Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

There will be baby competition organised by Mother and Baby magazine this coming Aug (5 Aug - 27 Aug).

There are two contests:
1. for baby between 8 - 12 months of age as of 31 July 2006.

2. for toddler between 13 - 18 months of age as of 31 July 2006.

Forms are to be collected and submitted at the following shopping malls between 10.30am - 9pm daily:
1. centrepoint shopping centre, 176 Orchard Road, level 1, customer service counter
2. Causeway Point Shopping Centre, 1 Woodlands Square, level B1, Customer Service Counter
3. Compass Point Shopping Centre, 1 Sengkang Square, level B1, Customer Service Counter

Dateline : 17 July 2006

Mummies of <font color="ff0000">Pretty Sam</font>, <font color="119911">CHubby Shanice</font>, <font color="ff6000">Genius Potato</font>, <font color="0077aa">Super Walker Ernest</font> ,
quick grab the form n register.
<font color="aa00aa">Feline</font>
I try to see if I can take leave on that day.
Now must clear my stuffs before i go on long leave mah.

Can i request for bak kwa, we can bbq bak kua also rite?
And also, cheese hotdogs and pork sauages?
My monster now demands for meaty stuffs.
<font color="0000ff">bbnmum</font>
Take leave lah, tell yr boss you got special priviledge

Oooh, the thought of the cheese hotdogs make me drool too.... Don't worry, i will be getting them

Wat ever u want...i will get it for u k. Cos preggy mums got privilege. I am asking my mum to marinate pork for BBQ. Will be getting some bratwurst too. Let me know wat other meaty stuff u crave k.

Wow !! u very efficient leh
the bbq food looks yummy.. we can consider ordering it on our Sep bbq cum camping leh
Although I'm not preggy (no priviledge
) but can i request hotdogs &amp; taiwan sausage PLEASE... cos tat's ur potential SIL's favourite
will sure call up and enquire further .let u all knowater if gimmick.

Did i hear Bratwurst sausages?? Thats one of my favorite!!!!I loves sausages... yummy...
Zen and Patrick Birthday
Date : 5 Aug Saturday
Place : Woodsvale Condo MPH
Time : 6 PM
Theme : Birthday Celebration cum Action Hero party

1) cclyn, hb + Zen
2) smallbell, hb + Patrick
3) feline, Ashley, Cayden
4) bbnmum, hb + Vyeoz (provided i m not due)
5) Yasmine, hb + Zo En
6) Mngo, hb + Declan
7) sherhino &amp; sam(hubby not confirm)
8) Slquek, hb, &amp; JJ
9) evelyn, hb, wesley &amp; Wilfred
10) Ginsengmum, hb &amp; Shanice
11) Celia &amp; Yasmin (danny not confirm yet)
12) ribena, hb &amp; Ernest
13) lachesiz, hb &amp; potato
14) pcs &amp; keira (will be late coz got lessons)
15) kono, hb &amp; dodo
hi.. i am a malay here so if there's pork i just come n dun eat can? hehe guesss every1 is at the SCDF thingy just beside my house hehehhe

Where are u staying???

I am sure all the mummies will welcome u although for this bbq i will not be around...

Mummies, enjoy yourselves..

How come our thread so quiet lately??? Enjoy yourselves this Saturday for the Fire Station Visiting and BBQ...
hello everybody,

me staying in woodland too, my gal is about 4mths plus now. so happy to c so many mummies who are woodlander.. hee.. wah.. seem like got alot of activities going on and this thread is pretty active too
yalor, lately our thread was very quiet and i had difficulties searching...

Hi Yan

Do u know where to get those malay outfit-baju kurong (dunno how to spell) for kids ? was looking ard in woodlands area but cant find any

My boy sch request to wear other races outfit for Racial harmony day tomorrow... last mins notice dunno how... *sigh* no choice then have to wear chinese one liao :p
cclyn.. u knw where is block 302? the shop dat is really opp marsiling mrt beside watson got sell.. but dunno ur boy can fit not lah.. but i saw got kids one hehe
went w'lands centre y'day, only sell adults &amp; teens but not kids

last sat was at B/302 but din see any shop selling malay clothing leh
went w'lands centre again earlier and saw a shops selling, owner say just bring in bcos of the RHD, manage to help feline to get one for Ashley
Hi all Mums,
I am new here n would like to see if there is any mums gathering at woodlands areas? I would like to join in the fun..I am living at woodlands dr 16.
<u><font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">22 July, Saturday</font></font></u>


<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Fire Station Visit</font></font>
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D

<font color="119911">Time: 9am
Meet at: Causeway Point roadside,near OCBC</font>


feline, ashley, cayden, roy, 2 x maids
smallbell + pat
evelyn, wesley, wilfred, maid
Yasmine &amp; Zo En (hubby not confirm)
ribena, hb, ernest, maid
sherhino, sam, hb
mngo,hb + Declan (not confirmed)

<font color="aa00aa"> We meet at Causeway Point (same meeting place as the farm trip) and we all drive there together. For those who would like to meet at the Fire Station directly, please let me know.</font>

Any other mommies joining? Please let me know..

<font color="ff0000">Welcome</font> <font color="0000ff">Yan &amp; Linda</font>

We are glad to have some more woodlanders joining us..
Please join us for our upcoming events.

<font color="0000ff">Alya</font>
Thanxs for the tips on the Buaju Kurung.. cclyn managed to get one for me


<font color="0000ff">cclyn</font>
Thank you.. thank you..thank you...
Bu ker qi, anyway is for my future DIL mah

Hi Linda
Welcome to our big family, is the pic ur gal ? so cute...
How old &amp; what's her name ?
Come join us for our upcoming event
hello to all woodlands mums
just found out this thread.
intro... I'm a working mum with 2 boys(3+ yrs old + 14 mths). We are staying at Dr71. We have a blog, <> but dh is very inactive cos he's busy updating dss blogs

btw, i have a question: Anyone know which is a good school in woodlands area? thinking whether there's a need to do PV, if yes, then i guess i should start registering for PV.
Hi Wendy

What a nice nice surprise..........

I am Ashley's mom, she used to be in the same school as yr elder boy, ring a bell?
Hi moms,
I just got connected tis morning, my connection have some problem which i cant go online. When i saw the gathering time n place, it was too late! So sad...hope to be at the next gathering..hope moms who went to the station have a wondeful trip..
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">I had a great time at the Fire Station Visit today. The firemen did a wonderful job in bringing us around and was very patient with us throughout the trip. Kudos to them...

Here are some pics to share... no funny caption though... kinda of "brain-dead" right now

<font color="ff0000">Tadah..our 1st visit to the Fire Station</font>

<font color="ff0000">The BIG RED ENGINE


<font color="ff0000">Our "tour guide" Sergeant Razali


<font color="ff0000">We had a go in the Fire Engine!!


<font color="ff0000">The kids in the over-sized helmets



<font color="ff0000">Can u believe it? We went up the "crane"


<font color="ff0000">Up..up....</font>

<font color="ff0000">And away.....*Think they brought us to estimated 5 storeys high</font>

<font color="ff0000">Sgt Rashidin who was controlling the "crane"</font>

<font color="ff0000">We can see Johor!!</font>

<font color="ff0000">Our view from the top</font>

<font color="ff0000">This was their favourite part of the trip...WATER HOSE!!!







<font color="ff0000">A muffin to charge up..</font>

<font color="ff0000">The boys doing Singapore's very own slide named the "Singapore Slide"</font>

<font color="ff0000">Lunch at CWP</font>

<u><font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Upcoming events</font></font></u>
Pls mark yr calendars


<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Buffet OR La Kopi</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">Date: 27 July, Thursday
Time: TBC
Venue: TBC</font>

<u>Who's going</u>
1) smallbell
2) feline
3) ribena
4) kono
5) lach

Any other mommies joining us for a gorging session?

We have not thought of the place yet. My dear kono/ lach... we are waiting for you

If buffet not on, shall we la kopi instead?


<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">ZoO</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">Date: 30 July, Sunday
Time: 10am
Meet @ Singapore Zoo, KFC</font>

<u>Who's going</u>
1) sl + hb + JJ + maid? (sl, pls confirm)
2) ribena + hb + ernest + maid
3) meowchan + hb + shanice
4) smallbell + pat + hb?
5) feline + ashley + cayden + maid


<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Zen and Patrick Birthday </font></font>
<font color="ff0000">Date: 05 August, Saturday
Time: 6pm
Venue: Woodsvales Condo, MPH
Theme: Birthday Celebration cum Action Hero party </font>

<u>Who's going</u>
1) cclyn, hb + Zen
2) smallbell, hb + Patrick
3) feline, Ashley, Cayden
4) bbnmum, hb + Vyeoz (provided i m not due)
5) Yasmine, hb + Zo En
6) Mngo, hb + Declan
7) sherhino &amp; sam(hubby not confirm)
8) Slquek, hb, &amp; JJ
9) evelyn, hb, wesley &amp; Wilfred
10) Ginsengmum, hb &amp; Shanice
11) Celia &amp; Yasmin (danny not confirm yet)
12) ribena, hb &amp; Ernest
13) lachesiz, hb &amp; potato
14) pcs &amp; keira (will be late coz got lessons)
15) kono, hb &amp; dodo

<u><font color="119911"><font size="+2">Proposed events</font></font></u>
Mommies, these are just a few suggestions, if there is a good turn out for any of the event, then we will go into details (itineary)...
Pls comment/ feedback hor.

<font color="ff0000">12 Aug (Sat) <u>OR</u> 13 Aug (Sun)</font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">1) Farm Mart</font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">2) Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserves</font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">3) Pasir Ris Park cum picnic</font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">4) Duck Tours</font></font>
do check out the pony riding at Pasir Ris Park, Car Park C. gabe went wif sam &amp; a few friens (b4 i pop) n he &amp; sam enjoyed themselves on e pony ride. i'm sure the bigger tods here will love it too.

too bad i miss the fire station tour, i'll join in once my confinement is over.

ooops! i forgot 2 mention tat i've popped on 13jul.

Hi hi... how is Edward?? How are you coping now? Do post us pics... heard he is a "duplicate" of gab

Yes, I know about the pony rides... I am very eager to try them as well

No prob, once yr confinement is over, we'll organise another Fire Station trip for the rest of the mommies who missed it as well
Upcoming events
Pls mark yr calendars

Buffet OR La Kopi
Date: 27 July, Thursday
Time: TBC
Venue: TBC

Who's going
1) smallbell
2) feline
3) ribena
4) kono
5) lach
6) sherhino + Sam

Any other mommies joining us for a gorging session?
We have not thought of the place yet. My dear kono/ lach... we are waiting for you
If buffet not on, shall we la kopi instead?

Date: 30 July, Sunday
Time: 10am
Meet @ Singapore Zoo, KFC

Who's going
1) sl + hb + JJ + maid? (sl, pls confirm)
2) ribena + hb + ernest + maid
3) meowchan + hb + shanice
4) smallbell + pat + hb?
5) feline + ashley + cayden + maid
6) Sherhino + Sam + Hubby( To be confirmed by this wed)

Zen and Patrick Birthday
Date: 05 August, Saturday
Time: 6pm
Venue: Woodsvales Condo, MPH
Theme: Birthday Celebration cum Action Hero party

Who's going
1) cclyn, hb + Zen
2) smallbell, hb + Patrick
3) feline, Ashley, Cayden
4) bbnmum, hb + Vyeoz (provided i m not due)
5) Yasmine, hb + Zo En
6) Mngo, hb + Declan
7) sherhino &amp; sam(hubby not confirm)
8) Slquek, hb, &amp; JJ
9) evelyn, hb, wesley &amp; Wilfred
10) Ginsengmum, hb &amp; Shanice
11) Celia &amp; Yasmin (danny not confirm yet)
12) ribena, hb &amp; Ernest
13) lachesiz, hb &amp; potato
14) pcs &amp; keira (will be late coz got lessons)
15) kono, hb &amp; dodo

Proposed events
Mommies, these are just a few suggestions, if there is a good turn out for any of the event, then we will go into details (itineary)...
Pls comment/ feedback hor.

12 Aug (Sat) OR 13 Aug (Sun)

1) Farm Mart

2) Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserves

3) Pasir Ris Park cum picnic

4) Duck Tours

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">AMOSCO</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Profiteroles &amp; Eclairs</font></font>
Hee hee hee... my cravings are acting up again...someone help me!!! I am hooked...

<font color="aa00aa">Eclairs (12pkts/ctn) - 1 pkt (12pcs) $3.18
Mini Profiteroles "vanilla only" (4bags/ctn)- 1 bag(60pcs) $10.65 </font>

Last order date : To be confirmed (I need to call them &amp; check on delivery timing)
Delivery date : To be confirmed
Special Notes: You must collect within 1hr upon the delivery.
<font color="ff0000">(Reason: Profiteroles are actually ice-cream puffs, need to be freezed &amp; I don't have ample space in my fridge)</font>
Collection : Woodlands Dr 75

I need a minimum purchase of $100. Orders will be:-
2 ctns of eclairs + 1 ctn of profiteroles <u>OR</u>
3 ctns of eclairs

Will close the BP once quota is met.

<u>Eclairs (24pkts)</u> <font color="ff0000">left 9 pkts</font>
1) feline (5pkts) 3 x $3.18= $9.54
2) sherhino (12pkts) 12 x $3.18= $38.16

<u>Mini Profiteroles (4bags)</u> <font color="ff0000">left 3.5 bags</font> *if not able to meet min order of 4 bags, then we'll go for 36 pkts of eclairs.
1) feline(half bag) 0.5 x $10.65= $5.35 <font color="ff6000">only if someone wants to share with me</font>
Eclairs (12pkts/ctn) - 1 pkt (12pcs) $3.18
Mini Profiteroles "vanilla only" (4bags/ctn)- 1 bag(60pcs) $10.65

Last order date : To be confirmed (I need to call them &amp; check on delivery timing)
Delivery date : To be confirmed
Special Notes: You must collect within 1hr upon the delivery.
(Reason: Profiteroles are actually ice-cream puffs, need to be freezed &amp; I don't have ample space in my fridge)
Collection : Woodlands Dr 75

I need a minimum purchase of $100. Orders will be:-
2 ctns of eclairs + 1 ctn of profiteroles OR
3 ctns of eclairs

Will close the BP once quota is met.

Eclairs (24pkts)
1) feline (5pkts) 3 x $3.18= $9.54
2) sherhino (12pkts) 12 x $3.18= $38.16
3) lachesiz (9pkts) 9 x $3.18= $28.62

Mini Profiteroles (4bags) left 3.5 bags *if not able to meet min order of 4 bags, then we'll go for 36 pkts of eclairs.
1) feline(half bag) 0.5 x $10.65= $5.35 only if someone wants to share with me

Wow !!! the fire station seem very fun leh.... Too bad Zen missed the fun

<font color="0000ff">AMOSCO</font>
<font color="ff0000">Profiteroles &amp; Eclairs</font>
Hee hee hee... my cravings are acting up again...someone help me!!! I am hooked...

<font color="0000ff">Eclairs (12pkts/ctn) - 1 pkt (12pcs) $3.18</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mini Profiteroles "vanilla only" (4bags/ctn)- 1 bag(60pcs) $10.65</font>

<font color="ff0000">Last order date :</font> To be confirmed (I need to call them &amp; check on delivery timing)
<font color="ff0000">Delivery date :</font> To be confirmed
<font color="ff0000">Special Notes:</font> You must collect within 1hr upon the delivery.
<font color="ff0000">Reason:</font> Profiteroles are actually ice-cream puffs, need to be freezed &amp; I don't have ample space in my fridge)
<font color="ff0000">Collection :</font> Woodlands Dr 75

I need a minimum purchase of $100. Orders will be:-
2 ctns of eclairs + 1 ctn of profiteroles OR
3 ctns of eclairs

Will close the BP once quota is met.

Eclairs (24pkts) left ? pkts
1) feline (5pkts) 3 x $3.18= $9.54 (feline, u blur blur lah, order 5 or 3 pkts)
2) sherhino (12pkts) 12 x $3.18= $38.16
3) cclyn (3pkts) 3 x $3.18= $9.54

Mini Profiteroles (4bags) left 3.5 bags *if not able to meet min order of 4 bags, then we'll go for 36 pkts of eclairs.
1) feline(half bag) 0.5 x $10.65= $5.35 only if someone wants to share with me
Buffet OR La Kopi
Date: 27 July, Thursday
Time: TBC
Venue: TBC

Who's going
1) smallbell
2) feline
3) ribena
4) kono
5) lach
6) sherhino + Sam
7) Mngo + (Hb + Declan)

Any other mommies joining us for a gorging session?
We have not thought of the place yet. My dear kono/ lach... we are waiting for you
If buffet not on, shall we la kopi instead?

Date: 30 July, Sunday
Time: 10am
Meet @ Singapore Zoo, KFC

Who's going
1) sl + hb + JJ + maid? (sl, pls confirm)
2) ribena + hb + ernest + maid
3) meowchan + hb + shanice
4) smallbell + pat + hb?
5) feline + ashley + cayden + maid
6) Sherhino + Sam + Hubby( To be confirmed by this wed)

<font color="0000ff">going to bintan ... so give it a miss</font>

Zen and Patrick Birthday
Date: 05 August, Saturday
Time: 6pm
Venue: Woodsvales Condo, MPH
Theme: Birthday Celebration cum Action Hero party

Who's going
1) cclyn, hb + Zen
2) smallbell, hb + Patrick
3) feline, Ashley, Cayden
4) bbnmum, hb + Vyeoz (provided i m not due)
5) Yasmine, hb + Zo En
6) Mngo, hb + Declan
7) sherhino &amp; sam(hubby not confirm)
8) Slquek, hb, &amp; JJ
9) evelyn, hb, wesley &amp; Wilfred
10) Ginsengmum, hb &amp; Shanice
11) Celia &amp; Yasmin (danny not confirm yet)
12) ribena, hb &amp; Ernest
13) lachesiz, hb &amp; potato
14) pcs &amp; keira (will be late coz got lessons)
15) kono, hb &amp; dodo

Proposed events
Mommies, these are just a few suggestions, if there is a good turn out for any of the event, then we will go into details (itineary)...
Pls comment/ feedback hor.

12 Aug (Sat) OR 13 Aug (Sun)

1) Farm Mart

2) Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserves

3) Pasir Ris Park cum picnic

4) Duck Tours

<font color="0000ff">i like the idea of picnic at pasir ris</font>
<font color="ff0000">feline, thanks for the delivery of eclairs. very nice eclairs! esp when frozen</font>
Hi all,
Some options for the coming buffet/la kopi:

$ range: less than $20/pax
1. Ivins Restaurant at Bt Timah near to NJC-Peranakan a la carte cuisine
2. Kenny Rogers -Suntec/Great World City
3. Swensen-CWP!!
4. Muthu's curry -Suntec(price may be slightly higher)
5. Teochew porridge buffet @ Crystal Hotel-Killiney Road (ard $15/pax)-a very nice change from oily stuff. Noodles and rice available too. Nice dessert.Varieties depending on days. But definitely worth the $, nice ambience too!
5. Newton circus

$ range: $35-$50/pax
1. Goodwood Park Buffet Dinner+Durian Feast(Ard $45++)
2. Ikoi Restaurant@ Hotel Miramar-Jap a la carte buffet dinner(ard $30++)-free flow of really fresh sashimi...shiok!
3. Noble House-Chinese a la carte buffet dinner (ard $40 nett)
4. Oaks &amp; Grill@Tanglin Mall-yummlicious cod fish and escargos!(ard $50)
5. French Restaurant @ Specialist Centre-Superb food and not too steep pricing(ard $40)
6. Hard Rock Cafe! -haha

The above are personally tried and tested....the choice is now yours!

P/S: personally, think the teochew porridge is worth a try especially after the BBQ, our system desperately needs a flush out
Buffet OR La Kopi
Date: 27 July, Thursday
Time: TBC
Venue: TBC

Who's going
1) smallbell
2) feline
3) ribena
4) kono
5) lach
6) sherhino + Sam
7) Mngo + (Hb + Declan)

Any other mommies joining us for a gorging session?
We have not thought of the place yet. My dear kono/ lach... we are waiting for you
If buffet not on, shall we la kopi instead?

<font color="0000ff">So Qiao. Have arranged to go to the zoo on this day with my cousins. I will certainly go on that day but timing cannot confirm coz have to depend on my cousin</font>

Date: 30 July, Sunday
Time: 10am
Meet @ Singapore Zoo, KFC

Who's going
1) sl + hb + JJ + maid? (sl, pls confirm)
2) ribena + hb + ernest + maid
3) meowchan + hb + shanice
4) smallbell + pat + hb?
5) feline + ashley + cayden + maid
6) Sherhino + Sam + Hubby( To be confirmed by this wed)
7) pcs + keira + hubby + cosuin's family(timing tbc)

Zen and Patrick Birthday
Date: 05 August, Saturday
Time: 6pm
Venue: Woodsvales Condo, MPH
Theme: Birthday Celebration cum Action Hero party

Who's going
1) cclyn, hb + Zen
2) smallbell, hb + Patrick
3) feline, Ashley, Cayden
4) bbnmum, hb + Vyeoz (provided i m not due)
5) Yasmine, hb + Zo En
6) Mngo, hb + Declan
7) sherhino &amp; sam(hubby not confirm)
8) Slquek, hb, &amp; JJ
9) evelyn, hb, wesley &amp; Wilfred
10) Ginsengmum, hb &amp; Shanice
11) Celia &amp; Yasmin (danny not confirm yet)
12) ribena, hb &amp; Ernest
13) lachesiz, hb &amp; potato
14) pcs &amp; keira (will be late coz got lessons)
15) kono, hb &amp; dodo

Proposed events
Mommies, these are just a few suggestions, if there is a good turn out for any of the event, then we will go into details (itineary)...
Pls comment/ feedback hor.

12 Aug (Sat) OR 13 Aug (Sun)

1) Farm Mart

2) Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserves

3) Pasir Ris Park cum picnic

4) Duck Tours

hi all its me alya! heh
just to get some suggestion.. my gerl is turning 1 in sept.. i am holding a bday party.. any suggestion of themes any1????

the eclair looks yummy!
