Choa chu kang mummy club




veri cute. I always spread nutella, jam and peanut butter for the kids. I also let Charmaine do it herself.

I oso have a hello kitty ice kachang maker. Can let the kids play
my house now messy man,

clearing my masterbed room to do a mini renov. xian toilet got waterproofing problem affected my laminated flooring. Must redo toilet and my flooring. So after my trip next week, must rush to clear all stuff out of the room.

I target oct ok ? Then will get the eclair and the kandarhar swiss roll for snacks too
CL, i order this:
1 pooh & piglet cookie cutter
1 Pooh Muffin mold
3 cake mould
& 1 pooh ring mold
help me collect hor

If I organise the gathering at my place, I will try to order the durian one for you.


Update leh, please first kid second kid info lah.Noted on your order. I will be away from 1 - 5 Sep, in case she request for contact details for collection, you help me update. I will liaise with her when I am back. Thanks
jess:yah she's doing confinement for my frenz now.
i recomment my fren to her
i didnt have ur boy particulars leh
mind email to me to update?
Hi CR and Chicken Little

My house is quite near Sunshine Place, but ten mile junction a bit too far for me. I am a FTWM but planning to put him on half day childcare now he his going 2 yrs old. I heard some comments saying Learning Vision quite profit oriented, if u not signing up after visiting the place they will give u different attitude. So I have not drop by to take a look there. Have u mummies heard of a Sheffield Kidsworld ard Choa Chu Kang Ave 4??? Not sure if its good or not...
Hi rabbitmum,

My neighbour kid at learning vision - MCD or MND , she says that one not bad. She pass me the newsletter, maybe if you are interested I can get her to refer you , she will get 50% off 1 month fee then maybe u guys can share. But first most impt is your son must like the place first. My daughter though no problem sending to school nursery but she was very unhappy about the ugly uniform so she make a big fuss out of it

Where is your workplace ? Will you get home before 7 everyday ? I have not heard of Sheffield.

i send a PM to u le..

eh i ask u hor if our CL recommend us her fren to do confinement, do u think we can try? cos she is not available den she say she can recommend us her abit worry cos this round is my best fren giving birth, i worry if our CL's fren not doing a gd job...den i paiseh...
I am not very sure about the sheffield. So cant comment. Think you may want to give a surprise drop in and see how comfortable you are and main thing your kid must like it too.
jess, that's what happen to someone i know
i dun 1 2 mention her name.
i told my CL abt it & she veri angry.she say shld tell her & dun give that CL $.
that CL veri ya ya, after i heard the story, feel sad & sori for the mother. she had to suffer & stand that CL for 1 wk, then she give her excuse to ask her leave & pay her for that wk. If i know what happen earlier i will ask her not to pay & tell my CL what happen.
i prefer my CL & Ah Huan leh. so my this one my CL say help me look for someone me now start to tink twice & told her must be gd one leh
serene, i kn which one le...ah huan also very angry with that CL...she so peiseh too..but now she say she has fren who ever work before as confinement de..shld be no prob..but i think both of them are too gd leh! how har? i wonder if i recommend my close fren de den that CL cannot make it...die!!!
hello CCK mommies

i'm also stayin in cck..dun mind me intrude to join u mommies?

hi serene,
yr boi is so handsome
the pic on him bathing is so cute! haha..he kuai kuai sit there let u bathe him? hei, saw he's got a cute pooh bear that a swim float? does he like being in it? can i ask where did u get it n how much? veri nice..thot of gettin one for my boi too..tks!
timie, welcome.
yah he like to take shower. so he just sit there let us clean him(that one was at the chalet)

yah it's a swmming float
i got one car & 1 pooh float for him
he like the pooh one coz infront got a sterring wheel
i got it at this beauty world
cost $16 or $19(i forget nut is less than $20)
carole, now handsome nxt time grow up dunno handsome anot leh hehehehe

cutecute: oiii jiahao grow big liao leh
look like his brother
Hi Serene
Ya loh... many people also said like twins..
Times flies..
Are u using the digital camera? Can see u took quite many photos. Me second boi didn't take much photo.
Hi Serene
Where did u bought the winnie the phoon in the swimming pool & how much? very cute leh.. i love to bring my boi to the pool but my mil does not allow. Till now, he never been there b4.
thanks serene for the info! haha can see he's enjoyin the water a lot. how old is he now? ya..agree with jewelmum that he looks tall
Hi Serene
Saw yr abv posting that the winnie the phoon float was bought at Beauty world. I think should be the one in the pix...
yah cutecute, i bought it at beauty world
there got alot of design, got hello kitty & melody also. the got car design

my boy appr. 87cm. his 1 yr 12days old

i too long nvr bring him swimming. last sunday bring him to regrent grove 4 a swim
he so scare & he cried in the pool. keep on holding tight to his daddy. when he abt to warm up(20 mins later), it's time to come up for wash up. hehehehe.....he dun 1 come up liao
jewelmum, dun wori. when she grow up, she will be tall. me last time also ka teh. then dunno how come grow so tall in secondary

ling, oii...hello. long time no see u here leh
how's velda?
wahh! yr boi is so tall, serene! i've not measured my boi for quite a long time liao..oh dear, i've nvr brought my boi to swim b4, tinkin of bringing him, hope he wont be too afraid of the water

which part of cck do most mommies stay?

Serene: ya loh, bz so nvr come in to chat, saw your boi's bday pix... so nice... Im oso preparing for vel's bday tingie... Vel is good but getting more cheekie loh.. :p

Ya, we should mit up leh, it has been a long time since we see each other.. :p

We can arrange a time to go swimming oso, how about it.. keke :p
