Appropriate Solid Foods By Age


It takes only 12 short months for the newborn to the incredible transformation of an active toddler. The growth of the babies is at an astounding phase. We can see the changes and development every month. new moms and dads should take proper care of the baby's health as they have a very delicate system. A proper diet and healthy food are needed for the growth and development of the baby.
So it's better to know the different stages of the baby's growth and introduced appropriate food at each stage. During the first three months, the baby's body and brain try to adapt to the outer world. He/she may bring hands to their mouths, will raise their head and chest on her tummy. This is the first stage of the babies growth. Many pediatricians suggest breastfeeding the baby until they are one year old. For the first 6 months, the mother must feed their babies with only breastmilk or other formulas.
The next stage is 4-6 months at this stage the babies try to roll over from front to back or another way, making a sound like a real language, laughs, have head control, and sit up with support. Continue with breastmilk till 6months. And as a complementing food try to feed them with single fruit and vegetable purees.
During the second half of the year(6-9months), the little one sits without support, start to crawl, and respond to some words, clap and try to stand. This is the right time to introduce your little ones with solid foods. Well cooked and pureed fruits and vegetables, powdered or grounded single grains are the best healthy foods to start with.
During the last three months of the development stage, the baby's start to eat on their own takes their first steps, try to get your attention. This is the stage where babies need more nutrients for rapid and healthy growth. Feed them with small chunks or finger foods, easy to chew, and shredded meats. Healthy eating habits are essential for growing babies.
by around seven to eight months babies can be introduced to stage 2 foods. Its very important that babies get all the essential nutrition which they need at early stage like the vitamins and minerals. Which they can get from fruits or vegetables like apples, mangoes, bananas, pears, sweet potato , spinach. ragi can also be given as that can provide for iron and protein which baby needs, protein help in muscle growth . ragi also keeps the baby full for a longer time.
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It is necessary to start solids as per the stage and speed of growth of the baby. At stage 1 That is 4-6 months mostly the babies should be only on breast milk. In the next stage that is 6-8 months apple, banana and some pureed fruits can be introduced. In stage 3 the baby is ready for some complex flavors of fruits and veggies Such as sweet potatoes with mangoes and pears
Babies need vitamins, minerals, calcium in a right quantity, give purees made up of fruits like apple, banana, mango, pear, and vegetables purees made up of spinach, sweet potato, tomato, pumpkin, tomato, green peas, beetroot it will help in the growth of your baby, also give porridges made up of ragi. Give fruits and vegetables purees as it can help in providing all the essential vitamins and minerals to your baby.
