Choa chu kang mummy club

Serene, that is so cool! My girl is so lazy to stand! No practice so cannot buy motor car for her yet hee. He's so cute in the picture with his shower cap.

jewelmum, my boy learning to walk. so now he dun like us to carry him. he make alot of noise when we carry him.
he like to crawl under the dinning table & stand under the table. then he start peeping us under the table. hehehe

meow: i hear my FIL say $140+ or $160+
then kiddy palace got promotion selling at $99.
so he bought it at $99.
he bought those not veri big ones. for age from 3 to 5
yes, i took the pix of him in the car last nite.
will post it once download to my pc k
Hi mummies, seems quiet these days... So many mails to catchup for me sia...

Serene, how is the preparation for the big day this wkn.. everything ok? btw, which caterer are you using? $99 is a gd price for motor cars leh..
wow i seem one whole week no come in here le! me start work next mon liao!!!!! arrrughhhhhhhhhhh sianz man!

today weather shiok wor! yday went swimming with frens (w/o bredon) hehehe..ejoy! so worry cant fit in my swim suit wor! heng har, all fit in jus nice except my breast! hahaha too full of milk liao..=p

me went to a fren condo worry i may leak during swimming...kekeke

cant enjoy at home, i wan to go out shopping...kekeke
yah $99 a gd buy
still havent got the chance to upload his pix here
oh his big day this wkend
got to bring alot of stuff. catering from my usual caterer. nice & food alot
Serene & Jess,

U both deliver at TMC hor. I wan to check should I bring shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, towel?

I start to pack my hosiptal bag now. I know no need to pack things for bb cos TMC will provide all bb stuff right?

But hor roughly how many materity pads, undies & bra and nite gown I have to bring? 3 sets enough bo?
Hi Yoyo
Better bring more materity pads cos tmc only give u one per day, last day check out dun give one.
If you are breastfeeding, wear nite gown with buttons in front for convenience.
yoyo, bring more pads. I bring 4 for 1 day not enuff leh, ended up getting a brand new one from the shop there. Ya, get pjyamas with open front kind to breastfeed... Bring magazines to read loh.. keke
hi yoyo

i bring pajamas, socks..and one extra packet of pads, tmc do give one box de...they will help u put two pcs at one time...i find it too i use mine de. their disposable panty very gd, can bring back wash too..(2pcs)

no need to bring shampoo,they will give a bag of toiletries.

bring hp charger...anyway can use their phone there, is free de!
Hi, mummies

Happened to find this thread by chance. I am also staying in CCK, can I join this thread too?? I think I have talked to Serene before few months back in one of the thread, not sure if u still remember me.
wow he looks tall ya! a handsome boy!!! so sorry can attend his bday party... ='(

lucky din go, was sick man! vomit & lau like nobody biz! cant give bredon my milk, hv to pump & throw!!!
jess, yah axler grow taller
juz like me. have long fingers & foot
he enjoy the chalet so much. i was so wori he not use to the environment coz he prefer his own bed
but luckily we told him a few x that we gg chalet b4 we went there. so think he know we staying there so did not make noise to go home
i order the cake from loyang pt
the shop name i forget. 2kg for $50+
quite big loh
still got alot photo havent download yet
still havent shown ur'all the motor car hehehe
jewelmum, yah he had alot of fun there
he enjoy sitting at the balcony listening to the music & waiving to those ang mo ladies who swim pass the pool hahaha
Hi Serene and other mummies

WOw, ur boy received a lot of presents. I like the foto he took showering at the vanity top. So cute...

Just wanna check with the CCK mummies here. Is there any good recommendation on childcare centres around CCK?? I am planning to put my boy who is now 20 months in childcare next year so looking around now.Thanks.
Thanks to the advise for what to bring. Pt noted.

Axler 1 yr old liao ! Happy belated birthday wishes from aunty yoyo. Must be guai guai n good boy huh.
Happy belated birthday...
Hw u feeling?
btw i saw the $99 motorcar at kiddy palace.
i find tt 1 not bad at least not tt bulky like the rest of the motor car.
10 mile junction is it too far>? My fren kid in MMI and she said it is good. But the price is steep.

Learning ladder is another good alternative. It is in Sunshine place.

Will you be going working soon?
i'm feeling better. yesterday went for my check up
my gynae cfm tis one 70% a gal. nxt mth will go for the detail scan
hope really a gal leh

yah $99 a gd buy. then not that big & can sit till 5yrs old.
imgaine i even bring it to pasir ris chalet.
Good morning mummies.

Is there a list of the mummies in this thread and their babies/child's name and birthdate ?

Congrats Serene, can play dress up when gal gal arrives.

Very tempted to buy the motor car but my house already have 2 cars n rocker liao


Is your house near sunshine place, I think learning vision is not bad. I may be going to convert to full time so was considering sending my 4 year old girl to childcare. Options for me will be near hubby's workplace in Tanjong pagar as we usually cannot get home in time by 7 pm, so considering learning vision or del care.
jewelmum, really meh? hehehe i also hope so but this one depend on god. hope they will give be a healthy & lovely bb gal.

CL, yah loh, i'm so tempted to buy all those cute hair bands & dress. they r so cute
My HB and my friends said that usually the youngest will be the best looking one lor...since Axler so handsome liao so your girl should be very pretty too lar

Now baby not out yet u already want to buy, when the little princess arrive , u sure cannot resist one. Lets go shopping together at Kingkow, I got discount card will update when there is 50% discount. I even buy matching piece for Aden and Charmaine to wear.

Ya, I ordered too. I think now she busy collecting money for first round of collection. Give her some time, she got lots of order.

JewelMum, really ? Then I eldest in the family, cannot make it lor.
CL, no lar. You make it big time...who says you cannot make it...hee~
There's always exceptional cases one mah... :p I acty dunno how true that is coz I'm the one and only

jewel, hope so. let me wait & see. hehehe

CL, yah loh. veri tempting leh. ok ok, wait to buy something matching for them to wear when go out 2gether
i got order the bulk purchase mum, dad & bb clothing.
