Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

oppps, forgot to inform. in case, just to be sure, boi's name: lionel seah. mum's name: yvonne. dad's anme: cliff. foto caption: cheeky as always...our darling boy.

thank you. xie xie. arigato.
kekeke... shhhh....

Can try KP at causeway got 20%. Or Isetan aso hv nice designs for bb. But discount is 10- 15% only.
Hi mummies,
Busy day for me today. Month end closing.... can't wait for the coming holiday on thursday....
after this holiday, have to wait till aug liao...

same for all more hols at the moment liao...

but my hubby says i gettin 3 mths PH so y am i making a big fuss..hehe

hello hello...dat's nt PH...dats's my entitlement..haha

even the SAHMs are also quiet...wat happen? loooooong holiday?

i was wondering are we ever gg to have a yishun mummies gathering? seems all tok but no action leh..hehe

its a gd idea to include kids at our gathering but hor....wait cry, all cry. one fall down...then all also do re mi fa so....keke

or the mummies shd meet up first? any one interested in a gathering? weekends? any taker?
shall see who interested first, then set a date & time.
yvonne, bbcutie,
Alamak, wait til my ML finish den jio for gathering! LOL. I am on for gathering on weekends bahz. But hor, I will hv the bb with me coz i am her FT maid. :p
hello all,

i m here.. hahaha.. been busy gg swimming this few days,bring my princess go swimming.. she loves it so much.
.. hahaha.. wow.. u all toking abt gathering.. hmmm.. ya lor. .wen we wil have one ar?? i tot gathering bring baby one,cos let baby play wif each other n can knw meet new frend ma... !! then i see other ppl gathering hor,they share money order buffet.. hahahaha... hmm .. maybe we can try but we nd a big space .. haha
princess gal,
If any of us stays in condo, maybe can book function room for big space.... hehehehe....

Wah u so good life, busy gg swimming..... I dun hav this luxury.... hehehehe
hello all,

very busy cos piano exam coming n school holiday now so sometimes give extra lessons.i agree wif babycutie if we can hav gathering at condo better
don't mention. if he wins, just share the px with my ah gal can liao. hahaha. jus joking lah.

if got gatherings, count me in hor. which yishun mummy stay condo?

wow.. condo ar.. is big but any mummies here stay condo?? if have rise up ur hand !! kekekeke... yea busy gg swimming wif my princess n my frend lor...i m SAHM ma ,always free one but u FTWM different ... cant compare one...
u prefer SAHM or FTWM le ?? hehehe

**so any mummiese here living in a condo rise hand ** kekekek..
morning ladies,

hehhehe i stay Opp e condor ooooo so i cannot rise my hand hahaha...Gathering must fast & before mid of July if not ME & Yvonne will be confinement one mth ne, then Gathering will be at September liao

sorry to "interrupt". my in laws stay in Yishun and my child is likely to attend childcare/NI etc there. May i ask if you have any recommendations around Yishun Park. Much appreciated. Tks
morning mummies,

i know one yishun mummy stay at the condo near OCC but she nt active in tis thread i also cannot raise up my hand..haha

ya lor, as wat michelle says, EDD jul gathering in sep liao if not now

san, no prize to share with u...cos my boi "luo4 xuan3" time round perhaps..keke

hi inc(oops),

eh...speaking of childcare in Yishun Park, wat abt Carpe Diem at Yishun Polyclinic but fees are nt cheap though...also hv a quite a few ard blk 200+...which area do u prefer?
Hi Yvonne

Tks for your response. M looking at those around Yishun Park (blk 416). The best way to find out is ask for feedback.

My husband is keen with the one at Yishun Safari but i find the place crowded with kids. Also hear the hand foot mouth disease happens frequently there..

The Carpe Diem childare is near to the Alexandra hospital.. wonder if the construction will bring more dust/noise etc.
I know there is one called World kids at Blk 388.
Yishun Safari?? U mean Yishun Safra is it? The one at Yishun Safra is called Eager Beaver. There is one at OCC called Little Skoolhouse but I find the fees kinda steep.

Maybe wait till after September lor. Because its a bit rush to organise now. I know there is a mummy staying at Lilydale but thk she not active here anymore leh.... Anyone staying Yishun Emerald or Yishun Sapphire???
Hi babycutie


Yes, i am referring to Eager Beaver. It is within walking distance from my in law plc. Ya, the little skoolhouse is very steep.
Hi Inc,

as far as i know, carpe diem @ the polyclinic is enclosed - air conditioned. So most prob, the construction noise/dust wld hv been block out.

if i'm nt wrong, fees at eagle beaver @ yishun safra also very steep. If possible send ur kids to housing estates cc/playgrp as its much more affordable. and since u mention HDMD always present at Eagle Beaver, why risk sending ur kids there...

bbcutie, so i guess gathering will be in sep liao. agree its kinda rush to organise one place, no time, no food, no people...hahaha the meantime, will just "dream" abt the gathering..keke
Hmm, didn't know that Michelle is also preggie wz no. 2 now. Think most yishun mummies here are mum of 2 at least. Am lagging behind liao.

Oh, he 'luo xuan' liao ah? then no consolation prize/ thank u prize for me? hehe.
Helo mummies,
Back to work after my 12 weeks break. Now my work is breaking my back! LOL. Sianz, come back and a mountain of receipts is awaiting me. All this PCK uncle cant be bothered to do their own petty cash claim and must wait for me to return and consolidate for them! Pengz.

So gathtering not on liaoz?? I was tinking can go to the playarea at OCC club. I tink its open to public on weekend. Dunno can book the place if the group is big enuff den its more cozy.
Hi Yvonne

I am still open and doing my check. So would like to gather feedback. Guess so far none of the child here are in these childcare. tks.
haha...speed up for ur la...u are nt the only one la...some yishun mummies also 1 nia ma...

consolation prize? hhmm...wat u wan? a kiss or a hug..keke..or maybe i write a thank you card to u..

linda...welcome backi to the workforce..gathering can still be arrange but kind of rush lor...everyone like all bz leh...maybe u wanna chk out hw much is the rental? if nt too steep, we can still hv tis gathering lor... must be quick quick..hehe

inc, m still checking for u...hang on...
Hmm, i didn't know that you are FTWM. I tot you are a SAHM. Your company construction line?

Hmm, i will not speed up for no. 2 lah. This type of things, i will not fight to win 1. I don't mind be the last. Let all of you win ok? haha.
any mummies here more than 2?

ur EDD on July right? so i think if wan to hav gathering now quite hurry unless got any mummy free to organise.
u kns...fight wat? win wat? chey....hahahahah! The last is always the best, hor...everyone stop liao then u announce..haha...great feelin!

fei ming,
ya both michelle & myself EDD jul. mummies dat are free to organise...must be those SAHM lor, hhhmmm..... like, princess gal lor....kekeke

YAHOO! 2moro friday liao...hang in there all FTWMs...
Sorrie, veri bz since i hv 3 mths worth of paperwork to clear! LOL. Erm, anyone can volunteer to find out abt the OCC play area?? :p

Yupz, i am rosie! LOL.

Fei ming,
I lorz. 3 monkeys in all. Noisiest house in ysh liaoz! LOL.

Oh ya hehehe so now u hv lesser time for yr 2 older kids lor?? Will they jealous & make some funny things to let u noticed them??

nOw i told my girl must sayang didi when he is out then she will come to touch my tummy kekke

Ger, Boi, Ger. If all 3 boys, i tink i peng san liaoz. LOL

I lucky coz i dump the bb with my mum on weekdays, so still got time for the 2 elder ones. But on weekends, definitely leng luo the elder 2 coz bb takes priority mah. Anyways, so long as theres a additional member, the old ones will somehow hv lesser time w u lorz. Like my hb being the 'oldest' member at home. LOL.

re: jealousy in kids
For me, the eldest is a ger and she is very guai lorz. When i had lucius, we tell her to sayang and all. But got once we say her putting the beanny pillow on bb lucius face. But dat was when she is only 2.5 yo, so understandable lar coz she aso dunno wad she doing. Must look out one lar. I actually spend ALOT of time w lavonne after lucius arrive so dat she will nt be jealous. anyways, lucius too small to know abt jealousy too. ahahhaa...
So now, I try to spend time with lavonne and lucius after work or on weekends when letticia is napping. Can be tiring coz I dun get much rest but must make sure everyone gets the neccessary attention from me lorz.
