Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

Batch 286 via vpost is here, pls top up for shipping accordingly

Please note this transaction number for your records: 21667086430

Recipient Name
Vinnie Drugstore
Account Number
POSB eSavings Account
042-09192-8 Vinnie Drugstore
Transfer Currency and Amount

Thank you!:)
Hi Vinnie,

Just transferred payment of S$65 (inclusive of the S$2.71 for Forever 21 items top-up) to your POSB savings account.

Could u let me know if I still need to top-up for my amazon item later on? Thanks! :)

Eta will be 1-6 feb

Direct shipping is US$7.75. There is 10% off so cost of product is Us$36.20
Hi Vinnie,

Just transferred payment of S$65 (inclusive of the S$2.71 for Forever 21 items top-up) to your POSB savings account.

Could u let me know if I still need to top-up for my amazon item later on? Thanks! :)

no need to top up further

Shipping via direct is capped at max S$20 but shipping via vpost can range from S$15 - S$22 depending on the actual weight of the package. Let me know which method u prefer

Cost of pdt is Us$40 x 1.43 = 57.20
Btw another person is going to order via direct shipping so if you are keen to go thru that method, shipping will be fixed at S$16.53
Hi Vinnie

I would like to order this

1. NeilMed Sinus Rinse All Natural Relief Premixed Refill Packets 100 Each
Quantity: 1
Price: 12.97

2. Neil Med Sinus Rinse Pediatric Packets, Premixed 120/box
Quantity: 1
Price: $16.50

3. Neilmed's Sinus Rinse, Pediatric, Complete Saline Nasal Rinse Kit 60 Premixed Packets
Quantity: 1
Price: 13.29

Total: $42.76* 1.43= $61.15

Hi Vinnie

I would like to order this

1. NeilMed Sinus Rinse All Natural Relief Premixed Refill Packets 100 Each
Quantity: 1
Price: 12.97

2. Neil Med Sinus Rinse Pediatric Packets, Premixed 120/box
Quantity: 1
Price: $16.50

3. Neilmed's Sinus Rinse, Pediatric, Complete Saline Nasal Rinse Kit 60 Premixed Packets
Quantity: 1
Price: 13.29

Total: $42.76* 1.43= $61.15
Should be 62.15 as last item should be 13.99 and not 13.29.
Will collect vpost shipping during second payt
