Advice on which stroller to buy


New Member
Hello all! Would like to ask if any mommies or daddies out there have used the Graco Citilite R Up stroller before? What is your personal opinion on the stroller? Is it good and durable? I've heard that the wheels are easily spoilt.. But not sure how true it is. What stroller would you recommend me to buy? Currently looking at combi f2 plus, Joie Sma Baggi and the Graco Citilite r up.. Not sure what other options I have!

The criterias are:
1) Seat is comfortable for baby, 2) Baby can face both the world and mommy, 3) 4.5kg or lighter, 4) Must be a pretty stroller :p 5) Price must be below $400, 6) Seat must be reclinable, 7) Preferably a large shopping basket

Thanks in advance!
