(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Ya can have birth plan, n can start anytime during ur pregnancy.. For me i din haf cos my options are open.

By right its supposed to be numb after tking epidural, but must note that it comes in tube, so once finish u can start feeling abit of pain from contractions, den they will change another tube till delivered bb. For me i used 1 tube lowest dosage can last 5hrs, depends on how much dosage u request can b adjusted. So i didnt request 2nd tube since bb out, so i ask him faster inject the anethesia before stitching in case the epidural wears off.

I aso was trying to bf my kid n take photos n stuff so tried not to bother bout how the doc stitch me up. Dont worry bout pain during the stitching process, contractions ARE worse... Lol.

Ic. So can bf baby as soon as baby is out? No need wait for baby to ward in with you then start? Thats gd. n here I thought is wait until everything settle den feed baby. Haha.
I had an assisted delivery using vacuum cos first time really dunno how to push and exhaust all my energy pushing wrongly. Delivery nurses oso not very helpful lor. But cos my reaction to epidural is quite strong, after delivery i had fever and puked whole nite so didnt bf immediately. The next morning (cos i delivered at nite) then they send baby to me for latching.

I tink this time my body shld hv the same reaction bah, not very hopeful otherwise. Sighs.

My stitches healed quite fast. On the day of discharge, which is abt 1.5 days later, i could walk down to my gynae's clinic to see him. So how fast stitches heal oso dependent on gynae's skill.
Yeah, agree on gynae's skill! Aso after normal delivery after duno how many hours will need to walk n go toilet pee.. Need to pee out de, i supposed gynae needs to know if everything back to 'normal'... N that when walking the stitches are ok n all. I hate the lochia n stuff, mine max lasted close to 5 weeks , duno y take so long to clear...
@cynn04 when u delivered how many nurses were with u? I aso puke after the epi effect but only once, n all is water cos cant take any food beforehand.
I got my carpets, curtains and beds professionally cleaned. Also bought a uv vacuum cleaner to maintain cleanliness level :D
Thank goodness I scheduled for professional cleaning services in a couple of weeks' time... Definitely money well spent. Will look into those 3M filters for the AC as well - God knows how much it will be used especially during confinement.
my hub say he want to film the whole process down. i tell him then who is going to hold my hand when i scream in pain? lolx
Hahah exactly. On D Day, idk if your hubs will still be able to stand there and film the proceeds calmly thou!!!! You need him to hold you I'm sure! / also the important question is, will you be able to stand watching the video of your birthing process thereafter???
Yeah, agree on gynae's skill! Aso after normal delivery after duno how many hours will need to walk n go toilet pee.. Need to pee out de, i supposed gynae needs to know if everything back to 'normal'... N that when walking the stitches are ok n all. I hate the lochia n stuff, mine max lasted close to 5 weeks , duno y take so long to clear...
@cynn04 when u delivered how many nurses were with u? I aso puke after the epi effect but only once, n all is water cos cant take any food beforehand.
I heard that the first time you poop and pee AFTER delivery is the hardest or most painful. TBH, that's the part which I'm most afraid of.
Ya can have birth plan, n can start anytime during ur pregnancy.. For me i din haf cos my options are open.

By right its supposed to be numb after tking epidural, but must note that it comes in tube, so once finish u can start feeling abit of pain from contractions, den they will change another tube till delivered bb. For me i used 1 tube lowest dosage can last 5hrs, depends on how much dosage u request can b adjusted. So i didnt request 2nd tube since bb out, so i ask him faster inject the anethesia before stitching in case the epidural wears off.

I aso was trying to bf my kid n take photos n stuff so tried not to bother bout how the doc stitch me up. Dont worry bout pain during the stitching process, contractions ARE worse... Lol.

Contractions pain are worse?!!
Yeah, agree on gynae's skill! Aso after normal delivery after duno how many hours will need to walk n go toilet pee.. Need to pee out de, i supposed gynae needs to know if everything back to 'normal'... N that when walking the stitches are ok n all. I hate the lochia n stuff, mine max lasted close to 5 weeks , duno y take so long to clear...
@cynn04 when u delivered how many nurses were with u? I aso puke after the epi effect but only once, n all is water cos cant take any food beforehand.

Got one nurse always stay with me, the other 2 like passers-by liddat, come by to see my pushing progress, give a few meaningless 'advice' then left! :/

I puked whole nite, had to put plastic bag beside me lol. N could not really sleep cos they needed to wake me up to chk my fever and change my pads etc. So the first nite considered quite terrible.
Thank goodness I scheduled for professional cleaning services in a couple of weeks' time... Definitely money well spent. Will look into those 3M filters for the AC as well - God knows how much it will be used especially during confinement.
There are two types one is regular red and the one with carbon to remove any odours as well :)
You can find it at home fix and other self help diy stores..
Got one nurse always stay with me, the other 2 like passers-by liddat, come by to see my pushing progress, give a few meaningless 'advice' then left! :/

I puked whole nite, had to put plastic bag beside me lol. N could not really sleep cos they needed to wake me up to chk my fever and change my pads etc. So the first nite considered quite terrible.

Wow, ur so brave! Most of my friends after gg thru they stop at 1... I cant imagine whole night puke, den need bf, like so busy....

Contractions pain are worse?!!

Yup, contractions r worse, once baby pops out, nothing else is painful... That y i took epidural as i cant tolerate the contractions that i had for mere 45mins. (I tot my tolerance lvl high but seems otherwise aso)

I heard that the first time you poop and pee AFTER delivery is the hardest or most painful. TBH, that's the part which I'm most afraid of.

When u pee or poop is like u duno dare to use the muscles to squeeze out. Den it will have some blisters, that y have to always wash with water, keep it dry n at tmc i was given a spray to spray on the stitch area...
If on epidural need urine catheter. Err fr wat i recall, was not dat painful when they took mine off at TMC.
Thanks for informing! Ya, i also heard that it is after epidural then they will insert the urine catheter. But what about when they remove it? My friends told me they removed it after the epidural effects wore out, that's why it was more pain. Is it true?
Anyone felt rhythmic thumping in your lower abdomen? Havw been having it for a few days. Googled it and found answer saying is baby having hiccups. Awww. So cute. How I wish I can view it on my check up this Wednesday.
Ya i did! It was more felt on the lower left of my tummy!
Thanks for informing! Ya, i also heard that it is after epidural then they will insert the urine catheter. But what about when they remove it? My friends told me they removed it after the epidural effects wore out, that's why it was more pain. Is it true?

Yup they will remove it usually after e epidural effects wore off, then make sure you can pee properly by yourself. I dun remember mine being dat painful, maybe discomfort?
Yeah why not, I guess to have a peace of mind bah :) Oh does TMC still give the 3 books on pregnancy and taking care of baby when you signed up for their membership? I found those more useful
hi @cynn04 - are you able to snap photo of the TMC books for me? I want to check if i can get it online or some mummies for my reading. TIA!
hi @cynn04 - are you able to snap photo of the TMC books for me? I want to check if i can get it online or some mummies for my reading. TIA!
hi dear..if u go on carousell u can find the books..i think i came across it before...

wanted to buy it but dunno whether is it useful or not..any feedbacks from mummies?
Issit this one?


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hi dear..if u go on carousell u can find the books..i think i came across it before...

wanted to buy it but dunno whether is it useful or not..any feedbacks from mummies?
thanks dear!!
hi dear..if u go on carousell u can find the books..i think i came across it before...

wanted to buy it but dunno whether is it useful or not..any feedbacks from mummies?
thanks dear will go check it out!

I just bought this book from Kinokuniya, $33.

Hope this Mongan method can help me to have a less painful and easier birthing.

Anyone have read this book before and tried the method? Can kindly share some feedback?
Wow, ur so brave! Most of my friends after gg thru they stop at 1... I cant imagine whole night puke, den need bf, like so busy....

Not brave, i tink my bf experience has erased my memory of the delivery cos its so much worse :D
Wow, ur so brave! Most of my friends after gg thru they stop at 1... I cant imagine whole night puke, den need bf, like so busy....

When u pee or poop is like u duno dare to use the muscles to squeeze out. Den it will have some blisters, that y have to always wash with water, keep it dry n at tmc i was given a spray to spray on the stitch area...
OK. That's good to know. IDK if I can handle recovery down below + pain from stitches + the start of a month-long period (is it true that we will be bleeding for a month?!) + any sort of infection from the poop/pee/not cleaning properly. Headache.........
I thot they'll give u e books for free if sign up for thomson membership. U not delivering at TMC?
Yeah, that's what I thought as well. I signed up for the FBI card... And I know I'd be given 3 books. I'm assuming it's those books they're referring to...
Yup they will remove it usually after e epidural effects wore off, then make sure you can pee properly by yourself. I dun remember mine being dat painful, maybe discomfort?
Thanks for the assurance... I am so scared of everything about labour... I wanna laugh at myself.
I had an assisted delivery using vacuum cos first time really dunno how to push and exhaust all my energy pushing wrongly. Delivery nurses oso not very helpful lor. But cos my reaction to epidural is quite strong, after delivery i had fever and puked whole nite so didnt bf immediately. The next morning (cos i delivered at nite) then they send baby to me for latching.

I tink this time my body shld hv the same reaction bah, not very hopeful otherwise. Sighs.

My stitches healed quite fast. On the day of discharge, which is abt 1.5 days later, i could walk down to my gynae's clinic to see him. So how fast stitches heal oso dependent on gynae's skill.
Sorry, can check which hospital you delivered in?
my friend told me his wife give birth in 2 hrs. 1 hr contraction, 1 hr push and baby just come out. without epidural. just laughing gas. i was like...erhhhhhhhhhhh
Yah I had an ex colleague who told us she just felt like she needed to poop and then within an hour of feeling like wanting to poop the "poop" aka baby came out without any medication.. It was her second child though.. Her first delivery one not sure if it was similar.. Zzzz
Anyone's paid your hospital and gynae deposit fees yet? Did your gynae charge you more than the indicated package fees at all?
I'm asking this because some mothers have been saying they have been asked to pay more due to the recent change in their insurance coverage indemnity increment which kicks into effect from May 2nd this year??
Apparently 30% more to pay and their gynaes are from Mt E.
Anyone knows anything about this?
Anyone's paid your hospital and gynae deposit fees yet? Did your gynae charge you more than the indicated package fees at all?
I'm asking this because some mothers have been saying they have been asked to pay more due to the recent change in their insurance coverage indemnity increment which kicks into effect from May 2nd this year??
Apparently 30% more to pay and their gynaes are from Mt E.
Anyone knows anything about this?

Interesting news! Din know that if theres an increase is cos of all these unseen fees.... Will check with my gynae this fri wen i c him...hopefully no sudden increase....
Anyone's paid your hospital and gynae deposit fees yet? Did your gynae charge you more than the indicated package fees at all?
I'm asking this because some mothers have been saying they have been asked to pay more due to the recent change in their insurance coverage indemnity increment which kicks into effect from May 2nd this year??
Apparently 30% more to pay and their gynaes are from Mt E.
Anyone knows anything about this?
i alrdy paid my deposit for the hospital with my gynae..nopez not being charged more..still the same amt :)
Anyone going to deliver at Mt elizabeth novena? As I heard many mummies going either thomson or Mt alvernia.. just curious to find out :)
Aww.. din slept well ytd night becos of the leg cramps.. in crowded train again with another pregnant lady on the other of the priority seat with no seat..

Sometimes I hope that people who do not need the priority seat should not fall asleep there..

I'm stucked with this both sleeping couples in the twin seat.. with the guy waking up a few times. . Peep ard with one eyre then both eyes and faster 'fall back asleep'.. haiz... my stomach is already so obvious now..:eek: if never wakes up still much acceptable ..:confused:
Anyone taking insurance for mother and baby? Is that really useful?

@AngelDustV , me too here. I m stuck in the super crowded bus without seat. more like ppl dun notice i m preggy coz got too many ppl squeeze in.. my tummy not so obvious in the morning though. More obvious in e evening.. i am week 27-28 now.
Aww.. din slept well ytd night becos of the leg cramps.. in crowded train again with another pregnant lady on the other of the priority seat with no seat..

Sometimes I hope that people who do not need the priority seat should not fall asleep there..

I'm stucked with this both sleeping couples in the twin seat.. with the guy waking up a few times. . Peep ard with one eyre then both eyes and faster 'fall back asleep'.. haiz... my stomach is already so obvious now..:eek: if never wakes up still much acceptable ..:confused:
My friend told me she would tap on them to wake them up and say she is going to faint as she is pregnant and then get to sit.
Haha ya just grab like belly and cramp ur face abit like in pain!! Duno y sg only need the priority stickers for seats, why cant no sticker also give up seats or space for elder preg and even parents with kids...even queue for elavator also must squeeze go in front like "im only 1 small person wont take up much space" duhzzz.. sometimes i really enjoy travelling to taiwan where ppl dont even sit or squeezeeee... haha
Haha ya just grab like belly and cramp ur face abit like in pain!! Duno y sg only need the priority stickers for seats, why cant no sticker also give up seats or space for elder preg and even parents with kids...even queue for elavator also must squeeze go in front like "im only 1 small person wont take up much space" duhzzz.. sometimes i really enjoy travelling to taiwan where ppl dont even sit or squeezeeee... haha
The other day went I was walking around at nex. some people walked almost right into me and I'm like wtf?! Can't you SEE where you are going?! Very inconsiderate. I'm petite but doesn't make me invisible as my tummy is like what 35 inches now!!
Granted I look like a frog with my stick arms and legs but still obvious I'm with baby from the front!
I realized later I "tsked" these peepz when they almost knock into me. Omg I'm becoming an aunty! -_-

Interesting news! Din know that if theres an increase is cos of all these unseen fees.... Will check with my gynae this fri wen i c him...hopefully no sudden increase....
My appt still got 2 wks more then I will ask my gynae..
And also ask him how is he going to do csect, like spinal or epi?
Heard there is a difference and I want to know more and be prepared instead of getting heart attack at OT.
