Any Comment on Dr.Yvonne Chan & Dr.Y.C.Goh



Hi all,

any comment on Dr.Yvonne Chan (fm TMC) & Dr. Y.C.Goh (fm Thomson Plaza)?

can share wif me their services & charges?


I was with Dr Yvonne Chan previously. Her charges are very reasonable, but I find that she isn't very thorough. She is polite, courteous and formal. . Heard that she has many doctor clients (I suppose that's a good thing).
YC Goh is very professional. He is like a daddy type who is patience and gentle with patience. Lots of my friends go to him

I was wif Dr Yvonne Chan too, jus delivered my bb last mth.

Overall, quite satisfied with her. Like wat apt, she is very polite, very professional.Heard dat she was previously wif KK hospital.
yes.. i used to see Dr Heng fm Bedok but it was very far fm my pl.. so thot of changing gynae!

can share wif me the chrgs for Dr YC Goh?

can share wif me the chrgs for Dr Yvonne Chan?

I was with YC Goh too
He is very professional and assuring.
I had a very smooth pregnancy & delivery with him. Went thur C section as I had vomit, no pain after the ops, scar was fine line too (though red and protruding)

He charges are reasonable as compared to other TMC gynae but if compare to Glen doc, he is expensive... but Glen hospital charges are very expensive.

He is very detailed and in emergency, he return call very promptly.
I was initially with YC Goh and I bled when I was 7 weeks pregnant. He didn't check why I was bleeding; all he did was do ultrasounds, gave me jabs and gave me 8 days mc. I again bled 2 more times but he didn't find the cause of it.

I then changed to a gynae in WC Cheng and she did a thorough checkup on my first visit. She delivered my baby through C-section and my scar is hair-fine. It's not even protrouding and I've got no keloids. I could even walk around the next day after my op.
Hi Helen

Wow u so lucky, hair fine scar and not protruding.. U must hv very good skin / complexion... scar dep very much on individual skin and the speed of healing... for me it was very good alrdy cos it take me weeks / months to recover even a small cut.

As for walking, it is common (or infact a must) as nurse and doc will ask u to come down to walk and pass urinethe very next day.

THink u hv to go to the gynae and see for yrself whtr u & hubby like him. I believe that everyone can hv different experience with same doc and most impt is tt u must be comfortable and hv faith in the gynae (a plus pt will be hubby also feel comfortable with the gynae)

I think my gynae is good cos my colleague, who had her twins delivered by her 9 years ago, also commented that she had hair-line scar.

The walking bit: I was infact very fit. I not only got up from bed to pass urine, I also walked around the hospital: I went to attend a baby-bathing class where my baby was the model, registered my baby's birth, looked at other babies on another floor.

i was with yc goh too and went through c-section. i delivered 2 months ago and my scar is still red and protuding. how? anything can be done? will it remain this way or has the scar hasn't healed fully? and i noticed the cut was rather long like 14cm... how about your scars?
Hi Helena,
Thks for sharing. I was walking ard too attending bfg class, gg ard the hospital etc and my cfmt nanny was impress by my walking pace and comment I recovered very fast

Hi Pink

It is only 2 mths, not to worry, the scar will heal but it take time.

My bb 5mth now, my still red but I can see improvement to it. My scar is oso quite long cos my bb head rather big
Hi mummies

Wondering how do you find Dr Yvonne Chan? Is she approachable, detail in her consultation?

Also is her waiting time long?
Hey Arwen, I like Yvonne Chan... barely any waiting times at all. I think the longest I've waited is 20 minutes. She's very approachable.. plan to deliver with her.
Hi Catz

How many mths are you now?

Have you signed up package wif her? Heard she is quite ex. Can share wif me her costs?

Also is she approachable kind of doctor?
Arwen, I'm currently 5 months but my situation is a little different.. I am currently in the USA but I have been with Dr Chan since 1990s when she was in KKH. I went to her before I came to America but I wasn't pregnant yet so I don't know about her packages.. I just like the way she takes time to explain stuff to you... she's very approachable and never rushes her appts.
Hi Catz

So u in USA now.
I was wondering how come ur reply came at 2am.

U working there or hubby is working there? Would u be back to give birth or going to give birth there?

Take care........
Arwen, my hubby is doing postgrad studies.. I'll be back to deliver, hopefully at TMC
So are you currently pregnant or just looking to find a good gynae?
I'll be back in early Nov... if not, I'll be too far into my 3rd trimester to be allowed to fly

It's good to be prepared.. I always had the idea of giving birth in TMC 'cos I like the cosy envt.
Hi there! I really like dr Yvonne Chan. I went thru a rather complicated pregnancy and miscarriage. I could feel her care and concern. In the operating Theatre, Dr Chan is so caring, candid and that really puts me at ease. She acknowledges my fear and reassured me. She was also very prompt and personal. Right after the surgery, she called my husband personally to update him. After that, she went right up to the ward to give him a clear idea of what went on.

I had to do a blood test on both wed and fri after the surgery to check my HCG. In between is quite a fair bit of fretting and unknown. Dr Chan so kindly at the close of her clinic called us personally to check if I was still bleeding and informed us of the blood test result, which she need not have done. I think she is simply fantastic. She felt sad for us that we had to go thru it. She really can feel for her patients

Also, the laproscopy that she did for me, I never had a wee bit of pain from the surgery to now (4 days post op). I heard from my fren who had her delivered the baby, Dr CHan's stitching skills is fantastic too.

Hi Priscilla

May I know where is Dr Ynonne Chan's Clinic? I am looking for gynae. What are her charges like?

My GP recommended Dr Dolly Wee from Mount Elizabeth, anyone have her as gynae before?


I am also with Yvonne Chan, recommended to me by 2 of my colleagues. She is approachable, candid and knowledgeable. She is slightly more expensive, but both my hubby and I agree that so long as we comfortable with her...her charges are not an issue.

During visits, she answer our queries, get my hubby involved in the Ultra-Scan (describing and pointing out to him what my baby is doing in my tummy).

Waiting time is very short too....max is 20 mins.
am with yvonne chan now but thinking of switching to eunice chua. anyone out there with experience with both? any comments

i am also looking for a gyane. is it possible to let us know Dr Chan's charges like? i understand that there is a package at TMC? anyone can explain more of that?
thank you.

spymaster - how come you want to switch to eunice? in the other thread, i did read some where that she is good too.
Hi Jan, my mom, sis and myself are going to Dr Chan for a long time.. really like her as there isn't a long wait at her clinic and she is really professional. Her episiotomy stiches for me (I had an extra big cut 'cos too exhausted to push) healed very nicely and cleanly. Two thumbs up
hi jan

sorry for the late response.

i wanted to switch cos i felt i needed a fresh opinion on my condition. i went to see dr eunice chua a couple of months ago and she did manage to come up with some new ideas and suggestions.

i would say they are both are very competent doctors.

dr chan can come across a bit aloof and stern-looking at times, but i have consulted her long enough to know that she cares a lot about the well-being of her patients. and i like that she always takes the time to answer your questions and never seems impatient or hurried.

there's a "rumour" that she is the most expensive in TMC but i don't think that's true. in any event, you can call around the clinics to ask. the nurses are always happy to help.

but is there anything in particular you wld like to knowabout dr chan or dr chua? i will be happy to help if i can.
Hi Kite, Dr Yvonne Chan delivered my bb few wks back. Her stitches are gd. Recover in 10 days. She is confident and cool type, very experienced too.
Dr Chan delivered my baby in end 2005 & I would highly recommend her. She's not exactly the motherly kind but she is very professional & very assuring.

I really thank God for Dr Yvonne Chan cos if not for her encouragement, professionalism & pro-natural birth stand, I might have ended up having a caesarean cos I had a special condition which most gynae would likely to recommend caesarean.

Dr Chan was very professional in presenting the situation to me in a facutal but very assuring way. To cut the long story short, I delivered my 3.42kg baby successfully naturally & as agreed by a no. of my friend who have delivered their babies by her, her stitching skills is fantastic.

I'm 1st time mum. Would like to know how her consultation like?

Is there any much fee difference in term of delivering bb in private hospital verus KKH?

Can I check how much is the first time consultation fee like for Dr Yvonne Chan?
What is her contact number?
Do she have clinic outside TMC?
Hi Yuki,

First time consulattion - 80
Subsequent - 40
Contact no. 62564664
TMC #06-06

She have no clinic outside.

She is a caring person. She will help me to del this July. This the Third time I visit her.

Although the consultation a bit Expensive, but overall, I have compared with other mommies, the cost are almost the same at the end of del.
may i know how much we have to pay per visit? meaning, consulatation plus scan? does her package includes scan as well?

anyone tried dr judy wong from TMC??
Hi Lay,
Isnt the consultation fee included in the package? If I am not wrong YC Goh is charging around $60+?(Pls correct me if wrong.) I am also wondering whether to choose Dr Chan ,Dr Goh or Dr Koh(tpy)

Is the waiting time long for Dr Chan?
hi Love,

I highly recommend Dr Yvonne Chan GS.

I have jus delivered my 2nd bb with her.

She is a very soft-spoken lady. Very gentle with her hands and give v detailed check and explanation on the bb.

Her jabs, pap smear and checks are very gentle.

Upon hearing my bb jaundice blood test results not back, she immediately call up my PD to check the results for me. When my PD didnt ans her call, she call other sources to trace. Very touched by her gesture.

Her waiting time is not long, if go by appt, at most wait 15 mins for weekends appt. Weekday appt, very fast.
Hi Miu,

Thanks for the great info, I am soooo sad, just this afternoon I made a call to her clinic and her assistant told me that she is fully booked during my baby's due date....haizzz...I have to start searching again
Hi miu, mind to share the delivery charges with me, i plan to engage Dr Yvonne Chan. I did my pap smear test with her last month, am quite comfortable with her ;)
Hi ladies,

Just went for my 1st appt with Dr Yvonne Chan. Still thinking whether to stay with Dr Chan though me & hubby feel rather comfortable with her..

Understand that some doctors provide email/hp so that U can contact him/her if in doubts but Dr Chan doesn't..

My friend's gynae went on leave during her delivery. End up she was passed to another doc which was quite a bad experience.. Understand doc needs to take a break also but will Dr Chan go on leave knowing the delivery date is ard the corner?

Pls advise. I have some many questions in my mind.. Thanks.
Hi ladies,

Just went for my 1st appt with Dr Yvonne Chan. Still thinking whether to stay with Dr Chan though me & hubby feel rather comfortable with her..

Understand that some doctors provide email/hp so that U can contact him/her if in doubts but Dr Chan doesn't..

My friend's gynae went on leave during her delivery. End up she was passed to another doc which was quite a bad experience.. Understand doc needs to take a break also but will Dr Chan go on leave knowing the delivery date is ard the corner?

Pls advise. I have some many questions in my mind.. Thanks.
Hi Iris,
I'm from the July 2009 thread, with dr Chan. I just stumble onto this thread, but you can PM me or find me in the July 2009 thread is you want to ask me more question... cos I dun check this thread

But i guess doctors will always have patients delivering, so no matter what time they go on leave, there will always be some patients they will not be able to help deliver.....

I was at her clinic for an emergency consult today. had to make do with a stand-in gynae... have to say i prefer Dr Chan a lot more. She was more concise in her diagnosis and explaination, a lot gentler in VE & Ultrasound and she is more alert to any abnormalities in my routine tests....
i've had 2 children delivered by her and many friends (doctors included) who go to her.

Why she's good:
- on average, my waiting time is 15min. Longest maybe 45min (minus the one time she had to go do an emergency c-section). Unlike 3-4 hours at some other gynaes. She does this by limiting that number of patients that she has and once her delivery schedule is full, she stops taking in new patients. I like this. It means that she isn't in it just for the money and wants to give every patient her full attention.

- gentle in her procedures, but no-nonsense and wont volunteer advice unless you ask. I think it's because she does get a lot of dr patients and relatively knowledgeable patients who have already done their research so they don't need to ask that many questions.

- genuinely cares despite her business-like manner. She remembered the name of my first-born, she took extra time to see a friend who had post-natal depression... i just like her.

Don't see her if you like being mothered, hand-held. Otherwise, she's a great medical practitioner. I feel (and my husband feels) she's always on top of things, completely in charge. When complications arise in the delivery room, you definitely want her just the way she is.
i like dr yvonne chan. She delivered my 1st one and she is very gentle and at times humurous after a few visits where we quite comfortable with one another. overall, she is great. Will definitely go for her for my no. 2
