Anyone TTC in July 2006?

I am planning to TTC again but haven't really decided when. Actually I like to have year-end baby, will like to avoid giving birth during CNY period and also months whereby the weather is the hottest (Jun/Jul/Aug)? After all these exclusion, seems like my dates for TTC is quite limited.

So if you TTC in Jul 2006 means if successful will have a piggy baby. Will it be your 1st baby?
Hi Jas,

I forgot abt the weather factor. But think maybe Apr won't be too hot?

Ya, this will be my 1st bb. You? Planning for piggy bb too?
I am planning for 2nd bb. I also not sure to plan for a doggy or a piggy. However, it seems I am running out of time for doggy unless tried once and strike this month. Seems quite high chance for a piggy now but I don't really like piggy, but if I wait till mouse, then the age gap will be quite wide from my 1st kid. Actually if possible I had in mind to have one tiger kid, this mean I will have 3 children, not sure will it be possible at this moment coz I already have problem settling care-giving issue for the 2nd bb.

I not sure Apr will be hot or not coz nowadays the weather had been quite upset. It's mar now but the weather is so hot already, can't imagine Jun/Jul/Aug time. the best weather is always year end and just after CNY.
Actually I really look forward to piggy too. But a few of my frens are born in that year. Other than lazy, they are smart, frenly and kind hearted. I'm born in the year of dragon. Heard from pple that piggy is good for me and mouse too. But doggy not. So, I dun want a doggy.
I like dragon but if I wait till dragon..... hmmmm....


Who's looking after ur 1st child now?
Maybe by the time u try for the 3rd one, ur kids can go childcare?
My mum is looking after my boy at the moment. I think by the time I try for 3rd one, my eldest one should be in lower primary liao..

So how are you going to prepare for the TTC? Are you on any pills for prevention or just let nature takes it course?
I was on pills, juz finished my last box. Cos I've got a cyst. To prevent it to become bigger, my gynea suggested that I take pills. I told her I wanted to ttc in July, so I will stop the pills.

Not sure how to prepare. In fact, kind of scared. Cos I cannot tahan pain.

I'll be taking folic acid soon.

U more experience, if I don't know anything, can I ask you? hehe......
share share.....
Hi april,

Just a question, do u go for a body-check up? Is it neceesary to go for a gynea or just normal doctor? I'm planning to have bb on year 2007. But I heard we must take folic acid for 1/2 year b4 peggie, is it true?
Hi Wendy,

I go to my gynae once every 6 mths. To check on my cyst and take PAP smear test.
Maybe u can go Polyclinic for the check up or get them to refer u to one gynae.
I thinking of going for some jabs bfore trying.
Which mth u planning?

My gynae said, take the folic acid 3 mths before trying. It's good for us and bb.
Hi April,
oic.. so if plan to TCC in sept, then must take folic acid in June, right?
When u go to c ur gynae?If ur gynae also recommened by polyclinic? Any different if normal clinic female doctor check PAP smear test? Ur hubby got go for any check-up? Thanks
No problem. I am not very experienced as well, I will share whatever I know of. We can learn from each other.

You can buy folic acid from Guardian. It's very cheap.
Hi Wendy,

I plan to try in July, so will start in April. But think no harm start early.

I think I'll be going to see her this June. I was being referred to SGH from my GP. Cos I got cyst on my ovary. Juz happened that she's the one who operate for me. Like her a lot, trust her. And now, she knows more abt me. So, juz continue see her even though she moved to TMC.

I dun think there will be any difference. No, my hubby din go for any checkup. But maybe we might consider that.

What abt yourself? Plan to go for any check up or jabs?

Hi Jas,
Hi April and Jas,


Hmm.. I'm thinking to have a woman body checkup (which included breat check up, PAP smear test, etc) which quite cheap $80. By then, I'll tell her the plan to hv bb, c what she suggest lor..

Btw, Jas, who is ur gynae? can share ur experience, is she/he good? I heard from my friend said that usually male gynae is better, but I still feel more comfortable with female one..
Hi Starlet,

You like the month April too?

I think it's a great mth, pple born in that mth very frenly, juz like me. haha....

U start to take folic acid?
Me and hubby will refrain from drinking. Cos it's best to do so 6 mths before TTC. But my gynae said 3 mths will do.
Hi april,

i din take folic acid? Is it a must to take?
Hmm..not necessary April. i m planning to TTC starting this July... Prefer Oct baby..
starting July cos i scare won't strike the 1st time mah..
I got a male gynae and he is Dr Lee CW, his clinic is at China Square Central. He goes to either TMC or Mt Alvenia. He is the gynae for my elder sis too. I find he is okay, quite soft-spoken. He will try to answer whatever questions you have. I prefer male gynae from the start.
oic.. For me, just feel uneasy with male gynae. Maybe I'm the type person that conservative..
Dear All,

May I have some advice on this... For those TCC one of the way is to take their temprature... But should we take temperature in the morning or at night??

hi ladies,

I'm also planning for number 2, hopefully mid of this year. No choice lah.. old already.

I have already started on my daily folic acid. However, I got one worry here, I haven't lose all the weight gain over my last pregnancy.
Not sure how being overweight will affect my next pregnancy. I go on routine exercise at the gym and yoga for 2 times a week, and tried to go for low fat food but no use leh. Dare not go on extreme diet for I'm afraid it affects my health.

BeiBei, I read that we should take temperature in the morning when you just wake up
I hope to conceive in Jul06 too so that I will have a Apr 07 bb. It will be my 2nd bb.
My boy is born in Apr05. I remember the weather was quite hot during last Apr.
Hi Starlet,
It's not a must. But it's good for health and bb.

Hi Bei Bei,
The temp shld be taken in the morning, before u "jump" out of ur bed. U oso can observe ur cervical fluid. Maybe u can go library and borrow a book titled "taking charge of ur fertility".

Hi Pageup,
Maybe u can consider lose weight after the 2nd one?

Hi Tigger,
Hope we give birth same mth.
All the best.
Hi Starlet,
It's not a must. But it's good for health and bb.

Hi Bei Bei,
The temp shld be taken in the morning, before u "jump" out of ur bed. U oso can observe ur cervical fluid. Maybe u can go library and borrow a book titled "taking charge of ur fertility".

Hi Pageup,
Maybe u can consider lose weight after the 2nd one?

Hi Tigger,
Hope we give birth same mth.
All the best.
Hi Tigger,

I gave birth to my first child in around end May last year. The weather was also very hot. Worst of all, my mother in law forbade me to switch on the fan when drinking that hot fish soup. I tak boleh tahan, switched the fan back on at full blast when she walked away.hee hee

Hi April,

My friends also told me to attempt losing weight after I'm done with the 'reproduction'. But still worry about the risk of being overweight pregnant mum lor. Moreover, I got pregnancy induced high blood pressure during my last pregnancy.
Hi pageup,

Maybe u can check with ur gynae are u overweight now? If not, u can go ahead and try.
Cos if u going to try soon, not wise to go on diet.
But maybe u can try not to eat fried and oily food. Stick to more vegie and fruits. Juz dun starve urself.
The best way to lose weight is bfast - eat more, till u full, lunch - eat less, got energy will do. As for dinner, eat lesser. Do some exercise, go jogging, swimming. that shld do the trick.


Hi Dragon gal,
That's becos we planning to try in July so that our bb will be born in the mth of Apr. But of cos provided we're lucky. One shot, hit jackpot.
Hi all,

Ever thot of going for a short break when u all decided to try? I plan to go to Genting or BKK. Genting is cooling. BKK maybe wun have time cos I'll be shopping away. At first I even planned once I'm pregnant, I'll go BKK to buy clothes for bb. But they said better dun buy too early.

Gals, anyone of u start charting ur waking temperature to see when is ur most fertile period? I'm starting to do so now.
Hi April,

Yup.. I'm gtg for my honeymoon in sept & TCC there..

u mean u still go trip when u PG?
I tot we only know our bb sex when we r PG for 5 mths. so it's really too early to buy bb's stuffs for 1-3 mths.

hmm.. actually not sure how to check temp.. can tell me? Btw, I'm gtg to hv a body check-up on this sat..
Jia you, all of us..
April, I am planning to go Perth in July. Bringing my son along too. Must go for holiday
before I get preggie again.

I dun plan to take temperature or check when is fertile period. I just let nature takes it course
Hi Wendy,

U mean BKK or Genting? Wow, so envy. Not sure my hubby will bring me go or not. He keep saying must save money.

Ya, was thinking to go when I know I pregnant. At least, still can move abt. If can, will juz buy those standard colors. My fav purple. haha...

From the book, normal time, our temp is low. Peak, it's high. I try to scan a few pages of the book and email u. What's ur email address?

Yeah! Jia You!

Btw, if going genting, can go by train, cheaper. Only cost $139 per person, peak season is $149.

Mostly me and hubby take train at nite(10pm_ from Tanjong Pagar to KL. Reached abt 6am or 7am. Then from there will have a taxi fetch u up to Genting. All included. Hotel too.

Hi Tigger,

Perth by that time cool or freezing? If bring ur son go how to TTC? Or u mean come back then TTC?

That time I said after I go BKK, come back then TTC. But now, I said again, go BKK come back then try. haha....
Hi April,

No lah.. We're gtg to europe for our honeymoon in sept. But I'm thinking to go genting too b4 my hubby starts his new job but not TCC there.. ya.. my hubby oso said the same thing, must save $$$ for honeymoon & bb..

thanks. my email is [email protected]

Hi Tigger,

Wow.. gtg perth.. I heard that the place is nice.. I didn't hv the chance to go.. how old is ur son?
Dear all,

I plan to go honey moon next too..
there will be a Natas Travel Fair next weekend.
Do u gals think will get better offer in the fair?
<font color="0000ff">April,</font>
Perth will be cold but will not be freezing in Jul. Bring son cannot TTC meh? Heehee..
See how lah, maybe try when I come back lor.

<font color="ff6000">Wendy,</font>
Perth is nice. I like the relaxing pace there. I went there to take my wedding pic 4 yrs ago.
My son will be turning one in 2 weeks time.
I also don't take temp, I find it too troublesome and stressful. I monitor the fluid instead.

Wow Europe for honeymoon... so envy.. I never been to Europe, only to UK.
Hi Wendy,
Dun be sad. The more you save, the more you can spend for honeymoon and oso bb very expensive one. Shld save more.

Hi Starlet,
Maybe u can check out the price from a few agency and go natas fair to compare.
Where you going?

Hi Tigger,
TTC with son ard more exciting? hehe.....
So, hoping for a gal this time round?
<font color="0000ff">April,</font>
My HB prefers to have another boy so that my son
Keane will have a play mate. We plan to have 3 kids so
#2 is boy or gal is fine with me.
Hi April,

Thanks.. I've received the notes for the temperature checkup but I'm still hv not read.. hee... :p

I've do a body checkup on sat. The doctor recommend me to do a so call pre- maternity test, which cost $135.. Anyone went for this test before? Is the price reasonable? Can advice? Thanks
sorry, can't advice you on this as I didn't go for such test. You went to the East Shore gynae?

How old is your boy now? I planning for 3 kids for but it depends on how can we cope with 2 kids and our financial status before confirming whether to have the 3rd one or not. I have so-call decided to have the 3rd one in year of tiger which is the same as me if go-ahead, now still too early to decided.
<font color="0000ff">Jas,</font>
My boy is going to be 1yr old in 2 weeks time. I hope my kids will have abt 2 yrs age gap.
Hi Jas &amp; April,

Actually I'm also not quite sure what the tests included. The doctor told me something like to check up the blood group &amp; any infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B and HIV.
She said it's good to prevent to have an unhealthy bb. I'm also dun know whether it is necessary.
Just wan to check whether if ur gynae has told u all abt this. I still hv not c any gynae yet.
Wow, this thread is very active, slow people like me find it hard to catch up.. hee hee

Hi April,
Think I will check with my gynae about the risk when I go for my papsmear in a couple of months time.

Hi Wendy,
What does pre-maternity tests consist of?
Actually I didn't go for such test, as long as you have been on a healthy lifestyle I guess shouldn't have much problem. I only go for such test during pregnancy time as it is one of the test to be done. I presume you are working, does your coy has a free annual medical checkup as part of the medical benefits? My coy has it, so back then, I had went for one earlier before conceiving so I didn't go for other checks.

Congrats on your boy turning 1yr. So you planning any birthday party for him?

Sorry. spell wrongly..I think is call Premarital Check. Check from e website &amp; found that Raffles Medical has this test cost $138. I think it's almost similar to what I saw. It contsist of

1) Full Blood Count
2) Blood Group
4) HIV Serology
5) Rubella Serology
6) Hepatitis Serology
7) Urine FEME


Ya.. I'm working but part-time only, so don't hv any medical benefits. Maybe I'm not young &amp; this is my first time bb, got a little bit worry.. so try to pray safe. cos I've lots of older friends lost her bb during her PG. My health seem ok for me, only a slightly overweight but I dun know whether I've any "hidden" illness.. If found out, then might be too late for my bb liao. At least u hv went for ur co check up b4 conceiving, but those tests include what I menton above?
I also went for a woman wellness health screen last sat which include PAP smear, breast, vaginal,hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, urine,BMI. But the doctor told me it's just a normal health screen for woman but not those tests that need to do b4 conciving.
The coy check-up I went I don't consist the above coz I believe they are specific to Permarital. Mine is just a normal body check-up - urine, breast, blood cholestrol, pap smear.

I suggest that you go ahead for the test and you will be able to set your mind at ease then. After which maybe you can proceed to built up your body.
Hi, i am new here,juz wanna to share my prepregnancy chk up experience here. last week i went to raffles medical group (womens clinic) for a full body checkup. It worried me is i very sure that i had miss the vacinnation call Rubella (german misles), and I have not yet had chicken pox.Both vacinnation are very important to a women who wana plan to have BB. So i have decided to get these 2 injections b4 have BB. But what worried me is few days ago me and my Hubby have intercourse,and worried it will "bingo"..Besides, after the Rubella vaccination have injected, NO SEX in 3 months time..
Have anyone here facing the same problem? thanx..

Hi Piggy mummy,
I heard of the jab but not sure what's the effect if really bingo. U able to check whether u fertile during that time u have intercourse? Shld be can have sex but cannot get pregnant. If I rem correctly.

If not, u can try post a new thread and seek other advice.
