Any mommies staying in Hougang?

Hi Jenny,
How do u deal with you hb travelling often? My hb needs to travel every week due to the nature of his job. He also comes home late every night, sometimes in the early morns. Weekends, he'll go msia for golf or golf range at night (he claims).

I'm a SAHM & my days are practically always spent with my gal. My days seemed so long & I've nothing to look forward to. Even on weekends...sigh...

my hubby also, as he need to rotate 3 shifts, even working on PH,weekens, so, sometimes, we dun even hv time to talk to each other, so, no time to hv conflict as well...
Ladies....nobody wan eclairs ah?? Me ordering 3 cartons, delivery will be on Friday. Let me know soon ya.
Its $4.00 per pack of 12pcs.
Hi YB,

I must say my husband is a jetsetter. He travels regionally quite abit. Eg he just came back from new zealand on last sunday and tis flying off Sunday again. I would say on the whole he travels 20 days a month.

I guess i am used to it and learn to be more independent myself. In the past years, we would talk on the phone when he's away. But nowadays i am too busy with work and kids, i seldom or remember that we have to talk on the phone. even if we do talk, the conversation last 5 mins.

comes to a fact that no point making noise about him not around. even if he's at home, he won't help much out wif the kids or anything. so i sometimes i feel happy that he's away. at least i don't have a wooden block sitting around in the house and not helping out or sharing my burden which is more frustrating to me.

so in return, i make sure he pays my shopping for luxury items. haha. i need to get returns for looking after the family & kids right?
Haha..ya, I also feel more fustrated when hb is home lazing around than helping out. Everytime he's back from his trip, my temper always 'boil'. We dun call/sms each other when he's away..even when he's in town we also dun chk on each other. Usually when we talk, our conversation always revolves around our gal.

I dun really shop much cos I'm a need to buy luxury items cos no chance to 'show off'. Haha.
Hi YB,

same here, when he's in town, we dun call/sms each other too. correct, when we talk, usually revolves round our kids.

but i think to be more realistic, you need to get back from him something in return. being a SAHM doesn't mean u hv to be submissive and tolerate all the nonsense.

i am not being materalistic but i think its fair he rewards you in return. it gotta work both way, we as women can't be giving and husband taking all the time.

one day if things doesn't work out, he will just walk out and left us nothing. nowadays society changes and lots of bad influence, no one knows what will happen tmr.
Im at Hougang Ave 4, juz beside the sports complex. Hw many packs u need? Coz' i juz ordered 3 cartons, all taken up liao. But i still can spare u 2 packs. Let me know ya.
finally i have time to sit down and catch up on my mail! :p

how old's your kid? have got a friend whose son is also studying at mee toh...

jenny, YB
my hubby not only travels but he's stationed overseas! i'm with the kids all the time. lucky for me the elder one is in childcare full day otherwise i'll pengsan...kekeke

aiya...din log on so missed out on the eclairs liao...haiz

forgot to mention that like u, i love to pamper myself with something good or 2 once in a while...gotta give myself a good pat on the back ma...handling the older kid and baby, plus housework plus household matters etc not easy i put it all on his tab...hehehe...
Hi ling,

my girl is 8 & son 6. He will be in P1 next year in Mee Toh sch too.

Yes, remember to pamper ourselves always. Haha...
My hb gives me mthly allowance. So not as bad. Then when I do bring my gal out, I'll usually pay by credit card. Haha.

I'm a SAHM so hardly got chance to go out alone & pamper myself. Gotta lug my gal around everywhere I go.
Hi YB,

Even having a good lunch is considering pampering yourself. How old is your girl?

My 8yrs old girl enjoy shopping and dining with me. She really knows how to pamper herself too. hahah...she will name all expensive restaurants and always i hv to reject her.
Hi Mommies

just wanted to say hi again and inform i'll be missing in action for awhile cos i am delivering tom.
its really nice to have a thread for Hougang mommies. best regards to all. ;) Catch u all later
Hi Msblur

I m back home
) Suffering from C sect pain, UTI and sleeplessness from baby. He's a fussy one man. Thank goodness for the confinement nanny. Hope to be back in thread acively soon. Gotta rest for now. Thanks for the well wishes.
Steph, Congratulations!!! take care and rest more yeah...BTW, do you need the lemongrass for your shower during confinement?? I have some left over during my confinement... do you want ??? may collect from me at Hougang Ave 9....let me kow yeah..

hi, it's called "hong Kuah" in Hokkien, shd be lemongrass mah???sorry if I am wrong...

also, i have some "bai hua she se cao", direct translate as white flower snake's tongue grass...ha... for kids shower, to release heat..good for rashes, may chk with those chinese medicine hall...

any taker???
How's everyone?

Guess what? My kids was down with HFMD starting tue. And now as they are recovering, I got infected!
Gynae say cos during pregnancy immune system weaker. Sigh!
marmum come so 'lucky'? but baby is ok rite?yr both kids aso kena? how u coping? lucky u have yr helper liao...
hi all.. i am back..have delivered my 1st on 7 dec 08..

Earnestmum: remember me? I am now staying w my parents at 245 during weekdays n weekends i am gog back my place..dun see u much on msn leh
Hi bubble pearl, paiseh, I forgot! maybe i see your face can remember. After I changed a new laptop, i did not launch msn again and decided to keep it that way as got 2 kids to keep me busy now. Enjoy your bundle of joy! Happy Chinese New Year. Lucky you still can celebrate rather than having confinement :)
mar mum

u now free to organise a garage sale meh?

me dun mind, i have many things in my cupboard that i need to clear! hehehe...
ha ha! now left with 1 mth to go... after delivery will still be busy right...

storage space a big issue now as got some clothes I need to clear. quite troublesome to take individual photos to post and sell.

Jus wonderin where to hold the sale and will there be pple turning up.
ya, i know what u have many things to clear but too little time to take photos, post and write the details...

gota go search for those flea market types...heard there's one at clarke quay i think...but not sure how much gotta pay...
me thinking of having one at one of our hougang hse on a sat cos those flea market usually on sun then those will be too tiring for me.
Hi ladies,

I think we all have so many things to get rid of, but quite sure there will not be many buyers!

If give away free, people might want!

I've started clearing things into the recycling bags that they issue every 2 weeks.

Post online and sell really troublesome. Can't "earn" much as well, save all the hassle.
hi seawave

how ya doin? long no see and chat

me did the posting and selling the last time...good if you have the time to do it but like u said, really trouble some...actually dun earn at all, selling all at a loss coz think its too sayang to throw away...many of them brand new aso...
Hi ling,

Tks for asking after me. Finally got my "emotional freedom" back. Transferred my maid out. There's truly A LOT of chores to do.

Nonetheless, I think I'm happier. Silly woman, right?

For me, I've taken lots of photos. But need to download, resize, post online, monitor threads, reply enquries, handle bargins, mail out...etc. very time consuming.

So I guess, to start with, try not to buy or accumulate to many things
i salute you aso...wth 3 kids somemore...and i kow tow to yummy mum! hehehe...

but i understand the part at you being happier, me too, i felt the same when my maid went heart had a great weight lifted off it
Ya. Some stuff I give away to recycling also cos too lazy to post and furthermore got to send by post for some. Now with the kids, got those bigger size ones, then the small ones to keep for my no. 3... sigh

Luckily i decided to change maid... this current one is a great help to me.... and both kids love her.
I also stay Hougang Ave 10. Anyone care to join mi for a swim with my 19mths old baby. My husband also travel alot. I am always with my 3 kids.
Hi mummies,
I'm staying at Hougang Ave 3 and my boy is coming to 15 mths. I'm a FTWM but planning to stop work and become a SAHM in a few months time.

I'm actively looking for a playgroup for my boy when he turns 18 mths. Any recommendations? Anyone tried Sonrise Montessori @ Simon Plaza or Juniors Playworld Child Care Centre @ Jln Lye Kwee??
hey marmum

how u? popped yet? hehehe...

thread kinda quiet now huh...

sweet mango
which blk u stay? i'm kinda nearby u...

which blk u staying? you're kinda near my parents plc...hehhe

just behind parents at blk 21.. i always go there to 'catch a break'...hehehe...mayb i'll see you sometime

Hi Yvonne,

I have sent my son for a short holiday camp in Sonrise Montessori when he was younger, personally I dun find the teachers very good. I am not sure about the other school you had mentioned. I always go to Hougang ave 3 cos my son is attending the pcf there :)
