Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi Ashley,

I won't be going co's not much leave left. My hubby might not able to make it on that day so we will ask my mum to go on behalf of my hubby. Just prevent that my son get upset. Hehehehe.....

ashley hahahahha i wish!

btw, nothing to do with outing lah... my DS1 started talking after 1yr old plus....

when is father's day celebration? i will ask my hubby whether he can take leave...
Hi Jo, it's on 18 June (Friday).

My hubby has agreed to go, hope he doesn't have any last minute meeting on that day. I'm thinking of going too but dunno whether a lot of parents will turn up or not.
Just think it's not fair if I'm not going since my hubby went to the Mother's Day celebration with me, lol.
thanks ashley

i will tell my hubby ;-)

anyway wz has slight fever since sunday till today (my maid is taking care of him)... PD said lung is clear, just bad cold... not sure whether it is due to the aircon cos we turn on every night... only past two days we off it before we sleep...

ashley how's ur maid? ok now?
Hi Ashley, Jo & Serene,

The centre have another 2 more case of HFMD & i think this week i'll not let Edan go to school co's he's still having cough & flu.
Hi Jo,

When weather is hot and my kids got cold/ runny nose, I will turn on air-con to cool the room and leave one window half open to allow air circulation. Like that, my kids can sleep better and also not have bad stuffy nose & also having cool air. U can try this out.

Hi Cutebaby,

Once the HFMD start, it will start with spreading and the cycle will break if there are no new cases after 1 week.

My DDs' CC got total 24cases in the past few weeks. The cycle finally break last week when my kids return to CC. Do monitor Edan at home as the sympthoms are fever/ cold/ cough.
No wonder my hubby said the school was very empty yesterday and PN class has only 2 kids. The first thing Damien said to my hubby was that "No friend in school" haha.

My dad just went back to VN so I cannot afford to leave him at home. Pray hard.

@ jo: We were so busy, and my dad was staying with us so we just delayed it. Will change soon. Btw, how is your DS1's P1 registration?
Hi Snowball,

Sorry typing error, should be "So far no fever".

Hi Ashley,

Actually Edan want to go to school co's he know this month got alot of activities. Yesterday he told me that he's very boring at home. Hehehehe.......
Hi cutebaby, Ashley, Jo

Today Ronnald suppose to celebrate his birthday in school but now have to cancel cos he also having very bad cough. Furthermore there also less than half of the N2 attend cc yesterday.

So disappointing, we have already prepared so many presents for the N2 and cake already ordered.

Ronndald is so excited about celebrating his birthday with his friends. Actually we suppose to have a pinata and lucky draw sessions for the N2.

Will check with teacher if these sessions can be carry out in cc when everything has settle down.
Hi Serene,

When is Ronndald actual Birthday? Is today? Ya, now lesser kids at the centre co's i think quite alot of them fall sick too.

Wondering when will the HFMD over. Hai......

oh dear... i can understand how u feel cos when my DS1 was in infant care, we also bought a very big cake to celebrate in his centre but due to HFMD spreading fast, we got to keep him at home.... and share the very big birthday cake with our neighbours... but DS1 still baby, so donno anything...

can you ask bakery shop to delay the cake? then like ashley, postpone the celebration?
When we decided to cancel the celebration last evening, the bakery told us that the cake already at the shop. We will celebrate for him at home and bring over some cakes to Mulberry.

As for the celebration, maybe we will consider to celebrate his birthday on his chinese date instead.

Ronnald has a asmatic background, worry for his cough,seems to be getting worse. Now mointering him very closely.
Hi Serene,

Hope Ronnald is getting better now. Wish him Happy Birthday - 建康,快高长大

HFMD - This year's HFMD attack seemed bad....News reported that the # of cases shot up steeply as compared to same time last yr. Like what was reported, this time round, the virus attacked more of the mouth and not the hands/ legs (just like what my DDs got).

The current flu virus also seemed quite "fierce". My 2 DDs still have some runny nose and cough.....Sighhhhh hope these viruses will disappear soon.

Lucky for my DDs' CC is that the HFMD cycle has new cases for 2 weeks already...phewwww

happy birthday to Ronnald!!!

just wan to share with u, my DS1 was suffering from bronchitis when he was in infant care, he went to many PDs and given inhaler and all types of bronchitis medicines, even admitted to A&E.... half year later, we brought him to Yu Guo (a very popular baby massage chinese clinic at kembangan) for massage treatment (it takes time) it works for my kid. i only regret for not knowing yu guo earlier... my baby DS1 even turned yellow after taken so much medicine... so poor thing...
Hi Jo,

For my kids, only have spots on the hands and legs which disappeared after 3 days but the mouth ulcers for my DD1 takes longer to recover (about 5 days). So do look out if your kids complain about mouth pain....touch wood.

Yu Guo - My cousins, nieces and nephews used to visit them for child massage. Good for blood circulation and general health maintenance. But, too far for me.

I bring my kids to Econ TCM at Corporation Rd for TCM Child Massage.. They love it.
Hi Serene,

Wish Ronnald Happy Birthday & stay healthy always!

In this case must really monitor him & don't let the asthma come back. Hopes he'll receover soon. As for Edan, still got slight flu & cough did recover abit. I find that phlegm is the most stubborn thing to get rid. Any good tips to get rid of phlegm......

Hopefully Mulberry HFMD cycle will break soon
Hi Cutebaby,

U can let Edan take Flumicil - twice a day, 1pkt each. Stubborn phlegm can be cleared after 2 - 3 days.

This works well for my kids.
Hi Evon,

Flumicil for kids from 18 mths onwards. For runny nose, my gals' PD used to give them Zyrtec drops which I find better than Iladin. Ur gal is still young, you can ask your PD/ GP on the med to take.
hi mummies

i don't think u can just get the medi from pharmacy right? must be prescribed by doc right?

anyway our kids still young, better go PD... play safe

cheers :)
Hi Jo,

Certain medication can buy from pharmacies' counters. Flumicil/ Zyrtec/ Polaramine (for runny nose)/ etc....

The pharmacist must be around to explain the administration of these med before they sell. These medicine are usually quite mild in nature.

Hi Cutebaby,

U can get Flumicil from Unity or Guardian Pharmacy.
hi snowball


anyway going to pharmacy to get paracetomal later... cos DS2 still has fever since sunday.... yesterday forgot to get paracetomal from PD....
hi mummies

any recommendation of ear thermometer? my braun ear thermometer is not working... i am quite surprised cos it is newer than my pigeon thermometer but the battery get flat super fast and then not working liao.... my pigeon thermometer, i have not changed the battery since year 2004 it is still working but my kids tore the sensor cover so i suspect its sensor might be faulty now (WZ temperature was like 40'C ++ last night!!!). so better get a new one...

anyway i will go and get one after work today...

Hi Jo,

I am using the brand Omron. This is a Japanese Brand. It is smaller than the Braun ear thermometer & I only change battery recently (after 3.5yrs). For your Braun ear thermometer, is it still under warranty? Can call their svc ctr to check it out.
Hi Jo,

I'm also using Braun ear thermometer & till now is been 3 years plus still working fine. Maybe you might want to check it out with their customer service as what Snowball suggested.
Hi cutebaby
My son always take Flumicil when he has cough. For your information, it's normal that the child will cough more after taking Flumicil. The doctor explain that the purpose of the medicine is to let them cough out the phlegm.
Hi Serene, happy birthday to Ronnald!!

Hi all,

Today I took leave to take care of Damien at home since teacher said he was suspected with HFMD. Anyway he's had fever, running nose and cough for so many days and now recovering so it's not too bad.

I do hope the HFMD cycle will break soon. Dunno how the fairy party this friday is celebrated amidst this outbreak.
snowball and cutebaby
aiyo why me so suay... anyway >1 year and i have no receipt.

yesterday i bought one cheaper Guardian ear themometer... $50... i tot even the pigeon ear themometer is more durable than braun, so just try Guardian's brand... not bad... actually the result is similar to pigeon...


oh dear... suspected HFMD... have you brought him to see doc? or the symton cannot be seen till later stage?

wz also has fever since sunday... yesterday we thought he has recovered cos he perspired alot in the evening and good appetite and playful but at night when he was going to sleep... his fever returned again... throughout the night till morning... we got to gave him paracetomal and nurefon (can't spell).... now i have panda eyes....

he has been coughing, must be the mucus from nose cos PD said his lung is clear....

going to PD to get paracetomal during lunch time cos yesterday i went to pharmacy, i noticed the paracetomal is made in philippphine... my PD paracetomal is made in australia... ;-p
Hi Jo, who is your PD?

Maybe we were ignorant never thought of HFMD or H1N1...haiz. Today will bring him for blood test. My friend's gal got H1N1 recently but it's treated as normal flu nowadays, just took Tamiflu.
hi ashley

my PD is Ng's Baby & Child at Bt. Timah Crown Centre, we have visited quite a number of PDs during the time when my DS1 got bronchitis, he is the best. Very detailed in checking and no nonsense... ;p his consultation fee is also cheaper than other PDs we have visited, so we just stick to him ;)
Hi Jo,

So long as it works, brand doesn't matter lah.

Hi Ashley,

HFMD - current strain attacks more of the mouth. Look out for complaints from your DS about painful mouth or uclers.

H1N1- High fever, sore throat, runny nose...similar to those of common flu.

But, do be cautious if tamiflu has been prescribed as my DD1 actually suffered the side effects after she took tamiflu (for 5 days). She was very cranky, mood swing and suffered hallucinations (start to talk unusual things). We were dead worried and were very relived when she came out of it.
Hi Snowball, phew... just brought him to PD, he confirmed Damien has no HFMD and no H1N1.
We asked to have a blood test, he said no need and gave us a letter to certify Damien is fit for school. Anyway, PD also said at this point of time no HFMD but must be careful because there is an outbreak.

My friend's gal took Tamiflu, must ask her whether got side effect or not. I think depending on child right? I did read somewhere that Tamiflu is not recommended for chidlren, but if infected then...I guess we have no choice

Hi Jo, just relax a bit

Btw, will you let WZ go to school for fairy day tomorrow?
Hi Serene,

How's Ronnald now? Getting better?

Hi Ashley,

That's great, at least no HFMD & H1N1. Tomorrow you'll let Damien go back to school?

Oh ya, Monday outing has been cancelled.
hi ashley

phew... glad to hear it is not HFMD/H1N1

if wz has no more fever, we will send him back to school....

yeah, got email from sophia that monday outing cancelled...

I was just searching for comments on mulberry learning centre and thus found this thread. Would love to hear comments from mummies about this childcare. I visited the one at jurong east some time ago, but understand that Mandy has transferred to the one at chua chu kang. Any mummies have any comments on the one at jurong east?
Glad to hear his fit now.

Just brought him to clover clinic, doctor say no need antibiotic at the moment but still need to continue the ventoline puff. Will consider to bring him back the center next Mon if there no more new case. When is Edan going back to the center.
Cutebaby, Jo, Serene, thanks for your concern.

I'm thinking of letting Damien go for the party tomorrow in school. Have asked Stella, she said ok.
Hi Ashley,

Good to hear that Damien is fine now

Hi Serene,

Better let son recuperate and recover before sending him back to CC if there is help at home.

Hi Serene,

Me too, if there is no more new case i'll let Edan back to school on next Monday.

Hi bubblebee_mum,

I have 3 friends kid at JE Mulberry, so far they find it good too.
