(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

My LO has lots of discharge on her right eye. Doc said that it will get better by 3-6 months or up to 9 months. Just keep massaging at the end of the eye. My aunt told me to squeeze some bm on cotton wool to clean the eye. Anyone tried that?

Last night LO slept at 1.30am...so tired that I didn't hear my alarm ring at 4.30am for pump. In the end woken by her cry at almost 6am. My ML said that my left breast is much bigger than my right. Didn't really notice that myself ..... Haha. But pump volume is sometimes double of my right. Today my cousin came and she commented too. Hmmm....
My lo also had discharge in her eye and redness at the corner when she was 3 weeks old. Was told by my confinement nanny that can use bm to clear. I didn't believe, but went to Google online and realise it's quite a common remedy. So I tried on lo. I actually dripped fresh bm (using the residual milk that's left on the pump with clean hands) into her eye and the discharge cleared within 3 days.

At that moment i actually felt like 'omg even my calm hubby is losing it' and i dont feel good that he is 'shouting' at baby even though its an avenue to vent his frustrations. I think babies can sense emotions (through gesture, body language, our tone of voice) even when they are so small. Hence i got upset and asked nanny to take over. She finally calmed down after almost an hour. Haix. Heartpain and atmosphere in the house very solemn... Shes sleeping now. Fingers crossed. If my mum were to know of this, she sure link to some 'pandang' theories... ):
I guess men are not as patient as mummies... My hubby also has some difficulty and will "scold" the baby sometimes esp if he is very tired... But I know he is trying his best. Think maybe ur hubby is trying to get used to taking care of the baby too and his handling will improve over time.
Do babies really drink a lot during cluster feeds? Notice that my baby just drank 330ml within an hour. Is it too much?! She is 4 weeks plus...

Was very scared that she would throw up or later get wind etc.
Do babies really drink a lot during cluster feeds? Notice that my baby just drank 330ml within an hour. Is it too much?! She is 4 weeks plus...

Was very scared that she would throw up or later get wind etc.
I think that's way too much. She was ok after feeding? No spitting up on milk?
I am lucky that my husband is the patient one and me the opposite. Told him sometimes I wanna strangle baby when he refused to sleep hahaha...
@happycsk my #2 had cradle cap and it took slightly over 2mths to fully drop after using the Shampoo. But she was diagnose with eczema on her face. Also looks like inflammed skin den she scractes till bleed. Lucky u brought her to get it check and medication was given. Bb to young to tell u whether its pain or itchy, old ppl only will say milk rash when anything red on face. Hope ur bb will fully recover :) must diligent apply physiogel on her face.. I tried QV recommended by Skin ctr doc for dry skin, also works for my girl.

Mummies do ur Lo slps on pillow? Now i feel letting my Lo sleep on pillow (adult size but v soft) like so dangerous, he keep squirming den turned face down.. He outgrew his dimple pillow. any recommendation?
Do babies really drink a lot during cluster feeds? Notice that my baby just drank 330ml within an hour. Is it too much?! She is 4 weeks plus...

Was very scared that she would throw up or later get wind etc.

This is a lot! Mine will drink 2 feed within 2 hours instead of the usual 4 hrly. Sometimes abit more. After that he will sleep 4-5 hours. So far haven vomit, just spit out a little.
Hi how can you tell the diff with hind milk and foremilk? Mine has little water content (about 10%), 80% milk and 10% layer of fats. Is this good?

@momocrv, I think mine is similar to yours. See pic attached. I would think it's good bah. . No worries abt the little water u mentioned.. cos all the milk layer is also water mah..


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My hubby is also the more patient one.. haha.. for me is depend on mood one.. esp at night, it gets determined by the last pump session.. if it goes on well & good then even when baby cranky I will still be composed and nice.. otherwise I will be very pek chek and then lose my cool.. until the hubby got to come save the baby.. haha.. one time I just said a bit angrily that I wanna beat the LO then the hubby very fast come carry her away.. lol!
@furbee, my girl sleeps on her small pillow the normal kind just smaller in size.. so far she's ok with it.. adult pillow I use it to prop her up after a feeding so that she does not 'er ni' as much.. not sure if can sleep for prolonged period wor.. since u mentioned it seems dangerous.. plus I dunno if it'll be good for their spine/back??
@furbee, sweetness mine dun sleep on pillow. I read somewhere it is not necessary as they are too small. Even my 4yo dun usually sleep on pillow yet. But same as @sweetness i use a pillow for feeding. Sometimes baby will nap on the pillow if i fall asleep.
Oh ya.. for afternoon naps, my LO sleep on his tummy. I think it is pretty dangerous. But he sleep very well in that position. I monitor it while i pump.
Oh ya.. for afternoon naps, my LO sleep on his tummy. I think it is pretty dangerous. But he sleep very well in that position. I monitor it while i pump.

Please monitor when your LO sleep on tummy position. Just to share that my friend that delivered same date as me her baby just passed away. When discovered her baby face facing down, and he sleep at tummy position.
Please monitor when your LO sleep on tummy position. Just to share that my friend that delivered same date as me her baby just passed away. When discovered her baby face facing down, and he sleep at tummy position.

Omg.. that's scary and a very painful news.. my heart goes out to the mummy. Guess we all just have to be cautious when taking care of baby..
How does craddle cap look like? U got any picture to share?

My colleague's son has sensitive skin too, and he is taking bm mixed with NAN ha formula. It seems its recommended for sensitive skin baby.. You may want to try that out see if it helps. In fact, some mummies here said its good and bb won't constipate if compared to similar. What brand ur baby is taking now? I am lucky my bb doesn't have such issue. Taking bm mixed with similac now..

my bb is on nestle nan pro, so may consider switching to the HA version. Actually her bowel movements are okay, once a day or once every 2 days. PD did mention that if baby skin is sensitive, the cradle cap may be recurring. So I may monitor and see how loh. Really dont want to deal with this cradle cap again. I dont have pics but it looks like red bumpy patches on baby scalp and skin. Some may mistaken as heat rash or other rashes in the beginning. But difference is it starts to weep yellow fluid when inflamed and dry and flake as it recovers whereas heat rash goes off by itself. 1st time i brought her to PD, it was diagnosed as heat rash. Then it didn't get better and more red rash patches start spreading on scalp and face. I quickly brought her to PD again coz I saw yellow stains on her nappy cloth she was lying on and thought it's pus. Heng it's just broken tissue fluid coming from the back of her ear.
@happycsk my #2 had cradle cap and it took slightly over 2mths to fully drop after using the Shampoo. But she was diagnose with eczema on her face. Also looks like inflammed skin den she scractes till bleed. Lucky u brought her to get it check and medication was given. Bb to young to tell u whether its pain or itchy, old ppl only will say milk rash when anything red on face. Hope ur bb will fully recover :) must diligent apply physiogel on her face.. I tried QV recommended by Skin ctr doc for dry skin, also works for my girl.

Mummies do ur Lo slps on pillow? Now i feel letting my Lo sleep on pillow (adult size but v soft) like so dangerous, he keep squirming den turned face down.. He outgrew his dimple pillow. any recommendation?

@furbee thanks! she's recovering alrdy but still religiously bathing with special shampoo and physiogel then clean face with drinking water and apply cream. Nowadays her cleansing/bathing routine soooo long and so many things to do. Guess it takes time for the dead flaky skin to all go off. Initially was so worried cos it looks so itchy and flaky to me. She keeps wiping her face with mittens also.
@Twirlycandy hope a good nite's sleep lightened e atmosphere at home! Men liddat la, less patient n dun hv e type of mothering instincts we hv. I observed dat my hubby is much less patient w my boy as compared to my #1, a girl. Dat day my boy cry like mad, he still sitting ard looking at hp haizzz

@Anna0214 anyone else can help to get e elder one to sleep? My hubby will get my gal ready to go sleep while im bz w my boy, so one less thing to take care of. I find it impossible to pump 3hrly while dealing w 2, and still hv sanity haha. Jus do ur best bah.

Speaking of dat, got up late to pump n saw this red patch on boob due to blockage. My heart really sank. Put a cool fever patch on e area after pump, and this morning looks better, altho still got shooting pains. So little supply still block so often, dun understand leyyyyy
@cynn04 my ger specifically wan to sleep with me and didi. Cant stop her. Plus my hubby not really helpful. He bring work home everyday. He only supportive of me giving up bfing if too stiring for me. Haiyo. After dinner still wan me to wash his dishes.

Anyway, i totally can relate to you regarding the blockage though supply is so low. After i change to spectra 9+, i do feel got some improvement. Though still have issues now and then.. I try to power pump everytime i late for pump. Gambate!
Guess most husbands are busy with either work or hps. Same goes to mine as well. But nowadays I dont care one. If I need to pump in the middle of the night, I make him go to the kitchen and take the pump. After pump, I'll wake him up again to store the milk and wash and sterilize pump. Same goes with milk bottles. I just leave it at the sink or sometimes table, he'll wash it.
Whether he like it or dont, I'll make him do it. If only baby can DL to his nipple alternate with mine then I'll wash the bottles. Hehehe
@cynn04 my ger specifically wan to sleep with me and didi. Cant stop her. Plus my hubby not really helpful. He bring work home everyday. He only supportive of me giving up bfing if too stiring for me. Haiyo. After dinner still wan me to wash his dishes.

Anyway, i totally can relate to you regarding the blockage though supply is so low. After i change to spectra 9+, i do feel got some improvement. Though still have issues now and then.. I try to power pump everytime i late for pump. Gambate!

Ahhh then dats tough. My hubby will auto do e dishes, but he often has US conference calls at nite. When i complain abt bfeeding, he will always say try for another mth and see how. Come to tink of it, dats how i lasted longer for #1.

So glad its e wkend soon! Hubby can take over part of e nite feedings!
Guess most husbands are busy with either work or hps. Same goes to mine as well. But nowadays I dont care one. If I need to pump in the middle of the night, I make him go to the kitchen and take the pump. After pump, I'll wake him up again to store the milk and wash and sterilize pump. Same goes with milk bottles. I just leave it at the sink or sometimes table, he'll wash it.
Whether he like it or dont, I'll make him do it. If only baby can DL to his nipple alternate with mine then I'll wash the bottles. Hehehe

Ahaha so funny la you… if only they could feel just abit of e pain and hassle we go thru for bfeeding, maybe will appreciate us more instead of grumbling!
@Twirlycandy hope a good nite's sleep lightened e atmosphere at home! Men liddat la, less patient n dun hv e type of mothering instincts we hv. I observed dat my hubby is much less patient w my boy as compared to my #1, a girl. Dat day my boy cry like mad, he still sitting ard looking at hp haizzz

@Anna0214 anyone else can help to get e elder one to sleep? My hubby will get my gal ready to go sleep while im bz w my boy, so one less thing to take care of. I find it impossible to pump 3hrly while dealing w 2, and still hv sanity haha. Jus do ur best bah.

Speaking of dat, got up late to pump n saw this red patch on boob due to blockage. My heart really sank. Put a cool fever patch on e area after pump, and this morning looks better, altho still got shooting pains. So little supply still block so often, dun understand leyyyyy
Guess it is just the storage capacity of our breast. I will get engorgement but pump out only 60ml nia... No choice lor maybe we just have to pump more often.
Guess most husbands are busy with either work or hps. Same goes to mine as well. But nowadays I dont care one. If I need to pump in the middle of the night, I make him go to the kitchen and take the pump. After pump, I'll wake him up again to store the milk and wash and sterilize pump. Same goes with milk bottles. I just leave it at the sink or sometimes table, he'll wash it.
Whether he like it or dont, I'll make him do it. If only baby can DL to his nipple alternate with mine then I'll wash the bottles. Hehehe
Ur husband v nice!
Ur husband v nice!

Hahhahhaa... not nice lah. But rather kena force to do it. Coz I always say that the baby is not mine alone. And if all fails, I'll cry in frustration. So he HAS to do it. Hahhaha

I'll wake him up even tho sometimes he kept on sleeping. I'll just tap him harder. And if he tried to get angry with me abt it, I shove the baby to him or show black face.

I can be evil when I want to. Hehhehe...
Guess i need to train my hubby abit. Spoil him ardy. Haha. But he work till 1-2am, more tiring than pumping.. i just hope he snore softer.

@ hi_mei, my breasts definitely got storage, people keep commenting like papaya.. but i still 80ml. Hopefully one day got miracle for us..
Guess i need to train my hubby abit. Spoil him ardy. Haha. But he work till 1-2am, more tiring than pumping.. i just hope he snore softer.

@ hi_mei, my breasts definitely got storage, people keep commenting like papaya.. but i still 80ml. Hopefully one day got miracle for us..

Big boobs easier to engorge! My sil also liddat, but output not alot. Drink alot of papaya fish soup, n she took motilim den manage from 100ml to 300ml.. DL & pumping. She also jus stopped when her kid is ard 16mth old..
Sometimes due to stress n drag of hours tat y varies the output. No choice if alone tk care of kids n household chores, plus hubby may not b able to help out... U mummies are reali great!!!

My hub also on hp n comp games. Now i DL bb so he dun need lift a finger to do anything. Wash pump also i do. @nazriah u really lucky! Haha. But the muscle job of carrying bb is done by him.. I feel i can drop bb anytime!

@happycsk ,her face must be real itchy! She nv try to remove the mitten herself? My #2 when had cradle cap n eczema always bite off her mittens n scratch her face & head till bleed! Best for ur girl to keep her mittens on till fully recover...good tat the medication n soap working well! :)
Guess i need to train my hubby abit. Spoil him ardy. Haha. But he work till 1-2am, more tiring than pumping.. i just hope he snore softer.

@ hi_mei, my breasts definitely got storage, people keep commenting like papaya.. but i still 80ml. Hopefully one day got miracle for us..
In the opposite, I hope my hb snore louder and face bb, haha... I realise my LO falls asleep easier when hb snore. So his snore is her white noise! Wakaka...
@Twirlycandy hope a good nite's sleep lightened e atmosphere at home! Men liddat la, less patient n dun hv e type of mothering instincts we hv. I observed dat my hubby is much less patient w my boy as compared to my #1, a girl. Dat day my boy cry like mad, he still sitting ard looking at hp haizzz

@Anna0214 anyone else can help to get e elder one to sleep? My hubby will get my gal ready to go sleep while im bz w my boy, so one less thing to take care of. I find it impossible to pump 3hrly while dealing w 2, and still hv sanity haha. Jus do ur best bah.

Speaking of dat, got up late to pump n saw this red patch on boob due to blockage. My heart really sank. Put a cool fever patch on e area after pump, and this morning looks better, altho still got shooting pains. So little supply still block so often, dun understand leyyyyy
Haha, ytd after the saga, he felt guilty and resumed to cuddling babygirl and doing her night feeds. He also looked teary when i told him he shouldnt vent his frustrations in front of baby cos she can sense the anger (I have a sensitive new age guy for a husband haha) .. Actually, he is v helpful n willing to learn tgt w me usually. He washes my pump parts and cuddle LO the moment hes home (like a second shift). I guess caring for baby is a learning journey and everyday is a new lesson! Steep learning curve though.. Haha let's jiayou tgt!
@ highness and szechtay, oh so u tried and it's ok? Ok maybe I shall try. Told my hubby about this and he gave me a weird look. Is it cos tear gland not develop or bb too heaty from the food I eat?
@happy08 ya the output really so much difference. Now i trying to DL only n stop pump on the bigger boobs see if can bcome smaller.. Den will pump the smaller to make it slightly bigger i HOPE!

@ furbee, I DL during the day and pump at night. If only pump one side, the other will entire n painful leh. I try to feed her on the smaller side first.... But the bigger side not clear will have milk building up.
@furbee, my girl sleeps on her small pillow the normal kind just smaller in size.. so far she's ok with it.. adult pillow I use it to prop her up after a feeding so that she does not 'er ni' as much.. not sure if can sleep for prolonged period wor.. since u mentioned it seems dangerous.. plus I dunno if it'll be good for their spine/back??

@ sweetness, my LO also always 'er ni'. Will burp her every feed but not every time she burped. Then after sometime she will 'er ni' while sleeping, while I change her diapers or bathing. Dunno y like that...
Hahhahhaa... not nice lah. But rather kena force to do it. Coz I always say that the baby is not mine alone. And if all fails, I'll cry in frustration. So he HAS to do it. Hahhaha

I'll wake him up even tho sometimes he kept on sleeping. I'll just tap him harder. And if he tried to get angry with me abt it, I shove the baby to him or show black face.

I can be evil when I want to. Hehhehe...
Wah u very funny!!!
I am lucky that my husband is the patient one and me the opposite. Told him sometimes I wanna strangle baby when he refused to sleep hahaha...
Same here! My husband is the patient one and very skilled in helping to take care of baby and bathing her! I will sometime be the impatient one!
She is now abt 4.5kg. But she was born small (2 plus kg), so i dunno if she is making up for it now...
Try using this formula as a gauge?

Total amount of milk intake per day= 150* multiply by baby's weight
Amount per feed (per 3 hourly)= Total amount divided by 8

If u feel tt baby is still hungry all the time n unsatisfied, can multiply by 160* instead of 150.

Taught by my pds from kk and gleneagles respectively. The key is to have a gradual increment (like 5ml/10ml each increment) and observe if baby regurgitates milk, vomit and sleeps well to see if he or she is taking the milk in well.

Hope this helps!
Try using this formula as a gauge?

Total amount of milk intake per day= 150* multiply by baby's weight
Amount per feed (per 3 hourly)= Total amount divided by 8

If u feel tt baby is still hungry all the time n unsatisfied, can multiply by 160* instead of 150.

Taught by my pds from kk and gleneagles respectively. The key is to have a gradual increment (like 5ml/10ml each increment) and observe if baby regurgitates milk, vomit and sleeps well to see if he or she is taking the milk in well.

Hope this helps!
Thanks a lot!! Will try this!
@ highness and szechtay, oh so u tried and it's ok? Ok maybe I shall try. Told my hubby about this and he gave me a weird look. Is it cos tear gland not develop or bb too heaty from the food I eat?
Is bcos our BM got antibodies. It will help clear up the sticky discharge.
@ sweetness, my LO also always 'er ni'. Will burp her every feed but not every time she burped. Then after sometime she will 'er ni' while sleeping, while I change her diapers or bathing. Dunno y like that...

Mine oso, just 'er ni' my precious bm out halfway thru her feed cos pooing very hard. Heartpain lah! But yeah, he tends to do dat when i change his diaper even tho burped twice le.
Please monitor when your LO sleep on tummy position. Just to share that my friend that delivered same date as me her baby just passed away. When discovered her baby face facing down, and he sleep at tummy position.
Oh no! That's so sad :(
It is very dangerous. I rather let him wake up few times than taking the risk.
Mine oso, just 'er ni' my precious bm out halfway thru her feed cos pooing very hard. Heartpain lah! But yeah, he tends to do dat when i change his diaper even tho burped twice le.
Ya mine also just wasted my previous BM!! And I am a low supply mummy! sigh!
Mummies, first time i throw my 3 kids with hubby!! Haha amazingly 10mins passed ... Hopefully can last another 10mins for mt to finish pump and wash up the stuff!

@Vinka sry sorry for ur friend's loss. Must be hearbreaking, but also a learning lesson..

Baby really can store milk in their mouth, or even cheeks hor... Nv experience it wit my 2 girls, but my Lo also will spit milk out after 1hr, even thou he burped n sleep!

I also read alot mummies use 1 drop of bm to clear the eye discharge, or use cotton bud to dap with bm..
@ furbee, I DL during the day and pump at night. If only pump one side, the other will entire n painful leh. I try to feed her on the smaller side first.... But the bigger side not clear will have milk building up.

Ya the building up of milk actually quite irritating IMO...cos by then baby wont be able to finish the bigger side den again need express out end up still bigger. But need find ways to make both sides even out leh. Last time mine quite even...suddenly liddat..... U also last time was even?
Try using this formula as a gauge?

Total amount of milk intake per day= 150* multiply by baby's weight
Amount per feed (per 3 hourly)= Total amount divided by 8

If u feel tt baby is still hungry all the time n unsatisfied, can multiply by 160* instead of 150.

Taught by my pds from kk and gleneagles respectively. The key is to have a gradual increment (like 5ml/10ml each increment) and observe if baby regurgitates milk, vomit and sleeps well to see if he or she is taking the milk in well.

Hope this helps!

O~ my LO juz weigh 4.7kg today at PD. She's taking 120ml per feed (3hrly) and 1 night feed at 150ml. Does that means I over feed her??
O~ my LO juz weigh 4.7kg today at PD. She's taking 120ml per feed (3hrly) and 1 night feed at 150ml. Does that means I over feed her??
i just calculated for u and it seems like its over the 'prescribed' quantities if i were to use both formulas aka the one i just posted and a simpler one which is weight multiply by 20. My pd from gleneagles mentioned tt the upper bound for the formula i mentioned is to multiply by 200 then it will be 117ml for ur baby.. bt the bottomline is still whether ur LO is taking in the milk alright and whether got regurgitation or vomiting.

So sometimes need practise discretion as these are just formulas and each baby may be different. :) so far we are following the formula for her feeds cos dont wanna strain her little tummy as she was unwell previously..
