Anybody tried Character Montessori Playgroup


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Anybody tried the above montessori in Pasir Ris, Pungol or Ang Mo kio ? If so please share your comments

Hi tweety,

My frd send her boy to the AMK branch. She went ard AMK n to her she find tat Character Montessori is not bad. I thght of sending my boy there too but personally I have not go down to see yet.

May I know how old is ur kid?
Hi tweety
my son has been in Character Montessori Punggol since Mar this year.
will be enrolling my daughter next February.
I find the school quite good.
My boy has been in CM Punggol since the beginning of Sep. The school, being new, is very clean.
The teachers are very friendly and my boy is very happy and well settled in.

How old is your son? Which class is he in?
Mine is born in Feb 05 in the PN1 class.
hi, has anyone tried the AMK Character Montessori?

is it expensive?

somehow, i have the perception that montessori methd may turn up a kid that's true is this? or just a misconception?
yes, the half day program includes breakfast if you drop off the child before 8am, one tea break and lunch. Pick-up time is 12pm.
Yup, it's not cheap.
Hi lilipit,

May I know y u got tis preception tat montessori methd may turn up a kid that's selfish? Can share wit me?

Wat is the difference btw montessori n the playgroup like AppleTree or NTUC Childcare? I confused wit the above n some said tat NTUC or AppleTree is not good n wont learn thing, it is true?
Hi babygrace
sorie, just saw your post.
My son is in Nursery (full day).
There are 3 PN classes there right?
I will be trying my dd, born in May 06, for half day first coming February.

Hi Katherine, my son used to attend one of those void deck childcare before in Tampines. There really is a difference in terms of environment and quality. The teacher to student ratio is much lower in CM and I feel my son is better taken care of here.
Hi Constance,
My boy is born in Feb 05 and he's in the middle PN1 class, there's another class of kids that are younger than him, so your dd will join that class in Feb.
He just went for the zoo trip with the school on tues.
Hi Hoon
My son is in Nursery actually.
My dd will be going PreN1 coming Jan.

Hi smallonion
The half day charges are $700 before working mum subsidy.
There's montessori playtime and main curiculum learning (using montessori materials) for the half day programme.
You may wanna contact the center's supervisor, Jennifer, for further info.
Hi all,
When do you all start enrolling your children for CM montessori classes?My dd is 11 months now and my hubby is planning to send her foe Appletree classes.Need more advise,thanks
my son coming 13mth..i plan to enrol him at a playgp at 18mth for a few hrs a day so he can learn new stuff and to socialise w other kids of his age.
where do u stay? SK?

It all depends on your budget.
The high-end ones will be Pat's school house, Julia gabriels etc.
Some childcare centres offer flexi arrangements where u can drop the child there for a few hrs or a few days in a week.
I started my boy in a 1.5hr playgroup at SK CC when he turned 2. My main purpose then was just to let him interact and get used to a "school" routine. The fees are very affordable but what you pay is what you get, can't expect too much lah. I decided to send him there because it's v near my place and i can't send him too far as i've got a younger one to tend to also. But all these were interim measures before i sent him to Character Montesorri.
Hi Babygrace,
Staying at Simei,east area..I know Pat's school house,Julia Gabriels are expensive.But I thought those are for kids ard 2.5 years and above??My hubby dun agree me sending her there cause of the pricing.So I guess I will consider Character Monte,cause still in the middle range and I guess should be better than Appletree.

I heard there's baby inc and baby planet catering for 18months and above.but I dun know how's the pricing...Any idea?
U got to go to both CM and MMI SK to look look see see, and talk to the teachers there lor.
I went MMI SK. quite bad first impression. Find the teachers there quite haughty.
remember to bring your kid there too.
babygrace n Hoon
Ur kids still in CM?
My dd is full day there starting from Jan this year. the older Pre-N class a lot of students leh.
Hi constance!

I went CM to take a look already and found it quite pleasant. At what age did you start your kiddos there? I am hesitating because theirs is either half or full day care.

I am interested in playgroup actually. Or do you have any good recs in pgl/sk area?
hi Constance,
My son is also in the older Pre-N class before we withdraw him out in Feb cos he fall sick too often. We've decided to let him take a break from school for a few month. Might be going back in June. How do you found the teaching so far?
FATES!! u also beoing CM!!!

I went there like 3-4times... quite like the place. but i still dunno when to start him yet! ;p

u looking at playgrp near to pgl? Pgl plaza Tumble tots (1.5hrs) or Shekinah Montessori (3hrs). Think both not bad.
anyone have the latest "sch fees" info?

full day is it still $890? so after subsidy is $740?
MT! Bump into you here again! *WAVE** :p:p

Yes a friend's daughter is there and rec it to us

They mentioned dayspring kindergarten is not bad too, but I haven't get the chance to pay them a visit. From outside the place seems OLD.

Back to CM, why you wanna put Z at full day care when he got a nanny? The full day care seems to be in the range of $900 leh....price list at home.

Shekinah good? A malay establishment or? How's Z at Tumble tots? Yes I am interested in playgroup for J to socialise.
fates, how old is yr child? my girl is now with Kinderland Preschool(serangoon branch). The one nearer wld be the hougang branch but it's a childcare.
Previously she was with GUG playgroup, but now I think the zoophonics aren't as good as it claimed...
Has anyone done any research on Montessori's phonics? Can share?
Fates - I heard many good comments from Constance mah! haha :p And also visited the place many times.

Dayspring - is only a kindy. so only hv 3hrs program. U can check out "bridges monetssori" if u dun mind kindy style schs for J.

I am thinking to go fullday CC and stop nanny loh. but still thinking nia.. :p

Shekinah - I went to visit the PP branch and spoke to the teacher. The teacher sounds not bad... and their teaching also "sound" good.

Tumble tots - Z only went for 2days as he had a accident after tat so i stop it first. u never read my blog huh! :p
the older PreN class has alot of students leh. wonder how many teachers r there. My dd is in the younger PreN class. ard 7 students with 2 teachers and a helper. So far, find the teaching quite okie. She is able to count from one to ten and recites from a to z before she went cm. Now from sch lessons, she is beginning to recognise the written numbers.

I think you gotta go there and c for yourself lor. My 5 yr old son has been there for a year already. no 2, who is 22 mths old now, has been attending full day since jan. my no 2 around yours and mtdt's kids age rite? Actually there's some mummies here who dun really like CM, but i find it still okie lah. btw, Shekinah is not bad too. I went there to visit before too.
constance - wat bad comments have u hear abt CM?

Fates kid is May bb, mine is Jun bb, urs is Nov bb rite?

btw i wan to check... so far ur gal got fall sick??

any outbreak of HFMD now?
hi mtdt
ever came across one thread commenting that the staff there quite rude and dun deliver what they promise. but can't remember which thread.

My no 2 is May bb, same as fates'.

yup, ever since she start cc, fall sick quite often. my no 1 also kept falling sick when he just started cc last time. think gotta give at least half a year for their immune system to settle down first.

nope, no hfmd outbreak so fast, but i got a scare last friday.
Sch called me to ask me to bring my dd back cos found an ulcer in her mouth. I brought her to c pd, end up it's just a normal ulcer. Heng manzzz.
MT ah! Got read your blog saddened by it. Very happy to know he's recovering well **HUGS**

How is Weecare? :p:p
So you stopped tumbletots after Z's accident? Not returning?

Anyway Bridges Montessori is OUT la....SO FAR!!! Haa haa...
I'll go Shekinah take a look one of these afternoons.

Hi constance! Ya I saw the thread which post quite bad comments about CM...I think they were talking about the Pasir Ris branch?
While I was there, I guess I saw your daughter as there is only one FT preN girl over there. My concerns..the kids seems to do their activity in tiny air-conditioned room, won't this be a concern as germs spread faster in air-coned place?
Fates - thanks. He is recovering well
Weecare - so far so good too

Tumble tots - thinking of resting for at least a mth. so still not sure if going back. esp when hv plans to change him to CC.

Bridges Vs Dayspring - SAME MAH! still in the far end of pgl road. (actually Bridges is one junction nearer)

Room small meh? tot the size quite ok.
If u look at some other CCs, the area even smaller!!! hahaha

but ya - aircon is a concern. Germs will spread v v fast. But i saw tat at times they will open up the window (with aircon still on). maybe to air the room also.

Constance - aiyoh.. really a scare! lucky nothing
btw how big is 1 class huh?
yup, mtdt is rite. they open up the windows even with aircon still on. only during nap time then they close the windows. I think the thread talking abt punggol cm, cos both christine and jennifer are based there.

There are 8 kids in my no 1's K1 class, and 7 in my no 2 class. Their classes have the least no of kids. For the other older PreN 1, there are 21!! kids. that's y i am asking Hoon how many teachers are there for that class?? The K2 class has 9 kids, Nursery has ard 18?? But i do see alot of teachers there, thou not sure who is assigned to which classes.
contance & Fates - which thread is tat? i also wan to read. :p

Wow!!! 21kids?? if really 21kids in tat "classroom" then really TOO SMALL n TOO CROWDED leh.
It's this thread la

MT - Dayspring is nearer la....Bridges you still need to walk so far in! Horrid....I drove past one afternoon, and saw some mummies walking out...alamak!! So are you seriously considering CM? For me I prefer a playgroup la....will go Shekinah take a look.

Weecare is a CC?

constance ~ So are their comments about CM true? There are 7 in your no.2 class but all are on half-days except for your daughter hor..
Hi mummies,

Like to join in the discussion. I'm sending my ger to the school in July. So keeping my fingers crossed.

So far, have been to the schools and like what I see and hear, for now. Have also spoken to the principal Grace and like her style. Compared to others, she is very focused on sharing with me the curriculum , rather than the school fees, etc etc.

I met the form teacher Ms Bhavani on Sat and she said the enrichment classes like chinese painting and pottery rooms would be ready soon. They will be held once a week, around 3pm.

Mich pointed out your daughter to me bfore. THe first time I saw her she was crying (i think she just enrolled). But when we went again recently, she was like a little big sister already. So cute!!
fates - u sure? tot Dayspring is futher... dayspring is nearer to Qdees and carpe diem rite? anyway nvm... all also far! hhaha

Playgp style - u can consider punggol plaza ones. Weecare - not a CC. they have daily playgroup style class too. but abit far lah.. at somerset mah.
actually i dun find Christine rude leh. She is very friendly and polite to us even though we are "existing customers".

On the swimming pool addition, yeah i do agree that the sch did mention that when i enrolled my kids then in early 07. but nothing done so far lor.

Yup, my no 2 is the youngest kid in full day now.

Ms Bhavani is my no 2's form teacher. She calls her Ms Barney. haha
So far she is enjoying school and doesn't cry anymore when we drop her off every morning.
My no 1, in K1, has been attending chinese painting and pottery since he enrolled last Mar there.

Yup i think that older preN class very big also. but not sure which room they occupy, or whether they split the class into 2 rooms.
Hi constance,

Good to hear your gal is adapting well. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Two new kids joined this week i think so the class is getting bigger.

Hahaha..yes, my girl too. She said "Ms Bhavani not barney". Btw, if your gal toilet trained?? Mine is not and I am quite lazy to train her now. But if she can tell the teacher her diaper is soiled, i guess gd enuff.
hahaha... Ms Barney!!!!
no wonder the kids love to go cc... maybe they tot go CC can see that purple dino?? :p

My boy is "trained" to poo in potty... but but... need sometime to be on the potty i think. like tat how huh? equals to not potty train rite?? dun think the teachers will be eng to "monitor" him on the potty rite?

Ur kid there oredi?
my dotter very funny. potty trained, depends on her mood. at hm, sometimes she will tell us. sometimes she do business in her diapers oredi then inform us.

the teachers say they will potty train the kids in batches when they r ready.
