(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Pregnant can still do brazilian? Was thinking of doing before delivery but worried if can do haha

I read somewhere it can be done. Maybe do ard week 35 like that. At least wont be to near to edd and wont be that bushy. I think only lah. Hahhaha... I also sooo long never go brazilian.

Btw, went for my check up just now. and my weight shot up 2kg within a week! I wonder where its from!! Arrgghhhh.....
Other than that, iron level in blood has increased, hence no need iron jab. Still have to take iron supplement tho.
Did CTG just now, no sign of contractions just as yet. Baby was uncooperative during the CTG test. Sleeping and relaxing. Had to do the test twice for better reading.

Baby head is really down in position alrdy. Doctor predicted baby to be out earliest by this Friday, or at most by next week.

Done my hospital pre-admission registration. Deposit paid. Forms all collected. Will start to fill up tmr. All are in order. Even husband's colleagues are getting excited for us. Hahhaha...

Dunno what to feel now tho. Its just like having a wedding all over again. Too much feelings going on till dunno what to feel also.

And upon reaching home from clinic at 5, I slept like a log till almost 8. hahhahhaa.... I become a sleepy queen!
Btw, went for my check up just now. and my weight shot up 2kg within a week! I wonder where its from!! Arrgghhhh.....
Other than that, iron level in blood has increased, hence no need iron jab. Still have to take iron supplement tho.
Did CTG just now, no sign of contractions just as yet. Baby was uncooperative during the CTG test. Sleeping and relaxing. Had to do the test twice for better reading.

Baby head is really down in position alrdy. Doctor predicted baby to be out earliest by this Friday, or at most by next week.

Done my hospital pre-admission registration. Deposit paid. Forms all collected. Will start to fill up tmr. All are in order. Even husband's colleagues are getting excited for us. Hahhaha...

Dunno what to feel now tho. Its just like having a wedding all over again. Too much feelings going on till dunno what to feel also.

And upon reaching home from clinic at 5, I slept like a log till almost 8. hahhahhaa.... I become a sleepy queen!
Wow that's fast for u!! All the best yeah most important just relax and welcome your baby to the world soon!
Pregnant can still do brazilian? Was thinking of doing before delivery but worried if can do haha
Yes can be done just that you're more sensitive so could be painful for some but again we are mummies that are going to give birth soon what is pain! Haha
Hehehe at this time i dun care if a tree is growing down there lor… if i cannot see, means not messy! Lolol…

My fren went for a surgery to clear her fallopian tubes, said e nurse had to shave her. But afterwards when grow out really very itchy and horrible :(
Wah so better go do the Brazilian soon!
Btw, went for my check up just now. and my weight shot up 2kg within a week! I wonder where its from!! Arrgghhhh.....
Other than that, iron level in blood has increased, hence no need iron jab. Still have to take iron supplement tho.
Did CTG just now, no sign of contractions just as yet. Baby was uncooperative during the CTG test. Sleeping and relaxing. Had to do the test twice for better reading.

Baby head is really down in position alrdy. Doctor predicted baby to be out earliest by this Friday, or at most by next week.

Done my hospital pre-admission registration. Deposit paid. Forms all collected. Will start to fill up tmr. All are in order. Even husband's colleagues are getting excited for us. Hahhaha...

Dunno what to feel now tho. Its just like having a wedding all over again. Too much feelings going on till dunno what to feel also.

And upon reaching home from clinic at 5, I slept like a log till almost 8. hahhahhaa.... I become a sleepy queen!
Wow that is so fast. Hope you have smooth delivery. Keep us updated on ur delivery hor!
Btw, went for my check up just now. and my weight shot up 2kg within a week! I wonder where its from!! Arrgghhhh.....
Other than that, iron level in blood has increased, hence no need iron jab. Still have to take iron supplement tho.
Did CTG just now, no sign of contractions just as yet. Baby was uncooperative during the CTG test. Sleeping and relaxing. Had to do the test twice for better reading.

Baby head is really down in position alrdy. Doctor predicted baby to be out earliest by this Friday, or at most by next week.

Done my hospital pre-admission registration. Deposit paid. Forms all collected. Will start to fill up tmr. All are in order. Even husband's colleagues are getting excited for us. Hahhaha...

Dunno what to feel now tho. Its just like having a wedding all over again. Too much feelings going on till dunno what to feel also.

And upon reaching home from clinic at 5, I slept like a log till almost 8. hahhahhaa.... I become a sleepy queen!
so excited for u. Friday is like 2 days away...Get ready ur bag. Haha. Rmb u mentioned ur EDD is in April so just nice right..so just 1-2 weeks early before EDD? Keep us posted ya. Show us ur princess soon. :D
Hello everyone! Diyana here, hope to join u mommies....
initially was due in june but doc says baby too big impossible to give birth in june... given the new due date -24th May! Anyone same due date as mine? Found out the genders yet? :)
Not sure, doc says thought she saw scrotum, so likely boy but no birdie so cant confirm... the rest of my folks says that its a girl...from my tummy, and from the way i present myself... i also crave for sweet things...
I hope they are right and the nurse is wrong...haha after 2 boys, i really could use a girl,.. pray for me please... lolz
overall, experiencing the normal pregnancy woes... and practice contractions...so uncomfortable,,, how bout u guys?
Hello!! Welcome Diyana! Late owl like me. Heee. My EDD same as urs. Haha. so far gynae din give me any revised date...currently at 31 wks. :)
U experiencing insomnia too??? Plus, baby is still zumbaing every now and then so uncomfortable to find good spot to sleep in... hubby is busy snoring here, so jealous. Its so good to have same partner with the same due date! Im asked to take glucose test to see if baby big because of sugar intake... whats your baby? Pink or blue?
Morning @mama_suria .. Welcome. Hw haf u been and whats ur #3 gender? :)
Morning there! Experiencing normal mommy woes.... and doc is not sure about the gender...says likely boy coz she thought she saw scrotum... but the rest of my folks said girl... really2 hope they are right coz after two boys, i think its about time i deserve a girl hahaha...pray for me...
U experiencing insomnia too??? Plus, baby is still zumbaing every now and then so uncomfortable to find good spot to sleep in... hubby is busy snoring here, so jealous. Its so good to have same partner with the same due date! Im asked to take glucose test to see if baby big because of sugar intake... whats your baby? Pink or blue?
Yeah. Every single day...I can't sleep even when i tire myself during the day. Same here...my hubby snoring away..v loudly somemore. I'm team pink. Though many said it's a boy but checked twice n cfm chop is female wor. but still my mum still buy alot of unisex clothes jus in case. Lol
Hello everyone! Diyana here, hope to join u mommies....
initially was due in june but doc says baby too big impossible to give birth in june... given the new due date -24th May! Anyone same due date as mine? Found out the genders yet? :)

Haha my due date is also 24may! :)
Yeah. Every single day...I can't sleep even when i tire myself during the day. Same here...my hubby snoring away..v loudly somemore. I'm team pink. Though many said it's a boy but checked twice n cfm chop is female wor. but still my mum still buy alot of unisex clothes jus in case. Lol
Hope team pink like you! I dont think ill be asking the doc anymore regarding gender... coz too scared she will say boy... lol! not that i dont like having boys but they are sooo active omg they drained me out..., so was hoping a girl this time could help to sooth me.... somemore my age gap too close... i just gave birth to my son last april... so to have another boy this close, waahhh will be a challenge for me... so not looking forward to it, very tiring.... i oso bought some babygirl's stuffs coz i guess i trust what my folks said... hahah...
Morning there! Experiencing normal mommy woes.... and doc is not sure about the gender...says likely boy coz she thought she saw scrotum... but the rest of my folks said girl... really2 hope they are right coz after two boys, i think its about time i deserve a girl hahaha...pray for me...

Lol, i can imagine ur 'struggle'.. Im with 2 girls, so hoping to get a boy (which came true), but i prefer girl cos honestly easier to take care! Pray this time is a girl for u..nurses might be wrong. :)
Actually having girl n boy during pregnancy is so much different... I miss the gentleness in my tummy! Hehe.
Hi May Mummies!

Like @nazriah , I'm an April mummy too. Been silently reading this May 2015 thread since it started last year coz it's sooooooo much more active compared to other threads! Decided to say sth here.

I am at 35w3d now. Expecting my 3rd girl. Going for induced natural birth in 3 weeks' time as I have gestational diabetes. My gynae said with this condition, better to get baby out at 38 weeks. This time it will be at Gleneagles. Anyone delivering there? Though this is my 3rd kid, I still fear the epidural and episiotomy. Contraction pains don't make me so fearful, in contrast. Haha.

So tired emotionally and physically nowadays. Can't wait for April!

Anyway, jia you Mummies!
Hi there @yew_yew , welcome.. How was ur 1st 2 delivered? No painkiller taken? My previous also no gestational diabetes but i chose to induce. Now MAYBE diagnosed with gestational diabetes, also have to induce..sianz. 3 weeks very fast, mid april will c ur bb girl liao! Update us ur experience too...
Have any of u feel like just wanna sleep the whole day? I've been feeling like that since late last week. And boy, sleep I did! Esp during the day. Sometimes I feel bad lah, since staying with PILs. But there's nothing much to be done and I'll end up in the room and sleep.... wake up to shower, pee and eat only...
hey..i feel u...am feeling the same way...i was like this too in the first trimester and they said it will come back during the third...n true enuf it did...i think i can sleep like for more than 10hrs str8...but of course with intervals to go to the toilet..lol
I intend to clear all before delivery. I am used to doing Brazilian waxing, clean and airy haha...
me too!! i did brazilian waxing like at week 30..planning to do one again at week 36 probably...so that it will be much cleaner down there..hehe

by the way it is more convenient for me since the person comes over to my place to do it..:)
Hello everyone. I'm back again. Took a short break to Malacca and KL. 32 weeks now and I'm experiencing butt pain. I guess it's the weight weighing on my butt when I sit down. So uncomfortable. Feels better lying down. I'm feeling tired again. Controlling my diet due to glucose intolerance and everyday I will wake up feeling so hungry.
Im at 32 weeks but my bby Is measuring 35 weeks.
Though my bby head is alrdy down...but gynae suggest c-sect...
Cos for starters my bby head is big...n may cause a longer tear...
Im quite terrified at e mention of e BIG C cos...I was always pro-natural.
Gynae joked new mums jump at e idea of C..y m I so 'old-school'...
Im at 32 weeks but my bby Is measuring 35 weeks.
Though my bby head is alrdy down...but gynae suggest c-sect...
Cos for starters my bby head is big...n may cause a longer tear...
Im quite terrified at e mention of e BIG C cos...I was always pro-natural.
Gynae joked new mums jump at e idea of C..y m I so 'old-school'...

Im week 32 too. Going for my scan tmr.
So baby measuring 35 weeks means u will give birth earlier ?
Im planning to go for all natural. No epidural and no episiotomy. Hope all goes well for me hehe
Im at 32 weeks but my bby Is measuring 35 weeks.
Though my bby head is alrdy down...but gynae suggest c-sect...
Cos for starters my bby head is big...n may cause a longer tear...
Im quite terrified at e mention of e BIG C cos...I was always pro-natural.
Gynae joked new mums jump at e idea of C..y m I so 'old-school'...

Rare tat doc will suggest c-sec! Even my #1 head big i aso manage to go thru with epidural n episiotomy leh. But during last 4weeks i cut on sweet sugary stuff, esp durian. Best to go au-natural lah...unless really will have risk, den no choice. Haha u nv tell ur gynae giving birth thru c-sec den is 'old-school' ...now 80% prefer natural. :p
Im week 32 too. Going for my scan tmr.
So baby measuring 35 weeks means u will give birth earlier ?
Im planning to go for all natural. No epidural and no episiotomy. Hope all goes well for me hehe
I will persevere not to have epidural and pethidine jab. But if necessary will ask for episiotomy cos if natural tear I worried it will be a big tear with zagged lines...what does other mummies think? Episiotomy or not?
@furbee, I delivered my 1st 2 with epidural. Natural birth. But 2nd birth was horrible. As in the after-effects of epidural. Couldn't pee on my own and had to have catheter inserted to drain my urine. Was superrrrr painful when the nurses tried to insert catheter. I remembered screaming in pain and the nurses were like "We haven't insert catheter yet!" Then finally they had someone more skilful to do it and it was less painful but I had to ask for cold packs to put 'down there' to numb the pain. I told my gynae about this last week and he said it depends on the anaesthetist's skills in administering the epidural as well.

My 1st 2 were delivered at kkh so I'm totally "new" to the processes at Glen E this time.
@momocrv, I read that having episiotomy is better? I had it when delivering #1 but cannot remember if I had it for #2. Couldn't feel the episiotomy and stitching coz was under epidural but I remembered peeing cautiously and slowly after that. Feared the pee would cause the stitched site to hurt.
Oh ya,and the other thing I hate most about delivery is the IV drip. To me,it hurts more than the epidural jab and after that I can't move my hand freely for fear of "disturbing" it.
Oh ya,and the other thing I hate most about delivery is the IV drip. To me,it hurts more than the epidural jab and after that I can't move my hand freely for fear of "disturbing" it.

Haha ya the IV drop needle is like goddamn thick. Epidural i feel not pain, only like a ant bite.

@furbee, I delivered my 1st 2 with epidural. Natural birth. But 2nd birth was horrible. As in the after-effects of epidural. Couldn't pee on my own and had to have catheter inserted to drain my urine. Was superrrrr painful when the nurses tried to insert catheter. I remembered screaming in pain and the nurses were like "We haven't insert catheter yet!" Then finally they had someone more skilful to do it and it was less painful but I had to ask for cold packs to put 'down there' to numb the pain. I told my gynae about this last week and he said it depends on the anaesthetist's skills in administering the epidural as well.

My 1st 2 were delivered at kkh so I'm totally "new" to the processes at Glen E this time.

Im sure nurses at glen E sure more skillful la. Somemore paying so much more... Hehe

I will persevere not to have epidural and pethidine jab. But if necessary will ask for episiotomy cos if natural tear I worried it will be a big tear with zagged lines...what does other mummies think? Episiotomy or not?

Ya some tears will require surgery leh, cos it may be too deep inside the tissues. But gynae sure will advise wen oushing baby out. Will stop, push, stop, push, and at same time assess if umbilical cord got ard neck, den see the head size, facing up or down... Best to wait till the day baby arrives n let gynae take gd care of u n baby.. Countdown time!
Anyone ever tried confinement food from TMC? Is it worth ordering? So costly $1k+ haha. I am just worried i dun like it to eat confinement food daily..... for 1 mth..
I'm on 32wks too , just went to check up yesterday and baby's a bit over weight. On 32wks should be 1.9kg but my baby now 2kg.
I told my gynae that i want to try natural birth without epidural , but he suggested me to use epidural.
So confuse now since this's my 1st pregnancy i have no experience about all of this...
I'm on 32wks too , just went to check up yesterday and baby's a bit over weight. On 32wks should be 1.9kg but my baby now 2kg.
I told my gynae that i want to try natural birth without epidural , but he suggested me to use epidural.
So confuse now since this's my 1st pregnancy i have no experience about all of this...
@Vinka, on my 33 weeks visit, my baby is already 2.2 kg. My gynae said is normal. He did not say my baby is overweight leh..... in contrast he say if I want to eat more just eat. hahaha.....

btw, who is your gynae?
I'm on 32wks too , just went to check up yesterday and baby's a bit over weight. On 32wks should be 1.9kg but my baby now 2kg.
I told my gynae that i want to try natural birth without epidural , but he suggested me to use epidural.
So confuse now since this's my 1st pregnancy i have no experience about all of this...

I think usage of epidural is a personal choice. Doctor can only suggest but at the end, it's all up to us whether we want it or not. Dont deny the thought of usage of epidural totally. Maybe can tell the doctor to just KIV it. Then back home discuss with your husband abt it and inform him when he shld insist on epidural during labour.

That's what I did with my husband tho. Told him not to insist on epidural at my first cry. Epidural will be the last last last choice. This is my first at well. I dont know what to expect too. We'll see on it goes.

Am having a small baby it seems. Last check up at 38weeks is around 2.7kg. Am comfortable with the weight tho. Hope the labour will be as normal (whatever normal is, that is!!) as possible!
I think usage of epidural is a personal choice. Doctor can only suggest but at the end, it's all up to us whether we want it or not. Dont deny the thought of usage of epidural totally. Maybe can tell the doctor to just KIV it. Then back home discuss with your husband abt it and inform him when he shld insist on epidural during labour.

That's what I did with my husband tho. Told him not to insist on epidural at my first cry. Epidural will be the last last last choice. This is my first at well. I dont know what to expect too. We'll see on it goes.

Am having a small baby it seems. Last check up at 38weeks is around 2.7kg. Am comfortable with the weight tho. Hope the labour will be as normal (whatever normal is, that is!!) as possible!
I heard from my yoga instructor that during labour the nurses will keep asking if you want epidural. She said under duress sometimes we may give in, so just make sure your husband can make the decision on your behalf and not succumb to their pressure.
Im at 32 weeks but my bby Is measuring 35 weeks.
Though my bby head is alrdy down...but gynae suggest c-sect...
Cos for starters my bby head is big...n may cause a longer tear...
Im quite terrified at e mention of e BIG C cos...I was always pro-natural.
Gynae joked new mums jump at e idea of C..y m I so 'old-school'...
my bb is measured at 30 wks although is 33 wks already
@Vinka, on my 33 weeks visit, my baby is already 2.2 kg. My gynae said is normal. He did not say my baby is overweight leh..... in contrast he say if I want to eat more just eat. hahaha.....

btw, who is your gynae?

Then i also don't care , just eat what i want to eat hahaha.
My Gynae asked me to stop having ice cream and junk food :)
I think usage of epidural is a personal choice. Doctor can only suggest but at the end, it's all up to us whether we want it or not. Dont deny the thought of usage of epidural totally. Maybe can tell the doctor to just KIV it. Then back home discuss with your husband abt it and inform him when he shld insist on epidural during labour.

That's what I did with my husband tho. Told him not to insist on epidural at my first cry. Epidural will be the last last last choice. This is my first at well. I dont know what to expect too. We'll see on it goes.

Am having a small baby it seems. Last check up at 38weeks is around 2.7kg. Am comfortable with the weight tho. Hope the labour will be as normal (whatever normal is, that is!!) as possible!

Yeah i already discussed with my husband and he asked me just follow gynae suggestion.
Check with ur gynae on baby what's their head size also.. For natural even if baby is small size, if the head big will take longer to push out and for csect might be a slightly longer incision. Gulps
@Vinka, on my 33 weeks visit, my baby is already 2.2 kg. My gynae said is normal. He did not say my baby is overweight leh..... in contrast he say if I want to eat more just eat. hahaha.....

btw, who is your gynae?

Then i also just eat want i want to eat hehehe.
Dr told me to stop having ice cream and junk food , actually i don't really eat junk food but i like ice cream since 30wks of pregnant.
Then i also don't care , just eat what i want to eat hahaha.
My Gynae asked me to stop having ice cream and junk food :)
hahaha.... me too. Some friends told me the measurement thru ultrasound sometimes may not 100% accurate, depends on the baby's position as well. So I do not really bother, as long as baby is healthy. I also cravings something cold like ice cream, but dun dare eat too much, drink cold water better. lols.
I heard from my yoga instructor that during labour the nurses will keep asking if you want epidural. She said under duress sometimes we may give in, so just make sure your husband can make the decision on your behalf and not succumb to their pressure.
Heard if really can't take it and want the jab Must request before dilation to 5cm, true? meaning >5cm can't get jab even if u beg?
Lol, i can imagine ur 'struggle'.. Im with 2 girls, so hoping to get a boy (which came true), but i prefer girl cos honestly easier to take care! Pray this time is a girl for u..nurses might be wrong. :)
Actually having girl n boy during pregnancy is so much different... I miss the gentleness in my tummy! Hehe.
Really??? Can u compare the differences! Ure so lucky!!! I really hope ure right about the nurses being wrong! I really thinkgirls are easier to take care as well! And they have the natural sweetness that makes us mommies and daddies melt...

Ooh.. I'm back from kkh visit @ 33 weeks plus and baby is only 1.7kg.. doc says it's average but on the lighter side. Hmm.. but last month baby is only 1.23kg.. and I thought the increase in weight is quite substancial already. :rolleyes: If baby grows slowly then the massive amt of 0-3mths clothing will be put to good use..

Was approached by someone during the wait to donate the cord blood to a public blood bank. Heard will have to conduct an interview to both parents of child to be eligible for the donation. . Any takes on this?
