i hv 2 lil darlings, 2yo and 6mth old. Both births were natural, 1st one w epidural, 2nd one w gas mask. I actually preferred the one w/o epi as recovery was fast. About 2 hours after giving birth, I felt normal, could walk ard my ward. It's liberating as no need to hv a urine bag attached and no need to be told to stay in bed for entire day for the epi effects to totally wear off.
How about the labour n birth? With epi, you literally lie in bed w minimal movement for fear that the tube might shift. Was totally numb waist down, legs were dead weight. I felt horrble to be constrained by tube in my back (tho cant feel it), drip in my wrist, doppler on my tummy, dead legs. But it was a welcome respite from pain as i had laboured at home for abt 20 hrs. 2nd half of that 20 hrs was horrible back pain. cold/warm presses didnt work. Hubby had to massage my tail bone area everytime contractions came. Reached hospital at only 5cm dilated despite all that horrible pain. So took epi... another 10 hrs later, it was time to push. Pushed w nurse's instructions but progress was very slow. After close to an hr of pushing, i was exhausted. Gynae came and advised that she will use forceps as I was swollen there from all the non-progressive pushing. i didn't like hving vacuum or forceps assisted birth but no choice la, baby's safety more important. Within 3 pushes, baby was out. only 5 mins!
2nd birth, i was privileged to go thru w/o epi. I was free to move my body (tho still had doppler on tummy). My labour started at 4am and i reached hospital by 9am. All was bearable and I was already 7cm dilated to everyone's surprise cuz i still could walk from carpark to delivery ward. Gynae said,"Wah, 7cm you can still smile. Seems like ur labour will be fast. No need epi la. See you later." BUT labour wasnt fast. Took abt 3 hrs to full dilation and the last 1 hr was very difficult. I keep watching the machine that measured the contractions and braved myself for the peak ( which sometimes were so close, 2-3 mins). Furiously used the gas mask. Too painful to talk so I gestured whatever i needed. Was so happy when i could finally push. Baby came out in 3 pushes. I felt like i achieved a milestone w that.
Truly felt blessed to go thru natural labour w/o epi actually, as i had wanted. That said, pls dun feel any lesser as a mother should u need epi (i needed for 1st one or i could hv just died from pain) or need c-sec. All that matters at the end of day is safety for mom n babe. All mothers are just amazing, regardless of how you give birth