Welcome mummycita!

Aniwei gerls...yesterday was my first outing wif baby. He's so well behaved. Tak nangis pun. The only 1 time he cried cos I had to clean up his poo.

Today the first time i clipped his nails cos finally its the end of my confinement...yea!!!! Time clipping he was awake and after his bath so he wriggled quite a bit. Maybe next time i will try to clip when he's asleep.

Sharena, i think its easier to communicate with u here instead of the other thread. Me in primary school. Can't tahan with the whole system anymore ah.

I have just received my connect plan. That's the first payout. Me thinking of changing job so that i have more time to spend with my baby. With teaching i barely even have time for myself. My school very on and the marking and planning for lessons took up most of the time i spend at home. Sigh...
hei hei everyone

amacam semue, sihat sihat i hope

congrats to zu and the new mommies

and welcome too member member baru

zu, since u had a c-sect just remember to let ur wound heal properly before u angkat barang berat.. even adam k. this not the time to be super woman la.
u dari which pri sch? Can pm me if u dun wanna put in public. For me i think as long as u dun bring hm ur work it's fine. At least Sat is free and for me at the moment, as long as i can leave early, i leave. I try to do work during free time. Agaknya pasal u r still new that's why. Tak pun ambik no pay leave lah... then u can always go abck anytime. kalau tak if u resign and wanna go back, susah. Some schools are v favourable with part timers/adjunct. But if u are ok financially, why not kan jadi sahm.
Personally i think I need time out. 24hrs dgn kids i think will make me turn into a devillish mum! lol... stress dgn housework, karenah budak2 and so on... anyway diff ppl diff lah.
Need you all punya help. Anyone knows where I can get HALAL ORGANIC meat ie: chicken, beef here in Singapore? Thanks ya!

Dont give up. I think it took me 2-3wks before Saarah latched herself on properly. I was also like you...had to express & feed thru bottle initially. Only thing was she didnt like sucking the I guess that helped me as I didnt hv a choice but to get her to latch on.

So first outing gi mana wt baby? Shopping I suppose
nora, its difficult not to carry bende berat. Cos i je sorang jage anak2. Then kadang pi pasar pun, angkut bende2, dgn stroller turun naik tanggaa. My house ni bkn lift level. Kadang2 berbisa jgk la wound. Lama eh nak baik. Pasal la ade org lebih suke c-sect. Kalo given a choice i rather duduk atas boya sebulan seh. :p

Sasha, i tak pernah tgk ade HALAL ORGANIC meat pat Singapore. U da try those organic shop? Maybe the big one at Dempsey?
Sharena...bukan apalah...i'm fed up with teaching oredi. Wanna do some part time work with freelancing makeup artist. Personally i will be crazy if i be a sahm.

sasha, i don't think there is any halal organic meat here in sg. My first outing with baby was to kkh and taka to shop for wok and thermos...hehe.

zu, u so poor thing having to carry heavy things with c-section. Try taking more pati ikan haruan or eat ikan haruan. InsyaAllah will get well faster.
I understand your situation lah...sometimes tu terlupa abt the C-sect scar. Lagi if the older child insist macam nak rak suruh carry...dilemma! Why not you ask your mum or MIL to help wt marketing? Or, mlm si hubby balik, ask him go buy the stuff for nxt day to cook...kesian lah you...kena naik tangga, bawak barang seret beret then nk tengokkan Adam lagi plus Sarah in pun dah jadi supermom

I dont think kat Dempsey have even though its MASSIVE!

Your baby hv to go back KK for review ke?
yes i remember taking the ikan haruan... sungguh tak selera rupeye.. the pati jgn ckap la... tengok botol aje da nak lari
Zu, I think the pati ikan haruan really helps. Please take care as yours is still new. I remembered my sis's C-sect scar terkoyak and we had to sent her to KKH to restitch because she carried her 2 yrs old daughter. At that time, her scar was only about a month old. I tengok pun ngeri.

Sharena and Lynzi, I agree with you. I tried being a SAHM but ended up moody and very tired almost every night. After a year, went back to work. But then, right now, I actually regretted resigning as a teacher. Am going back as adjunct soon. I think that way, I'll have more time with my kids coz just concentrate on teaching ajer. No CCAs, no committees.

Nora, lama tak nampak kat sini. I prefer taking the ikan itself than the pati. Bau boleh pengsan.
Talking abt the pati ikan or the haruan itself, i bau je da takle telan. So far tak pernah makan. Then my mom pun malas nak cakap cos dia tau anak dia stubborn. I letak minyak gamat je pat wound so cepat heal. Other than dat, i makan pil manjakani. Like betty.bad says, boleh pengsan man!

Sasha, susah la suruh org lain buat mktg for me. Cos byk bende2 yg i nak bli dorang tak tau. Then kip on tipon2. Baik bli sendiri. So bile MIL dtg je, i pi la pasar shop utk seminggu. Tu pn nak angkut jgk. Just pray lah everytg okie.

Betty.bad, ngeri nye dgr. Stitches pun bole terkoyak!? Kalo org yg kena glue or staple tu macam ne pulak eh? My fren ade satu c-sect dia pakai stapler. Kelakar jgk i dgr.
Zu, it didn't come totally undone but there was blood all over the wound and I believed the pain, tuhan ajer yg tau. Ada yg glue ajer? Eek, macam tak secure gitu.
betty, zu
mine is not stitches..i'm not sure what they used but my scar like glued together. Kalau staple mesti nampak the staplets kan? I dunno lah but when i went back to c my gynae for check up aft the c sect, she just check wound and put on new dressing. Aft a week i could take off the bandage.

Ckp pasal ikan haruan...i did try for the sake of recovering fast BUT after putting the bottle in hot water and adding a pinch of salt, I tried to drink it. The bau was so overwhelming that whatever in my mouth I couldn't bring myself to swallow it. I braved myself again the next day but I got flashback and vomitted out again. Dari hari tu, I gave up!

I actually took jeli gamat - so much better as it's tasteless and it helped a lot i feel..

Zu, aft 2 weeks kan i panggil makcik urut tau. Did u? U'll feel v good aft that! Are u still wearing the surgical binder? It'll help to be more comfortable when u walk around as it keeps ur tummy in..

kalau u gi marketing, jgn bwk Adam lah. Ur MIL blh jagakan.. and ur baby..
bettybad, i know ade yg glue ajer. a, i tink tats the most not secure. The tot of it je seram seh.

sharena, yup. Kalo my MIL ade rmh, then i go pasar myself. i called makcik urut after 3weeks. Tpi urut badan je. She says kalo nak urut perut kena tunngu abt 3mths. I pakai binder tu for abt 2weeks je. Then after i took out dressing, i also took out that binder. Tak sedap la pakai. i rather pakai corset to keep the tummy in.

Then abt the staples, my fren kate ty pat OT tu dia dgr bunyi 'mcm stapler. Then gynae confirmed la kate dia pakai stapler. Ngeri eh. Gynae tu cakap dgn dia dat its more stable. Ntah betul ke tak la. Tapi bile dia go bk gynae after 2wks tukar dressing, gynae bukak balik tau staplers tu.
The thread is alive again!!

Big welcome to the new mummies..

mcm mana tu pakai stapler? Mine pun I tak tahu ape dorang buat. Like Sharena ckp if its stapler shld have seen the staplets rite..Mine takde cuma at the 2 ends of the wound ada knots tau..So I believe it must be stitches..But when I went for dressing,Gynae ckp tak payah remove as it will dissolve by itself..So sampai sekarang I sometimes wonder what did they do to my open womb!! HEHHEHE
Btw..jgnlah angkat barang berat2..bila I baca what you wrote here my wound terasa ngilunya!!Isshhh!!

Yours develop keloids tak?
betty bad

busy la i with year end deadlines and all, pulak tu my office was plagued with chicken pox.. two staff kena, so we very short handed.

kalau ade two knots tu stitches la. but mine kan, they remove the "thread" before i left hospital...

abt the ikan haruan, ade yg pil tau. My hb got it from joo chiat complex. zu, cubela carik, must take la, lagi lagi u angkat barang.. jeli gamat pun i makan, tu paling senang because tasteless and adourless tak mahal sangat pun i think.

the real ikan i makan for abt first 2 to 3 weeks, my mom goreng dgn bawang and lada aje.

despite all that, even now after 1.5 years kalau i buat exercise yg do leg raise, i bole rase the wound macam tighten and ade rase "discomfort" sikit.
ello mummies!!!

wahhh....u all bual2 pasal c-sect ni buat i ngilu 2 births dua2, bila baca kat sini citer pasal the stitch or watnots...waduh~ ngeri kita kat sini u! this topic ni kalau laki2 kita yg baca kan bagus...hehehe...biar diorang tengok the pains women go tru jus to give them their zuriat~....

ps: harap harap i takkan go tru c-sect if Ever lah eh i preggy lagi ke...hehehe...(saper tau kalau 'accidental pregnancy)
Heh, mamaliz. I pun sama. Both normal deliveries. I know for c-sect nak kena jaga betul-betul because my sis went through it twice. So many pantang larang, especially on the type of food they can/ cannot eat.
shimmers, i pun tak tau. My fren kate dia nye pakai stapler. Dia kate bole dgr lagi bunyi stapler tu. Ni la 1st tym i dgr org kena stapler. Pasal eh tak ole angkat brg berat2? I rase mcm okie je. Takde sakit pun.
Byk nah pantang larang! Thank God nie last one.

nora, i tink i better get the jeli gamat also. Dulu i pernah makan. Agree that its odourless. Bukan mcm ikan haruan tu. Bole pengsan man! abt the ikan haruan tak tau plak ade jual dlm pil. Wah! Nk kena pi Geylang jauh tu! Hb kalo ajak gi Geylang ade je alasan dia.

betty.bad, ape bende yg takle makan? I rase sume i da telan tau. hehehe.. Maklom la evertym pregnancy tak byk makan. So lepas branak ade je mengidam makan!
U all talk about c sect making me ngilu. becos of me everyone is talking about ikan haruan now...hehe. Personally i have no probs taking the pati cos if dah used to taking essence of chicken then the taste is about the same.

Zu, even those having normal birth with episiotomy pun mesti pantang makan. Things like prawn, sotong are definite no no.
Oh yah the other me went to kkh for pap smear and to check my womb. Been so busy to drop in here cos had to take care of faiq full time now since all the parents and in laws dah went back to their houses.
from what i know the wound for c-sect is very deep so surface may look ok but internally takes time to heal. the precaution not to carry heavy things is to ensure the stitches on the inside tak terbukak or luka.

I am gg to joo chiat complex this weekend to drop off clothes kat pertapis. i can help u buy the pil ikan haruan and mail it to you if u want.
Yup zu, what nora said is true. That's why besides taking ikan haruan or jeli gamat, u also have to take jamu.

I am thinking of sending my son for sunat. Any mummies here has done it for your son in their first month?

Can anyone recommend me any good doctor to go to for sunat?
nora, if u dun mind, kalo ade terjumpa pil haruan tu, u can buy and post to me la... Kalo takde takpe. Jgn plak pi round satu Joo Chiat setakat nak carikan i pil tu.

lynzi, i nie tak pandai makan bende2 gini. Esp yg jamu2. hehe.. I ade sunatkan boy when he was 2wks old. After tali pusat tanggal trus bawak sunat. Easier to care. I went to Dr Hafiz. Clinic dia pat Yew Tee. I tak tau la ape u mean by good doctor. Tapi my mak kate doc nie sunatkan dia lawa. Cos my nephew dia pi pat Jurong West my mom kate not nice. Ntah la... Org tua nie.. Mcm2 kan!
C-sect scar:
I guess best to avoid things like seafood pasal might cause itch to the scar lah. I agree wt the rest, those yg go thru C-sect must really take care because they 'cut' thru 7 layers of our skin so even if on the surface it looks OK, the inside layers we still dunno. I still feel some tugging at times but alhamdulillah dapat deliver Saarah VBAC

I went thru C-sect for my 2nd twin & it was a horrible experience cause I cut feel the gynae making the incision. I terus teared up & told the nurse I cld feel the cut, she gave me GA & I 'konked' out in 3secs!

Asal tk sunatkan skali kat KK after Faiq was born? I cuma know of the one kat Eunos. Memang frm past generations semua sunat over there so I guess got comfort level lah
no problem, when i da jumpe i will let u know k

my son also sunat at eunos, Dr Tahir. My boy 3 weeks old pegi sunat, 3 days da tanggal the ring tapi macam tak sampai hati tengok dia pegi sunat tu, glad that episode is over
hi all!

ckp pasal sunat'll be valuable info for me. Will bring to Yew Tee kat Dr Hafiz. Nanti for more info i tanya u eh zu.

I pun intend to sunatkan my coming baby boy early..Ada yg ckp sunat later biar budak tu rasa sakit sikit but then leceh lah nk jaga kan?

I didn't know ada ikan haruan pil..bila senang i pun nk cari lah and stock up for later use.

Oh ya, that time makcik urut i ckp NEVER eat food with VINEGAR...u'll feel prickly at the wound. Understandably lah jugak cos vinegar is acidic so boleh terasa pedih..
My boys sunat abt 1mth after they come home. The ring came off in abt 5 days. I think recovery time at such a young age is much much faster pasal babies kan tak buat ape-ape - tido & susu je
Kalau dah besar tu, susah lah sikit. I remember my brother sunat at 8yrs old...alah, dia punya drama & whining...hehehe. It took him abt 10-14days to hea pasal tak tahu duduk diam!
Hello mummies!

Boleh join this thread tak? I'm a mother of 3. 2 girls and 1 boy. Tengah maternity leave rite now. just had my baby boy late sept 2007. I break my leave because of the sch hols so Jan sambung the 3rd mth. Coincidentally my 6 yr old daughter pun nama Sarah, my 4 yr old is Syeza and my 3 1/2 mths son is Syams.

Hope 2 share motherhood wif u all!
sasha, u mean u bole rase the incision?!! dats memang horrible. Kalo me, i tink i da pengsan. Cos sittting under the OT table is scary enuf... Then bole terasa lagi incision dia. OMG!! Dat tym gynae dtg, i kip praying dat i cn really feel NOTHING. Cos u know la, i nie pengecut sikit. Lg2 low pain threshold.

Sharena, u can just call the clinic before going down. Tp staff pat situ answer the call, mcm v rude gitu. Blom abis ckp da letak!

Aida, welcome here!!
WELCOME AIDA! We look fwd to sharing ur experiences with us.

kalau i kan, i feedback to the doctor!

bila dgr u ckp u cud feel the incision mmg ngeri gitu. For me, I hated the anesthesia injection at the spine. Seram kalau tersalah cucuk...boleh paralysed! But i also cud feel how rough my gynae 'korek' my tummy! Just bcos I can't feel pain! And she was talking to the Anaesthesia like as if they are at a hawker ctr...kita yg terlentang ketakutan.

Zu lepas tu u muntah2 tk? Apparently it's cos of the anaesthetic...My hb paling traumatic kalau nampak org muntah! hehehe..he could actually run away..
Sharena, Zu
Tu sebab lah...unbelievable. But in my case, it was miscommunication btw the staff because they thought I was on epi but just a few hours before, I was taken off it. The OT staff pekak, didnt hear the nurses say that I was not on it.

Padahal as I was being wheeled to OT, this doctor out ice pack in my thigh & keep asking...can you feel it? can you feel it? I ckp the end of the day, my hubby kata they got reprimanded.

For me, after C-sect I tk muntah...feel like want to muntah only. But I cld not get out of bed for 3 days...tu pun on 3rd day (which I felt so happy pasal dpt mandi!), I was still groggy.

You having C-sect wt this pregnancy as well? Dah figure a name yet tak?
Welcome aida!!

hi hi mommies...thanks for the info on sunat. The past 2 days i have not been at home. Went for my mak andam course so finally get to do some errands and shopping also on the side..hehe. Btw, gap tengah having sale tau. Menggiler i beli clothes for my boy. the second piece is 50% off so its worth it. Tengok baju2 gerls geram many choices compared to boys.

Me living in wdlds so yew tee tu quite near for me to go ah. In yishun ada Dr Zailan but that time my fren did her son there then got infection so i scared to go.

Sharena, time give birth at kk i tak teringat to sunatkan him ah. Was more concerned about my stitches.

Zu, can give me the address of the clinic tak? It cost about $80plus rite? Aniwei the jamu i'm eating is in pill form so tak rasa apa2 pun.
I tak tahu ada such thing as jel gamat and haruan in pills??!! OMG outdatednya I !!

Anyone can tell me where to get the jel gamat and Nora, u beli pill tu kat whc part of geylang?
Im so kiasu eh..well actually planning to try for a 2nd one soon la..when I read many here are either PG or had just given birth,hmm mcm nak lift dwn the red flag aje!

So u plan to do C-sect for this time round?

I baca u ckp u felt the incision? My jaw nearly dropped!! I cant imagine if it was me!! I always thought C-sect procedures can nvr make mistake because of the epidural thingy but after reading yours, it changes my mindset..Would think twice if im opting for it again..

I guess your Q asked dah pun di answer by experience mummies here..Y tak boleh makan ni n tu and y tak boleh angkat barang berat..So you shld be very careful girlfriend!

About the sunat thing..I really menyesal tak sunatkan Sharf during his earlier days..REALLY!! Ni pasal my hubbyla wanted so much the son to feel the pain..He said let him grow to a stage whr he can complain n feel,it'd be like an educational exposure for him la konon..I was thinking hey,nanti yg mcm nak rak jaga will be me!! And NOW after 3nhalf years old, hubby told me he should heed my advise and sunatkan Sharf earlier..Can you all believe it?? What can I say more? Guess have to leave it that way lah and wait till he's k1-k2 to do crossing my fingers hoping this boy tak perangai during tht moment..
shermin ,

you are not alone, me too tanya my hubby pasal sunat my son early time kan bagus ..ada dia jawab like yr hubby... biar dia rasa mcm mana sakit dia...ikutkan aje ah nanti kena jaga kita jugak...
Hi aisha...congrats!!! U still have a long way to go. Hope u will have a smooth preggy.

Zu, don't forget to give me the details of Dr Hafiz at yew tee tau. I wanna bring faiq before he turns 2 mths. Thanks in advance!
welcome aisha!

sasha, shermin
I gt no choice. Hv to csect. My hb and I dah choose first name but 2nd name blm confirm.. Thought of naming Shaqil Omar. Spelling of the first name pun belum confirm. Ingat nk 'shaquille' but takut nanti org pronounce the u jadi shakuil..

Skrg dah boleh rasa berat and my pinggang hurts! Will have a massage later this evening as recommended by my contact in multiply. I had her once before and she's q gd.

Sejak start school, I ni yaya pakai heels so aft 2 weeks, I could feel the pain in my back and butt. Sometimes nk bangun or jln pun sakit.

Ni dah tk tahan so panggil urut. She comes to my house so it's v convenient lah.

let us knw lah where we can gt the ikan haruan pills. I'll try to check out the shops here yg sell jamu..
The name of my fren's son pun shaqil. Seems that's a popular name nowadays.

Ler sharena, why u go and wear heels?? Even my school yg ada lif pun boleh terasa when wearing heels.
Sharena, after dat i tak muntah2. Cume tired and hungry. Then tak bole makan plak tu. Sampai nurse pun i marah. Cos lapar sgt! Nak minum MILO pun dia tak kasi! From 1pm sampai i kluar OT ard8plus. Tak makan tak minom. Sape pun bole meletup pe. :p

Lynzi, the clinic is somewhere near Limbang market pat Yew Tee. I kasi u clinic number u call and ask for exact address okie. Cos i tak ingat dia pat blk brape. 67690302

Shermin, i nie asal boleh je lah. Now korang da ckp macam2 nie. Seram plak aku dgr!
Better be safe than sorry eh.

aisha, congrats!! Hope u hv a smooth pregnancy!
Thanks for the no zu! U talk about not eating or drinking makes me remembered my time in delivery suite. Was not allowed to eat or drink from 10am till i gave birth at 9.24pm. Nurse only gave me ice chips.

Luckily before going hospital i heeded my mum's advice and went to have a very heavy breakfast even though my contractions were 15 mins apart...hehe.
good morning semue

i went to joo chiat complex on saturday. but tu pill ikan haruan sangat elusive la. takde stok. the kakak cakap two weeks time

usually i will get it from the jamu shop at first floor of joo chiat complex, facing the main road. the name of the shop is Al-Baqarah, i think. Its the biggest jamu shop there, bec they have two adjoining units. macam mcam ade, jeli gamat, krim gamat ke semue ade kat situ.

since banyak yg interested in this pill ikan haruan later tonite i will take the pic of the packaging and put it up here k. I stll keep the bottle for reference. Anyway its a Malaysian produk, so maybe can buy in jb pun.
Hello mommies! Boleh I join? It looks so interesting lah to see all the mommies get together. I pun SAHM eversince I gave birth to my baby girl. She's now 18 months old, Athelea Adam Lee. And now, I'm expecting number 2. :p
Congrats!!!Wishing you a smooth pregnancy.

Welcome and congrats too!! You baby's name is so unique..What does Athelea means? I believe hubby is not malay? Where are you putting up btw?
My cousin named her gal Aurylia(not sure of the spelling)Sarah..thot its unique as many beautiful names coming up now.

wonder buku mana eh you all use to search for beautiful names like that??

thank u I know whr to get the pills in future. Kalau tak, ikan haruan nak dpt here a bit susah..last time my MIL yg beli kan kat JB..kesian org tua tu..pagi2 buta dah carikan kat Jb

Shaqil is nice..the other other shaquille is also nice cuma bit more glamour..but u r rite about the pronouncing..salah sebut jadi shakuil..kesian pulak nantikan..

Looks like makin ramai yg sangkut ni...lagi semangatla I!! Hhehehhe
My hubby chinese ah-beng hahahah but alhamdullilah dah taubat
We got our girl's name from a book of muslim names. Bunyi sama tapi we ubah the spelling. It means yang mulia. Btw, I now tinggal at Yishun but will be moving soon to Woodlands.
Hi Babylee, welcome to the thread! I am also expecting no 2 and I have a 14 mths doter, Farah Adena.

Maybe I'll stick to the spelling Shaqil..
Hi Sharena,

I'm now coming to 7 months tapi my tummy very small. Pergi scan, Gynae measure baby baru 0.6 kg. Sigh....tapi if sihat never mind lah. We're expecting another girl so takyah lah beli baju baru. Can still use her jiejie nye.
i'm now at 6.5mths n my baby weighs tummy pun small but i think cos i hv big built. U diet ke? r u taking any medication? i'm now on multivit, calcium n fish oil. btw who is ur gynae n whr r u delivering?

Me small built. I tak diet tapi I banyak kejar my daughter kat rumah. So slalu kasih dia makan dulu baru I makan. By then, macam takde selera gitu sebab dah penat. I get only the prenavit from my gynae. Other supplement tak de lah. Tak makan. My gynae Dr. Lawrence Ang. He delivered my first so I dah comfortable dengan dia. I'm due in April 28.

You macam mana pulak. Can cope with your elder one and at the same time pregnant? Penat eh. Actually I was a silent reader kat this forum but found it so interesting and can't resist to join.
