(2017/05/26) Special Offer! ATOCARE Anti Dustmites Allergy UV Vacuum!

Hi Joanna, Ian & Karen,

Thank You for your order and prompt payment.


Our Delivery personnel will contact you regarding your delivery.
Good Evening Mommies,

All Emails Replied.

PS: Request for 10 min home demo today to see y Atocare is better than the competition that even cost $3000 and is value for money at only $350 + Free Additional Filter.

Hi Eddie,

Email Replied. Please let me know after making payment.

We can arrange your delivery tomorrow or tue evening, if you are able to make payment today..

Hi Wen,

Email Replied.

Demo arranged, you will see first hand y Atocare is better than the competition and is real value for money at $350.

Hi Eddie,

Payment of $350 received with Thanks.

Our delivery personnel will arrange with you on your delivery.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">ATOCARE Van on Singapore Roads!
Authorised Local Distributors for a PEACE OF MIND!!! (In Operation since 2006)


- 1 Year Local Warranty for Atocare
- Free Door Step Delivery (By Distributor or TAQBIN)
- (Premium Service) For repairs or replacement parts, Door Step Collection / Repair / Door Step Return
- Admin Office @ Maxwell Building, Stocks @ Warehouse
Hi Michelle,

Email replied on your Atocare Demo.

PS: Please let me know in advance if you interested to buy 1 pcs @ $350 or 2 pcs at a further discount as per your previous email.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Atocare does not have heating problems faced by other uv vacuums in the market.</font></font>

<font size="+1">We have customers using Atocare on 3 beds and 2 fabric sofa all at 1 cleaning session and there is no over heating problems that is faced by other uv vacuums in the market.

In fact we also have the cleaning service whereby our guys clean the house for up to 1 1/2 hours using the Atocare UV Vacuum.

You only need to clear the hepa filter after each bed to keep suction power optimal.


Website: www.atocaresingapore.com</font>
Hi Feliza,

Thank You for your order and payment.

Your delivery will be asap (tomorrow) since you bring it overseas on wed.

Ask for a Atocare Demo 10 min today to find out why its better than the competition and great value for money at just $350.

Hi Theresa,

Thank you for your purchase before the demo.

I understand your urgency, we will arrange your delivery tomorrow.

Dear Mommies,

Are you confused with the Other Anti-Dust Mite Cleaners in the market?

Want to see a demo in your home?

Request for a 10 min demo today to see why Atocare is value for money.
PS: you can purchase a new set on the spot if you like what you see.
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Atocare @ Baby Expo 2013
(Sold By Another Partner - Baby Singapore)

Prices after discount is $388 (MRRP $488)

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Good morning mommies,

All emails replied.


PS, Tzee, your demo will be on monday evening. Cheers.
