Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

Cheezel.. problem..wat's yours??

Yap..I also occ yak with ling..but nowadays also seldom log in,moreover office blocked MSN..
[email protected]

kekeke...isit!!!but i cannot imagine now if I expecting no.3 how..think i will pengz..coz I handle both kids myself..coz my hubby work cannot dun have enough sleep..than to get preggy & delivery is the easy part,to bring them up & care & spend & teach it's the harder part..moreover,in Singapore have kids soo X..

Athen.. also MIA hor...
Ya lor...feel soo sick..than my niece kana fever & think i got from her..jialat...

Hi all,

11 more days to my edd. So far I have not felt any contractions/pains. I do feel tummy tightening which I think is the result of baby's movement? Just more discomfort when I bend and breathless when I walk. If I still do not feel anything on my edd, Dr will usually induce birth? Whats the diff between inducing birth and breaking the water bag? I heard that induction is not good for the baby and may end up in an emergency C-section, is that true?
hi Ahxue, im seeing Dr Woody at SK clinic. when Dr Woody did my D&C, he also ask me whether i kept all my reciepts cos can claim while admission. but i also lost a few. then he is very nice and instruct his nurse to re-print all for me to bring to TMC. i think shouldn't be a problem, u can ask for the re-prints. last, hope u have a smooth delivery. take care.

Hi thanks, feeling more and more gan chiong now
I went down to the clinic last sat and asked the clinical assistant to re-print the receipts which I have lost and she did so.

Thanks.. Till now still never feel anything much wor. Only feel discomfort at the middle to the lower area of my tummy. Going to see Dr Adrian on the following tues and see what he says. Very nervous.. Experiencing slight heartburn and backache now.

It actually depends on your condition...
Sometimes gynae may need to help to break the waterbag even in a normal my gal..I had contractions from 3am,admitted TMC,Adrian came 7am++ I was only 1-2cm,so he manually broke the waterbag,so has to help the labour to speed up and he told me bb roughly will popped at 2-3pm..i nearly fainted when i heard tat..lucky my gal kan cheong,popped at 10am...

Inducing sometimes is more on baby health or from a medical point of overdue bb & water inside not enough or heartbeat dropped or like bb below the estimate weight of his age.found nothing wrong with blood flow etc..(like my boy) so gynae will recommend to induce...but he will delay till after 37weeks & before induce,he had actually gave me 2 jabs on my leg,the medicine is to strengthen & help bb lungs to mature faster(save NICU costs when bb popped)....
hi ah xue, i had induction as well last sept, cos' during my last checkup, i was abt 2cm dilated and woody asked if i want to induced ...since my baby was already 3.2kg, i told him ok. End up i had an emerg C-sec cos' baby's not engaged and head too big. It's not true that most induction case will end up C-sec, depends on baby.
morning mummies...
happy.gif nearer to EDD liao, excited boh?
this weekend got babycare festival at expo, u going?
How u feeling now?

my appointment with dr adrian is next week, wah, this time more 1mth than i see him.

Actually there no such diff as induce more painful...the pain is the same for natural or induce...
Just that for me,induce doesn't feel as painful as natural coz you already know which date & when you are going to go thru that your mind & body & heart are prepared,hense can tahan & manage the pain for natural,coz it like a guess guess more or less wil feel lost & will also lost your sense of judgement & that's when all those women will scream & scream...
Eunice and Tinyvoice,

Thanks for the info. 9 more days to my edd. Hopefully she be out by 27th otherwise will leave it to Dr to decide what best it is to be done.

Leejen: keke yea getting excited. Saw Dr Woody 2day. He says everything alright and shall just wait and see when baby wana come out. I asked him about baby's weight but he just told me ok, average abt 3kg. So now just waiting to see when baby decides to see the world.

storeberry: keke.. I always look forward to visiting Dr Woody. Now 1 week seems so long to me. How I wish I can go see him everyday and get updates about baby's progress.

Ya Eunice I agree. Induced makes one mentally prepared cos u know what and when to expect. Natural comes very sudden and may be at a loss what to do. keke..

I got a scary experience just now. Was attacked by this big black bird who flapped its wings on my head. The bird did it twice. Scared out of my wits. When I looked at the bird, it stil seem to look so smugly at me. I heard from my father-in-law that he experienced the same too except that the bird flew very near to his ear. Only when he held up his bag and wanted to hit the bird that it flew off.
Hi leejen, I am in my 15th week.

Ahxue: Yah lo... Last time I see him every week, now its once every two weeks, abit not used to it. kekek..

Eeeks... Black bird! Wat a scary experience!
ahxue....i think hor, towards nearing, better to see dr woody, once every 2 days, i think i will be oso kancheong when EDD nearing.
u muz update us on ur status ok...hehehe.

anybody going babycare festival on 21mar???

those crows are horrible, they will come in to peck at the food if ur windows open big-big and yes, they will disturb humans one, coz they big size and not afraid, unless they hear the gun shots sound.

my house got plenty of this kinds of birds, crows and pigeons, i hope nobody feed them, coz they are so big and many~~
and their poo, very poisonous i think, once drop on the car, the stain is there unless polish it off...yucks... tri liao, best time, go more shopping...hehehehe...enjoy these period coz iz the honeymoon period.
eunice.. saw ur blog.. ur kids are cute!! and ur regan is so chubby..reiko looks like u!!

U SAHM?? Btw, regarding the jabs.. how much the 5 in 1 jab at the GP u go??

Ah xue.. Jia you.. agree w eunice that the stay at hos.. is like honeymoon.. cause dun need take of babies.. except feeding time.. and there's like so many meals!! hehe.. kept eating.

Eee.. where were u when the crow attacked.. now all these birds very garang...

Avocado.. i dun think induce more painfull.. i was also induced.. put pill in.. but the pain was ok for from 11 pm to 7 am.. only when waterbag broke then more pain starts to kick in.. then put on drip.. worsen.. But i think contraction pains are like that.. but i took epi.. so i slept thru as colud not feel pain anymore.
Morning Mtbs and mummies!

leejen: I am still ard.. keke havent pop yet wor. Waiting impatiently for signs of labour. 7 more days.. keke. My hb would call me from his work place and asked me for updates. Make me even more gan chiong.

Yea, those crows are really horrible! Now when I walk pass the area, I will look around first, just in case..

Jeannie: Really ar..keke.. then I must enjoy this "honeymoon" ar.. I was on my way home walking 2wards the void deck. Yeah, I simply hate those birds. But then cannot hit them cos later on a flock of them will attack you. It ever happened before at my mum's place. There was this old man who was so pissed with the bird that he took a stick and hit it. The next time he walked pass the same place, a flock of them attacked him. Poor thing.

Btw mummies who have stayed in 4 bedded or 2 bedded in TMC, is there any wireless network available in the ward?
Aylene: keke..oh no, u sound like u are deprived of sleep.. I havent really been sleeping well either. Keep waking up cos need to go toilet or my back aches or I feel baby moving. It doesn't help that I am a light sleeper and wakes at the slightest sound/noise.

My msn is [email protected].
Will add u!
storeberry: 2nd trimester is the best time to go shopping as u be most energized. I hardly take naps and I usually sleep quite late @nite. Sometimes forgot that I was pregnant esp when my tummy didnt really show till the 5th-6th mth.keke Can go to the babyfair and take a look.
haha..isist...Regan naughty boy now..just 2 nights back,he actually pull Reiko hair..than both brust out crying loudly....Reiko also naughty now,know how to talk back liao...

5in1 ar...$300++ lor..confirm below $400..and 6in1 is like $50 wan exact amount than need to go home check...

bo lah..i work full time leh..same company,same dept,same building just diff unit with Aylene..

In hospital think you better enjoy your rest,can sleep sleep more...than when makan time for you eat,tea break eat,bb hungry than bf....other than tat sleep..coz when you go home,cannot enjoy like tat liao..

Once you are a mum,bb popped out liao..than you will began to treasure the time you can get to i wish i can sleep like before i had kids...hmm..can only dream for now...kekeke

Aylene, moutain turtle at 6th floor than got MSN..but office can use meh???like cannot install right...or you find ways to get it done??

me no mountain turtle. PDA can msn u dunno?

but i dun use my PDA to msn in office... i got other means *wink*

Thanks for the info.

Eunice: yea.. I heard alot of mummies saying that wor. Now cant sleep or rest well. Keke. But I super gan chiong cannot sleep well too. Wondering when will the pain come, when will my waterbag burst and such.. keke. Esp with so many sms and calls asking if I have delivered.

If we reach our edd and baby is not out yet, the max will be to wait for another 2 days and then to be induced?
Leejen: Yah man, 2nd trimester is heaven to me!

Ahxue: Keke.. I am really feeling alot more energentic these days, sometimes back to my fast paced walk liao & must remind myself to slow down. Work have been super busy thats why didn't come to forum. I just got home at 1150pm on wed, was super tired! Today went to Bugis This Fashion but didn't really shop cos had another appt later but the clothes really improved! But also costlier!

I also hope to sleep eralier everyday but seem like alot of things to do leh.. Aiyoo. gotta chnage my sleeping habits soon!
Dun need to be so worried....YAP,I AGREED..I was also like you..but than i decided,baby will decided & will inform me with the "signs" when it's no point keep thinking how how how....
as for your sms & calls,just reply that you will inform them when it's time lor...and thanks them for asking & checking on you..

Nope..if baby is late...normally gynae will see what's the parents thinking & decision..if you all want to let natural take it course,than gynae will make sure water is enough,bb heartbeat is strong etc..before deciding want to wait till when..Actually,most pregnancy is either popped before EDD or after EDD...very small percentage is on EDD coz we do not know the exact day we concieve mah...
hello ladies.... are u now? one day nearing to EDD swollen legs already?

actually i started to feel the leg muscles getting tigher leh and body getting heavier, can't walk too long, 6mths only leh, abit too early hor.

u intend to use laptop in the ward? wahahaha...get more rest first, but need to pay for wireless leh, u think abt it.

anyone went to babycare festival?
i went and it was damn crowded...went awhile and left liao.
Eunice: haha.. yea think i over-anxious. Now just let nature take its course.

Leejen: hihi. 5 more days to my edd. keke. I got no swollen legs. But my feet ached cos i went shopping yesterday. I walked for almost 6 hours in total. Went to do pedicure as well. Now my toenails seemed naked.. no colours..

Wireless ar, after all the advices, I do not think so. keke Must grab hold of the chance to rest more and enjoy the "honeymoon period". Did u manage to get anything from the babyfair?

Btw if u all are keen in babydoll tops, there is a stall @ the pasar malem at causeway pt which sells real cheap. I rem buying mine at This fashion for $11 or $12 and the pasar malem is selling the same for $5.90. Colours: white, black, brown and green. But do be careful while walking as the flooring is very uneven.
storeberry: Yeah now This Fashion hor like "upgrade" liao. The clothes are getting more expensive and some are simply nt worth buying. I seen similar apparels from sprees which are cheaper. But their designs did improve.

You gona see Dr Woody on Mon right? keke.. must be excited to know the progress of your baby boy. I m going to see him on tues.
Leejen: Went to bb fair for a while yesterday but nothing much leh.. wanted to look at the subscriptions for the magazines but everyonelike seem so busy so I left. The book fair was much more interesting! Wanted to buy some books but the que is sooooo long!

Ahxue: Wow, you shop for 6 hours? You still have the stamina? Now I walked a while will be tired liao. kekek.. Yah the evening dresses are quite nice but no event to wear now... Yes, seeing Dr Woody on mon, excited!! Two weeks never see bb liao!
I am in my 5mths now and I do not feel hungry all day long and only can tahan one meal a day. how ah? anyone experience that before.
avocado: My appetitie wasnt that good in my 2nd trimester to 3rd trimester as well. I did mention to Dr Woody about it. But he say so long as can still eat is alright. Maybe u wana check with him? For me I usually take breakfast then, no lunch ( cos nt hungry ) and light dinner. But I try to drink more milk. Maybe u try to take small light meals and eat food that can trigger ur appetite?
storeberry: yeah haha I am amazed too. I walked till the shopping mall closed at abt 930pm. But my feet ached when I got home.
im also worried that suddenly my hunger pangs jus went off..usually hv to take b/f ard 7+ but right now can slp till 10+ and not hungry still! my tummy is always flatter during morns...and at night very bloated with the whole tummy bluging out. anyone same as me? kinda worried leh
morning everyone...

ahxue...wah so good, u don't have swollen legs, i can feel the tightness on my legs muscles liao. hey i went for pedicure on sat, nails too uneven and long liao, apply light varnish though.

u still can walk so long har, aiyo...take care near edd liao, really anytime leh.
i oso tempted to use lappy after delivery, afterall, been browsing the webbies and surf here quite often...hahaha.

oh thanks for the info, if i pass by, i go see the babydoll tops.

as for babyfair hor, juz see see look look only, nothing really much, however i bought some babysafe pillow and cases, quite worth it lah coz retail quite ex.

yes, i oso went bookfair....wahahahaa....

avacado...i think shd be ok bah coz i previously very picky on my food, rice and starchy i totall don't take. maybe small light meals will help? i take alot fruits and milk.

everafter...think iz the appetite lah, go for something u like, i more of no dinner person, i eat heavy breakfast and light lunch...and no dinner at all.
Oh thanks, gals.
I thought why suddenly can longer feel hungry and knwoing from here i am not alone. For my first pregnancy, I am always hungry and I take 5meals per day all the way till birth and gain 16kg.
But for this pregnancy I experience morning sickness for the first time and did not feel hungry at all, so feel quite strange. I am 5mths now, only gain 3-4kg.
Good morning!!!

I took my son for late nite shopping on sat! hahahaa... we arrived home only at 1230hr.

Ahxue... u so lucky. My water retention was so bad till i look like a water balloon.


I went to the babycare festival yesterday at lunch time. not crowded at all. Signed up for another year of the Mother and baby mag and they gave me 2 freebies. Overheard 1 guy telling his colleague to give more cos last day or else must pack and bring back to office. Even the goodie bag also anyhow give. I went home with 5!

Yay! its monday and I got 5days to recharge for the weekend!
afternoon ladies....

aylene...lucky u leh, get so many freebies on last day, i think next time i oso go on last day...wahahahaha.
but the mag subscription i already juz renew in jan08, dunno if can continue or not, else i sure go renew and get freebies!~ monday blues, sit too long at computer back aches leh, i need to sit back and lean against the chair, if not i feel very crumpled.

looking forward to my appointment wif woody this saturday.

ahxue...where are u???

Only the height chart is useful. I only took 1 goodie bag and gave the rest to my nieces.

dun sit at 1 position for too long. last time my colleagues will help me alot but i tell them i need to exercise. if i really need help i wont paisay to ask. haahaha so now and then i walk to copier to check got paper or not. walk to fax machine see got fax or not. simple things but at least i m moving.

I believe my tummy was very big cos i cannot sit at those fixated tables and chairs at food court and mac. cannot even slide in la! then my dumb hubby sat that laughing.



hi all, i'm gonna admit and induce tml already.
Btw, today when i was waiting for my hubby outside e MSCP, i saw woody coming out in his car!
Hi all, I am still around leh..keke baby still super active.. rolling, squirming and kicking.. Hope she is exercising now to help me in "pushing" her out.

Sherin, u gona be induced tml ar.. Jia you wor and may you have a smooth delivery! Your edd is on the 26th right if I rem correctly. Mine's on the 27th. Going to see Dr Adrian tml.. Maybe we may bump into each other in TMC.. keke.
Aylene: u power leh.. 1230! Your son ok with it ar? Next time he can be ur best shopping partner liao.. Scarli he will ask, " mummy when are we going shopping again ar?"

Alyene sometimes my tummy will knock against tables. Tummy has grown much bigger. Shifting of sleeping position is very difficult and painful now. I tell myself after I give birth,I am going to roll about on the bed.. haha.
aylene...oh yes, the height chart, there is a packet of ammun milk oso, i can drink, other than tat, all leaflets...hahaha.

ok, i think i better get my butt moving during office hr, i find sit too long backache and feel crumpled...note your suggestions, i move to the copier and pantry more often.

and yes, ur hubby very naughty leh!!!!!

sherin....take care and have a smooth delivery k...jiayou!!! update us!

ahxue! u better report your movement here hor. wah good lah, bb is moving ard and probably engage her best position...haha...jiayou too!!!

Sherin: all the best to your delivery tomorrow!! Think I saw you today but I shy to go up to you cos you were with your hubby rite? Kekek...

Ahxue & Aylene are shopping queen!

Just saw my smallberry today, he is growing fine. Dr never measure his length leh.. Will be going for detailed scan on 16 Apr, aiyoo, so long away... Now pregnancy is stable so will only see gynae once a mth.. And took video of ultrasound for DH to see with bb's hand waving.. Kekeke.. Today think bb is sleeping, never capture the kicks & jump...

And update us when you see Dr Woody tmr! Take care ah xue!
