Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Zen and Patrick Birthday
Date : 5 Aug Saturday
Place : Woodsvale Condo MPH
Time : 6 PM
Theme : Birthday Celebration cum Action Hero party

1) cclyn, hb + Zen
2) smallbell, hb + Patrick
3) feline, Ashley, Cayden
4) bbnmum, hb + Vyeoz (provided i m not due)
5) Yasmine, hb + Zo En
6) Mngo, hb + Declan
7) sherhino & sam(hubby not confirm)
8) Slquek, hb, & JJ
9) evelyn, hb, wesley & Wilfred
10) Ginsengmum, hb & Shanice
11) Celia & Yasmin (danny not confirm yet)
12) ribena, hb & Ernest
13) lachesiz, hb & potato
14) pcs & keira (will be late coz got lessons)

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 15th July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 22nd July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, another gathering coming soon..Feline, THUMBS UP!!!

I think my boy Wesley would love the bright red fire engines..hope he wont ask me so many funny questions..:p sometimes this lousy mummy really dunno how to answer him:p

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 15th July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 22nd July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
evelyn, wesley, wilfred + maid
You are doing exactly what LC told mommies to do to boost supply on your own! You really should join us and become a BM counsellor to share your experience. Many of the 30+ BM counsellors in Singapore are FTWM, they volunteer 2 hours per week helping BM mommies.

Mykono & Pat
I really would like to invite you and mommies who had breastfed their babies for 6 months to become BM counsellors to help other mommies. If you are interested, pls let me know, I will pass along the info to you.

Hi Sheena,
I used to take fernugreek too previousely, but after the counselling course, I've stopped because the LC trainer told us that newer research found that it may have adverse effect.

According to breastfeeding guru, Dr Jack Newman, you can try taking Molitium (Domperidone), Molitium is a brand name and domperidone is the durg name. Just like Panadol is the brand name for paracetamol. It does have properties to increase breastmilk supply, and you don't need prescription from doctor to buy from Guardian. However I would still suggest you to get some advice from your gynae or PD before making any purchase. Any drug or supplement should only be the last resort to increase milk flow.

The most important issue is to latch on correctly, then you would minimise sore nipple in the first place and once baby latch on properly, he gets more milk, hence stimulate your supply better. Just as Mykono said, if you prefer to feed your baby expressed breast milk, that's fine, but remember to pump regularly every 1-2 hour to stimulate supply. Differed from Mykono, I would advice against supplementing with FM, from experience and resources in the BMSG, supplementing FM (especially midnight feeds) is one of the main reason reducing supply of breast milk. Statistics show that FM feed at night does not necessary enable baby to sleep over night. Before they are 3 month old, you have to wake them to feed every 2 hours, and before 6 months old, you still need to let them have their mid night feed. If You choose to supplement FM, you still have to pump every 2 hours initially to maintain and stimulate your supply.

It is hard the first few months, but after 3 to 6 months, it gets easier. Plus think of no waking up at night to fix milk, no sterilisation to do, and when you boy needs comfort(ie crying, fallen from bed), you just need to give him the breast, and he will calm down in seconds.

The new WHO children growth standards had just came out and it is now using exclusively breastfed babies as the norm for children growth. It shows that FM fed babies are usually 20-30% overweight than BM fed babies.

some useful link:
Hi celia,
Yasmin is such a little sweet girl!

Hi ladies,
We had a great fun time at the farm, just that my sons and I dont like the smell at the Hays goat farm. :p *paiseh! paiseh!*
Will try to post some pics here soon.

Hi small bell, cclyn
Thank you so much for pick me up and tumpang back to sbwg.

So glad that mummies here all so helpful, I feel so fortunate to know u all! Believe or not, last time my life seems to be dulled but now its very lively since we join the gatherings with u guys!
Especially my kids, they are getting happier and cheerful now.

Many many thanks to all the nice mummies here!
Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 15th July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 22nd July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
evelyn, wesley, wilfred + maid
Mngo,hb + Declan
Hi Alya!

Welcome! To this most 'Happening' group in Singapore. People are real friendly here!

Btw which part of woodlands do you stay?
Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 15th July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 22nd July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
evelyn, wesley, wilfred + maid
Mngo,hb + Declan
Yasmine & Zo En (hubby not confirm)

Hi Alya!

Welcome to this thread
Do join us in the upcoming gathering
Hi Alya,

Welcome here...


So Look like the cfm date should be 22 July since most of the mummies and kids can make it..

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 22nd July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
evelyn, wesley, wilfred + maid
Mngo,hb + Declan
Yasmine & Zo En (hubby not confirm)
Hi Celia,
Aiya...I just devised my own method based on common sense...dun think I am qualified yet to be a BF counsellors. Differing views wif LC plus heavy work commitments refrain me from volunteering. Me planning to retire in 5 yrs time...maybe by that time can volunteer.
Hi Alya,
Welcome Welcome!

the photos are nice, esp W&W brothers
you're also a very nice mommy

You really live up to your chairlady title!
what can i say..but to support YOU hehe..

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 22nd July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
evelyn, wesley, wilfred + maid
Mngo,hb + Declan
Yasmine & Zo En (hubby not confirm)
ribena + hb + Ernest + maid
Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 15th July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
sherhino & sam(hubby not confim)

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 22nd July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
evelyn, wesley, wilfred + maid
Mngo,hb + Declan
Yasmine & Zo En (hubby not confirm)
sherhino & Sam (hubby not confirm)

* Thumps up for this Fire station trip.sam is "VERY INTO" the Barney or rather Baby Bob Fire truck.

Hi Alya,
welcome to this thread of the woodies mummies!!Hope to meet up with u all soon.
Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 15th July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
sherhino & sam(hubby not confim)

Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 22nd July
Time: 9am

feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
evelyn, wesley, wilfred + maid
Mngo,hb + Declan
Yasmine & Zo En (hubby not confirm)
sherhino & Sam (hubby not confirm)

* Thumps up for this Fire station trip.sam is "VERY INTO" the Barney or rather Baby Bob Fire truck.

Hi Alya,
welcome to this thread of the woodies mummies!!Hope to meet up with u all soon.

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Fire Station Tour</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">Venue: Woodlands Fire Station
1 Woodlands Industrial Park D
Date: 22nd July, Saturday
Time: 9am


feline + ashley + cayden
smallbell + pat (meet us there)
slquek, hb + JJ
evelyn, wesley, wilfred + maid
Mngo,hb + Declan
Yasmine &amp; Zo En (hubby not confirm)
ribena + hb + Ernest + maid
sherhino &amp; Sam (hubby not confirm)
Hi mummies
Rec'd memo fr Zen's sch, Marsiling PCF &amp; Civil Defence Executive Committee will joinly organise an Emergency Preparedness Day on 15 July Sat at the open field next to Blk 302 Marsiling PCF centre at 2pm

Activities :
- Children colouring contest,
- exhibitions on fire safety,
- demonstration on first aid &amp; fire safety equipment
- games etc

If mummies interested can just pop by

Hi Alya
Welcome to our big family
Wat's ur gal's name and any photo to share..

Thanks for sharing the pics

Wat a small world ! din know u are my fren's colleague

May just pop by since there is where i am staying....maybe the whole bunch of us will go there for breakfast first
Hi Mykono,

Waterchestnut flour (&amp;#39532;&amp;#36420;&amp;#31881;)is available from supermarket. I have seen it in Seng song and NTUC Fairprice.
<font color="0000ff">BP on Chinatown Food Mini Eclairs</font>

Mommies, I am organising a BP on Chinatown Eclairs. Thought of checking with you gals first before i post on the BP Thread.

1 x packet ($2.42)
- 12pcs in 1 packet

- I need a minimum of 28 packets for the BP.

Jenn (still thinking how many packets)
Jas (3packets)
Smallbell (1packet)
wow, seems that everyone are enjoying themselves at the farm.

<font color="ff0000">Danny</font>
U r getting a car soon? THat's gd! Cars are real cheap now, can go for bigger cc one.
I got my licence in the 1st attempt, u sure can do that too.

<font color="0000ff">kono</font>
Retired in 5yrs? No prob for u one lah.
U are halfway to beehive tai tai already mah.

<font color="119911">evelyn</font>
Nice photos. Tks
<font color="ff6000">Feline</font>
Well done! ANother event coming again.
But i have to miss it again, i need to work.

<font color="0077aa">Cclyn</font>
I might be able to pop by leh.
I see how's Vyeoz condition 1st.

<font color="0000ff">Alya</font>
Welcome to our big family.

Tks for the info
Hi mummies,
In order to facilitate in the preparation of the BBQ on SAT, 22nd JULY 2006, kindly confirm your attendance by FRI, 14th JULY 2006. Thx!
To all BF mommies,

To quote a part of an UNICEF BFHI brochure (circa
1992) entitled Take the Baby-Friendly Initiative!. This document begins:

"Imagine that the world had invented a new 'dream product' to feed and immunize everyone born on Earth. Imagine also that it was available everywhere, required no storage or delivery--and helped mothers to plan their families and reduce the risk of cancer. Then imagine that the world refused to use it.Toward the end of this century of unprecedented discovery and invention, even as scientists discover the origins of life itself, this scenario is not, alas, a fiction. The 'dream product' is human breastmilk, available to us all at birth, and yet we are not using it."

And it ends by saying "Breastfeeding is an endangered practice. It needs an entire culture to support and nurture it back to its full, potent strength. It is time to take the baby-friendly initiative."

You are doing great work protecting our future generations. Keep up the good work!
The BMSG (Breastfeeding mother support group) is organising an event to celebrate this year's World Breastfeeding Week on 13 Aug. It will be held in Tampines West CC from 10am - 4pm. It is called BreastFest. There will be forum(Breasttalk), photo Exhibition (Brestography), and live counselling (lunch@moms). You are all welcome to come and have some fun. Fees and other details to follow
Hee hee, u want the puffs as well? (I dun know what is the taste,have not tried before). The next round, can? My fridge got limited space, can only manage to squeeze in 2 cartons of eclairs

Lemme know if u interested in the eclairs, coz i dun think i can hit the 2 cartons quota here. Will be posting on the BP thread.

Aiyah, tell yr boss u due soon, very tired.. take 1 day leave lah. I am sure Vyeoz will love the Fire Trucks

Yr gerl has beautiful eyes..her name is Dini? Thats a real sweet name

Hee hee, I am sure yr boys will love the Fire Trucks... even i am fascinated by them. No worries, if they have too many questions, we will get Mr Fireman to answer them

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">BBQ</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">Date: 22 July, Saturday
Time : 6pm onwards (* we can go for a swim before tat)
Venue : Hillview

Feline + Ash + Cay + maid
Bbnmum + Vyeoz + hb
Smallbell + Patrick
Cclyn + Zen + hb
Yasmine + Zo En + hb
Sherhino + Sam + hb
Ginseng mommy + Sha + hb
Ribena + Ernest + hb

<font color="119911">In order to facilitate in the preparation of the BBQ on SAT, 22nd JULY 2006, kindly confirm your attendance by <u>FRI, 14th JULY 2006</u></font>
BP on Chinatown Food Mini Eclairs

Mommies, I am organising a BP on Chinatown Eclairs. Thought of checking with you gals first before i post on the BP Thread.

1 x packet ($2.42)
- 12pcs in 1 packet

- I need a minimum of 28 packets for the BP.

Jenn (still thinking how many packets)
Jas (3packets)
Smallbell (1packet)
sherhino (3packets)
<font color="0000ff">Thank Mommies for yr response. I have hit the 2 cartons quota.</font>

Jenn (take all balance)
Jas (3packets)
Smallbell (1packet)
sherhino (3packets)
Mngo (1packet)
Lach (1 carton)

<font color="ff0000">BP Closed</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">BBQ</font></font>;cPath=14&amp;zenid=4efba718826d23e3399ec42fbd1bce38

<font color="119911">Proposed Arrangement</font>

* Let's get the basic package (20-25pax). It comes with everything..wire mesh,charcoal,tongs and even bee hoon &amp; fried rice.
* Only $160...heehee
* For the kids, we get ribena separately.
* If the wings aint enough, we can just add on under "The Lion King" package.
* We just need 1 day in advance to order.
* I am not sure how many cans of drinks are bundled with the package. We can always get more ourselves.

"Almost" Hassle free...
<font color="0000ff">BBQ</font>

<font color="ff0000">Date: 22 July, Saturday
Time : 6pm onwards (* we can go for a swim before tat)
Venue : Hillview</font>

Feline + Ash + Cay + maid
Bbnmum + Vyeoz + hb
Smallbell + Patrick
Cclyn + Zen + hb
Yasmine + Zo En + hb
Sherhino + Sam + hb
Ginseng mommy + Sha + hb
Ribena + Ernest + hb
pcs + keira (will be late abt 8pm)

Wow the website for the BBQ is solid. I am amazed and it is really cheap too... You guys must try the food and let me know whether is it nice??

U r the most efficient chairperson! I will call them and ask whether can customise the package to our preference. Revert to u guys later!

Dun worry about the drinks and tit bits for the little darlings...I will provide. If cpox did not hit me, I will do some dessert too....
Hi All,

This is amazing. Have fun!

<font color="ff0000">Let's play with some words.</font>
What do you see?


<font color="ff0000">In black you can read the word GOOD, in white the word EVIL (inside each black letter is a white letter). It's all very physiological too, because it visualize the concept that good can't exist without evil (or the absence of good is evil).</font>

What do you see here?

<font color="ff0000">You may not see it at first, but the white spaces read the word optical, the blue landscape reads the word illusion. Look again! Can you see why this painting is called an optical illusion?</font>

What do you see here?

<font color="ff0000">This one is quite tricky!</font>
The word TEACH reflects as LEARN.
