Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

Great! How much should i transfer to you if i want to proceed to order? Can i have your account number and bank? Thanks!


pls use 1.44 exc rate based on which seller you want to buy from in the amazon website.

posb sav 042-09192-8
OK. I've transferred US$49.43 x 1.44 = S$71.18 to your account. Please check.
Ref: 1810272235877738
This is for: Align probiotics (63 capsules) by Align
Batch 282 placed via vpost

there is a $5 coupon so will offset that against shipping later on

Hi Vinnie, just made payment via atm today to your posb savings acc.
Payment details as follows:

Payment for Amazon item
POSB saving : 042-09192-8

Could u acknowledge if u received the payment? Thank you for placing the order! :)

thanks rec it
Hi Vin,

my order:

1) Skechers Men's On-The-Go 600-55352 Flip-Flop
size: 9M US
Colour: Chocolate

2) Skechers Men's Porter Elden Oxford
size: 9M US
colour: Light Brown

How much is the shipping?

hi shipping for 2 items is around $25-$28
