Any MTB staying at Ang Mo Kio

Hi Nicole, if your boss is so not understanding it is just as well you resign. Because this means she is quite a slave driver lor. Yup I know it is so much better to rest at home when tired because if in office must tong no matter what. Now I work part time, so I was so glad during my morning sickness days don't have to endure in office or it is so miserable.

My elder one is a girl, this one also another girl. I counting down the days liao, hope it is soon because feel so heavy. Now 11 days to due date and counting. Sept will come very fast, for me the months also just fly by. What do you do daily at home when your elder girl is not around and in school? You must take this time to relax and rest coz next time go back to work no chance already. Now enjoy hee hee.

Mich, when my gal not around, i will do all the necessary daily housechores lor, if not i will surf net awhile, MSN chat with my friends online. I will nap after that, watch tv till when my HB and gal come back. When are you going on leave since you are still working thou is part-time? I can understand how heavy you are now cos i can feel the weight thou i am just about coming 7 months..

Do you drink coconut water? They say 8 months onwards you start drinking your baby comes out will have a good complexion.
Nicole, I keep drinking coconut water coz I feel so hot and coconut is so nice and cold

I already stopped work last week for now. So I am very very bored... so whole day chatting online or go out. But go out also quite hard coz sometimes cannot walk too long and cannot get seats on the MRT. And my toddler is not home in the day, so I also end up doing housework and sleeping. My hubby tells me I might as well accumulate all the rest now since after baby is born no more rest for a while.
Mrg Mich, so when you start to drink coconut water? How many times we can drink per week? My MIL scared if i drink too much, it will be too cooling for the baby. She keeps telling me dont drink cold water, dont take too cooling stuff etc if not baby comes out will have alot of problem.. Sometimes i find that she is over-worried such things..Since i know she is very particular over this,, even i drink, i wont tell her also.. My mum is the reverse, she said that preggies can take cooling stuff but not often, if not the baby will become very heaty..

Just liked me, when i was a baby, i was down with severe jaundice. Reason why cos my mum ate too many durians and never take any cooling stuffs when she was pregnant.
Now weather so hot, you ask me to go out, i rather you "kill" me. Hehehehe
take MRT/Bus if it is crowded, nobody will give up their seats.. end up have to stand all the way.. Btw, which blk you are staying if you dont mind me asking.. you mentioned St 22, issit near to AMK Sec Sch? If you have MSN, you can add me [email protected]. So maybe we can chat from there.
Nicole, I drink maybe 2-3 times a week. I don't think its a problem lah... I am very fond of eating cooling stuff during my first pregnancy... my girl is perectly well hardly get cough at all. I live at blk 234, opposite Mayflower Secondary School. I will add you onto MSN tomorrow... Ya lor, now weather so hot, I always wait for my hubby to drive me around or I refuse to go anywhere. Especially now, only 10 days from due date, hubby worried if I alone outside then suddenly water bag break or something...

Phy, getting ready for the big day?
All set up already?
Mrg Mich, in fact my MIL stays very near to you, she stays Blk 118.. Every weekday evenings, my HB will fetch my gal and i to her place for dinner.. Hehehe cos i dont know how to cook mah.. :p Yah lor, you better dont go anywhere since you are going to "pop" soon..

I am going to my mum's place with my gal now. I dont think i will be able to chat with you on MSN today liao.. Maybe tomorrow or what.. You do take care
Rest as much as possible..
Hi Nicole, I added you to MSN liao... no worries, we chat another day. So nice MIL can cook dinner for you and hubby
I paiseh to trouble my MIL coz she already looking afte my toddler. Then my mum live overseas. But she will come and help out after my confinement lady leaves.

Last time, when I was not married, I used to stay with my dad at Blk 117.
Mich, i have added you in my msn as well.. I know where exactly you stay liao, just behind the Sheng Song Supermart Blk
Do you go Sheng Song to buy all the household cleaning Stuffs? I realise they are cheaper than NTUC thou. Btw, which hospital are you going to deliver? Mine will be Thomson Medical
Hi ladies

Havent been here for some time. How are all of you?

Havent been sleeping well recently cos my gal always sleep in the day then kick me in the night when the mummy wants to sleep. Aiyoh want to scold her already - talk nicely to her never work :p
Hi Vicky, long time no see. My boy also liked your gal enjoys kicking at night and early morning about 5am.. Morning and afternoon sometimes only.

Btw, how many months are you now? sorry i have lost track. :p
Hi Nicole

We all same same mah - u also due in Sep right?
My colleague was saying if baby is more active at night, then more likely to give birth at night then. Wah hope not..i need my beauty sleep :p

Mich - me everyday at home, cleaning, doing laundry, ironing, preparing baby's room. Packing the house. Keke ... quite nervous. Big day arriving in 10 days. But I was talking to baby ask her maybe come out earlier cos mummy quite sick of seeing doctor and feeling pain. I mean not that pain but now she's moving downwards type of pain.

By the way, you checked out the babies resort? How was it? I was walking home from church last Sunday and noticed it. Think it's a new shop, same blk as the wellington. So funny. Two infantcare shops in the block.

Nicole - me got no more contractions at all man! Think I'm relaxed until baby likes staying inside already. She's been a good gal. Initially I still worry. Now totally no need to worry. Just worry overdue. Hubby wants me to induce if overdue. He doesn't want me to delay any longer ... keke
Hello vickvick, yes mine also Sept, 12 Sept. My #1 came out early morning 3am.. what do you think.. by the time i pushed her out liao, i already dozed off in the delivery theatre haha
, i hope my baby can come out at night lor cos at least my hubby is at home with me. If daytime, i have to go to the hospital myself, abit scared leh...

Phy O , glad you are doing fine. Just bear with the pain for a while, think of her coming out, her face etc, you will think all the pain definitely worth it ...
Vick, i will be at Thomson Medical cos my gynae Dr Joycelyn Wong is there. How about you? I went to Motherhood Exhibition this afternoon at Expo, i find nothing much there lor but the Nepia Diaper Booth full of people.. Alot are getting cartons of diapers. can you imagine.. They selling $14/pack + 4 pcs free if i am not wrong.. I never buy cos i find is abit early for me to grab
Hi ladies, sorry so long never log in, I delivered last Sunday. I delivered at Mt Alvernia. Yup I live just behind Sheng Siong so very convenient.

Phy, your turn akan datang liao. All the best for your delivery. Yup I was surprised 2 infant cares in the same area... like the place got a lot of babies like that???

I will be at Mt Alvernia. Going to the exhibition tommorrow to take a look too. Hee hee think the nepia pricing very attractive leh. I KS - Have already bought some Pigeon diapers
Congrats Mich, i suspected you have delivered cos it been quite a few days you never log on cos normally you are very prompt hehehe
.. So how's the delivery? Fast?

Vick, quite a few mummies here delivered at Mt Alvernia leh.. My #1 was at Mt Alvernia.. Woah.. so fast you bought all the diapers liao hehehehe..
Hi Nicole, not that fast leh... actually same time as my first one... about 12 hours... here is the story:

Water bag break about 10.30pm at night. We pack bag and go to hospital at around 11.30pm. Nurse says only 1cm dilated but since water bag break must stay in for monitoring.

Put on CTG machine at 2am and 5.30am... nurse keeps telling me the machine dun detect any contraction. But I have alot of pain in the lower abdomen area and ask for the the gas mask. So the nurse told me its just pressure, say tahan lor coz since its not contraction there is no painkiller for it. I tahan from about 3am till 8am and it was so painful.

By 8am, I was so fedup and decided I am going to insist on painkiller. The nurse came in (a different one coz chang shift liao) and check, she says going to fully dilated and ask me whether I want epi. That time so painful I say Yes Yes.

So the doctor came put on epi for me, felt much better. Then 9.30am, the nurse say get ready for pushing. Baby came out at 10.06am.

I can kill the nurse who tell me no contractions! I can't believe I went from 1cm to 10cm without painkillers... never suffer so much before.
Mich, poor you.. tahan so long. I can imagine how is it liked thou i never experience long hours of labour.. But at least now you finally see your little Princess, the pain is worth it. YOu need to rest more since it is your confinement period now.. Get plenty of rest if can ..
Take care ya
Hihi morning ladies!

Me still in waiting mode. keke ... baby happily inside my tummy, and I'm also quite happy to have her there. keke
Yo Mich!

6 hours without painkillers? You mean they didn't even give you the laughing gas? Then did they check on you every hour? Or they just let the machine graph you while you suffer? Was your hubby with you.

I know what it's like to be strapped to the CTG machine. Kena before, feel like crying but must put on a brave front everytime the nurse comes to check which is every hour. Very uncomfortable. So quite surprised you dilated and had contractions but they didn't even notice.

But still, must salute you! So brave!
Phy, when is EDD? Must take more rest now, or when baby comes out, not much time. You got Confinement lady?

Nicole, yup I trying to sleep as much in between feeds since every 3 hours got feeding... think this will last a few months, but i just hang in there and it will be over soon. They grow up fast...
Phy, ya lor, had no painkillers from 10pm (waterbag burst) till next morn 8am... the pain very bad from 3am onwards... They never check inside leh only use the machine. Then later the nurse tells me machine also got mistake one. My hubby went home coz i told him no point for him to have a sleepless nite with me. He came back next morning at 8.30am in time to see me get the epidural and then we start pushing at 9.30am. I not that brave lah... I wanted the gas mask but they refused to give me...
Hi Nicole,

Me still waiting. Today went to buy ingredients for yong tao hu soup and the lady in the market said that I was going to deliver soon. I laughed and said I dunno man, now in waiting mode, waiting for baby to knock door and arrive. Then she said there's a gal in our neighbourhood last week gave birth. She was one week earlier. So interesting, wonder who she is.
Waa Mich, from 10am to 9.30am? Aiyo, you must really be blaming the machines.

My EDD is this Sat haha ... but doctor will see me this Friday to give verdict whether I'm dilated at all or not. As of last Friday, I'm not dilated. In fact, I dun mind post due a little, cos in that way it won't eat into my holidays. Also, if I dun eat too much, I can comfortably carry babies wt, though after a heavy meal, I will not be able to walk fast, but slow like tortoise. Keke ...

Yes yes, thinking why I'm so sleepy so frequently, mebbe it's cos I need to rest more before baby pops. My mum still asks me to go and walk walk, says like that baby come out faster. Haiz, then she dunno learn from who want to go make pig leg ginger stew and must soak one month. I was thinking, will I eat? I dun really like to drink those things, but no choice must entertain her. Feel so miserable. Y we confinement must do all those things? Like carry baby 9 months of suffering not enough ... after that must get tortured for another month. Sigh ....
Phy, wow this Saturday only a few days away. So really can be any moment liao. When I saw my doctor on Wed I also not dilated but on Sat waterbag burst so very hard to say.

I also hate those ginger pig stew. But my relatives like... so my aunty go and make one big pot. I mean who is on confinement here man? ha ha. Now everyday got to drink red date water (yucks). Although confinement lady say cannot drink water I also dun care. Seriously how to tahan esp when breastfeeding. And who wants to drink red date water at 3am as its so sticky and hot. Water is still best.
Hi ladies, i agree man!!! I hate the pig leg ginger stew too, worst if they put the black vinegar.. wah piang very stinko one.. i alreday told my MIL i am not taking it.. anyway she said no point she cook if i dont eat .. Heng ah for me
the next thing i fear of is cannot drink too much water, imagine suffering from constipation.. wah.. really pain sia..

Phy O, i also dont know who is the lady just gave birth leh.. I only know you who is staying around our estate.. the rest of the preggies whom i saw at my blk.. i dont know them hehehe cos they never join this thread mah.. i know my blk many preggies... even the bread shop beside 7-eleven, the lady boss is also one. Her due is end August, a bb gal also.. You dont walk too much liao.. earlier stage is still fine not now cos you are "popping" soon better not lah.

Mich, the reason why cannot take too much water cos scared you kena water retention, then at that time you have to say bye bye to your svelt figure. You can drink but try to limit lor.. You got switch on fan anot? If feel hot, just on the fan lah.. i seriously cannot tahan hot one...
Phy, I very long never participate in the June 07 thread already because I was caught up with work and then my girl was going to childcare. Thread move so fast, no time to catch up lor.

Nicole, my first girl I also use stemcord. Second one, never store the stemcell leh. Huh, drink water will cause water retention ah? I pregnant also dun have water retention so hopefully now won't have.

Elaine, welcome.
thanks mich,

so u gals have oredi know the gender liaoz?? for me got to wait another 2 more weeks for my next visit. hopefully my bb cooperate keke
Elaine, I gave birth already only last week. Now I have 2 girls, elder one is 2 years old. You are now in your week 18? Next scan is detailed scan. Where do u live in AMK?
Hi Elaine Welcome!

Mich wah i really pei fu u.Was still thinking backside itchy maybe want to try how it is like with epidural :p

Nicole u intend to store the cord blood? Have u decided which one?
Mich, thanks for your info. So remember you want back your svelt figure then dont drink so much water.. Hehehehe
You can alternate your red dates with black dates also.. if can, just put some dried longan to make it slightly sweeter.Your breast milk supply ok anot? Do you substitute with formula milk?

Vick, i havent decided yet, My lau gong says no point storing in Stemcord or Cordlife, waste of $$$ and if touch wood you wanna take out one day, you have to pay a sum. He is thinking of storing with Singapore Cord Blood Bank.How about you Vick? Made up your mind liao.. In fact not all illness can use own cord blood, some still have to find others suitable donors.Woah, you want to go without epidural eh.. Just liked me when i had my #1, but thank god it was just a short delivery... 2 hours of pain nia.. in fact i am considering optional for this time round cos old liao dont know still can tahan pain anot..hehehehe
If possible, i also dont want epidural, cos i know roughly the pain is until which level so i am mentally prepared..

Elaine, you excited to know your bb gender? In fact in this thread most mummies already "pop" only left Phy O who is going to "pop" this Sat, me and Vick.. Me and Vick are Sept mum.. Mine is a baby boy.. He was not very co-operative during my 3rd month scan and 4th month.. during my 5th month scan, he is very co-operative, open his legs wide apart.. no shy sia.. Try to talk to your bb tell him/her to be co-operative so mummy can buy nice nice clothes for him/her to wear
thanks vick

nicole .... wat is pop?? keke. ya indeed i'm excited to know. so i got to chat wif him often to make my bb to cooperate :p
vickvick, I never want to give birth another time without epi... if I really have a 3rd one, I will ask for epi from the 1st labour pain ha ha.

Nicole, breastmilk supply better now. Had to supplement for a few days, now seems better so no need liao. Am trying to total breastfeed if possible. I didn't manage to for my elder one so this round I want to try.

Elaine, I feel baby movement about week 20-22.
Mich, then in hospital you got try to breastfeed your gal anot? My #1 i never do so cos i scared when she cry, will disturb other ladies cos mine that time was a 4-bedded ward mah.. I am thinking of trying this time for my boy but pai sei if he suddenly cry very loud.. Hehehe
i scared pai sei mah

Elaine, i feel my bb movement about 20 weeks lor.. in fact 16 weeks i can feel abit liao.. now getting more.. esp at night and early morning.. you can feel them when you are in a total relax mood, lying flat position or sitting down watching tv

Elaine, its like a flutter inside... and it gets stronger as the weeks go by.

Nicole, yup I got breastfeed. I dun think you should worry too much. Because the babies are quite sleepy at that stage. usually will feed and then fall straight back to sleep. The most wheel back to nursery and ask nurses to take over hee hee.
