Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Dear NZ,
Sorry, missed your later post.
Wow! You'll get to see your twins real soon. Yes, they will be born strong and healthy. Week 37 is considered almost full-term already. Hmmm...I want my twins too.

dear nz

you are like an angel. thanks
hi gracebb, how heavy is your bleeding? Has is stopped? Wat did your gynae say? I had heavy brownish spotting on my day 11 after ET. I thot it was a sign of menses coming but turned out tt i m preg. Dun lose hope yah. Update us wth your blood test results. Will cont to pray for u.

Toy, how r u? Miss u here..
Dear GraceBB, hold fast to God's promise, His strength and His might. Keep His promise close to you heart. No matter what happens, He is with us and you are in our prayers as well.

Tintedsky, congrats.....

As i mentioned last wk, went Raffles to do scan, gynae actually did not see any follicles formed even after 3 wks from mense. sigh... so, going down again tis Thurs. Meanwhile, trying naturally before my ET maybe Dec 08 (assume mense period = 60-day)
Don't get disheartened. Continue to have faith and God will work in His time.

Tintedsky, I have been following your blog. Congrats. Continue to eat and rest well - dun worry abt the extra weight gain :) it's a good sign.. Continue to have faith and pray that God will sustain you through the 1st trimester and pregnancy.
hi NZ, ur boy and gal weight diff does not seem wide, i am sure your gal will catch up soon! for me, at wk 26 - boy and gal only few grams diff - at 700 plus grams... will be seeing them next week for wk 28 scan.

tintedsky, congrats on BFP - do keep us posted on ur scan!

gracebb, hang in there and keep ur faith level high!

toy? how are you?

vanilla? how is elisha?
hi sisters, thanks for all ur prayers and kind words... thanks Rabbit too.. i am on sms with her and she is such a good fren to me.

Elisha is getting well (i hope). Next Sat we are doing his kidney scan.. Pls continue ur prayers for him -- one of his kidney is smaller and both are dilated.

We r going to mthly echo scan for his heart. I pray for Lord's healing hands on this little boy

for the rest of the sister who are due soon..take care...for those who are BFP - God will protect u and guide u in this pregnancy and those who are tyring -- God is always with u.

I will leave my HP no here for those who want to sms me -- it is easier cos I cannot log on often. my HP is 96844936..pls let me know who u r (nicknames or real names)...

thanks and a little something to get me going everyday now - Look to the Lord and his strength, seek His face alwasys (Psalm 102)
Hi Gals, went to hospital on Wednesday due to backache.... than realised that contraction already started.... but due to the fact that i am only 32 weeks, doctor has given some medicines to stop contraction... so was admitted for monitoring....

Subsequently, after the u/s realised that BB is very big indeed. 2.5KG @ 32 weeks thus worried that i will have Gestation Diabetics.

After the test confirmed that, need very strict diet monitoring, very sad. Hungry but cannot eat. Cant drink milk, eat fruits... also feel that i am slipping into depression too.....

This pregnancy, already have 2 hospital stay .... 2 A&E visit .... emotionally very drainning, very tired... There is also a lot of guilt as i am not able to hand over my work properly...
Hi Thistle, thx for your assurance. How hv u been? I din know tt u r hvg b/g twins as well. Congrats! Wonder if Twinnies know the sex of her twins yet.

Mricky, how was your follicle scan yday? Is your workload ok?

tintedsky, at 6 weeks, u may b able to c your bb's heartbeat in a sac. It will be exciting.

MSFamily, u need a lot of bed rest if early contraction detected. As for gest diabetes, diet monitoring is important. My fren had gest diabetes as well and she was on strict diet. Both mother n bb r fine when she gave birth. U n bb will be fine too.
I m sure your colleagues will understand, dun feel guilty abt your work. Ultimately the little life in your tummy is more important.
Dear NZ, Mricky and all,

Thanks for all your concern.
The blood test showed that I'm pregnant! Ordered to have complete bed rest. I only felt better today, with brownish discharge. The bleeding for the past 2-3 days was quite heavy. Claiming God's promises upon our lives! I'm reading God's Plan for Pregnancy. There will be a seminar at my church, New Creation next Thurs and Friday by the book's author. I can't attend, but I hope if anyone can make it, it'll be good to attend.
Check out

God Bless.... got to rest in bed now...
GraceBB congrats!!!! Really happy for you gal. Don move too much ok?

VanillaPod - don't worry too much. Lift alll yr worries to Him. Rest your body well so that when Elisha is well, u can actually spend more quality time with him.

NZ, surprisingly, my last week scan showed nothing much. Scan yesterday showed that oredi ovulated and egg has travelled down. Must be the TCM med which helps it to grow and descend faster. i didn't expect to be so fast so didn't really "try". anyway, its all in His Hand.

Worked till 11pm yesterday. Today 8pm. Finalising documentation (target to sign next Fri). Just got another invitation to go Bgk to run thru the dox. sigh... c how............

anyway, hope you guys have a great wkend...........
Congrats Gracebb! God bless! Pls rest in bed as instructed by your gynae. It is very important. I had gone thru tt in my 1st tri as well. I stopped working since then. Imagining a little life in your tummy now is amazing.

Mricky, God will hv His way in u. You will be blessed like GraceBB and tintedsky as well. Commit your work to God coz His yolk is light. Have a great weekend too!
Dear Mricky and NZ,
Reality hasn't set in yet... feeling kind of unreal...
Thank you for your encouragement and kind advice thru this journey.
Hi All,
Sorry been out of this for a long time. Twins n me are ok except for the swollen feet n heartburn and the usual aches n pains on the back. all part of pregnancy...

Good on those with BFP!! Congrats n god bless.

Vanilla, Elisha will always be in my prayers. May God bless him and all continue to give u stregth in his journey.

NZ, Im having the same as you and Thistle! hehehehehe Boy n Girl!!!
God has bless both my HB n me tremedously.. Now its just making sure the babies grow n grown n grow. Im in my 25 week this week. The Twins are growing at the same rate...

MSFamily, hope all is getting better with you. Wahh ur baby is big thats very good weight. dont worry so much ks. Gestestional Diabeties goes away after delivery. Its not a permanent thing. Dont be depress oks If Mummy is uphappy baby is unhappy too..... Take care ks.

I cant wait to see all ur babies pictures... Looks like it will be MS Family, NZ than Thistle?? Hope Im correct. Mine will be next year Jan. Im in my 25 week this week.
Congrats Twinnies on your b/g twins! It's rly a blessing and yes, we can't be grateful enough to Him. Good to hear tt your bbs r growing at the same rate. Do take care and dun walk too much. Rest more to reduce swollen legs and hands.
Thank you sisters for all ur prayers!

Hi welcome tinted sky --sporry was so consumed with myself and my prob that forgot to say Hi... congras on ur pregnancy

Congras too too Grace BB.

Hi Mricky - God will bless u with the second bb...hope ur heavy workload will subside soon...u take u do TCM at Raffles Hospital as well?

Hi MSfamily - dun worry ok, God will protect u and ur bb. Abt work, slowly pass over to ur colleagues.. dont feel guilty abt it cos next time when they r preggie or on leave, u r covering them. abt ur contractions, did ur doc give u ventilon? Must take cos when i got contractions at 28 weeks (when i fell) i also took that thou it will give heart palpilations. Must rest and not move too much -- this will relax the womb. Food wise - can try to munch slowly so will make u feel like u have eaten alot already. I know how u feel -- so many restrctions..dun worry ok, a while more, once bb comes out, u can makan all types of food after 1 mth confinement! u take care.

Hi Joie, when is ur EDD date? Now i have time, must tell u how nice Dr F is...when i was delivering that morn, my doc saw him at the OT (he also having c section).. he came in to say hello and even check on ELisha's tummy condition and assured me that the defect was small.

Thanks again managed to come in cos fed Elisha formula milk and he is sleeping so soundly..hope tonite he will not be a nite owl and keep his papa up all nite.
Dear NZ,
You were also advised to rest thru' out your 1st tri? Did you experience any bleeding? I feel much better now and tempted to go out....
To those having twins,
Anyone knows what's the current rate for confinement lady for twins? I know that for 1 bb, its about S$2000 now.
Hi Grace, yes, i was on bed rest for the whole of 1st tri coz i had bleeding. Din go out coz hvg bad nausea as well. There was once i insisted to attend cell group opp my block and whn i came home tt nite, my panty liner was soaked wth blood. It was a scary experience so it's better to rest in bed whn u hv spotting.

For twins, the rate for CL is between $2500-$2800. Most CLs would want an additional helper like your MIL or a maid to help out during confinement. As for mine, since i don't have any helper at home, i m hiring 2 CLs. I m paying $2500 for the full time CL and $1800 for the day time CL. I still think it's ex but anyway, i hv confirmed them. Hope tis gives u an idea. R u also expecting twins?
Vanilla, take good care of yourself too. How is Elisha healing?
My EDD is around April 15. I had my scan 2 days ago but the baby was cheeky so we could only see the ass and the spine. Baby is very active, can see arms and legs moving but din turn around for us to have a look.

Mricky, hopefully you workload will ease and you can decide when you want to take up fertility treatment again.

NZ, when are you due? You must be getting organised to welcome the arrival of your twins. Keep us posted.

I am so sorry to hear abt your ectopic pregnancy. Take time to heal - I know that this pain is not easy to bear.

We gals will be here for you at the forum if you need a listening ear.
Dear NZ,
Thanks for the useful info. I put in 2 embies, so I'm believing God for a pair of twins. Just like you!

I'll be going for a scan this Fri, which is abt 3 weeks past ET. Will keep you updated.
Dear Tintedsky,
I was very angry that the devil has stolen such a precious thing from you! Go ahead and vent all your frustrations. But let your sorrow be only for a moment. The devil came to kill, steal and destroy. We must not let him win! The victory must be ours for God has promised that "none will miscarry or be barren." If you can, get this book 'God's Plan for Pregnancy' and prepare yourself for victory! We can be happy mothers of children and God will restore what you have lost. 7 times better!
Dear all, just read tintedsky's blog. i really feel bad for her. it is very very.... just dunno how to put it. all the anxiety, hope, expctation.... just gone. i was there.... as for me, my mense came (after 36 days which is considered short for me). still contemplating to go for ET after the mense cycle ends.

my work load is abt the same. documentation is ending by early next wk. will be busy collecting other items/dox for next 1-2 mths......... hubby suggested waiting till Jan 09 then do ET.... dunno..

i don't do my TCM @ Raffles. it's at a small traditional medical hall @ hougang ave 5. quite cheap, ie each visit $22-$25. i see her TCM wkly.

Tintedsky........... i know how u feel now. i sobbed like running pipes everytime i look back at my surgery photos and felt how the devil had taken my babies away. i took almost 1 mth to get over when i realized i m going into depression........ don't go there (that's wh the devil wants u to go).. look to God for His strength..
dear tintedsky, sorry i din go to your blog and only found out abt your situation fr the sisters here. It's too sudden. My heart goes to u. I do not want to ask God why but i want to ask for His protection upon u, to protect your heart, mind and soul. We will all be strong for u here. Take some time to heal but dun give up hope ok? It's definitely not God's will to c us suffer. Will uphold u in prayers.
joie, i still hv a lot of things on my mind which i think i can never be well prepared enuf. I m now getting clumsier and tired each day so can't afford to do much at home. Hv to depend on hubby during weekends. I m on bedrest most of the time. I wish to go out for a nice meal wth hubby b4 i deliver but guess it might not be possible now.

Gracebb, may God grant u the desire of your heart. He knows it well enuf if we r capable of handling how many bbs.
Dear Tindedsky, we can share your pain. We all knew how tough it is to be there.... Take Care...

Hi All, Came back from checkup yesterday. Think will have to induce the BB in abt 3 weeks time. BB is now 34 weeks weights at 2.7kg.... Gestation diabetics dun seem much under control with my new diet... need to go on Insulin..... for the next 3 weeks.

NZ, i feel equally clumsy and there seem tons of things i would like to do before i officially "promote" to be a "mummy".... i have very bad mood swings .... cried at the doctor yesterday after being told to go on insulin....
hi tintedsky - i am so sorry to hear what happ. Be strong sister! We r here for u and God will watch over u

Hi to all - i am feeling depressed yesterday and finally broke down in front of MIL and hb. I told them to give Elisha away. I even thot of leaving home and not coming back. i even wanted to throw myself or bb out of the window. This is when i realised i needed help and went for a doc appt today. Am diagniosed with post natal depression and need to be on medication. But prob is if i take the med i cannot give Elisha breastmilk. The psycharist wanted me to take the medicine..i just called him to say i will delay it for a week and see how. I really want GOd to help me out here..I really want not to b depressed....i want God to pick me up and walk with me. I want to see the light and be happy.

Pls sisters pray for me.
It's not easy to be strong in these trying times. Continue to pray and ask God for strength.

Do you have any friends who can give you some breast milk for a while? I understand why you want to continue to breastfeed Elisha, but at times when it is really taxing, it is fine to mix with formula milk - and let yourself get some rest so you can continue to take care of Elisha.
Vanillapod, don fret. LIke wat Joie said, if required, just put him on formula for awhile. take yr med and let yr mood swings recover. maybe u nd to get out for awhile. having stucked at home thinking abt Elisha's condition is nt going to help u.
thanks Mricky and Joie. i have decided not to take the med cos if i start on it it will be like 6mths min. I also spoke to my pastor's wife and she told me psycharist usually gioves medicine while psychologist does not.. i am trying to meet up with a psychologist and see if it helps me.

Thanks for all ur encouragement and support. I m also glad that God let me know some frens in this forum and other threads to give me advice and suppport.

My Hb will arrange to bring me out for lunch now while MIL watches the bb. Also this Sunday I can go church and get some spiritual food..i havent been to church since delivery.
Hi Vanilla, tis must be a tough journey 4u and family. I pray 4u to get out of depression soon. Whenever u hv some negative thots, allow yourself 5-10 mins to delay any urge to act on it. Use this 5-10mins to call a fren or talk to someone. Gg out wth your hubby to hv some personal time is a good idea. Dun despair, we r here 4u.

To all sisters here, there is a quote i got from today's daily bread. There is power in God's word and it can give us strength:

"Be still, my child, and know tt I m God!
Wait thou patiently - i know the path u trod;
So falter not, nor fear, nor think to run and hide,
For I, thy hope and strength, m waiting by thy side."
thank you ladies for still thinking of me.

Right at this moment, I feel like i do not have the right to self pity as i have given up the life of my unborn child in order to save mine. Guilt is how i feel.

I blame myself for not having the courage to refuse surgery until weekend miracle service at church where it is conducting a service on miracle babies.
It was like a ticking timebomb, my tube can rupture anytime and haemorrage, said the doctors. I do not have a chance to save my ectopic child.

Anyway, I try to not to ask God why.. because i know i may never know the answer.

Right now, my husband is griefing in a way he knows best.. internalizing and is suggesting we change church. He is down with a very bad case of food poisoning while seeing me undergo the ectopic ordeal. He too, lost a child, i feel very sorry for him.
vanilla - hang in there. God did not promise a smooth journey, there will be ups and downs in motherhood, sometimes we do not comprehend why certain things happen, at the end of it all, God will see us through our journey. I pray God grant you the strength and wisdom in making the right decisions for Elisha. Will keep praying for your family, hang in with your prayers - cover elisha from head to toe with Jesus' blood, if need be, take communion with your hb, break the bread and remember how Christ died on the cross for us, the sufferings and beatings he took so we can all be made whole, and his blood, which washes us all so clean -

I am sure you will feel much much better after going to church... speak to the Lord and share your burden with Him, and He will lighten your load, His presence will fill you up, no need to see any doctors or psycologist, for God is here for you...

Do drop by to share with us whenever you feel like it, for God has placed us liked minded sisters here to support one another....

tintedsky, be strong, everything happen for a reason, take time to heal, you can always try again, and next time, pray you will conceive and deliver a healthy baby, Amen!

Toy, how are you?

MSFamily, hang in there - you will be seeing your baby in 3 weeks' time, so exciting! Have you packed your hospital bag? I think it's better to have a big baby than a small baby, as a big baby is easier to look after and care for.
tintedsky- you have been so strong to go thru so much just to have another baby. I wish i have the courage you had. It has been a tough time for you and hubby. I will keep you in prayers. I have no words to share but i know the pain is rest well and come in and let it out if you must.most of us here have been thru quite a lot to have a baby and we can understand the pain u are going thru..

congrats Grace bb- another twins mtb??

thistle- how are the babies? i am going to see Dr next wed and will start soon.. i cant wait ... i went korea n bought ginseng ( the price that i have to pay just to have another baby).

vanilla- your boy is soooo cute.. thanks for the photos!
Hi Tintedsky

Lighthouse Evangelism is having a testimonial on miracle baby this Sat, 8 Nov, thats tomorrow. If you are physically better now, maybe like to try to attend? If you are still resting, try to see if hubby or close fren can go in your proxy too. If not to seek answers, can seek comfort and strength.

Gal, take good care ok? I read you mentioned before you are a 'ivf' marathon runner becos you are mentally ready to run even if meet high walls, will still run. You are a strong gal ... remind yourself that and feel proud towards your next child that your desire for him/her never dwindle, never lessen, ok?

To all others and Vanilla, for you to know too if you can drop by Lighthouse Evangelism miracle service tomorrow. Lets pray to our merciful God, to heal us, help us, restore us in whatever circumstances we are in now. Even if there's nothing to pray for, can have fruitful session of thanksgiving and worshipping with God.
Dear sis-in christ,
I went for the u/s (at week 5) today and Prof could not detect the sacs. He said probably its too early to see. He wanted to scan me so early becos of the bleeding I had last week and also, he is going on leave next week.
So, I'll need to go for a beta-hcg BT next week to re-confirm the pregnancy. It will be a BBBBBFP!
Dear all, i hv been struggling on attempting another ET. Still under probation @ work. Similar to tintedsky, i had a ectopic pregnancy after 3 attempts of ET. Personally, i fear the next one cos wat hapens if i have another ectopic and my remaining right tube has to be removed? i only have 2 more embryos. supposed to do fresh cycle next yr. I am happy for sisters who have completed the pregnancy journey. for those who are still in the process, it seems very bumpy. sometimes i wonder if this is meant to be......... your views

you know what is the irony? I am from lighthouse. I have been looking forward to the sat service as we personally know the lady who is giving the testimony. When i first knew i had ectopic and was advise to do surgery immediately, I wanted to wait out until miracle service on sat but with the high possiblity of risking rupturing of my tube anytime.

Right now, i dont think i can find the courage to go to the service as my baby is gone now. It will hurt too much.

I want to believe that i will oneday hold my baby i deliver, sitting in the hospital bed and cuddling the precious gift, smelling my baby and tell my baby how worth it the entire journey of making her or him is. I know this day will come.
And this day will come for you too. We just have to believe it. That is what i want to believe.
Tintedsky i m from lighthouse too. I didnt manage to go today too cos hubby fell sick. The devil sure knows how to rob us away from God. I feel damn guilty now.
But i think i will order the CD. If you should feel like hearing this message someday in future, i can pass to you
tintedsky, you are already very resilient to continue on to the 5th cycle! Take heart, our God is a compassionate and merciful God.

Any plans to take a holiday with your daughter and husband before you start your next cycle? It will be nice to take a break from these cycles and spend time with your daughter before the next round.
hi sisters, thanks for all ur encouragement.
Tintedsky - take care and I know God is with u.. He will be there always

Mricky - alot of things had happ to bb Elisha since he is born. I questioned myself before is it God's way of punishing me since I did IVF. to this my hubby said no i shld not think that way.

I went to church yesterday and the sermon spoke on the chapt of James.. it gives me lots of courage and strength. God wants me and my family to go thru trials with elisha so that all of us will be stronger and have more faith

A littel updaet on Elisha --He did not put on much weight and is dehydrated. We r cutting his med for his heart which meakes him pee alot. Hopefully with 60ML feed 8 times a day and him drinking all of it, he will put on weight and hydrated.

His kidney scan results are v bad. His left kidney ahs a reflux of 5 and righgt kidney a reflux of 4. These means he needs surgery. He needs to do another test to see if his left kidney is functioning.. if it is not, he will need to remove that kidney to prevent infection to his right kidney and his heart.

pls continue ur prayers for this little boy....thanks v much

I claim in Jesus most precious name that He will Heal Elisha and make him whole
Hi Vanilla, u rly hv gone thru a lot to hv Elisha but u r staying strong in the Lord. Hope u r recovering well from post natal blues as well. The enemy has no claim in the health of Elisha coz he is covered wth the blood of Jesus. God is holding him safe in His healing hands. God will c him thru tis critical time. We will keep praying.

Gracebb, sometimes bb's heartbeat can only b detected later. Keep talking to your bb and encourage him/her k?

tintedsky, glad to c your postings here again. U r rly a strong gal. It's good to let your body recuperate b4 gg for the nxt round. Do chk wth your gynae. Jst to share; i was at KK signing up for my admission last week. The nurse told me tt Dr SFLoh is very skillful in putting in the embryos during ET coz it does make a difference fr doc to doc. Altho i ultimately believe it's God's hands tt do all these but u might want to consider seeing him if u feel comfortable since u r wth KK.

Toy, welcome back. I thot u hv started ivf whn u asked abt the storage of med in flight, sorry. All the best in your ivf journey..jia you!

Mricky, i dun think it's meant to b why some women can't conceive. Dun believe tt coz it's a lie from the devil. We r all precious children of God and it's His desire for us to hv children too. Your womb will b blessed yah...
I went for the beta-hcg test today, It was only 9.6. My pregnancy is most likely non-viable. I think it was gone during the time when I bled. Dunno when is the soonest I can do FET. I have 4 frozen embies. Looks like they will come to good use now. 2 of them will be my twins...
I should not be discouraged. This is only my 1st attempt.

hi all... this journey really is a long one, for me and everyone here. May we continue to be strong in His name. regardless, we shd not lose hope. Vanillapod, tintedsky, GraceBB and everyone else, hang in there!

i had my ectopic surgery done end Jun08. Dr SF Loh actually advised that i shd do my ET in Nov/Dec but since i'm still under probation in my new job, i've decided to shelve it till after CNY (i gotta travel back to M'sia for CNY). Its impt not to rush for another ET. I had 3 ET done. 1st two were done when I was super busy @ work. the 3rd one was when i've planned to resign. of course, i had Dr SF Loh doing the 3rd ET. i do like him, his interpersonal skilla and the care he shows to each patients.

GraceBB, no matter what is the result is, don blame yourself, your hubby or God. Just try in HIM......
