Choa chu kang mummy club

<font color="aa00aa">meow,</font>
cos brot my gal there, & her pram.. bot a bit of stuff (but not much) so hubby says just call for delivery lor.
Huh....again 15 Jul.....

Last year, 15 Jul and this year still the same.....

Ying En can't join the contest again as I am outstation again....
CL, wei my jap curry i always cook not spicy 1 leh
how come huh??? u got put extra chilly powder anot?

yen, where u go????
what brand you buy ? Very important one. House brand ? S & B not spicy. Then I will use S & B Curry powder. My fren's Japanese husband teach me one.

Yes selling on behalf of fren. Bo Warranty liao. But service in Apr 07 quite good. Ha ha I see her pumping everyday last time ha ha.

So gathering on bo.
Next week 23 Jun I got gathering from 4 pm. Maybe 24 Jun ?

30 Jun I have open house for my Jan 06 thread at another place.
Hi I enroll Malcolm to the bb show too. But not yet comfirm the time slots. What time slots u all going? maybe i can choose the same then we can finally see each other!
hi CCK mums,
decided to join this thread, it seems v happening with lots of gathering.
I've just finished my confinement, staying at mum's (also my) place. HB is with his parents at cck.
I have 6 week old boy, his nick is Cookie Monster.
was too busy catching up with MTB of May, so didn't want to put myself in here until now. maternity leave boredom finally kicking in but still don't want to go back to work cos want to provide as much BM as possible.

my bb burps like a cookie monster. heh. his first rompers also had a baby cookie monster design.

I'm staying at cck this weekend, will go back Jurong in a few hrs' time. J-west mums also v happening with tupperware party.
I'm still v new to this motherhood thing. giving birth feels like a dream.
when i return to work, will become weekend mom. now stay with my mum at J.west with bb. weekend go stay with HB, bring bb

Re: melted funnel
my HB just melted 2 of my Ameda funnels. now i'm struggling with 1 still functional.

Any mommy with Ameda funnel to spare?
Thanks for coming gals, sorry was a bad host didnt really catch a word with all of you. Hope the kids enjoy themselves with the toys avail
Hubby friends commented my place can be child care centre liao with all the kids and toys. haha

Paiseh leh let you eat pizza. Feel so sorry abt it

You manage to find the envelope? Was feeding the boy when i'm done all left liao except nutts

oh so you stay with yr mom during this period. Then hb everyday go see bb before going home alone? My mom stay with me while i was on confinement. Tomolo onwards will start to travel to and fro from my mom's place. Read that yr supply is very good, me still struggling, always waiting for the let down effect to see the sprays
Pump 1h plus then got 60mls very 5hrs somemore

I also want to try. Which website you use ?

Sorry could not make it for Daryl's full month. But make up to you, you come my place for SB decor for your frame ok. Maybe someone can propose a date and help organise the outing at my place. Scrapbook cum japanese cooking.
meow: hey yes i found it. sori we left w/o waiting for u. need to rush off to somewhere else.
so u had a hard time clearing up the place after everyone went home?

CL,not website leh. i use photoshop do myself one leh.
Hi CCK Moms

I am staying at CCK crescent. Opposite Regent Grove Condo..anybody staying around that area?

Can i join this club?

I'm working mom and my mother takes care of my 3 yrs old gal. This thread is too long and got no time to read every post...i did screen through and it is very happening! Regret to know this thread now...

Hope can join if there is moms over here organize gathering...wish to let my gal mix and social around before she goes to nursery next year... she is shy type..

See ya!
Hi Serene:

It is very near to my blk
maybe we bump to each other before but didn't know each other

oh your inlaw taking care of your little gal?

So you staying nearby at CCK crescent too?
my HB is pretty much still living his usual life and only pop in to see me once a week and during weekend. I don't mind cos i will push all the task to him when he's around.
Venue: CL place (opp Limbang)
Purpose: Scrapebooking and eat jap food made by Serene haha

you got to fill this up avail on sat or sun? Time??

Yeah i believe you should have found it. Nutts knows where i put most things too

Pinkie bear,
welcome to the club. Serene stays at Blk 610, jus opp the dog unit(K9). Nutts, Funkymom, Jess and myself stays in crescent

24th funkymom, Nutts and myself also can't meet up if there's any gathering

Wow, he so shiok hor. Envy leh...
You going out with the gals right? See there's a gathering going on, but will not go. Hard to bring the young one and dump the elder one. Then cant bring 2 along else i die. No solution yet.
Meow, it's ok lah...I feel paiseh coming in so late hehehe..

BTW it's 23th (Sat) not 24th leh...

Hi Pinkie Bear, welcome to the club!
Aunite Serene making sushi har.....My gal is drooling now...Kee Kee....She loves sushi...Now her favourite snack is wasabei sea weeds...
<font color="0000ff">Hi Serene</font>
Thanks for the introd to the toddlers .. if got chance, wld like to see them face to face ???
Tat's a nice pic of yr little one! U using Adobe Photo Shop?!
Saw yr post on Jan thread!
I am jus a silent reader - they r v v happening n its kinda difficult to catch up ... moreover, i jus join in - so, not easy to 'squeeze' into their gang !!! U hv been on this thread for a while already?

<font color="119911">Hi Jeanyard</font>
We 'meet' again!
The other CCK thread - too quiet - even i forgot all about it oredi .. tat is how quiet they are!
Enjoy yr maternity leave! Have fun wif yr little one!

<font color="ff0000">Hi Meow</font>
Nice meeting u!
Yr little gal is very intelligent n smart! Pretty like the mummy too!
BTW, thanks a lot for yr (diaper) help!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Pinkie Bear</font>
Welcome to this thread!
i too jus join in - about a month ago!
Me staying at CCK Crescent - 688

<font color="ff6000">Hi Yoyo</font>
Re: baby show
I enrolled Alex in the 10.30am slot!
Think our little ones will be in the same group - cause Alex is exactly 6mths on 15 Jul ..
Venue: CL place (opp Limbang)
Purpose: Scrapebooking and eat jap food made by Serene haha

On 23 Jun, I have my hb's fren coming in from 4 pm. If you want this date, we will have a short one from 11 am - 3 pm. Then my next group will come in at 4 pm so I have 1 hour to clean up.

If 24 Jun, I am fine anytime. Please let me know your decision.

Suggested Japanese cooking : Japanese curry Rice, Oden ( soup base fish cake)

Then have to ask Serene to go grocery shopping with me during lunch this week. Ha ha.

By the way, if any mummy coming for scrapbook, please let me know. So I can prepare the materials. And reminder to those who has intention to get the scrapbook kit, my orders in business thread is at 16 kits now, and I am confident to get 20% for 20 orders. So if you are interested, can just post your order in the thread to enjoy the discount

Aiya, I forgot about signing up the baby contest. Sunny are you signing up? If yes, what time slot, then I see if i can go at the same time
pinkie bear, i went over after picking our son at teck whye then head to my inlaws plc for dinner everyday. me stay opp the krangi camp & police dog unit. blk 610.
yah maybe we see each other b4

funkymon, so 24th u can lah?

meow: yah i saw it at ur study room i guess. coz there got so many sheryl's story book
wei, CL say make curry wor. jap curry can boh?

nuttnuts, so nice meh? i anyhow make one leh
anyway, i guess tell dunno how to say not nice. hahahaha

poo_power, yes i always play ard with photoshop.
yah lor they post so fast. dun have time to read also. hehehe.
yah been in this thread since we created it. being was only the 3 of us. ling, myself & nuttnuts. then slowly getting bigger & bigger grp loh.
then now bcome we got the fantastic 4 here hahaha
u noe who?????
wei Alex same slot as my ah gal leh. but my gal 10am slot. we both in the A slot. so i share c u there lah.

CL, if most ppl can make it on 24 then we set as 24. so that it will b more convient 4 u.
so when they cfm i mit u this fri lunch for marketing. raffles city????
my lunch 12noon. wat abt u???
Poo power,
oh i thought you always in that jan thread but i dun see yr nick there. My gal smart meh? Ok lah, now she didn't learn much le, like stopped liao. The disc i found someone to take over liao. Still hard to convince Alvin(if i didnt remember wrongly)? Join us for the gathering lah. The diaper thing jus share mah, but not here yet...stocks running low at their side too.

Can, but can make sushi too mah. She already teach you liao right? All bringing their kids are? If bring kids how to cook and make scrapebook?

Sun ah?? I dunno can make it or not leh. So its me and funkymom interested in scrapebook ah?
meow: oh not doing the handroll that CL teach leh
that one need to prepare
i usually do fan tuan. tat one more easy hehehe
Jus talk to hubby, sunday i can make it le. Will not bring the kids along Hee

Venue: CL place (opp Limbang)
Date: 24th sunday
Time: 1130pm?
Purpose: Scrapebooking and eat jap food made by Serene
Attending: Meow

then you prepare fan tuan for us lor.

Poo power,
you stay in east meh?? Posting the stroller on behalf huh?

Re: Diapers
Told them to deliver today. When arrive i'll sms k
re: gathering
CL, can pm me your address?

no need prepare mine portion. i will bring my own 'cos of my special diet. :D
sunny, yah i noe. hehehe
wei tat day after we left YX still got cry ah??? i heard she's cring when we r standing near the lift leh
Hi all,

I am staying in CCK too. Hope i can join in.

IS this the only CCK thread?


u mentioned there's another?
Hi Serene, there's another cck mummy thread right? i remember posting there.... anyway, perhaps this is more active than the other?
hwee, yes i think recently someone created a thread under cck also. that one i dunno who create one
it's under the free item there loh.

hey our grp getting bigger wor.
guess it's time for me to update my table again loh
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Location</TD><TD>Baby #1</TD><TD>Baby #2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angelia</TD><TD>692A</TD><TD>Girl - Shanice</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>C3k2</TD><TD>686A</TD><TD>Boy - Che</TD><TD>Gal - </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chicken Little</TD><TD>547</TD><TD>Girl - Charmaine</TD><TD>Boy - Aden </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clarissemummy</TD><TD>The Warren</TD><TD>Girl - Clarisse</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cutecute</TD><TD>687C</TD><TD>Boy - JiaXu</TD><TD>Boy - JiaHao </TD></TR><TR><TD>Francesca</TD><TD>690B</TD><TD>Girl - Jewel</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>funkymom</TD><TD>692A</TD><TD>Girl - Raine</TD><TD>coming </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glad</TD><TD>Yew Tee</TD><TD>Boy - Gabriel</TD><TD>Boy - Fabian </TD></TR><TR><TD>Home</TD><TD>690B</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ling</TD><TD>704</TD><TD>Girl - Velda</TD><TD>coming </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_Baby(lyn_baby)</TD><TD>686D</TD><TD>Girl - Valerie</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mayday</TD><TD>219</TD><TD>Boy - Tennyson</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Meow</TD><TD>683C</TD><TD>Girl - Sheryl</TD><TD>Boy - </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nuttnuts</TD><TD>683B</TD><TD>Girl - Yin En</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>610</TD><TD>Boy - Axler</TD><TD>Gal - Rslier </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jess</TD><TD>686C</TD><TD>Boy - Bredon</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunny</TD><TD>785</TD><TD>Girl - Ying Xin</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Precious Moment</TD><TD>692A</TD><TD>Boy - Ethan</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff">pls do let me know any changes
those who 1 2 add in, pls let me have ur particulars</font>
hi mummies, welcome all the newcomers!

meow, so sorry last min cant attend ur prince party!!! so paisay...

once the diapers arrives u sms me can? i still owe u $ much har??

bredon puke from 1am all the way till morning...
doc say will pass the virus ard de, so i din dare to take the risk to attend, anyway my mum got it i took leave, yday took half day rush my mum and my son see doc...haiz cant afford two of them to sick at one very high price!

bredon dun wan to drink the Isomil milk wor, help!!! only during 5am when he ask for milk den he will blur blur drink...finish 125ml...i try to give him porridge urm to drink...doc say at least a few mouth better...

hope by this fri he can drink his mamil gold back!!! he slim down all the way! ARGGGGGGGGGGGUUUUUUUUHHHH....

so there is a gathering coming along? hmm.. at CL place har? me only can log in while i at my mum far i see only meow & funkymum interested nia wor...

Hillo mummies

Wow - suddenly the thread so active ... guess it is after the Monday blues

*Scrolling back to read msg*

<font color="0000ff">Hi Serene</font>
Re; Baby show
Alex is in the B category : Is yr gal in the 3-6mths range? My boy is in the next category - think its 6-12mths.
I was hoping tat he will be in the 3-6mths range but now, he has to compete wif the 6-12mths range when he is exactly 6mths on tat day! Guess tat the beauty of life ...
Anyway, feeling proud tat on his 6th mth, he will be on Baby Show ...

BTW, i was kinda surprised tat baby show is judged by doc/nurses!!! Why is this so?
Well, hopefully Alex will enjoy himself - esp meeting all u mummies/babies n toddlers ... n see if i can find for him any gf ... kekeke

Re: Fantastic four
I know who is the 4th person!
But wait, is there a reward for guessing it rite?
I feel tat after giving birth, my brain seems to 'malfunction' ... so need to use more brain cells guessing ... hehehe
It starts wif F n ends wif a M ...

Re: Photoshop
My hb bgt for me to try but to date - it is still lying there - collecting dust (becoming white n dusty elephant liao)
Is it user friendly? Me not very good wif computer n gadgets!

Re: List
Ps add me in
Poo_power, 688B, Boy - Alexander

(Alex cant wait to try yr cooking ... hehehe)
