(cheche) Marks and Spencer Spree

<font size="+2">Hi xulyn,
Batch 108 not enough orders to go thru.
Will wait for more orders else shipping very ex.</font>
Name/Nick: Faith Soh
Collection mode: Bukit Batok

(1) URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Pack-Cotton-Rich-Non-Wired-Non-Padded/dp/B003YK0896?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_5&amp;nodeId=342652031&amp;sr=1-5&amp;qid=1359034367
Item Name: 2 Pack Cotton Rich Non-Wired Non-Padded Bras
Size: 34C
Colour: White
Price: £9.50

(2) URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Pack-Pure-Cotton-Plain-Briefs/dp/B004HGXD16?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_19&amp;nodeId=535157031&amp;sr=1-19&amp;qid=1359034915
Item Name: 5 Pack Pure Cotton Plain Full Briefs
Size: 10
Colour: White
Price: 3 for £10

(3) URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Pack-Pure-Cotton-Plain-Briefs/dp/B004HGXD16?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_19&amp;nodeId=535157031&amp;sr=1-19&amp;qid=1359034915
Item Name: 5 Pack Pure Cotton Plain Full Briefs
Size: 12
Colour: Black Mix (If OOS, choose White Color)
Price: 3 for £10

(4) URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Cotton-Assorted-Scallop-Bikini-Knickers/dp/B002F7JCPU?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_15&amp;nodeId=535157031&amp;sr=1-15&amp;qid=1359035344
Item Name: 5 Pack Pure Cotton Assorted Scallop Trim Bikini Knickers
Size: 12
Colour: Black / White
If OOS, replace with 5 Pack Pure Cotton High Leg Knickers (Size 12, Color White) under url: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Pack-Pure-Cotton-High-Knickers/dp/B001PUBUB2?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_16&amp;nodeId=535157031&amp;sr=1-16&amp;qid=1359035344
Price: 3 for £10

Total £19.5 x 2.1 = $40.95
keen in ordering these

Name/Nick: cloudpoem
URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/High-Impact-Padded-Sports-Crop/dp/B004KUHM6Q?rrClickthru=PDP
Item name: High Impact Padded Eco B-G Sports Crop Top
Size: 36DD
Colour: White
Alternative if OOS: drop
Quantity: 1
Price in £:19.50

please combine with the M&amp;S outlet spree.
Hi Cecilia, I already tt S$17.28 to ur account. Reference number : 10525504872.

The breakdown : Top up fee ($11.28), Courier ($6.00). I will PM u my address

Would like to order the following:

Name/Nick: verattraction
URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Pack-Short-Sleeve-Pointelle-Thermal/dp/B002Y7JU12?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_17&amp;nodeId=43307030&amp;sr=1-17&amp;qid=1359299218
Size: 14
Colour: Black
Alternative if OOS: Drop
Quantity: 1
Price in £:17.50

URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/M-Woman-Length-Thermal-Leggings/dp/B002I66E1S?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_35&amp;nodeId=43307030&amp;sr=1-35&amp;qid=1359299218
Size: 14
Colour: Black
Alternative if OOS: Drop
Quantity: 1
Price in £:12.50
<font size="+2">Orders for Batch 108.
Will be ordering this afternoon.
Pls proceed with payment, else orders will be dropped.</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Colour</TD><TD> £ x 2.1 </TD><TD> Total </TD><TD> Payment Received </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elfviv (elfviv) </TD><TD>2 Pack - Padded Non-wired T-shirt A-D Bras</TD><TD>38C</TD><TD>cream mix</TD><TD> 16.00 </TD><TD> 33.60 </TD><TD> 33.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xulyn15 (xulyn15) </TD><TD>Striped Dressing Gown with Stay New</TD><TD>2-3</TD><TD>green mix</TD><TD> 4.00 </TD><TD> 8.40 </TD><TD> 8.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>CloudPoem (cloudpoem) </TD><TD>High Impact Padded Eco-B-G Sports Crop Top</TD><TD>36DD</TD><TD>white</TD><TD> 19.50 </TD><TD> 40.95 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trudy (ttgc118) </TD><TD>Perfect Fit Lace Padded T-shirt A-DD Bra</TD><TD>40B</TD><TD>fawn</TD><TD> 19.50 </TD><TD> 40.95 </TD><TD> 40.95 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vera Attraction (verattraction) </TD><TD>2 Pack - Short Sleeve Pointelle Thermal Top</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>black</TD><TD> 17.50 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ankle Length Thermal Leggings</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>black</TD><TD> 12.50 </TD><TD> 63.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Faith Soh</TD><TD>Post Surgery Floral Padded Non-Wired A-DD Bra</TD><TD>34C</TD><TD>damson</TD><TD> 6.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5 Pack - Pure Cotton Plain Full Briefs</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>white</TD><TD> 10.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5 Pack - Pure Cotton Plain Full Briefs</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>white</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5 Pack - Pure Cotton High Leg Knickers </TD><TD>12</TD><TD>white</TD><TD></TD><TD> 33.60 </TD><TD> 40.95 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Would like to make another order. Do advise it can join batch 108.

Size: 3-4 years
Qty: 1
4 pounds
If OOS, pls drop

Size 3-4 years
Qty: 1
4 pounds
If OOS, pls drop

Will transfer in 30 mins as I am not able to access IB for the moment.
<font size="+2">Batch 108 Ordered.</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Colour</TD><TD> £ x 2.1 </TD><TD> Total </TD><TD> Payment Received </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elfviv (elfviv) </TD><TD>2 Pack - Padded Non-wired T-shirt A-D Bras</TD><TD>38C</TD><TD>cream mix</TD><TD> 16.00 </TD><TD> 33.60 </TD><TD> 33.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xulyn15 (xulyn15) </TD><TD>Striped Dressing Gown with Stay New</TD><TD>2-3</TD><TD>green mix</TD><TD> 4.00 </TD><TD> 8.40 </TD><TD> 8.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Autograph Pure Cotton Space Sye Knitted Jumper</TD><TD>3-4</TD><TD>blue mix</TD><TD> 8.00 </TD><TD> 16.80 </TD><TD> 16.80 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trudy (ttgc118) </TD><TD>Perfect Fit Lace Padded T-shirt A-DD Bra</TD><TD>40B</TD><TD>fawn</TD><TD> 19.50 </TD><TD> 40.95 </TD><TD> 40.95 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Faith Soh</TD><TD>Post Surgery Floral Padded Non-Wired A-DD Bra</TD><TD>34C</TD><TD>damson</TD><TD> 6.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5 Pack - Pure Cotton Plain Full Briefs</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>white</TD><TD> 10.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5 Pack - Pure Cotton Plain Full Briefs</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>white</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5 Pack - Pure Cotton High Leg Knickers </TD><TD>12</TD><TD>white</TD><TD></TD><TD> 33.60 </TD><TD> 40.95 </TD></TR><TR><TD>momgoh (May Goh)</TD><TD>Low Rise Cutwork Lace Bikini Knickers</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>fawn</TD><TD> 10.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lace Trim Midi Knickers</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>black</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lace Trim Midi Knickers</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>white</TD><TD></TD><TD> 21.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Nick: ribenaz

Item 1
Pure Cotton Scoop Neck Floral Top
Product Code: T412686M
Size: 18
Colour: White Mix
Price: £9.50

Item 2
Pure Cotton Scoop Neck Leaf Top
Product Code: T412689M
Size: 18
Colour: Pink Mix
Price: £9.50

Item 3
Pure Cotton Scoop Neck Anchor Print Top
Product Code: T412687M
Size: 18
Colour: Navy Mix
Price: £9.50

Total: £28.50 x 2.1 = S$59.85
POSB Savings
091-56445-9 cheche
Amount S$59.85
Transaction Reference 10557029120
Nick: Angel_wings
Collection: Self collect at Bishan or Toa Payoh

Item 1:5 Pack Pure Cotton Cute Face Bodysuits
Product Code: T780810
URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Pack-Pure-Cotton-Cute-Bodysuits/dp/B00B40DR8C?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_38&amp;nodeId=2143809031&amp;sr=1-38&amp;qid=1359881252
Size: 6-9 months
Colour: multi
Price: £10.00

Item 2: 7 Pack - Pure Cotton Short Sleeve Assorted Bodysuits
Product Code: T780641
URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Pack-Cotton-Sleeve-Assorted-Bodysuits/dp/B009MA050O?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_24&amp;nodeId=2143809031&amp;sr=1-24&amp;qid=1359881467
Size: 6-9 months
Colour: White mix
Price: £10.00

Item 3: Funnel Neck Fisherman Hooded Mac
Product Code: T889061U
URL: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Funnel-Neck-Fisherman-Hooded-Mac/dp/B004GFZ3S4?ie=UTF8&amp;ref=sr_1_1&amp;nodeId=1913886031&amp;sr=1-1&amp;qid=1359881628&amp;pf_rd_r=05K01AX50E8ZWDJM6SPH&amp;pf_rd_m=A2BO0OYVBKIQJM&amp;pf_rd_t=101&amp;pf_rd_i=1913886031&amp;pf_rd_p=321381387&amp;pf_rd_s=related-items-3
Size: 3-4Y
Colour: Turquoise
Price: £18.00

Total: £38.00 x 2.1 = S$79.80
POSB Savings
091-56445-9 cheche
Amount S$79.80
Transaction Reference: 10559107684

<font size="+2">Hi xulyn, item 2 no size 3-4Y, left 2-3Y.

Hi coeee, item 2 no size 9-10Y, left 8-9Y.

Let me know to order or drop.</font>
<font size="+2">Batch 109</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Colour</TD><TD> £ x 2.1 </TD><TD> Total </TD><TD> Payment Received </TD></TR><TR><TD>chris38 (chris38) </TD><TD>Utility Pure Cotton Flat Front Cargo Trousers</TD><TD>42/29</TD><TD></TD><TD> 19.50 </TD><TD> 40.95 </TD><TD> 40.95 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby Chong (babychong) </TD><TD>Pure Cotton Hello Kitty Aztec Checked Pyjames</TD><TD>13-14</TD><TD></TD><TD> 7.00 </TD><TD> 14.70 </TD><TD> 14.70 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Coeee (coeee) </TD><TD>Pure Cotton Hello Kitty Aztec Checked Pyjames</TD><TD>9-10</TD><TD></TD><TD> 7.00 </TD><TD> 14.70 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ribenaz</TD><TD>Pure Cotton Scoop Neck Floral Top</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>white mix</TD><TD> 9.50 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Pure Cotton Scoop Neck Leaf Top</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>pink mix</TD><TD> 9.50 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Pure Cotton Scoop Neck Anchor Print Top</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>navy mix</TD><TD> 9.50 </TD><TD> 59.85 </TD><TD> 59.85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angel (angel_wings) </TD><TD>5 Pack Pure Cotton Cute Face Bodysuits</TD><TD>6-9M</TD><TD>multi</TD><TD> 10.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7 Pack - Pure Cotton Short Sleeve Assorted Bodysuits</TD><TD>6-9M</TD><TD>white mix</TD><TD> 10.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Funnel Neck Fisherman Hooded Mac</TD><TD>3-4</TD><TD>turquoise</TD><TD> 18.00 </TD><TD> 79.80 </TD><TD> 79.80 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xulyn15 (xulyn15) </TD><TD>Round Neck Chunky Knit Cardigan</TD><TD>2-3</TD><TD>lime</TD><TD> 4.50 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2 Pack Pure Cotton Striped &amp; Star Pyjamas</TD><TD>3-4</TD><TD>wine mix</TD><TD> 8.00 </TD><TD> 26.25 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi cheche,

I want to order something which I need by end of this month. If batch 110 closes on 8 feb, will I be able to receive it by then? Appreciate your advise. Thanks!
