6 in 1 vaccination for BB, help!

hello everyone, can someone help me ...where to get my baby this 6 in 1 jab? we are scheduled in poly and i think it cost around 320 for 3 jabs? is it reasonable? one of my friend told me that it is actually cheaper in baby clinics? any input? thanks
i just brought my baby for the 6 in 1 first jab but the doctor gave jab at both leg .. = 2 injections...is that correct? i tot shld be only 1 jab
hi yuki, my baby just had her 6in1 jab yesterday at polyclinic,its only one jab at the right leg, the next one will be on her 4th month. not sure if other clinics do 2 injections at one time.
Who does the injection at the polyclinic? Doc or nurse?

Will the baby be weighed, checked etc? Or just go for jab and done?
Who does the injection at the polyclinic? Doc or nurse?

Will the baby be weighed, checked etc? Or just go for jab and done?
my baby did his 6-in-1 jabs at this GP clinic in sengkang west (fernvale point), less than $285 last month, cheaper than polyclinic. I use baby bonus fund to pay.
Hi Carebearie,

Can u share if ur bb took e 6-in-1 jab incld Rotarix Oral vaccine ?

My bb just took 6-in-1 jab at 2.5mths old and realized tat PD also gav Rotarix which costed $95! 6-in-1 jab costed $130, ttl bill $283.
Hi Miralyn

I check my bill, is $94 per jab for 6-in-1. total $282 for 3 6-in-1 jabs. My boy has completed all his vaccination, except for MMR. No need to pay consultation fee. Rotarix is separate charge. And for the flu vaccination, my boy didnt even notice he had the jab as the doctor used toys to distract him. You can call the clinic to check the price, not sure now has increased. Tel 64257255. I pay by baby bonus and medisave for pneumoccoal.
Check out your nearby Polyclininc for immunisation package!! Its the most cheapest you can find. 2 weeks back went there and saw the packages like $350++ only for 6-1.
Dont worry about waiting for too long, if its baby visits, they will jump queue for it one and is really fast, like less than 30mins!
