Any SAHM staying at Yishun?

Hi zazan! Welcome! My Kirsten was born on 3 Jan 06, so Zanne and her are less than 1 week apart!

Hi Yishun mummies, I'm back! Been out of action for quite a while...

Here's my favourite photo of Kirsten at 6 weeks

hi vale! i was hoping she ll be out during xmas or new year...better still be the the first bb of the year
. if i know that mine ll be cesarean, i ll request my gynea to arrange for that date.

oh my gosh !
i really don understand why my gal is so tan... as compared to urs ... hmmm i think i drink too much coke during pregnancy.
Zazan, why did you have to go for C-sect? My girl is also quite tan but the lighting of the photo makes her skin looks fairer!
By the way, are you breastfeeding Zanne?

Small Bell, Kirsten is sleeping in peace now because I've put her in the tummy-down sleeping position, otherwise she startles very easily... At night, she still wakes up on average 2 times. I wonder if one day, she decides to sleep thru the night, and my breasts becomes very hard, will my MS be affected? Should I pump in the middle of the night to relieve the pressure?
welcome zazan..
zanne is so chubby!!!can i hug her?

kirsten getting cuter... i want to hug her too..
my gal use to sleep tummy-down too.. cos she startles easily. think both our gals are very much alike...

if u want to contd bf for long. suggest u pump often.
Welcome Zazan!!

Aiyoh, I really missed DD at this stage...still not mobile yet. Been hvg tough times wz Gabby lately. She fell at the supermart last week, now has a 3" long mark on her cheek! So mummies, if you c any kiddo in Yishun wz a slash mark on the cheek...That's Gabby!

I swaddled DD till she outgrown the largest wrap I can get!! Short of joining bit & pieces to continue swaddling! Hahaha! We also put a beansrout husk pillow in her chest. She's been sleeping well this way. Only out her on her tummy during nap time after she knew how to turn her body, abt 4mo.
it will be good for you to still pump during the night (i notice more milk at around 4-5am). But if you have enough FBM for storage, then you could stop the night pumping.
its a long story...i went for check up one day after edd 27dec he realise that there's not much water left in the sac and ask me to admit the very night for induction. He was also planning for vacation on the 29dec, so he might not be able to deliver my gal if i hold on till labour pain. Half way thru my labour pain, my gal distress and pass motion gynea suggested that i shld go on c sect as zanne is slightly big if i go on natural labour it might take a while esp i m still in first stage of labour. True enough she was born 3.73kg... sad thing is i was not able to carry her the very moment when she was born. i was put on anesthetic so my hb cant be with me during the opt. Actually i dont like the idea of seeing my stomach being slit open so thank god they put me to sleep.

nope my breast stop producing milk after 2wks.

thank u yes u may hug her ...

re : tummy down position
i let my gal sleep tummy down during nap time... izzit safe???

my god... goodness u must be very "sim tia". I am also very worried abt kid hazard... my hb ll kill me man if i let my gal fall... she's the jewel of his eyes now... me no place to stand liao...
Yishum mummies
anyone know where's the organic product shop at Yishun Central? I can't find it. Has it closed down or move somewhere?
welcome zazan!

Hi valerie
bb cheeks so rosy!

hi ixwong
i know there is 1 inside the chongpang market.
i think the lady boss from taiwan.
the shop is inside the wet market itself, next to the row of pork stalls. They sell a mix of fresh produce and packed stuff, but no bb products.

I manage to locate the shop at central. Unfortunately, dun carry bb cereals as well.
hi lach

there are quite a number of veg stall that declare they sell organic veg. I only buy those packaged n sealed cos i not sure those loose ones are really organic or not.

yes the shop i mentioned is near the pork stalls

hi ixwong

yes i got to go all the way to novena square to buy earth's best cereal. it's rather ex - $7.

my darling got used to the cereal since i started her with it but we were staying in usa then so buying there is so much cheaper - $2+....

Now she is going thru the fussy pharse. at times she won't eat anything. well i have come to terms that she eat something is better than she don't eat. will still buy even if it's ex.

anybody know anywhere nearer sell earth best?
I'm back finally... had a difficult time hunting down this thread.

Heehee... any gatherings in the north?

Returning back to the workforce next Fri.. :-(
supernature at Park house orchard selling earth best & Heathy Times at only $5.25 a box. The cereals are not listed but they carry them. They do free delivery if buy over $150. If a few mummies in Yishun interested, we can pool our purchases since all stay so close to each other.

welcome back. so far no gathering liao...
thanks for the info.

I am interested in the HT or EB cereal.
but anyone knows how much Brown Rice Paradise is selling ? (i have 10%off but i cant rem how much they retail) so want to see if the price are similar.

yalor.. this thread has gone abit quiet...
i haven had the chance to meet the other mummies.
i tik a gathering on weekends will be good.
quiet.... heehee... let's get it heated up again.

Haha... :) After the HFMD craze, maybe it's a good idea to org some gathering. :)
HI to all Mummies!~~

New here in this forum

Staying at Yishun ST 81 ......... i have 2 darlings ...Boy (going 17mth) n Gal (going 5mth)

Cheers to all
Brown rice paradise selling at $7 a box for EB cereal.

Welcome Ausash
I stay at Blk 300+, near safra Yishun. My dear son is 8 month old, and just started babbling....:D
your kids are so adorable..

we might be 'block neighbours..' hehe
any response for the cereal?
depending on date of expiry, i am keen to buy a few boxes. my gal down to her last box.
no one seem interested in order consolidation leh. U want to go ahead first? I still got 2 more boxes of oatmeal in my drawer, so urgency not as great. BTW, supernature got free parking, so better than Brown Rice Paradise. Remember to call first to check stock b4 u go down
Hi all r u gals doing?

Yeah HFMD is so scary, the used-to-be noisy playground below my block has become so quiet!

AusAsh, welcome!! Me also St 81!!

haiz now i so stress up got stuck in between my hub n my sisters!!! Can someone advise what i should do??

Currently we are on 1 income but now hub prefer me to go work so must hire maid in then bring babies + maid to in law place.. but in laws also both not pink of health n clumsy at times, house also not safe ... then my sister all dun have good experiences on maid then they are more worry than me seeing my kids over there. STRESSing me not to leave maid n kids with them...
Like that how...
Hi hi

Thanks thanks for the advise. But infant care abit too ex . Childcare is an option for me but hub prefer to hire a maid. Haiz guess have to try out lor no choice.

Thanks SmallBell,
But a real monster that can cause my blood pressure to rise hahahha.

Hi cakey & cher ,
Nice to know that ur stay at st 81 too. Im staying at blk 830
hi AusAsh,
I'm staying at blk 838 so quite near yr place
These few days my bb's favorite activity is to watch the pasar malam from our house's window hehe.. But at night got to close the windows cos is too noisy for her to sleep...
hi AushAsh,
make sure you get a reliable maid agency... some charge lower but the maid didnt go thru basic training as what govt require. when you have a maid make sure that you train her well before going into the work force. My mum got her ind maid from this agency, so far so good now she's with us for 3yrs. Now she can speak mandarin and a little bit of hokkien. The previous maid that she hired work with us for 4yrs. she can even take mrt to kk visit my sister during her hospitalization. My mum recom this agency to a lot of her friends and relatives so far no complain. if you are interested i can give you the no. But of course prior to this there's a lot of effort being made... the intial stage is very tiring as they know nothing. Actually i do believe on luck too, we do encounter not so good ones but problems were not that serious. I can understand how your sister feel, as its really draining to employ a wrong person. You can reassure your sis that u ll train the maid well before sending her to your pil place.

i'm staying at blk 633...we are staying just ard the corner, wow can meet up some time. u gals tried the bedok power nasi lemak at pasar malam? its so long queue.... my mum queue for 1hr 30mins bought 6 packs cost her $25. hehehe she choose all the good dishes like cuttlefish and prawns. Its quite good can try.....
hi zazan,
You mean the boonlay nasi lemak near the traffic junction? very long queue leh... Sat night I bought some malay bamboo kuah (like tutu) at another stall and ended up diarrhea.. thus now abit wary of the food selling at PM..
hi zazan ,

Thanks and of course i will make sure that i train up the maid n make sure she is doing well before i join back the work force. IF not i guess i still stay home to look after hahahha.
ya i believe getting a good maid is mainly LUCK too lor.. btw wats the agency name?

Hey but thanks ya for all ur advices!!
Thanks for ur listening ears as well

Hi mommies!

Re maid. Yes, I tink it's really luck. Can u believe we hv changed 4 maids within 8 months!!! Really nitemare for us! Luckily this 4th one so far so good. Phew!!!

Me staying Blk 867, further a bit, but I do frequent the NTUC & coffeeshop facing the pasar malam for bfast.
Hi mummies,

FYI, NTUC @ Yishun MRT is selling Healthy Times Cereal at S$6.80/box (don't know cheap or not cos first time buying) and will be having a promotion at S$6.60/box starting tomolo.

Thanks 4 the info
Yes! Yes! interested.
anyone buying?

din drop in for a while
realise quite a number of new mummies.
welcome zazan, ausash, all new mummies in this thread (juz in case i miss out).

Thks twinkle for the info.
We shd not add cereal into milk bottle for bb. The intention of feeding semi solids is to get bb used to spoon feeding. To make the cereal (in a bowl), u can add water or milk as per instructions on the box.
hey mums,
Polling day on May 6.
If we need to do our duty,
Would love to meet some mums for a quick cuppa in the morning before taking a nice stroll to the polling station.

think i saw you,
arbish pat for not introducing... hehe
see you soon?

Where in Yishun.
after reading posts tat xxx mum stay at this street and that blk.. i realise tat i have no idea where these places are
so embarassing.
eg. 800+ is where? St 81 is where?
i only rem landmark not the street name of blk area, guess i better get a road directory n study.
Hi Lach!

That's a gd idea to meet on polling day! My area is sure walkover, we're under AMK GRC.

800+ is at Khatib station. St 81 is tucked behind the neighbourhood shops opp Khatib Station...where Orchid Park is. No nd to get directory lah... Just ask anyone of us here
hi ausash
i add water to the cereal and then spoon feed my darling.
to get her on FM, i add 1/2 -3/4 scoop of FM with water to the cereal sometimes.

hope this helps.

hi lach
sori i jia lar.... we meet b4 at pat's place is it?
sori din recognise u yesterday. :p
recently i become more blur.
my neighbour was just telling the other day saying that i m more forgetful n blur now. sometimes things she already told me i oso forget or things i told her, i wld repeat again n again thinking i hv not told her.
she said must go eat ginko nuts.
seriously thinking of buying n i think i also need more sleep n rest.

yah! meet up for tea/coffee/milo b4 going to poll.
but where is the polling station/sch? for yishun/sembawang?
Sound like a gd idea. Will confirm again once I figure out whether my blk is under which ward? :p My MP is ho peng kee - is it part of semb GRC or nee soon east huh? not sure if he's being contested.
hi ixwong & ac

Thanks thanks ...fedding my boy last time with cereal was so much easy than feeding to my girl now. She seem so reluctant hahahah
Totally 2 different pattern hahahha

Hey ac,

Does ginko nuts really help to improve our memory hahahah wat i heard about it was it will become poison if eaten too many lei!
Think saw in newspaper happen in china or taiwan a lady died after consuming too many ginko nuts.
Aiya dun know many is how many lei hahhaah

sorry, suddenly forgot to say ac was from yishun thread. But at least you have seen how she looks like.

Lach did not come my house the last time. I am sure we will have the chance to meet up soon.
I just moved to yishun 1.5 yr ago at 2004. Not sure whether I can vote here or have to vote under my old address? Usually voting venue is at some school is it? This is first time I get to vote so very blur hehe..
There's a nice cafe at St81 (inside the CC). Maybe mummies can meet there for coffee before voting
thks ausash for the caution.

ya lor i also heard some related news but it happened to a boy in China. He died i think.

i think more sleep is the best cure. good for my skin too cos my skin not as smooth as clear as b4.

me look 4ward to meet up again.

i think if u go declare ur new address at the police station then u wld have 2 vote for yishun instead of your old place.

forget to add:
ausash how did u manage to get ur darlings pic so nicely fitting 2gether huh?

btw, they look so lovely.
