Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi Mummies,
Need advise. Any mummies here start their little ones in playgroup at 18 months? Do your toddlers have any problems adapting to the class?
I've signed up my 18months old boy in 3 hour daily playgroup program at Agape blk 632A. But now I've cold feet. Haha. Afraid I'm being to enthusiastic in staring my boy in playgroup.
I's just that he spends his days with my maid at home. I tot that its better that he spend a few hours a day in school.
chicken little

i have no alternative, so i am thinking to stay put and try to enrol de lasalle next year ;)


agape has 3 hours playgroup?!?! this agape is the same as blk 7xx one?

i am very pro cc and i will also send my boy to cc once he reaches 16 months (cos i can't wait till 18mths ;p)

the only thing i don't like cc is high frequency in falling sick lor...
hey ppl, i m back!!!!

sorry too many transition. I have officially moved to blk 542 yew tee side =)

Yes i m looking for sch for my boy born 2007. I went to the 1 at yew tee cc looks pretty good to me. Oki i will log in tonight. Cya ladies.....
Hi Hani,

No worries lah...I sent my gal to same school when she was 22 mths. She was ok and no more crying after 1 week, tho' sometimes she throws tantrum and says do not want to go to school. But, once she is at the school gate, she is ok liao....goes into class automatically with teacher and says bye bye to her granny (who is her caregiver while we are at work). She is still in the same sch but in PN class now. I have enrolled her with fullday CC with Agape opposite. Likely start her by end of this year, latest.

Hi Jo - When kids starts sch. They will need time to adjust to the new environment. Hence, it is inevitable that they will be sick quite often. My gal got cough and runny nose for almost every other mth for almost the 1st 8 mths when she started her PG. Worst of all, whenever she got it, her younger sister will also kena. We have spent alot of $$$ on doctor liao. But, somehow, this is the stage they have to go thro' and build up their own immunity.
hahaa hwee u went bkk???

Hmmm pretty hard to look for playgroup, cc are more n easily available.

Chicken little which blk are u in?

I m so so so happy tt my orh pi can log in wahhaaa
ya, me wen to bkk last week. now my girl is under quaratine at home..... :p

yes, you're indeed very very close to cl....hee hee....
ya so close =) but i dun recognise u... =P

Hey Cl u sending ur kids to cc or playgroup? paiseh i din have the time to read thru previous post, but aware tt mostly are send to cc right.

Previously was talking abt the cc at blk 602, a NTUC cc, which has good hygiene. Think a few of our mummies's kids are in there right?

any idea if the soccer field infront of blk 542 is building flats again??? i heard rumours not sure true ant, so sianz~ block my view!!!
ha ha you wont recognise me we never meet what. Mine is with CC but at middle road near my workplace.

Your place facing MRT track ?
I've not been to the one at Turf City but the go go bambini is really fun for kids above 2+. their maze is very good for motor skills and coordination etc

another new one is Polliwogs at east coast, next to burger king. that one is good for younger kids as the maze is not so complex and the place is big. relatively new too!
Hi Hani,

I have went to go go bambini but not Turf City too. From the Turf City Fidgets wedpage, seen like got baby playground too.
Pink and I together with Chicken Little are doing some fund raising for little Charmaine who is sick.

the link to her website is:

I have sent out the details to some of the mummies here whom i have their email contact. If anyone of you wish to help, can contact us via the following email and I will give you the details.

[email protected]

thank you.
hi mummies, i din know there was a cck mum club until i chanced upon it. hello hello to all mummies in here! haha. i'm also living in cck and my girl is now 3mths old..

just to share, i also just started working in CCK too! for mummies keen in letting kids learn music, there is a newly opened music sch in Sunshine Place offering free instruments or free lessons. can check it out or PM me too

anyone here knows any inline skating course in CCK? i only know there is such course organised by CCK Sports Complex but the ratio is too high about 16 (roughly) to 1 instructor only. i think not very suitable for preschooler.

any mummies here can share?

Hey Hwee,

I did my part for darling charmine, as some of the spree organiser tag to put in part of the sale receipt for her. so i do shopping n donate too =P

u may wan to check out the 1 at yew tee CC, not sure if it's convenient for u =) hmmm i saw aged 4 kids there, but not younger than tt. I m keen too, but boy still young.

Hi bonbon,

Welcome!!! able to share more on the music class??? mayb u can put it here or pm me =)

hey all,

any1 went for Yew Tee resident day =)
hi esther

thanks! Yew tee CC is very near my place, i will check the instructors... my son went for a inline skating birthday party at ECP, the instructors can handle kids very well but very far lor...
Hi CheongQQ, the school at sunshine place (above Giant) is Edvox Music School and it has a few branches in Singapore. from the website it has concerts at Victoria Hall for the students and those children music courses.. u can check it out at

Mummies, my place is near South View LRT Blk 28+ kiki any one living around the area? lazy to read up on archives
oh ya, and the free instrument is for all new students who join the school.. its like if u learn violin, you'll get a violin free, etc etc.. hope to help
Hi, Mummies,
Anyone interested to sign up baby for weekend playgroup at kinderland cck, beside lot 1?
Currently they have not enough to start the class.
It's a 1 1/2 hours class accompanied my parents. For toddlers 18months-3 years.
Do call them at 6769 8138 to register your tots.
Dear all ladies,

Would like to check whether anyone of your child is at Ace Work Childcare (Blk 757, CCK) or been view before. Is this centre good? I heard from others said that this centre teach alot of things. And even N1 kids got exam at year end & their K1 lesson teaching Pri 1 syllabus and K2 teaching Pri 2 syllabus.

Just wondering is this good for kids to learn so inadvance? How their teacher, enviroment...etc?

Sorry for been asking so many question co's i'm look for a cc for my child that go next year for N2. But i scare it'll be too stress for her if she learn so many thing & no play time for her.

Hi Chicken Little,

Ya, i just moved in to CCK. So now looking for CC. I did read that some mentioned Kinderland, Wharton & agape not bad.

I did went to Agape & Wharton. Agape i don't really like it co's due to Hygiene purpose. The rubbish house just outside the CC. Wharton i like their programme but agreed that their centre is too dim & no window. PCF i did call them up, but they don't learn Phonics even at N2, it's really very basic programme.

So would like to check about Ace work at cck Blk 757 whether good or not. I also worry is it healthy to give kid to learn so inadvance co's N1 start to have exam at year end. Is it too much?

Oh ya, there is one CC call Amazing Star Montessori House at CCK Blk 511. Is this good co's seen like no one discuss about it before.

Sorry for been asking so many question co's i'm rushing to find one.

Great worrymum77
wow that time you only looking for house and now you so fast found and moved ? faster that I sell my flat leh.

Amazing star maybe have to check with Sunny I think she just sent her girl for a trial. Other cc I not very sure as I dun realli check out the cc in CCK
Hi Chicken Little,

I'm new to this forum & this is my 1st time post. I think maybe there is another worrymum. Hehehehe.........

So you moving out CCK soon?

Hi Sunny,

How's your trial at Amazing Star Montessori House? Is their programme good? How do you find their environment & teacher?
Hi Chicken Little,

This is my 1st time post at this forum. Maybe there's another worry mum. Hehehehe..........

So you moving out CCK soon?

Hi Sunny,

How's your trial at Amazing Star Montessori House? How their programme, teacher, principal & environment? Hope you could advice me. Thanks.

Hi CL,

worrymum77 is right, there's another worrymum here..

Yes, me too found my ideal flats which is near to CCKPS, but am in phase 2C.. praying hard... no ballot this year.. if not.. will ruin my plans.

Oh, u sold urs too.. my appt is far behind (sept) so can only moved around dec i think. U?

Hey, ur flat is good leh.. hehe.. too bad i m not eyeing there.
ha ha I blur. I just assume. Pai seh worrymum77 and welcome to the thread.

my first appointment is 5 Aug so I think 6 - 8 weeks I have to hand over key liao so from mid sep to early Oct I think.

Hee hee you saw my flat meh ? But happy for you that you found your place.

Me have not found a new place yet. But busy selling my furniture.

I still have a sofa bed set and a dining table to let go.
Hi CL,

Oh, 1 mth ahead than me... for 1st appt.

Ya, I've been to 1st Chinese trial before.. hehehe but think u have forgotten abt me.
Cos of the timing, hence i did not enrol.

U no hurry ah. u got inlaw house to stay.

Good luck in selling.. .
Hi Chicken Little,

I'm not sure i got see your flat before or not. Now i'm staying at 4 room flat. So now busy looking around for CC. Thanks for your info.
Hi ladies,

Is they anyone view or your kids at Ace Work Childcare. I really need your help co's i just moved to CCK so doesn't know whether which CC is good.

I heard that their teaching matter very inadvance. Usually will teacher 1 or 2 stage ahead then other centre. Does it good? How's the environment, teacher...etc. Pls help.

Hi Sunny,

How's your trial at Amazing Star Montessori House? How their programme, teacher, principal & environment? Hope you could advice me. Thanks.

sorry, didn't come to this thread often. next time pm me ok? heee...

i personally prefer montessori style of teaching method, that's why most of the centres i visited are montessori school.

my gal is going to start her 1st day at amazing star tomorrow. i visited the centre few time. but didn't go for the trial as they don't offer any. the trial i went to is at little wonders at jln remaja. i like that place. but 'cos of logistic issue, i got to go for my 2nd preference i.e. amazing star.

For amazing star, during my visits (about 3-4 times, kiasu right? haha...), the way they attended to me is consistent i.e. friendly and open. I like the principal as she's open to give her view and hands on. The curriculum wise, it's montessori with some thematic stuff every term.

The centre is non-air con which is what I am looking for as well. recently, they just had minor renovation and the whole place look cleaner and brighter.

Teachers... their chinese teachers seems more experience than the english teachers, as the english teachers are quite young. if i am not wrong, the only person who is a certified montessori teacher is the principal. this is the minus point, IMHO.

For ACE work childcare, i heard good review from my friend, too. her colleague who stays at woodlands, drive all the way to yew tee to place the kid there everyday. can't give you much comments on this centre.

i think it depends on which angle you look at when the centre teaches stuff way in advance than other s. i have heard that the kids will have no interest in primary school as what teachers teach in school, they have already learnt in pre-school. So, will parents need to sign up more enrichment classes? sort for other avenue to let the kids progress? On the other hand, if the kids have learnt more advance stuff during preschool, we won't be worried that they will be left behind when they go to primary school. So, it's all depend on your kids' capability and how you wanna 'groom' him/her.

just my 2 cents' worth. hope it helps.
hi worrymum, my ex neighbour child was in ace@work and she seems very stressed learning spelling and ting xie every week. i'm not sure about the benefits of learning advanced stuff so early. my ex neighbour said the words are long and she memorises them the night before, but i dun think she remembers them e next time u ask her.
Hi Littledot,

Your ex neighbour child is at N2, K1 or K2 that have spelling & ting xie? Wah, every week also have either one then the parent also feel very stress too.

Is not the teacher teach them in the class for the spelling? Still need to go home to learn? Such a young age after whole day study, go back home still need to revise the spelling & ting xie then where got time to have fun with bro/sis, accompany by parent....etc.

So you child is at which CCC?

Thanks for your info.

i agreed with u... my son's cc has spelling and ting xie but he will revise in school and no homework at all. i don't understand why some cc give homework, already full day in cc leh... having said that, my son's cc is considered quite academic in jurong area but he has no homework and no need to revise spelling or tin xie at home.
Hi Jo,

You stay at CCK but your son at Jurong CCC? Is it too far for him to go there?

Do you have any idea, any good CCC at around Yew Tee. I don't like Wharton & Agape CCC. I think i'll not register my child to ACE liao, too stress for such a young kids.

Sorry to said that like CCK not much good CCC. But very to look for one.


ya lor... i was searching for cc around yew tee, cck last year... really no choice but to send my no.1 to jurong... abit far lor... cos my son will take 45mins bus journey home... but i really can't compromise

oh how about faith montessori at hillview? is it too far for u? i am going to visit it one day as i am looking for cc for my no.2 around Oct 09.
Hi Jo,

Hillview quite far from CCK. I think if take school will take around 45 mins too. I still try to search around CCK. I have arranged to go Kinderland to view their place. I heard quite alot of people said good, why don't you register your no. 2 at Kinderland. Oh, did you go there to view before?


one mummy's son here is also in kinderland. i have not convinced my hubby to visit it. we visited it about 4 years ago we don't like the playgroup teacher cos she looked very boring while taking care of playgroup kids (i saw similar boring playgroup teacher in wharton last year too) but by now the playgroup teachers should have changed... last year we also visited one kinderland at hwa chong which is very profit oriented, my hubby is turned off but different kinderland has different management. so i will try to convince him to visit kinderland again.
