(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

me..... it feels so funny rite? At first I did not realised if hiccups. But i happened quite few min before it stop. Then sometime I am trying to move my body going left or right side, see if it can helps my baby to stop hiccups. But still takes few min for my baby to stop the hiccups.
Haha Ya loh. Hiccup for so long. Didn't know at first too. Even asked my hubby to feel it check if it's my own heartbeat. Haha. Heard it's natural n good for baby. If it's me hiccup for so long I will go crazy. Haha

Went for my gynae visit last Friday...e finale of my monthly visits.
From now on..im gona b able to see my heartbeat biweekly...yeah to that!!:D
BUT...Lil lamb's head is now on top...breech...so to speak..n my gynae has suggested a c-sect (elective)... Jolt to a pro-natural birth me...
In addition my bby Is 'long' n big (measuring 2 weeks ahead)
So ive bn emo-ing n worrying myself sick...
On a positive note...I preponed my maternity shoot...n I jus did it yest...now im filin eons better...
But c-sect....errr
Went for my gynae visit last Friday...e finale of my monthly visits.
From now on..im gona b able to see my heartbeat biweekly...yeah to that!!:D
BUT...Lil lamb's head is now on top...breech...so to speak..n my gynae has suggested a c-sect (elective)... Jolt to a pro-natural birth me...
In addition my bby Is 'long' n big (measuring 2 weeks ahead)
So ive bn emo-ing n worrying myself sick...
On a positive note...I preponed my maternity shoot...n I jus did it yest...now im filin eons better...
But c-sect....errr
Still got chance to change that... try taking more walks, slping on ur left side... dun emo, look on the bright side. Baby is healthy. Dun let tt affect ur mood.
Went for my gynae visit last Friday...e finale of my monthly visits.
From now on..im gona b able to see my heartbeat biweekly...yeah to that!!:D
BUT...Lil lamb's head is now on top...breech...so to speak..n my gynae has suggested a c-sect (elective)... Jolt to a pro-natural birth me...
In addition my bby Is 'long' n big (measuring 2 weeks ahead)
So ive bn emo-ing n worrying myself sick...
On a positive note...I preponed my maternity shoot...n I jus did it yest...now im filin eons better...
But c-sect....errr
How many weeks are u? When I went for my checkup at 28 wks, lo's head also on top, but my dr says when I go for my 32 wk scan if still breech, he will teach me breaching exercise. Think we have up till wk 35 to try to turn baby's head.
Have you all decided on ur baby's name already?

Googled and find it hard to choose one that both me n hubby n agree on...
Still got chance to change that... try taking more walks, slping on ur left side... dun emo, look on the bright side. Baby is healthy. Dun let tt affect ur mood.

Thank u for e sprinkles of positivity @
I agree...shld stop emo-ing.
Hv bn taking more walks...finger crossed
How many weeks are u? When I went for my checkup at 28 wks, lo's head also on top, but my dr says when I go for my 32 wk scan if still breech, he will teach me breaching exercise. Think we have up till wk 35 to try to turn baby's head.

Im also at 28 weeks but Dr say according to sonography...my bby Is weighing 2 weeks in advance...so abt 30 weeks.
After ur sharing...Mayb I shld jus relax till week 32 n 'see how'.. Haha!
thanks all mummies. we bought novita air purifier. 3 of them. 2 for bedrooms and 1 for living. cos we got dogs so we want to eliminate the allergies chances as low as possible
Have you all decided on ur baby's name already?

Googled and find it hard to choose one that both me n hubby n agree on...
Chose the English name very long ago. Now left only the Chinese and Indian names which we are procrastinating on. Anyway need birth time for those and I'm not like overly crazy to must have ethnic names though he seems to want to have both racial names. Maybe not in birth cert if not can you imagine how long the name will be?! Jeez
thanks all mummies. we bought novita air purifier. 3 of them. 2 for bedrooms and 1 for living. cos we got dogs so we want to eliminate the allergies chances as low as possible
Oh yah like my parents place cause my darling Pom is with them and they have more units due to his double coat shedding as well.
Lol, my cousin's full name is in indian, but when he started school the teacher helped to choose his chinese name(in writing) cos birth cert did have any chinese name. already so long the name cant imagine if u add both chinese n indian names den during exam jialat....lol
Im also at 28 weeks but Dr say according to sonography...my bby Is weighing 2 weeks in advance...so abt 30 weeks.
After ur sharing...Mayb I shld jus relax till week 32 n 'see how'.. Haha!
Don't worry I'm sure when you relax and do the necessary positions and breathing will help. Mine is like semi transverse meaning slightly sideways with head down to the side. But since I'm already in the zone of elective csect I don't think my baby position really matters. Take care and don't think too much. :)
Lol, my cousin's full name is in indian, but when he started school the teacher helped to choose his chinese name(in writing) cos birth cert did have any chinese name. already so long the name cant imagine if u add both chinese n indian names den during exam jialat....lol
Yah that's what I was telling him everyone start doing their exam. Then our kid still writing name -__-".
My hubby is the eat potato kind so good luck to him picking the Chinese name.
Have you all decided on ur baby's name already?

Googled and find it hard to choose one that both me n hubby n agree on...
English name sort of settled. Chinese name need baby's birth timing for the geomancer to calculate. So I jus save this nerve-racking issue to him. Jus choose from the shortlisted ones will do.
English name sort of settled. Chinese name need baby's birth timing for the geomancer to calculate. So I jus save this nerve-racking issue to him. Jus choose from the shortlisted ones will do.
same here but for us, we did share the chinese name we want and when he is born, his grandparents will bring the ba zi n match ..if charactor cannot match then they will change the charactor but keep the pronunciation for the name. however, my hub is very christian so he likely will ignore and use the name he like
If its any consolation, to me delivery (w epidural of cos) is less painful than breastfeeding.

Okayyy maybe dat doesnt help lololol…

Omg, that really doesn't help at all. Hahah! Considering that we'd be breast-feeding for an extended period of time!
But u know when we give birth we won't be able to see anything down there whether it is natural or csect.. think watching the video it will make us feel more kan cheong n scared :(
Haha @momocrv ur description v true..we really cant see anything, but can feel la.. I think any hubby who see through the delivery process is really brave too. It aint nice to see when baby head pops out, n the gushing of water n blood...
Cannot see, but will be able to feel 100% right?! Was at antenatal class, and Mrs Wong BB was telling us that our husband/birth partners should be right beside us, instead of in front of us, so hold us and give us support, rather than see the full gory process.
Consider if u drive, or take public, who u will travel with ie. if alone most of time n tk public best is light weight (example: zen baby yoyo-one hand closure, combi, maclaren or less den 4kg), if always hAve help n drives, den any sturdy (prams quinny, preg preggo, etc) will do. Must consider tat if the prams are too bulky n big aso be quite hard to squeeze in elavator cos ppl may not give way, or if no escalator need take stairs (novena mrt station exit to united square - duno y nv upgrade, sighs) ..

Actually if not in hurry for pram can wait till after deliver den see wat kind of pram suit the lifestyle n comfort of baby...like some prefers full canopy, or more cushion etc..
I was trying it out at motherworks the other day and it seems ok but not sure about moving around crowded malls though.. Of course the sales girl was saying its a breeze.. Hahah
I love bugaboo bee but decided to get the babyzen yoyo instead as it is really compact, light but sturdy. Furthermore, we intend to travel quite a bit with bb, this stroller is the only stroller can go into flight cabin like our hand carry luggage.

The more I take the train... The more I fear bringing baby out with a pram. Sometimes, it's just too squeezy, or there's too many people for you to be pushing any sort of things around... Not to mention the stink eye you get from all commuters. The mall situation in SG is also no better.... But having a pram is definitely better than carrying baby in a sling all the time (considering how my back is beginning to ache from last week...)

The bugaboo is definitely nice to have...
I saw how the peg perego works and I'm amazed by the one-hand use function.
Definitely need to consider if the pram can fit into overhead cabin, but if not, I think we can always check it in separately?

I'm definitely looking for: 1) one-hand use function 2) removable bassinet/car seat + pram function, so it's all in one, for when I take the cab as well...
I had friends who even requested for photos or video to be taken thru the delivery process.. I cant imagine. Even to see the crowning when bb hair can c i rem the look of discomfort on my hubby face.lol. Actually during both delivery the nurses were beside me pushing my tummy waiting for bb to come out, den hubby preparing to snap pic of baby full body n cut the umbilical cord..everything happens very fast..
My gynae assessed me, baby etc and everything is normal and in optimal condition thus far for a natural delivery as I have already established my leaning towards an elective csect to him. He mentioned if my fear is so heightened I might just psyche myself to give up during labour even if he thinks I should go ahead with a natural delivery. He also said there is apparently a "trend" of mothers opting for elective csect nowadays and they are labelled Fashionista or Posh mothers. I was like -_-"...
Exactly... It sounds as though your doctor is very pro-natural though. Same as mine... So I'm definitely weighing my options. I think I still have got another 4/5wks before I commit to anything fully though.... So trying to weigh the pros and cons, especially with recovery....
thanks all mummies. we bought novita air purifier. 3 of them. 2 for bedrooms and 1 for living. cos we got dogs so we want to eliminate the allergies chances as low as possible
Oh yah like my parents place cause my darling Pom is with them and they have more units due to his double coat shedding as well.
I have an air purifier in my bedroom now as I'm sensitive to the A/C or dust in my sleeping area.... However, I do have a rather big carpet in my bedroom as well. As an adult, I'm fine. But do you reckon that sleeping with carpets is OK for babies, even with an air purifier?
Anyway, thanks to @PixiePosh for her recommendation. I've booked my newborn shoot with Bambini Photography. Hubby & I have looked at their portfolio and it's just too cute to resist! Can't wait to meet my little boy soon and cosy him up in those adorable poses in the studio :D

Cannot see, but will be able to feel 100% right?! Was at antenatal class, and Mrs Wong BB was telling us that our husband/birth partners should be right beside us, instead of in front of us, so hold us and give us support, rather than see the full gory process.
my hub say he want to film the whole process down. i tell him then who is going to hold my hand when i scream in pain? lolx
same here but for us, we did share the chinese name we want and when he is born, his grandparents will bring the ba zi n match ..if charactor cannot match then they will change the charactor but keep the pronunciation for the name. however, my hub is very christian so he likely will ignore and use the name he like
Same as our parents loh... Keep suggesting names for baby. But I really don't like leh. I think most important is we must like it. I jus hope when they bring bazi to count dun keep insisting the name they want for baby...or else I will jus give up confinement and go there myself.

I guess I will bring my dogs for another grooming before I pop. My pom is so furry again. Not so much for my westie. jus that weather is getting hotter.
Same as our parents loh... Keep suggesting names for baby. But I really don't like leh. I think most important is we must like it. I jus hope when they bring bazi to count dun keep insisting the name they want for baby...or else I will jus give up confinement and go there myself.

I guess I will bring my dogs for another grooming before I pop. My pom is so furry again. Not so much for my westie. jus that weather is getting hotter.
lol. mine is we had a name for our son. his mum dont like it. but we love it cos is a very strong name. we want him to grow up strong.
my hub say he want to film the whole process down. i tell him then who is going to hold my hand when i scream in pain? lolx
wow, will you allow him to do so? I think I will not allow my hubby to take video on the whole process liao, later on he upload into youtube, i have no privacy anymore ..... although I know during labour cannot hide my private parts anymore, there will be nurses and doctor around looking at my private parts...... lols
Nice to catchup on all these conversations while on e train. Brain dead from an intensive day at work bleah…

My combi stroller is hand-me-down, after 2yrs + a few trips overseas already very cui. Altho lightweight, its quite bulky cos of the structure. Would prefer umbrella type stroller, n likely to get this type next. I feel first couple of mths a carrier is more useful than a stroller. We'll be getting a sort of sling in our sg50 package, so will wait n see how it is b4 purchasing a carrier.
Name wise baby boy so difficult to find! All the baby girl names sound so pretty but boys… grrrrrrr… sort of decided on english n chinese name already, but abit pantang so not gonna confirm till he's born.

Nway since my hubby's surname is quite unique, we will omit the dialact name in BC and just have english + surname. Exam time very fast finish filling in the name haha!
Hi mummies, anyone of you planning to color or rebond your hair now? My doc said is it fine to do it after the 1st trimester.
Hello, i coloured my hair on the 2nd trimester and did Keratin treatment too... I felt really guilty initially but i cannot stand all my white hair sprouting out.... Then i realised i had to take care of my mental well-being LOL! Many of my friends also coloured / rebond / perm their hair during pregnancy, it seems fine... As long as not doing it in an environment that is hard to breathe and uncomfortable.
wow, will you allow him to do so? I think I will not allow my hubby to take video on the whole process liao, later on he upload into youtube, i have no privacy anymore ..... although I know during labour cannot hide my private parts anymore, there will be nurses and doctor around looking at my private parts...... lols
i hope he will take more artistic video then to aim the camera at my private part. but seriously, since the bb is born, i did not do anything special for him except custom made a bb carrier for him . cos i quite pang tang. like note down the process of pregnancy in my blog, video my pregnancy process..etc. guess mine is pretty boring pregnancy lolx.
i hope he will take more artistic video then to aim the camera at my private part. but seriously, since the bb is born, i did not do anything special for him except custom made a bb carrier for him . cos i quite pang tang. like note down the process of pregnancy in my blog, video my pregnancy process..etc. guess mine is pretty boring pregnancy lolx.
Is it just me or is there a common fear for episiotomy, urine catheter?? I heard these from my colleagues who have given birth and have been wondering why technology can be this poor still that they have to insert a urine catheter... SOB!!!!
Is it just me or is there a common fear for episiotomy, urine catheter?? I heard these from my colleagues who have given birth and have been wondering why technology can be this poor still that they have to insert a urine catheter... SOB!!!!

I think episiotomy is done only when necessary right? Just pray u don't have to do it. Sounds scary but I think hospitals will do a jab to further numb that area before cutting it. I read somewhere that KKH will just snip. Ouch!!! But they say by then can't feel it already due to the intense pain from contractions.

Urine catheter! ....... Scary! But delivery by natural birth don't need it right? I think only for csec procedures. Anybody can cfm?
I think episiotomy is done only when necessary right? Just pray u don't have to do it. Sounds scary but I think hospitals will do a jab to further numb that area before cutting it. I read somewhere that KKH will just snip. Ouch!!! But they say by then can't feel it already due to the intense pain from contractions.

Urine catheter! ....... Scary! But delivery by natural birth don't need it right? I think only for csec procedures. Anybody can cfm?

If on epidural need urine catheter. Err fr wat i recall, was not dat painful when they took mine off at TMC.
If on epidural need urine catheter. Err fr wat i recall, was not dat painful when they took mine off at TMC.
Ohhh. So they only insert after the epi kick in? Then it's not that scary. Haha.

Anyway I just went for my check up today. The gynae didn't print any scans for us like the other visits. Only realised when we left. Is it due to can't see baby in one full screen anymore that's why no more scan photos will be given? Or my gynae has forgotten about it?!
I have an air purifier in my bedroom now as I'm sensitive to the A/C or dust in my sleeping area.... However, I do have a rather big carpet in my bedroom as well. As an adult, I'm fine. But do you reckon that sleeping with carpets is OK for babies, even with an air purifier?
I got my carpets, curtains and beds professionally cleaned. Also bought a uv vacuum cleaner to maintain cleanliness level :D
Hello, i coloured my hair on the 2nd trimester and did Keratin treatment too... I felt really guilty initially but i cannot stand all my white hair sprouting out.... Then i realised i had to take care of my mental well-being LOL! Many of my friends also coloured / rebond / perm their hair during pregnancy, it seems fine... As long as not doing it in an environment that is hard to breathe and uncomfortable.
I should do it too...my hair is like lion king now lol
I think episiotomy is done only when necessary right? Just pray u don't have to do it. Sounds scary but I think hospitals will do a jab to further numb that area before cutting it. I read somewhere that KKH will just snip. Ouch!!! But they say by then can't feel it already due to the intense pain from contractions.

Urine catheter! ....... Scary! But delivery by natural birth don't need it right? I think only for csec procedures. Anybody can cfm?
I stayed in KKH for past 8 days to monitor my blood sugar, there were 5 ladies gave birth during my stay, all of them have been "cut" wor. So scary..... I kepo asked them "pain or not?" Everyone said very pain! Alamark! I am so worried I can't tahan the pain leh.
I stayed in KKH for past 8 days to monitor my blood sugar, there were 5 ladies gave birth during my stay, all of them have been "cut" wor. So scary..... I kepo asked them "pain or not?" Everyone said very pain! Alamark! I am so worried I can't tahan the pain leh.
Better dont ask liao...haha otherwise get nightmare. One of my friend delivered last year had a tear so bad she required 20 over stitches. I don't know why her doc didn't cut for her. Nway after hearing from her. I tell myself I don't want to know anymore liao :-
Better dont ask liao...haha otherwise get nightmare. One of my friend delivered last year had a tear so bad she required 20 over stitches. I don't know why her doc didn't cut for her. Nway after hearing from her. I tell myself I don't want to know anymore liao :-
Sorry.. Can some enlighten me? What is this about? FTM and im a noob... The word "pain" always freaks me out. Heeeeee.
Better dont ask liao...haha otherwise get nightmare. One of my friend delivered last year had a tear so bad she required 20 over stitches. I don't know why her doc didn't cut for her. Nway after hearing from her. I tell myself I don't want to know anymore liao :-
Sorry.. Can some enlighten me? What is this about? FTM and im a noob... The word "pain" always freaks me out. Heeeeee.
Episiotomy is a term which the gynae cut ur vagina towards the anus or an L shape sideways to make more room for the baby's head to come out.

My colleague also had a minor tear last nov and required a few stitches. I read that it's important to follow instructions to prevent such tears. Eg. Push only when asked to. Cos the urge to push is quite intense and some mummies just push when not suppose to.

Nowadays hospitals try not to practice the procedure unnecessarily and let the mothers go as natural as possible. Kkh is an exception from what I heard. They just do it somehow.

And oh,apparently episiotomy heals faster than a tear itself. Don't know why.
Episiotomy is a term which the gynae cut ur vagina towards the anus or an L shape sideways to make more room for the baby's head to come out.

My colleague also had a minor tear last nov and required a few stitches. I read that it's important to follow instructions to prevent such tears. Eg. Push only when asked to. Cos the urge to push is quite intense and some mummies just push when not suppose to.

Nowadays hospitals try not to practice the procedure unnecessarily and let the mothers go as natural as possible. Kkh is an exception from what I heard. They just do it somehow.

And oh,apparently episiotomy heals faster than a tear itself. Don't know why.
Seriously?!! can't they administer anesthesia before cutting?
Ohhh. So they only insert after the epi kick in? Then it's not that scary. Haha.

Anyway I just went for my check up today. The gynae didn't print any scans for us like the other visits. Only realised when we left. Is it due to can't see baby in one full screen anymore that's why no more scan photos will be given? Or my gynae has forgotten about it?!

My both natural delivery at TMC they insert the urine catheter soon after i lie in delivery suite leh. Even before i opt for epidural...cos when on the delivery suite, no chance to walk up n down or even go poop! Mayb the nurses quite pro leh, when insert n tk out no feeling, like a 'tug' den came out.

Better dont ask liao...haha otherwise get nightmare. One of my friend delivered last year had a tear so bad she required 20 over stitches. I don't know why her doc didn't cut for her. Nway after hearing from her. I tell myself I don't want to know anymore liao :-

Ehhh, my first one the doc cut for me, cos my #1head was EXTREMELY huge .. Din ask how many stitches (cos got 2 layers) the muscles n the outer part. My #2 suddenly my doc say he dun wan cut ask me push all the way...sigh, the tear was long till the anus lor. Imagine i cant poo for 1week even after tking the stool medicine n stuff.*tears*
Whether cut or not, the recovery sure pain, BUT heals very fast..within 3 weeks the stitches will drop, at most 4weeks or when see gynae for checkup he will check n remove or see how the recovery...
Seriously?!! can't they administer anesthesia before cutting?

U can request even before u deliver so ur doc will know ... Unless epidural, den most prob they wont administer, but i still tell him to inject anesthesia when he was abt to stitch me up la
U can request even before u deliver so ur doc will know ... Unless epidural, den most prob they wont administer, but i still tell him to inject anesthesia when he was abt to stitch me up la
But can u feel when he cut or when it tears? I heard that can't really feel cos that area like numb already. Scary..!

U can request even before u deliver so ur doc will know ... Unless epidural, den most prob they wont administer, but i still tell him to inject anesthesia when he was abt to stitch me up la
Ohh ok. Is there such thing as birth plan to discuss with gynae before the D-day?
