Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

wow, great to see so many Dr Adrian's supporters here. he delivered my girl back in Oct 2004. nice guy, very encouranging on TBF, esp good in episotomy stitches. but, think he's a bit paranoid abt bb getting too big, hahaha. my gal was "scanned" to be abt 3.5kg n he was worried. asked me to induce when i show no sign of labour on my EDD. IF, for my next pregnancy, i need to be induced, i'll not check in at night. rather have a good night rest at home n check in in the morning.

<font color="0000ff">gynae charges</font>
browse thru 1 of the archives &amp; saw some mentioned the gynae charges are $1k + &amp; can start only after 12 wks of pregnancy. i suppose the 1K + includes delivery charges too. so for Dr Adrian's pkg, u gotta put together $550 + delivery charges, which adds up to 1K + too. but overall, his pkg will still be more attractive

btw, i happened to visit him some time ago n was talking abt his charges n IF i remembers correctly, he was going to increase his charges this year. but am not sure if he's referring to antenatal pkg or delivery pkg. maybe u gals wld like to check wif him.

and yes, i opted for 4-bedded at TMC previously n was upgraded to 2-bedded room. gal needs to stay extra day for jaundice so i extended my stay too. after deducting, we paid $300+ cash, but i forgot if we paid any deposit etc.

btw, think he's at CCK clinic on Sat mornings.


Aiyoyo, i got 4ulcers ah!!!

So painful!! Last nite after brushing &amp; rinsing my mouth with Plax, i immediately apply a tight layer of xi gua fen &amp; go sleep!
Today still the same leh, dunno how!

Athen, which type of vit c did ur hubby take? can i take now?

Cheezel, my bb dun want to drink water leh, very naughty ah, will vomit out the water that i drank! How har?

Tuesday nite, my hubby cook a plate of cabbage, pork ribs &amp; chicken. The moment i eat the vege, vomit liao, aiyo, i really dunno wat to eat leh,im scare of some many food, fish oso! Now i totally avoid eating fish, smell oso cannot ah, will vomit!

Think my MS pretty serious!

Zhuzhu, not really leh, still very painful &amp; increase to 4 ah!
angeline, tat time 1st trim i see fish/fishballs i also can understand how u feeling now. try taking small meals...prob more soupy stuff and if u cant stomach fish, then dun force yourself. bb haben start to take nutrients from u yet so no worries. i tried eating small meals...n even so, sometime i will vomit also....plain crackers will help.
can try ribena if u dun like those bottle type n mixed with water yourself....abit of taste will prob ease the nauseas. i buy one big bottle and i finish the bottle in 1st trim. but didnt buy anymore now.

4 ulcers?!! u really super heaty liao wor!

My hb is taking GNC Vit C 1000mg (timed release). I think U can take this vit C cos vit C is water soluble. Better check with Dr Adrian b4 u take.

wah your hb cook for u ah. So nice of him. My hb ah... wait long long also don have ah.

u seeing Dr Adrain at SK clinic ah... me too leh...

When is ur edd??
i have not seen my bb heart beat yet oni can see a water bag on last friday...
Goin bck for review next friday.
This is my #3 bb.
Dr Adrain was my gyna for #2.
happy new year to all mummies and MTBs.

mother of a princess,
Congrats.. wah.. i admire you, got the courage to have #3. Jia You.

Dr Adrian gg to increase his fees soon? wah.. i haven had my #2 yet leh. :p

Maybe after any of you mummies have checked can update here? Thanks.

U r right. He is very concerned with big bb. My bb was 3.5 - 3.7 kg at 39 weeks. So he hinted to C sect cos bb too big for my size. Luckily I opt for C sect. Cos bb was 4.075kg at birth. Heng Ah....

ur bb so big colleague just give birth to her 3.7kg baby...n tats the biggest bb i have seen so far..ur one 4.075kg!! b4 delivery, ur tummy feel very heavy??

Yes very very heavy. Carried him till 40 weeks 1 day. Then schedule for c sect. Also got pelvic pain towards the end of preg.
it means the $550 u paid for the pkg does not include the down synd n detailed scan. when its time for u to do the scan, dr adrian will check with u the date u r available to do the scan n he will make appt with TMC. All u need to do is just go TMC to do ur scanning.
it depends which test u wanna do to test for down syn. NT scan or oscar scan. NT scan roughly ard 100+ and oscar scan abt 300+ or near 300 if i remember correctly.
oscar scan more accurate n include a blood test too beside the scanning.

detailed scanning at abt 20 weeks cost ard 100+ too.
MTBs who have not much ms..
I just went to week 10~11 and my ms is becoming worse.
Usually I dun throw up and feel nauseous but had been throwing up since yest in the morning before I even ate anything!
Terrible feeling, hope I can pull thru office today

Sorry for my late reply, was on leave last friday.
Good news! My ulcers healed already!!


Haha, the smell of fish really very annoying!!
Now i oso tried taking small meals, aometimes ok but sometimes oso vomit out!

Do u know when does bb start aborsbing nutrients from us?


Okie, will check with Dr Adrian first.

Before im pregnant, i will cook, now pregnant liao, my hubby said he cook lor &amp; ask me to rest more
I dunno why i get tired easily leh, keep wanting to sleep!

Mother of a princess,


As per my first visit to GP to test for pregnancy, he predict my edd in late sep

I blurred till always forget to ask Dr Adrian when is my due date, tis fri must rem to ask liao!!!

My first visit only see water bag too, den second visit managed to see heartbeat, tis fri hope to see more!!

Kindly advise.

i) What are Dr Adrian's hours at Seng Kang Branch? If he is not in SK, he will only be in CCK?

ii) Does the Seng Kang clinic has the necessary equipment? I heard that we have to pop by TMC for some scans. When will it be and how often?

iii) Anyone care to share his charges now? What are the estimate for the other charges not included in the package?


Wow, you got #3 liao?! So fast har!

How old is your #2 liao?
You really enjoy the pregnancy har... Kekeke!

Even though you got no apetite, you still need to eat a bit every 2 hrs. It will help to decrease your ms... just have a few bites of biscuits or something light.
Cos the ms is due to the empty stomach.

But 1 thing good abt ms is, you know ur bb is healthy and active. Was told by my company doctor.

So dun feel sian abt your ms... be happy &amp; it will go away soon!
I'm eating something cos tummy feels nausea and hungry at the same time.
I feel horrendous and wondering if I shld take half day leave home to rest.. cannot tahan the wana vomit dun wana vomit feeling
Poor thing Zhuzhu, i had terrible ms too. mine started on a thur when I'm 6 weeks preg. and lasted till 4th month. thereafter, the vomitting subsided but the nausea feeling remains. As there's really no cure for ms, my advise to be strong and tell yourself you can go through it, for the love of your child.

Remember, it's a vicious cycle, the hungrier and more dehydrated you are, the more you will tend to throw up. So, try to consume food and fluid, whatever that can go down to keep the ms frequency down. you may also experience giddiness, so remember to squat down immediately when u feel light-headed coz u might faint in a split second. no time to react one.

One advise for u. Pls take your MC and stay at home to rest if not feeling well due to ms. no point stressing yourself too much. it's not worth it. A job is just a job.
I feel slightly better now but still taking pm leave to go home n rest lor. HB snores kept me awake all night.
I took the cream cracker, forced myself to eat. They say can cure the vomit part.. All I know I feel my tummy growling like crazy and turning here n there..
ms will subside one izit? or last whole day one?
I nvr kana the throw up part until now so I dun know leh
Athen, just saw your earlier message. Wow, didnt know Baby First Year got many complaints. like what type? care to share?
anyway, I think it's perfectly ok to buy whatever we feel is needed before delivery, incl breastpump. For me, it's just that since I've been attending the prenatal class (ParentCraft) at TMC and 100% following the teachings of Mrs Wong Boh Boi, I might as well listen to her advise. For those who signed up for FBI, she's the author of the 3 free textbooks. I also understand that she is a lactation expert and I am very committed to total BF , if I can. So, for now I will follow whatever she says. Heehee, inexperience mother like me a bit gan cheong hor. Actually, my hubby was the one who asked her which breastpump is the best during one of the sessions. She very firmly and sincerely told us not to buy one yet coz after delivery, she will come around (if you are one of her students) to check if you are doing the bf correctly. If she sees that you are doing well with bf, then you may have no problem with any type of breastpump. but if she sees a difficult case, she will try her best to recommend the most suitable pump or method. If u arent her student but has great difficulty in bf, the nurses will recommend her to drop by and have a look at you too.
So far, she did mention that TMC got diff breastpumps for mothers to try out , so that's why I also didnt rush out to buy one yet . Btw, 1st 3 days, we probably only got colostrum and baby need only that coz they have reserve to last them for 3 days. So, for the 1st 3 days, if baby got problem latching on, then got to solve that problem first.
If mine (touch wood) is a difficult case, then will have to get Avent IQ Duo. according to her, this is the only pump that works for problem cases.

I had initially wanted to get Avent ISIS manual pump but I held back coz my hands are swollen now and I had difficult and pain whenever i try to close my palms. So now, i will wait and see. hopefully , all the swell and pain will go away and i got no prob with bf. haha, i want to keep my fingers crossed...but the swell is so bad that my fingers can't cross over.....
hi zhuzhu, dun worry or think too much about the frequency. It's different for every individual and every pregnancy. just remember to rest well and drink lots of fluid. lying down may help too. But do take note that if u are vomitting so much and feel your body weight going down, pls go to Dr Adrian. He may have to put you on drip to prevent further dehydration. And dun exert force on your throat when throwing up. I had such terrible ms that on one occasion, i hurt my throat vessels and vomitted blood as well. Then again, nature is kind to me. I had recovered from it.
Hi Perle

This is the link to the 1st few years complains. Not sure if this is the same shop u r refering to.

Hm... I heard Mrs Wong is good. I don have problem bf in hospital. Problem only started on the 2nd day when I get home. My boy refused to latch as he was given bottle in hosp. I tried to TBF in hospital but my boy is super hungry. According to the PD, his urine is a bit pink from dehydration. Apparently his reserve is not enuf. Probably due to his size. So PD suggest to give him formula.
But gave instruction to nurse to bring him to me 1st b4 giving him FM. Heard from nurse that he is always crying for milk. I also read that bb got enuf reserve to last for the 1st few days. But somehow it is not true for my boy. Guess every bb is different.

If u intend to bf for long term, better get elec pump. btw, Avent elec pumps comes with manual parts also. So no need to buy manual pump. I'm using Avent uno pump.


MS usually last the 1st trimester. I think u better rest at home till u r more comfortable. I got ms the last time. Only throw up once or twice during the later part of 1st trimester when it reaches the peak. But everyone is different.

According to Dr Adrian, jus eat whatever can go down. Be it coke, coffee.. Anything that goes in is good. But take everything in moderation.


It is normal to feel tired during the 1st trimester. Jus get plenty of rest. Maybe it is mother nature's doing as after bb is born, we don get enuf sleep. So must sleep more now. Ha....
athen, my ms turned for the worse as I approach the last mth of my 1st trimester. I tot it wud turn better but it did not and now I throw up at least once in the morning before food.
Feel nausea whole day and loss of appetite.
Before that I was better off along with just feeling being tired and no nausea. Seems not to be the case now for me.
even no appetite also must eat abit...try to eat anything u can stomach....i find plain crackers the best. how abt some dried fruits?

i didnt throw up much often during my MS time....but feel very nauseas n no appetite n churning in the tummy too. MS will subside for most cases...just a matter of time. perphaps ur MS start late?...mine start ard wek 5 all the way to wek 12 n get over it by week 14. so dun worry ok. Jia you!!

I have very bad MS too, started a few days after im pregnant till now, still on going!

Cos i have gastric problem, i often vomit those bitter gastric juice! Eat oso vomit, dun eat oso vomit, inside the car oso vomit!

Pray hard the MS faster over!!
hi ppl ,
my ms starts fm week5 , lasted till week 21 .
occasionally if i eat too much , will still vomit .
but just hang on , it will go off . it is only after my ms stopped , i started to put on alot of weight . imagine if i am not been hving ms , i mite be much heavier .kekeke
hihi can someone help. thks

Kindly advise.

i) What are Dr Adrian's hours at Seng Kang Branch? If he is not in SK, he will only be in CCK?

ii) Does the Seng Kang clinic has the necessary equipment? I heard that we have to pop by TMC for some scans. When will it be and how often?

iii) Anyone care to share his charges now? What are the estimate for the other charges not included in the package?

hi Cheers,

i) if im not wrong lah cos i refer to the appointment card one.
Mon 1.30 - 3.30pm
Tues 6 - 9pm
thurs 1.30 - 3.30pm
Fri 6 - 9pm
sat 1.30-3.30pm
Wed, sun &amp; Ph closed.
U may wish to call the clinic to confirm their operating hours at 63888125

ii) SK only have routine scanning machine, for detail scan, need to go to TMC. Shd be 20weeks den need to go for the scan.

iii) i paid $550 for his antenatal package. For delivery &amp; hospitalisation, i cant rem liao.
Anyway he will tell u one when u visit him

This preggy reaaly caught me a surprise coz i was still tbf my 7mth old #2...and was first mense i got after 6mths..

And both my #1 and #2 was conceive via clomid..and this time round is natural..
so hope everything will turn out normal lor..
mother of a princess,
So meaning your #2 is 7mths.. then you preggie with #3? Congrat congrats. Hope everything is well.

Btw, so you have 1 girl and 1 boy or ?

Were u at limbang foodcourt today? I thought I saw someone who look like u but not sure as I did not were my specs.

Last fri scanning can see my bb more clearly,10 weeks liao &amp; measured 3.06cm!! So happy!! My due date is 09 Aug 07, national day! Hope my bb will only pop out on that day!!

Dr Adrian oso took blood test for me, when will we know the result har?

Showed the pic to my parents, they said looked like piggy!!

Im going for a scan at TMC on 29 Jan. Think its called 11-14 weeks Nuchal Translucency ( Down Syndrome Risk Assessment )
Think its optional one ( we need to pay on our own ) cos Dr Adrian ask if i want to do, if not, its oso okie. But i choose to go lah, better play safe leh

Anyone went before?? How is it like? Need to prepare anything anot?

normally blood test result will be out in a day or 2....if nothing serious, dr adrian will wait till ur next visit then tell u the result. else, the nurse will call u to make a trip to the clinic for the result.

Tats the NT scan u will be going. no need to prepare anything.....just keep a full bladder...hehe.....theres water at the waiting area so u can just drink while waiting. i also went for the oscar test even though i m not at high risk too....but just to play safe too.....

NT scan is just like normal scan except the machine used is more advance....can see clearer....from the scan, the sonographer will measure the bb neck thickness, n also other parts like the hindbone etc.....the report will tell u ur risk to edward synd, down syn and patau synd...

NT scan cost ard 100+....

Ic, so far never received any call from clinic, hope its good news lah!

Okie, i will keep a full bladder when nearer to my turn!
What is Oscar test? How many weeks must go for that test?

Meaning directly after the NT scan, the sonographer will tell us the result ah??
Oscar test also check for the 3 diff type of synd..... there is triple blood test..abt 60-70% accurate...NT scan abt 75-90% accurate and oscar test is abt 90%+ accurate....oscar test include NT scan and a blood test.

it cost abt 300+ for oscar test...NT scan abt 100+.....

if notHing atypical, sonograher will roughly mention....but dr adrian have to go thru the report and see the result.

eh...i also no know le....but if the u recovering fr the cough, y not continue to take the medicine fr dr adrian?

I spoke to Dr Adrian b4 abt pi pa gao, he advise not to take as he is not sure what is the component inside. But he also mentioned that many of his patients taking it &amp; have not seen advserse result. So he leave the decision to me.

Thanks for the precious info!

Hopefully the NT scan turn out well!

My NT scan is on 29 Jan, next visit with Dr Adrian is on 02 Feb!

Is oscar scan the 3D got colour one??
Ever read from papers got one type of 3D scan, can see bb feature, think oso got colour one but cant rem wat is it called leh.

no la...the NT scan for oscar test is the same as NT test. not the 3D scan unless u request ba...not too sure abt this.

tot Dr adrian will give u a letter to bring to TMC when u go for ur scan? its at level 4 "fetal assessment unit".


Oic, i blurr blurr one

Got, he gave me a letter, maybe i didnt read clearly! Tonite go home &amp; read again!
