Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

During my pregnancy, my hubby scared I would have difficult labour if I don't exercise enough and so always bring me go shopping until 3rd trimester when Dr Adrian said no more shopping for me due to some reasons. I guess that's why my bb now likes to gai gai so much lor! All thanks to my hubby!!!

Talk about xmas, me never expect to have a bb at this xmas leh... a day after xmas will be my 7th wedding anniversary. This bb is perhaps the best gift for my xmas and anniversary. Have not decided what to do this year. Guess with the bb, we cant plan much also...

You are right. My bb now indeed has a fixed time to go shopping leh... esp when he knows daddy comes home from work liao. He used to cry until very 'ke lian' to me but i told him mummy doesnt know how to drive so cannot go out. Guess what? He immediately turn his head to where my hubby is and cry to him for 'help'. And hor, my hubby is always so 'xin ran' and give in to his cries lor. Maybe we really have to try out some of the methods which you have suggested to distract him otherwise where to have so much energy to entertain him every night. Now I go compasspoint and Junction 8 until so sian liao.

I'm hoping to help him develop a fixed pattern before i send him to infant care or bb sitter but it seems like very difficult lor. Even for his drinking pattern, he is now drinking 120ml @ 3hourly interval. I tried to change to 150ml @ 4hourly interval but he would puke each time when i tried to feed him more. Sigh! So tired leh! Sometimes i feel that i'm a lousy mummy.

How do we calculate the age of bb? My boi was born on 22 Aug. As of today, he is 12 weeks 3 days. So should i take it that he is already 3 months or should i wait till 22 Nov to take that he is 3 months. Me very blurred lor.
pig_pig: first preggie mi oso always go shopping and eating.. hehe.. 2nd preggie no time for all these luxuries... sobx

my boi has rashes on his face for 3 weeks plus le.. anyone oso like tat.. havent go off yet wor.. help!
Did you try to apply any cream for him? My bb also have rashes on his face and i apply the Johnson baby cream for him. Looks better liao.
janboy: i tink its btr to take! Duno y adrian nvr bring tis issue up to mi oso... I initiated the test and was tested positive wor.. so given antibodics during delivery.. can you imagine if nvr go for test! faint...

Pigpig: tink my boi's rashes not so simple, i suspect its mild ezcema... hmm, still unsure.. then the skin on the rashes abit rough one leh.. lotion dun help..
Thanks Ling...
Since it's so critical, dunno y he nvr insist on mummies taking strep B test..
Nvm, will ask him on the next round of checkup...
i bring my boi to PD today... they gave him cream to apply.. came back apply abit for him, my boi CRY like crazy leh.. scream till no sound, whole face red.. mi so scare.. faster clean off the cream with water.. maybe sting on the rashes so painful.. alamak...
i apply those normal nappy rash cream on those rashes on face for both my Rs...seems to help..but dun use Destin coz the medicine content too high liao...
than my mum say rashes can be cause ciz we adults keep kissing or touching bb face(hense pass oil etc) than bb face sensitive so rashes break out...than try to clean bb face as & when,esp after milk & when wake up from nap with a wet towel...than she also taught me to use tea to clean,get those tea leaves from those joss paper shop(cheap cheap nia) than add hot water to make tea..when cooled,use tat as normal water to clean lor..normally i make like 1 big metal cup for 1 day..coz she believe tea remove oil mah..

I read somewhere it's critical when the labour is prolong..and if i'm not long,if labour too long normally will inculde the medinice for tat in the drip to prevent bah...
For both my Rs i never did the test..

If you feel like doing can ask lor..than additional charges...can only be done in the last trimester...i forgot from which week onwards...
eunice: doc say boi too hot and sensitive skin.. today put cream on boi btr le.. wah.. 1 side of the face, rashes go off le.. very effective wor.. I dun kiss baby one.. but i tink more on milk rashes and alot of rashes at his back (we carry him to drink, then his neck all have) faint
possible lor..coz bb all chubby got dunno how many layers of fats around neck...the oil can also come from our shoulder,hands,chest as we carry,,hug or even burping bb tat time..

Coz medicine is the help for now..but you need to find a long term solution rather than depends on medicine...try dress your boy lightly lor..than after bath or milk,wipe him..than blow dry than maybe a layer of powder??
Ling.. bian lor...have to find ways to make him feel better & improve the condition....hehe..give you a chance to buy more clothes lor...
hi mummies, i had experience with CCK 24hours clinic too.. Then, my baby was 6 weeks old, was having running nose and cough and i have taken his temperature hourly, and no fever.. and these were the actual condition i told the doc.. the doc on duty took baby's temperature and said hes ok, no fever. then asked me why brought him to clinic... i told him the same thing, and he said, 'oh, but he's only 6 weeks, we dun have med suitable for him, you can monitor and see if he gets better, if not, bring him to kkh...'.. and these nonsense caused me $50!!!! I would never go back to this clinic anymore...
hey gals... hw often your baby wake up for feed at night??

my boi very onz wor... last feed at 11 or 12.. every 3hr later next feed...

Im wondering how if this goes on when i return back to work.. Panda eyes and must drink coffee everyday sia.. faint
Ling... much is your boy drinking per feed??

For me hor,I believe tat bb do understand what we say,so i use the method of keep repeating the same sentence to tap into the brain..
For Regan noe,very standard...8pm++ must take a bath follow by milk,depends on the last feed,sometimes was like 7pm+ nia...if tat's the case than after bath will drink like 90-100ml nia..if not will finish his 160ml than proceed to ZZZzzzZZ till like 6hrs later next tat's like 2am..than next wan will be 4hr later liao at 6am...

Maybe your boy is not full enough to sleep thru the night lor.Did he cy for milk or he just move move nia,if only move move than ignore lor,can drag longer...anyway,for bb to sleep thru the night w/o waking up for milk,it's from bb to bb wan...for my gal,she 1mths+3-4days already no night feeding liao...than my fren boy got night feeding till like stock up on coffee least it work for you me,i'm immune to coffee,drink liao sleep better wor...
Eunice: my gal oso good... can sleep through the nite.. Tis boi no wor.. he move a little and cry abit.. so i pat pat... i pat omoz half and hr on off wor the finally angry and cry... pat le no use no carry.. then his mouth open like wana drink milk.. faint... Wah.. my boi dun sleep 6hrs throughout one.. latest 4hr ba...

hmm, im slowly trying to drag his milk time at nite oso.. see hw it goes. :p

but morn time hor.. cry sleep, put down cry.. at most sleep half an hr only.. faint.. duno why leh.. anyone with tis prob??

think maybe he worried he will be left at home while you go shopping bah...hehe..
My boy time his milk himself...nearer to his bath/sleeptime,he like to pile himself full full,so as to say like 90ml milk,30mins-1hr later wants milk again & can take like 60-90ml again..than maybe 1hr later wants milk & take like 50ml before finally go KO...previously i tried pacifier but he spit it out hard & now i give him wat he wanna than must make sure burp him liao than put side way to sleep coz confirm his mouth will "leak" milk later...hehe

Than sometimes in the day,after milk also dun wan sleep...put rocker cry,put bed cry..carry also stop awhile bo bian,i threw him into sarong & can sleep for 3-4hrs straight..
Did you swaddle your bb? I realised my bb can sleep longer when i swaddle him. When he was about a month old, he used to wake like every 2-3 hrs to drink. Situation improved when we bought the swaddle infant wrap to swaddle him. From then onwards, he only wake up once every night (between 4-5am) to drink. His last feed is at 9pm.
Try giving him a pacificer. That time we also thought my bb was hungry when we saw him open his mouth until my fren suggested giving him a pacificer. He would normally spit it out when he fell asleep.

How old is your boy now? Bb usually has growth spurt when they are 3 weeks & 2 mths old. Maybe thats why his appetite increase. Why don u try giving him more milk during each feed?

Your boy is like my boy. Don like to sleep. Till now still like that. At night, at most he sleep 9.5hrs. Nap only 1.5 hrs - 2 hrs. Once in the blue moon 3 hrs. When he was young, I swaddle him. Tend to sleep longer. Give it a try.

Have u heard of The happiest baby on the block DVD by Dr Harvy Karp? It talks abt the 5 "S". It works for me.
hi mummies,
my girl is now 10 mths old. been thru many rashes episode with her, so thought of sharing with u ladies.
Nappy rash: With regard to Desitin, use the blue box not purple as the zinc oxide content is lower, milder for baby's delicate skin. also the cream is easy to wipe off during nappy change. blue one is available at PD clinics, hospital , polyclinic. purple one is avail in most chance, went to Bishan J8 Guardian and found the blue one. accd to their staff, only that branch carry the blue one ..not sure if they have since expand their sales channel. Desitin is good for serious red nappy rash, usually caused by delayed changing due to the poo poo , not urine. so, be more vigilant and check every half an hour on baby's nappy/diaper. if baby doesnt have rashes, try not to apply desitin, else they will become too "immume " to the cream. use cooled down boiled water to clean bottom with cotton wool (i personally feel is the best method) if u can, instead of baby wipes.
use some other milder barrier creams if baby not having rashes.
If the rash gets serious and baby screams during diaper change, try soaking them in a small tub, with PP wash (potassium permanganate) , avail in most pharmacies, abt $4 per bot. dilute accd to bottle's instruction. i usually make it very very dilute for soaking, like 1 capful to 1.5 L of water.
My girl's rashes wil clear up within 2 days if i use PP wash and Desitin.

As for newborn's face rashes, can be milk rash or bacteria infection. they look similar. milk rash, got to change baby's mitten very every prevent them from transfering germs from saliva (with leftover milk) to face when they rub their face.
bacteria infection, got to use physiogel to wash their face, then apply bactroban cream..pls go to PD to ascertain the condition b4 self medicate.bacteria infection may be due to inproper washing of baby's clothes, mitten, etc. for safety reasons, soak and wash mitten separately.

i think most of the time is facial rash in newborn is due to dirty, remember to change regular and pay extra attn to washing them. hope the above info is useful to mummies out there. Disclaimer: what i share may/may not work for u..just for sharing only. pls check with your PD before self medicate.
good luck and have fun taking care of your babies.
hihi Perle..

Thanks for your info...

For Destin creamy hor...actually can get in this forum too...And it's the bigger tube & somemore cheaper...
Yap..agreed tat use Destin only when there's rashes & normal barrier cream when there's non..

As for PP wash...actually no need to soak bb bottom into tub,more PD taught me a more simple method...use those medicine cap,1 cap of PP wash to 1 cap of water,than use cotton balls & dab onto those reddish area..let it dry before applying any cream works..and normally recommended is 3 times a day nia...

As for bb face rashes...normally all of us here are just trying to help the mummy to find out wat's the actual reasons/causes for it...never notice most of our post end with...Better to bring to see doc etc.....
Hi mummies
My bb seems to start to recognise people liao...
For the past few days, my hubby was working till very late and by the time he came home, bb was already sleeping and so there wasnt much time for him to bond with the bb. So hor, last night my bb cried when hubby carried him. Also, when hubby tried to feed him milk, he also struggled and refused to drink. He finally calm down after i took over. How huh? What happen when i start work? Then he doesnt want daddy and mummy liao lor...
Eunice,pigpig,athen: thx for the advise... ya giving him slightly more le... depends la.. sometimes so hungry can drink till 170ml.. but I only give him 150ml... he wan more then i make more :p

I tried to swaddle him last time but he is owaz struggling till his face damn red.. i see oso scare.. now at times I put him face down to sleep more secure... I check on him very often oso :p

my boi rashes no more le.. now mei mei le HAHA... the cream the PD gave damn strong and effective sia.. I tried some on his head and after awhile, his hair that portion fall off sia.. faint.. lucky try on a very small portion only..

Perle Y: thx for the info :D

pigpig: tink not a problem la.. maybe tat day yr baby cranky.. by coincidence :D but try to get your hb to spend more time with baby whenever he can la.. :p

Try to get your hubby to play with him, change diapers, bath him when not working. I think as long as you don leave him at your care giver's place during week nites, should be ok.

I used to get my mum to help me pick up my boy from infant care then realised that he is closer to my mum than us. So I'll try to make an effort to pick him up. Then ok liao.


Why did u apply the cream on his head? Got rashes or u r trying to get rid of cradle cap? If cradel cap, try applying olive oil b4 bath & leave for 15 min then wash off.
Athen: rashes on head oso then doctor say can.. lucky use pinch only, else duno how.. now all rashes no more le.. hehe

pigpig/athen: yup, i owaz make it a point to fetch my girl from nanny after work... like tis time with my boi, Im trying to look after him at night le.. abit difficult especially with my big one around... still trying my best..
Thanks for the advices.
That's also the reason why i'm looking for an infant care center near to my workplace so i would be able to fetch him after work. I notice that my boi finds his security in me leh. Even with my hubby around, the moment he cannot see me, he would start crying non-stop no matter how my hubby try to pacify him. The moment i appear before him, he would give me his sweetest smile on his face making my hubby quite upset lor... Since bb came home from hospital, my hubby has made efforts to bath him on every weekend and every night he also wipe his body for bb before putting him down to sleep. Think i would try to let bb spend more time with daddy alone... at the same time also give myself some space to breathe hehehe..

For my case hor...both my gal & even my boy now,I handle everything myself...last time when only my gal,I send her to nanny daily & fetch her muself etc...but when she see my mum,she rather be with my mum than me...think ah ma give in more bah but when comes to bed time,she insist she wan me & now with my boy,when it's my gal bedtime,she insist both me & hubby coax her to sleep..when younger she even chose my mum than me or my hubby & there was a period my hubby was really upset tat why my gal dun wan him..for me I dun mind,coz at least i can get some rest & breathing space...
pigpig: hmm, somehow im against the idea of infant care near work place.. have pros and cons la... cos travelling is very tiring wor.. i see some kids with parents squeezing in the MRT during peak hours.. unless u drive then I tink ok la... u tink about it...

for my first gal mi oso "se bu de" go back to work after 3mths cos all along looked after by me ma.. suddenly put with nanny dunno nanny look after well anot la etc... best is that we can look after ourselves hor..
Ya lor...tat time for my gal I also...keep calling the nanny...1 day i can call like 4-5times..hehe...keep asking did my gal cry,she she poo,did she drink milk.......

Actually i also dun like infant care/child care near work place...Imagine,if you suddenly need to take urgent leave or mc,than have to pick your child as you leave your work place leh...if near home wan,you still can go home rest till the usual time to fetch them than go fetch...and if you are on long leave etc...still have to wake up & travel as per to work to send child to cc leh....So if compare,I would prefer one tat's near home instead....
No choice. The other infant care center which i found is at Sengkang compassvale walk which is not convenient for us to travel from serangoon garden to sk and from there to bukit timah (my workplace). Although my hubby drives, but when he has meeting or go overseas, I'm afraid i cannot reach the infant centre in time to fetch him and there's nobody to help me fetch him too. When the centre is near to my workplace, i can 'chong' there to fetch him and we can take a cab home (no mrt there) lor. Tried to look for bb sitter but so far have not get anybody yet.
Come to think of it, i really xin fan! Will try out for a period and see how it goes. If really no choice, may have to quit the job and look after him myself liao.
hmm..the lady bo call you ar....
but come to think of it,even if bbsitter at Sk you also have problem when your hubby not around leh...
Kids are always in the 1st place in mummy's heart,so no matter wat happen,if cannot find the best arrangement for bb.mummy will always be the one who resign..dun worry,chuan dao jiao tuo zi ruan zi....

I also prefer infant care to be near home. U staying in SK or Serangoon garden ah? I very blur liao. U can visit MCYS website to find a centre near your place.

If put in infant care or child care (when they are older), we got no choice but to get off work sharp sharp to pick them up. Once we have kids, we need to do a lot of time management. Parents are CEO & COO & CFO of "Home Pte Ltd".
I'm staying at serangoon garden.

After considering your advices, i think maybe it's true that it would be better if the infant care center is near to home. Just visit the mcys website and find 1 infant care at lorong liew lian which is considered the nearest to where i stay liao. Will be going down to view the place on this fri with my hubby. The plus pt about this center is it opens till 7.30pm from mon-fri. This allows me to have a little bit more time to travel from workplace to the center to fetch my boi if hubby is not free.

One more question here:
do you think it is better if the center is air-conditioned anot?

I prefer the centre to be natural ventilated..coz if air con,1 kid sick,others sure to follow fast..although in infant care or cc,the 1st 6mths is prone to illness but in air con place it's so called stale air mah...

But if the center is air con...put tat point aside 1st..most important is the centre teachers to kids ratio,cleaniness,the play area,sleep area of kids isit clean & well maintain etc...can also ask them about the daily time table etc...
pigpig: mi oso prefer non-aircon.. My girl's CC now oso morn time open window... they only on aircon in the aftn, when they are gg to sleep... cos if no aircon oso very hot.. especially infants, only laying on the bed can be very hot for them.. heat rash etc.. many tings to tink.. haha

I prefer non-aircon CC. Kids already get sick often when in Non-aircon CC. It would be worse if in aircon CC.

I think u can try to give them a surprise visit so that they r not prepared (as in make sure the area is clean & bbs not crying etc). This will give u a rough idea of a typical day in the CC. I know some CC do let parents trial for 1/2 day b4 deciding whether to sign up or not.

U can also ask them how they prepare food for infants starting solids & what these infants eat.

Thanks very much for the advices and info on the infant care. Went to view the centre at lorong lew lian this morning. Hubby doesnt like that place. The place is non-aircon and the fees is $800 after subsidy. The teachers to kids ratio is 1:5 which is the main reason which make us feel quite uncomfortable. Imgaine me 1:1 also hard to handle liao... moreover, hubby thinks that the place is not very organised.
Hubby has decided to put him at the one near my office and the fees is about $800++ after subsidy. The place is air-con and hopefully my boy will be guai guai and wont fall sick easily. The ratio is 1:3 and the place is very neat and organised. Will give it a try and see how lor. If worse come to worse, me would become the CEO, COO & CFO of 'home pte ltd'. Very fan!!!

me no msn but is on facebook. How about you? Eunice and Athen?
Forget to tell you, the infant care center we went this morning can give trial to parents but it would cost $200/week! I dont know if this is the market rate but find it very exp.
The one which we decided to try out has given us 2 days trial at foc.

Normally for infant care is 1:5 max....than for 18mths group is 1:8 mean at tat center is at the max of 1:5 liao??actually tat is a guidelines from MCYS...and dun worry,the teachers are all properly trained than will help around..the ratio is just that the main caregiver of your child can only acted as the main caregiver of another 4 bb + yours....

And infant care is always more X wan...somemore need to put 1mth deposit & 1st mth fee(before subsudy) when you decide to enroll...but bo bian lor...
Yap...most important is to find 1 than you & your hubby is comfortable point being it cheap when you dun feel good leaving your bb there.....

I'm not sure abt the rates for trial. I heard my CC give FOC trial but not sure how long. IC is usually more expensive cos bb needs more attention mah. I used to pay $600 after subsidy. Consider very cheap liao.

Ratio of 1:5 is a guideline by MCYS but from my understanding, most IC do not usually hit such a high ratio. Since they are now on the max ratio & if ur bb join in does it mean that they have to get another staff in?

Personally I find 1:5 ratio is too high. My IC ever hit 1:4. I find that the teachers cannot handle as there are too many of kids crawling & running around while they are feeding 1 - 2 kids. Also they have to make sure that kids do not bite or get into fights (when they r older) at the same time.

Maybe u can try out the IC which u r comfortable for 1 - 2 mths & see how is their service & how u bb is reacting. Most importantly both of u must be comfortable.
This morning when we were at the center, we saw a 3-mth old bb kana left on a rocker crying. The teacher-in-charge was taking care of another 3 bbies (all sleeping) in another room. She quickly brought this bb to join the rest when she saw us. My hubby immediately told me that he wouldnt want our son to be treated in this way.

As for the other center, all the infants are put in the same room and hence we are not so worry that our son will be neglected. Just praying hard that everything will turn out ok...

Brought my boy for his 2nd 6-in-1 jab this afternoon. Goodness! At 14 weeks, he is weighing 6.9kg and 62cm tall. PD commented that he is on the 75 percentile... above average liao. Me almost 'fainted'. My son is only to be a 'little sumo'. Maybe should let him go on 'diet' liao.
