Air purifier GOOD for child with allergic reactions and asthmatic


New Member
Hi all concerned mothers,

Just to share our experience..

Researched hi and for a perfect air purifier proven and tested to work as my husband has allergic issues and even astmatic in the past (though is much better one but sometimes after long exercise, it seems to come back). Our research came down to two purifiers in the market -- BlueAir (there's sales in Best Denki) from Sweden and IQ Air from Swiss. Two powerful purifiers, but we settled to the latter, IQ Air as its' unique HyperHEPA technology is tested and cerified to filter ultrafine pollution particles down to 0.003 microns in size with a guaranteed minimum efficiency of over 99.5%. This is 100 times smaller than what other air air purifiers can filter and 10 times smaller than a virus. Moreover, the HK government hospitals during SARS period, tested these two brands of purifier and lastly decided to use IQ Air instead of BlueAir their hospitals. Also, our very own singapore general hospital and other hospitals (NUH etc.) also uses IQ Air.Though it more expensive than BlueAir, but we felt that since we are already deciding to invest in getting better air for our health, we should just add on to get the best. This is the experience we had after our use for just 4 months...

1. the air is much lighter than the air we breathed outdoors thus less burden on our lungs (our tenants also noticed and felt this major difference when we started running this machine.
2. since we have dogs at home, we noticed highly reduced pet odour in our house and in fact our pet's allergies also getting better
3. my husband experience no allergic reactions, eye itchness, sleep better, and even no asthmatic condition after long exercise and can even run longer (prove that lung capacity and functioning better). We are glad to test out this machine during this current period of the '7 month' and bad haze, so we do not need to suffer from bad air we will breathe in.

As explained in their booklet, IQ Air can combat these issues as it's mainly caused by external factors eg. Allergens and particulate matter, chemicals and odours, bacteria and viruses, vehicle and industrial pollutants. Singapore air is not clean as we are such a small island with factories surrounding us and those gaseous chemicals emitted from industry and building materials and even from vehicles, can be carcinogenic and cause damage to internal organs. The Smog and ozone can cause irritation of the respiratory tract even at low concentractions and can trigger asthma attacks.

There are too much to write about this beloved item, but i think i just stop over here. It's sad to hear many very young children are already suffering from eczema and allergic reactions (recently my own niece (3) and nephew (5) not even in Pri 1 also have such conditions.. sigh..), so my sharing here hope to also help concerned parents like you, wanting the best for your child in this not so best environment. I actually have extra copies of the booklets on IQ Air during my last purchase, you may want to email me at [email protected] if you could like to obtain one copy or to know more.

Cheers for GOOD AIR and GOOD Health!!
