. Office work is never ending so don't bother for now. Do things tt you like at home. Eat, sleep, watch dvds, read a book, pray, sing songs and read the bible too. Reading the bible out loud is able to nurture the embies in you as well. Re your cousin, i hope she will cont the supoprt and wait and see. Don't only look at the symptoms of heavy menses. Yes, should see if BT shows doubling hcg.

Vanilla, pls take care. I know the discomfort of having stomach flu. Go on a light diet i.e. soup and eat early and slowly. Rest is important, if u can get some help at home. You are leaving tomorrow right? May God heal you and give you comfort so that you can enjoy your first family trip. E is so smart with the puzzles.

Joie, gorgeous pic from Japan! Are you enjoying the food there also? For the time being, i can only get my fix by watching Japan hour.

Mricky, can you post some pics of bb A? I want to see how much she has grown. Or can mms? How's your breast? Did the nurse in KK help u?

I agree with miraclebb. Bfg really helps in cycsts or nodules in the breasts. I used to have abt 7 cycts but after 8 mths of bfg, only left with 2. Unless i give birth to another one, i dunno how to get rid of the other 2 cycsts.
hi NZ = thanks sister! Aiyo i m so guilty. I beat E big time this morning.

this morning 2am he cried for milk, ok i give. 435am cried again. i ask him what he wants, he just keep whining, i made milk he drank so ok.. good. then he wanted my iphone to watch the signing videos at 515am. I am so pissed, i told him no sleep. but he whined and whined. Later he slept. at 645am he woke up again, wanted the iphone. I gave him to pacify him. after a few videos, he whined again and that is why i lost it! I scolded him, he cried, i asked him u want food? no he point outside.. then i scolded him and he continued whinning whinning... dun know what he wants, brush teeth also whine. then flip on changing table until like half his body dangling out, that is it! i whacked his thigh until red.

my tummy still feels weird. After i get my data for my report will use my MC and go home.

Funny thing. after whacking and threating to throw him down 7 storeys and leaving him behind and not bring him to Perth, while making brekkie for him, he is alright and later laughed n danced at the mickey mouse tv show.
Good morning sisters!

Lying down now after inserting cyclogest so poping by to say hi.

On my cousin, she is with KK Dr Loh. The nurses don't even want to give her progesterone support and the last support she had was pregnyl jab 10 days ago. I asked her to email dr loh. Think the nurses see so much of this that they cannot empathize that for someone on the 3rd ivf cycle, this is like a drop of water to a very very parched land...

Have started watching formiddable rivals...NZ, good idea to read the bible out loud... Just flipped the bible opened and landed on Luke 12 about not fitting. Just sneaked a look at my blackberry...159 unread mails...hehe. Only thing without going through my emails, I don't have my daily bread to follow...


you need to rest more...take off from work and see if mil or mother can take care of E today. Else will be sick on plane which is very torturing during the flight esp on economy. Then light food not so easy to get in Perth. I experienced gastric flu before...worse than morning sickness plus loose stools. You bought travel insurance? Else if need more medication very exp in Australia... Hope your hubby doesn't get it as well. Go home before lunch, sure u have last minute packing to do still. By the way, surfing on iPhone is v exp overseas...they charge idd rates for downloading data not like blackberry. Better check with service provider before u go.

Sounds like E was really testing your patience esp with u being sick. Don't worry about disciplining E. Sure he knows you still luv him v much.
Good to hear that your job is safe .. must be such a relief
Sorry to hear that you are sick and E has been testing and demanding, will pray for him to be a good boy and for your recovery
If you are not feeling well, do take time to rest ok? Health always comes before work

Warm welcome to you .. though quite belated

Pray that God will give you extra portion peace and joy during this 2ww.
Please don't check your emails, or next thing u know, u'll be replying them

Haha, I also like to watch Japan Hour, that's why I went to try those outdoor onsen during winter..

Sounds like quite a good book that you have read, would love to read that
As for trips, I used to think of what-ifs? But nowadays, I just go ahead with the planning.
If God willing, then everything will be ok.

As for myself, af came on sunday before I could go dig out the test.
Have to Thank God for saving me $$$. Guess we'll have to pray for next month

Vanilla, have a great trip with E and hubby! Relax and all will be well. It's a well earned family holiday.. and tell hubby to let you sleep in for 1 day and he should handle E all by himself for 1 morning - eg bring him to the park etc whilst you have time to relax

Take some medication along for your gastric flu too..
