Advice: How to increase breastmilk amount?


I've heard of fish and papaya soup being able to help. Anyone can share the recipe? I imagined the taste to be very bad to stomach. Anyone tried? Any improvement? How to improve the taste? Tried Motherlove More Milk Plus, Fenugreek etc. Does not help. So getting desperate

Basically, demand = supply. The more you nurse, the more you're telling your body that you need to produce more milk ;-)

As far as fish and papaya soup are concern, you have to get the GREEN papaya, not those ripe ones. For me, I'm not adventurous so I'm sticking with my oats.
Hi mommy109,

Actually not neccessary fish and papaya. I realised that any type of fish soup can help to boost supply. sometimes fish with tomatoes also helps.
hi mommy109,
here's the recipe:


1 white fish tail or fish bones or fish meat ~ about 1kg
100g raw peanuts (omit if you or baby are allergic to peanuts, can substitute with black beans)
1 raw or half-ripe papaya, about 1kg - cut into cubes/wedges - try to get the green ones (quite difficult coz all the papayas at the wetmarket are so ripe! but ripe papaya is OK also)
1 piece tangerine peel
4 slices old ginger
1.5litres boiling water
2 Tablespoons oil

Heat oil & fry ginger slices, then fry fish in oil until brown.

Then put all ingredients into the slow cooker and simmer for about 2 to 3 hrs - generally until the soup smells really fragrant.

Then enjoy the delicious soup! The fish is yummy too! i love this soup and can drink it everyday!!

by the way, why do you think you are not having enough milk? are you exlusively pumping? just to share that some moms do not respond well to a breast pump and get very little expressed milk and they mistakenly think they have no milk. but when baby latch on direct and suckle direct, the baby thrives and grows well! how old is your baby now?
Hi Baby Q,

I have just given birth via c-section last week and have been trying to EBM for my gal every 3 hourly cos i have 1 short nipple and 1 inverted nipple and my gal is too impatient to suckle..

However, so far i am only getting 10ml from both sides...worse of all the inverted nipple start to bleed after 4 sessions of till now i dare not express any more milk...its been more than 24 hours...what should i do now? I really wish i can give my gal BM...but seems like my supply is miserably low...
hi Spicegal,

did u get the hospital Lactation Consultant to help u after u birthed your baby? u can correct the inverted nipple with a plastic syringe with bottom part cut off to pull out the nipple. short nipple will also improve with the same treatment. the LC can show u how to do it.

second question is what kind of pump are u using? electric double or single manual or those with suction that can't be released? your nipples should not bleed while pumping! poor mommy... do you have Lansinoh cream? u can apply that to help with the niple healing and try not to wear bra and air dry your nipples.

a good breast pump makes a lot of difference and generally speaking, the better pumps are more expensive and not made by companies which sell formula... you can call BMSG 63393558 and ask for the brands they sell.

a new born baby nurses very often. some as frequent as 10-12 times a day in 24 hours - that means every 1-2 hours. pumping once every 3 hours may not be sufficient to stimulate your breasts to produce enough milk for your baby. nursing direct encourages good milk supply and reduces engorgement.

there's only so much i can share with u online... please call the BMSG Hotline 63393558 leave your name and number and a counsellor will call u back to guide u along. or make an appt to see the LC at the hospital where u birth.

breastfeeding is very hard work in the initial days and a lot of moms give up or go exclusive pumping and then regret... don't make yourself feel guilty if u've tried your best!

stay strong Spicegal... i don't really log in here very often so i hope u'll give the counselling hotline a call so someone can help u immediately.

take care of yourself too k!

u can also consider renting a hospital grade pump from J&E to get your flow going. it's from the same company that rents out bili beds for home phototherapy. call May Chong on 6563 6228, the showroom is at Secom Centre, Toh Guan but they do home delivery.

maybe these websites might help:

to prevent your baby from getting nipple confusion, u may want to feed the expressed milk with syringe, cup or spoon so that your baby will not reject suckling direct at your breast when your nipples are healed.

hth and take care!
Hi BabyQ,

Thanks for your long posting and the web sites...maybe i have not been reading up on breastfeeding so i was very ignorant regarding this issue..

During my stay at TMC, the LC asked me to use avent nipple protectors over my nipples to let bb suckle on...but my gal refuses to suckle for long...she gets very impatient when often when she cannot get any milk from my nipple...she will cry non-stop..and eventually i had to feed her FM...

I am currently using medela mini pump...already set the pumping speed to low but still get sore and painful nipples after a couple of sessions..i have also been applying medela purelan cream after every pump...

I have already stopped pumping for more than 2 days already...will i have more difficulty getting the milk supply to come back?
Hi BabyQ,

I tried expressing BM yesterday after resting for 2 days and managed 35mls from both breasts..though its still not much but its much better than the 10mls i have been getting previously...i have learnt to take things easy and start to EBM slowly again...i am really afraid of the bleeding nipple attack so i think i will not stress my breasts too much..little BM is better than not having BM at all...

Thanks for all your encouragement...
Ya ..spicegal, I also hope that my MS will increase. I hope to be able to express 100ml from each breast one day.
hi spicegal, hang in there! the first weeks are the toughest... be prepared for engorgement too but don't let that stop you. just keep on persevering. when i started out, i was advised not to pump for the first 3 weeks, just let bb nurse on demand. pumping is never as efficient as bb's sucking. why are you pumping so early on? it's always best to let bb nurse on dd at the breast in the early weeks to establish milk ss.

also, i used the medela mini pump once and i swore off it! it was so painful even at the minimum setting. get an electric one, it's better. continue to use the medela cream for a month, after every feeding. it was a lifesaver for me becos i didn't develop bleeding or severe soreness.

stop the FM becos it's a vicious cycle. once you start the FM, you set yourself up for failure becos with FM, you control the quantity and usually, pp tend to give more FM than bb prob needs. it is also more filling and bb will not want to suckle. you don't nurse, no milk. dd=ss.

also, dont' get hung up on the quantity you're pumping, it's not a true gauge of your capability and it sets you up for depression! just go with your instincts and your bb. she'll dictate the amount she needs.

missk, you will get there as long as you keep up with the feeding. by the 2nd month, i was able to pump 2 to 4 oz (ie, 60 to 110ml) per side per pump. so if i pumped say 4x a day, i accumulated 12 to 20oz per day. i had so much milk by the 2nd month, i had to consider getting a deep freezer just to store. then i gave up pumping and simply fed on dd. i had all those bottles of milk i donated... the moral of the story, if you want a good ss, you need to nurse on demand AND pump. what i did was pump/feed every 3 hours. meaning, i make sure every 3 hours, i either pump or feed.

again, don't get hung up on quantity unless you're intending to store for emergency becos at the end of the day, you can't keep it for too long and frankly, bb drinks what he/she needs. different times of the day, the milk is different and as the bb grows, the milk changes to suit the needs of the bb. so no point storing so much milk.

good luck, ladies.

if you need online help, go to
hey snort

Thank you for your advice. I am going to be away from my bb two weeks later. So I am trying to pump and store. What do I need for storing? I am running out of bottles. I believe I should get some bags right?
yeah, bags are good too. dep on how much you think your bb is drinking, do not store too much in each bag. thaw as much as you need each feed.

glad to be of help. i've found advice in others and am a great advocate of bf and helping others thro the tough times!
but snort ... I am pumping very little. I can only express abt 20 - 30 ml. Can't possible use the bags right? Do you have any advice?
missk, you can still use the bags but just that you store that amount only each time.

i'm not sure if you said you pumped 20 - 30ml each time or each day? you can put your milk in the fridge first, then when you pump a second time, refrigerate that too and when they're nice and cold, pour together. of cos, when you do this, there is a risk of getting bacteria and all. so, be careful. also, i try not to leave the milk in the fridge more than a day. quickly freeze it when you can.

did you just deliver? when i delivered, i had a good confinement nanny who taught me what to do. i basically pumped/fed every 3 hours. if after i pumped, baby woke up to feed, i feed. it was tiring, i tell you. but i ended up with TOO MUCH milk that i had to give it away becos i decided to be a SAHM and now feed on dd.
hi ALL

My girl is exclusively breastfed from end of wk3 onwards, she is 4mth mth. On friend's recommendation, I went to TMC's Parentcaft for assistance, surpisingly managed to latch her frm wk3. Maybe she cannot tahan me nagging her "Anya, pls help mummy and yourself, its faster and fresher to drink direct then mummy pumping".

Intiate 1st wk, only managed to pump about 10-30ml per session, my girl was bottle fed 60-90ml then. I pumped the whole day is only enough for her 1-2feeds.

I've tried:
1) Fish soup from TMC's cafe
2) Fish soup by my mum
3) Peanut trotter soup
4) Soya bean milk
5) Fenugreek frm GNC (no effect)
6) Motherlove goat's rue
7) MIM nursing tea

Only managed to increase the amount to 70-120ml per session. I was given encouragement that it's a good result from the intiate 20-30ml, 3-4 times more.

Last week, i tried Motherlove Goat's rue, my supply is at a constant 110-130ml 3hrly which i'm quite happy liao.

Things to do 10-15min before pumping:
- take a warm drink like milk, soya bean milk...
- rest and relax
- choose a cosy place
- as you pump, u think of your baby, happy/relax mood
- before you know it, u've fill up the bottles.

To avoid nipple confusion, please share your feeding task with your family member(s). YOU only provide your breasts, family member(s) to do the bottle feeding.
hey snort

Thank you so much for your advice. I find it really helpful. So far, I have been mixing the milk in the manner you described. I hope no bacteria has gotten into the milk. One thing though, my bb poos quite a lot. I am a worried. Do you think it's the bacteria? His poo is not exactly watery.

I am trying to pump every 3 hour. I have been doing that for the past 2 days. However, the supply is still very little (20-30ml per pump). Will it ever increase? Was it very little when you first started pumping every 3 hour?
hey annissa

Do you latch your child on while still expressing? I find that at the third hour when I am supposed to pump, my Ms is very low. Perhaps, I just latch my child half an hour earlier.
Forget to add:

REMEMBER to massage before or midst of the pumping session.

Make sure there is not lumps or hardness, these will hindrance milk production.

According to Medela breastfeeding guide, on average, most people can pump 90-150ml per session.
Thx alot Annisaa.
Actually, medically there is medication to improve BM production.
Its Domperidone. One tablet to be taken 3-4(max) a day. This medication can be obtained from pharmacy.
It safe for breastfeeding, no effect on babies. In fact that's one of the uses for this medication.
missk, do not fret... on the advice of a friend, i only started pumping after 3rd week becos it is more important to get bb latched on properly and nurse frequently to actually get your ss going.

remember, pumping is NEVER as efficient as bb and the reason why you want to latch on frequently is to prevent engorgement which STILL occurred to me despite my dd feeding.

initially when i started pumping at 4th week, i only got 1/2oz per session but by the 6th week, (and bearing in mind, you SHOULDN'T be cutting back on calorie intake such as rice becos you need it to produce milk and EAT NUTRITIOUS FOOD), i could manage up to 4 oz sometimes per session. This is of cos dependent on when u pump.

YOu would expect less milk as the day wears on and most milk in the mornings. again, don't get hung up on the amount becos you want to ss what your bb needs and not more unless you are planning to go back to work already. you don't want to end up with too much excess becos you can't store too long anyway. also, if ss way exceeds dd, you're gonna have leaking problems, heavy breasts etc i had SO MUCH milk that bb was gagging during nursing and spitting up and coughing after that. you want to avoid that.

3 hours is arbitrary, if you want 4 hours also can. the key really is to ss what bb needs. after you've got a good ss, you can slowly increase the time to 4, 5 even 6 hours apart.

latch bb on EVERY TIME she wants and then pump out excess. you then pump at the third hour thereafter IF bb hasn't latched on for another feeding. if she wakes after u pump, latch her on again. remember, if she has just nursed, don't expect much milk.

the mathematics of bf is something like this: if bb nurses every 3 hours and drinks 2 oz (for example), then it would take 3 hours from last feeding to produce 2 oz. if bb thinks it's not enuf, she'll such more and longer and the breast says, "oh, ok, i need to produce more". dd=ss.

again, you've gotta ask yourself why you want so much milk? bb drinks what she needs if you demand feed. don't supplement, just keep nursing. supplementing breaks the cycle and your milk ss will decrease.

if you are going back to work in 3 months, you don't have to store up now becos you really don't want to give bb milk from 3 mos ago. their needs change as they grow and milk changes accordingly to their needs and even during the day.

about 2 weeks before you are about to go back to work, pump at the times you normally would feed bb at home and store that. many mothers i know pump about 2 or 3x in the office.

hope i could help
i understand that it's the frequency of feeding that ups ss and not just the time on breast. my almost 7 mo old bb has been latching on for only 5 min each feeding for about 2 over months!
AND he doesn't take both sides, only 5 min and one side per time. again, dd=ss, if he wants more he'll tell me and i'll switch sides. otherwise,he usu pops out by himself.

after 2 over months of not pumping, i've restarted pumping for his cereal and night feed. it has taken me 4 days to get a fairly decent amount of EBM. when i first restarted pumping, for the first 3 days i could barely squeeze out 1/4 to 1/2 oz - both sides!!! on the fourth morning, i managed to get 2oz easily from both sides and it wasn't even complete emptying. moral of the story: have faith in your milk ss and persevere. ensure good nutritious food/caloric intake and rest. i stress caloric intake becos many mothers cut carbo intake to lose pg weight. it can be counterproductive becos your body needs the extra calories. I lost 4 kg in the first month even tho i didn't exercise and was eating like a pig. not nec to take medication unless you have a serious problem with production which most women don't. if you need to, take Mother's Milktea.

Above all, when pp ask me what is the key to bf, i say, "PERSEVERANCE"!

i need to warn you... there may come a time you'll drag yourself out of bed 2 to 3x a nite to pump and you'll wonder why you're doing it. so, again, i recommend you ask yourself why you need so much milk. i had to give away more than 70 bottles/bags of 3 to 6 oz milk becos i stored too many and i couldn't keep it for long.
Hi ladies,
I demand feed my baby. Every time she wants I feed. But her weight gain is not much. Anyone know the reason? Is it not enough milk or is it because she is no taking in hind milk as she often falls asleep very fast. When bb falls asleep does it mean she is full? When does the hind milk come in? Thx alot and pardon me for asking so much...really blurred abt breastfeedung.............
hey snort .. I need to express now cos I will be away from my child next week.

Thanks for your advice. I really appreciate the time that you spend typing all that.
missk, email you oreadi.

loppi, how old is your bb? by age 6 mos their weight gain is not so exponential anymore. they seem to put more into height gain during the second half of the first year.

your bb falls asleep becos of the oxytocin produced by you.

how old is bb?
what was her birth weight? and now? Bb usu double their birth weight by six months and then their weight gain slows.
how often do you nurse?
how often in between nursing?
how long each time?
do you switch sides?
does bb seem happy after feed or fussy?
are you and hubby slim? genetics...

when hind milk comes in is anybody's guess unfortunately.
there is no answer to that becos everyone is individual in that respect. i asked the same questions as you and the answer is that if bb is wetting 5 - 8 diapers a day (cloth more than disposable), and pooping, then she should be getting enough.

i found my bb seemed to have lost weight in his sixth month, maybe teething problems, changes in environment (we went on vacation).
Hi Snort,
My bb is three mths old. Her birth weight was 2.4. And now she is only 4.4. She feeds pretty often. Sometimes very short...five mins. Sometimes longer...30 min...Ya...I will switch sides when she becomes fussy with one side. Normally, she will fall asleep after feeding. I try waking her but most of the time, she sleeps very soundly and her lips will be sealed tight. Sometimes, she will fuss to signal to me that she no longer wants to feed but want to play. Both my hubby and I are pretty slim people. Not sure if it is genetics or because baby is not feeding enough. Doc suggested that I supplement formula as baby's weight gain is slow but I am very reluntant to do so. Baby is wetting quite frequently. So I am really not sure what is the problem.
loppi, she has already almost doubled her weight. who's your PD??? obviously not much of a bf advocate. if you start supplementing, she will definitely gain weight but your ss will also decrease. also, formula fed bb who get too big tend to have obesity issues in later life. bb are smart, they know when they've had enough. my bb used to regurgitate a lot and that's why he feeds small meals more often. too much and he throws up. smart. he's my 5-min boy.

note that weight charts are usu for formula fed bb and bf bb tend to be leaner after the first 6 mos. bb take what they need. if she's peeing at least 5 to 8 diapers, that's fine. WHO has weight charts for bf babies. but again, don't get too hung up on charts. as long as bb is healthy and happy.

your bb was quite a smallie... full term? with preemies, it would be cuddle her a lot n feed her on demand, then she will thrive. i'm very big on attachment parenting (not entirely but try to) and believe that you can never SPOIL a bb by loving her, cuddling, taking care of her needs consistently.

my gynae once said to me, "you're both not fat, of cos your bb is not big either". so genetics...

1ml 4 times a day, decrease the dosage as you go along.

1 bottle is enough for 60 times.

I ate for 3days.
Hi Snort,
My PD is Dr YY Yip. How about yours? Maybe you can recommend yours to me as I feel kind of stressed up. I am worried he may want me to supplement my baby for this coming appointment if the weight gain is not on par with the chart. My baby is considered full term baby but pretty small sized. My gynae also said something like yours... because I am petite that's why. I think Dr Yip also wants me to start solids early as in 4th month but I read that it is not too advisable to start so early. Ideally should be six months to avoid allegies. Is this true?
Lappily....mine is YY Yip too. I complained that my girl is not gaining enough but he assured me it's ok.

FYI, my girl birth wt is 3.545kg, 1st mth gained 1kg, thereafter is 0.5kg per mth. At 4th month is 6kg. Going for next vaccine in 2 weeks, hope everything is fine. He didnt mentioned anything about solid at 4th mth. I heard he is very supportive of breastfeeding.
loppi, don't forget, she was born small. she has almost doubled her weight in less than 6 months, so don't get too worried. but if you are, get a second opinion. i go to Dr Tan Siew Pin at Olive Tree in Forum. impt thing is to find out why Dr Yip suggested what he did. there's always a good reason, then see if you buy that reasoning. if your bb is happy, alert and thriving, i see no reason to be too worried. every bb is diff.

my boy was 2.96kg at birth (full term). by the first month, he was already 5.2 kg. go figure!!!! i swear it was the good food my confinement nanny served up that fattened him up!!! my paed agreed with me that bm is enough for first six months. solids for bb is more impt if bb is formula fed. after that, for bf babies, solids are for fun and exposure rather than nutrition if you continue bf-ing. i've only just started my boy on cereal this past week at almost 7 mos old. but like i said, maybe your paed thinks some solids might help her grow. ask ask ask.

now that he's more than 6 mos, his weight gain has slowed, even stagnated at times and he's about 8kg. as for me, i'm 1.55m only and my hubby is about 1.75m.

if your bb is peeing fine, then she's taking enough milk. you might just want to make sure she latches on longer to ensure she gets the hindmilk which is what will make her fatter. my bb drinks for 5 min too and i too worried about weight. now when i pump, even if it's just 2oz one side, i can see it's fatty so i know he's just an efficient drinker.
Hi Annissa,
Um... my baby's weight gain for 1st mth was also 1kg. And when we went for bb vaccination two mths later, weight gain is also 1kg. He said should be gaining 1 kg per mth and not 1kg for two mths. I was so affected by what he said. Just curious.... when you brought your bb for the vaccination in 3rd mth, he didn't stressed u about baby gaining 0.5kg per mth? did ur bb suddenly gained so much? My bb 4th mth vaccination is coming soon. I am so worried abt her weight gain.....
Hi Snort,
wow...ur bb is big! How I envy you....ya...I think he suggested starting solids early so that bb can grow faster. I intend to see how the next apponitment goes. If he stress me on supplementing formula, I will seek second opinion 'cos this kind of pressure is quite terrible esp for a beginning mum who is perservering to give the best to bb. Um..I think I will try to pump out...hopefully bb will feed more and gain more weight....
Loppily.... I'm the one who complained that my baby is not gaining enough asking him if i need to do anything. He assured me she is fine with 0.5kg wt gain from 3rd mth onwards. Growth slow down after 3rd mth. Accrodingly to him, my Anya is around 50 percentile. She is slightly higher on this chart:

Ask him which percentile your bb is at now? why? Make the last cent worth of the consultation fee. hehehe.

I always go with a list of questions.
loppi, just keep plugging at the bf... again, don't get fixated on numbers becos it's a vicious cycle. check WHO chart for bf babies. YOU ARE DOING FINE. my bb was gaining weight well becos of good diet on mummy's part and continual feeding. DO NOT cut back on caloric intake to lose pregnancy weight, as much as you want to. it is the calorie you need for now to help you.

if you need help to see if your bb is getting enough milk, as a lactation consultant. BUT i STRESS again... you MUST EAT WELL. Now is NOT the time to diet.

as for pumping. how do you think pumping will help? by increasing your ss? bb takes what she needs. if you pump, you might end up with too much milk. i was pumping for a while and ended up throwing/donating a lot of it. and worse still, my boy was gagging and regurgitating a lot.

if you want, maybe pump a little before feeding her so that she gets to the hindmilk faster.

yes, do get support from a bf support group and not from those who give formula. it helps...
Hi Annissa,
Thanks so very much for the link but I tried keying in the data but it does not work.
There is this error message saying undefine must contain a number when I actually typed in all the figures already. Do you have the same problem?

Um...I think I know why he didn't say anything abt your baby's weight gain cos' your bb was heavier at birth as compared to mine....haiz.....
loppily, here's the link. make sure you go to breastfed bb chart.

again, remember, MOST CHARTS are based on FORMULA FED babies who tend to be bigger. i can only advise not to get so hung up on numbers becos if bb is happy, healthy and alert, she's fine. i had a friend whose bb was tiny at birth too. maybe about 2.6kg and only put on 1 kg in her first month too. don't worry. unless she STOPS putting on weight before 6 months, then you check it out.

Babies' weight starts to slow down after 6 months.
loppi, what's your daily diet like? are you trying to diet? are u taking a well-balanced diet? if not, try supplementing with prenatal vitamins and Omega 3. but ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.

DO NOT DIET as long as you are bf-ing becos it affects the quality of your milk.

Thanks so much Snort.
After looking at the chart, my bb's weight gain looks acceptable. You are right, maybe I should not worry too much as my bb seems all right. Active and happy.

My daily diet is simple as I dun really have the time to cook. But I am definitely not trying to diet. My meals are often taken in a rush as my bb is very attention seeking but I try my best not to skip any meal. For breakfast, I will drink a cup of horlicks. A bowl of cereals and three slices of wholemeal bread with olive spread. For lunch, I will steam some vege with meat and egg and eat some digestive biscuits or another bowl of cereals . For teatime, I will drink a cup of milk and some biscuits. For dinner, I will have fish, rice, vege with some meat and an apple. At bedtime, I will drink another cup of milk. I do take some supplements like calcium and fish oil pills. Do you think my diet is the cause of my baby's small weight gain?

Do you mind sharing with me your diet?
