Hi, so sorry. the pacifier order didn't go through in order placed previously..Hi
I will like to order:
Philips AVENT BPA Free Freeflow Pacifier
http://www.amazon.com/Philips-Freeflow-Pacifier-Months-2-Pack/dp/B00212TGDC/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1399992502&sr=8-8&keywords=avent pacifier
Price: $4.99
Quantity: 4 boxes
Please advice amount to pay. Thanks
Hi.. the link has no free shipping.Hi Bbanna,
If this item has no free shipping to Singapore, can you help me to estimate the shipping cost via CGW to Singapore?
Item name: Bucilla 45572 Counted Cross Stitch Picture Kits, Four Seasons
URL: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004C6HPMO/ref=gno_cart_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A6GGO92KB17OE
Qty: 1
Price: USD9.25
Hi summit,Hi Bbanna,
Would like to order this shoe & collect at CCK Mrt .
Size: US 9
price $ 29.70
Color: Taupe Suede
Is it free Shipping to Singapore ?
Thank you
HI schiewpe,Hi bbanna,
Would like to order the following book. Have transferred $16.9 into your account at 28 May 2014 04:46 PM (ref no. 12641433156)
(1) http://www.amazon.com/Early-Start-Your-Child-Autism/dp/160918470X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401266418&sr=8-1&keywords=an early start for your child with autism
An Early Start for Your Child with Autism: Using Everyday Activities to Help Kids Connect, Communicate, and Learn Paperback
Also, would also like to check on the below 2 items which I have ordered sometime back (on page 40), I noticed the price has reduced. So may I check with you what is the price you have ordered for me.
(1) http://www.amazon.com/Crayola-48-Count-Sidewalk-Chalk/dp/B00AHAJGXK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401266539&sr=8-1&keywords=crayola chalk
Crayola 48 Count Sidewalk Chalk
Previous $5.20
Now $4.94
(2) http://www.amazon.com/Crayola-Washable-Fun-Scented-Markers-Included/dp/B00000J0RJ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401266600&sr=8-1&keywords=Crayola 20ct Washable Super Tips (5 Fun-Scented Markers Included)
Crayola 20ct Washable Super Tips (5 Fun-Scented Markers Included)
Previous $4.37
Now $3.97
Hi summit,
is free shipping. but only 1 left. not sure if can close the spree b4 sold out..
Please proceed. I will top up. ThanksHi, so sorry. the pacifier order didn't go through in order placed previously..
The 4.99 link is not sold by amazon. Sold by: Plethora7 LLC so no free shipping to sg.. amazon sold it at 5.99 free shipping. pls let me know if u wish to refund or proceed with topup?
Mine does hv free shipping for orders above $35. It's the same as the amazon that has free shipping for over $35 orders.
Noted with thanka!Please proceed. I will top up. Thanks
ok.. I will inform u to proceed with payment when I close the spree..Hi Bbanna ,
Can you please help to place the item before you close the spree if there is still available?
This item can only ship to usa as mentioned in its page..Hi bbanna,
Hmmm.... why cant my item washable fun scented markers cannot be processed? Can try to order that item for me again? Thanks
http://www.amazon.com/Crayola-Washable-Fun-Scented-Markers-Included/dp/B00000J0RJ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401266600&sr=8-1&keywords=Crayola 20ct Washable Super Tips (5 Fun-Scented Markers Included)
Crayola 20ct Washable Super Tips (5 Fun-Scented Markers Included)
Previous $4.37
Now $3.97
Hi..Hi, can u check if this has got free shipping?
Hihi bbanna, its me again... are the below items eligible for free shipping to sg?
1. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AFPK4LU/ref=gno_cart_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
2. http://www.amazon.com/LEGO-9004339-..._watch_13?ie=UTF8&refRID=175J13ASA0BADRHPHTKA
If yes, kindly advice amount to transfer and please help to order color: Mulberry, size: Medium.
thank kew u!
Hi..aww thats sadok help me order item 1 k...
USD$35.42 x 1.33 = SGD47.10 right?
Hi..transfer done le... pls check pm heehee
Hi..transfer done le... pls check pm heehee
Hi littletotsworld,
Hi, may I know when will you be placing the order with Amazon?Noted with thanka!
Hi.. I emailed amazon to add 4box of the pacifier to the previous order. They managed to add one box.. 3 box will be order this weekend .Hi, may I know when will you be placing the order with Amazon?
This is free shipping but link in previous post shows page not found..Hi bbanna,
able to check the following has free shipment to sg?
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005FNR9ZG/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER -1qty
Hi mannequinme,Is it possible to ship this:
How much will shipping be?
Hi jodi,Hi,
Like to order this:
http://www.amazon.com/Philips-Animal-Pacifier-Months-2-Pack/dp/B004LKRYM2/ref=sr_1_11?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1402141132&sr=1-11&keywords=avent pacifier
6-18 months
1 pack
To Account POSB Everyday Savings Account
406-11537-2 bbanna
Transfer Currency and Amount S$7.96
Transaction Reference 12705142920
Both are not free shipping still..hi,
Have my skip hop water bottle and sea horse change to free global ship?
size: 4 B(M) US
color: nautical navy
price: 23.20
qty: 1 pair
Seahorses still pink one able to free shipping. .blue one can't. .hi,
Have my skip hop water bottle and sea horse change to free global ship?
size: 4 B(M) US
color: nautical navy
price: 23.20
qty: 1 pair
Both are not free shipping still..
I just ordered over last weekend, want to wait for new batch?
Books just delivered less than 10 mins.. sms u alreadyHi,
How's the status of my books ordered previously?