(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Wow they charge by hr?

I went to nuh lc for help too. Paid $42+ and I think I spend abt 2hrs plus there. The sisters are very helpful and super nice. My gal pooed and she help change her. :p

that's good! actually before i was discharged the LC got teach me also, n i was able to latch there, but after NICU, i think my boy got used to the bottle, and he's v impatient to latch, n i'm v soft hearted, once he screams i v heart pain n give up n express instead, so now lagi more he doesn't want to DL. so tomorrow see if Uma can make him.

Wow u finished already! Envy! I only at my 6th day. Don't mind e food but the no shower, long sleeve, long pants n no strong air con is killing me! Bth! I have been sponging my upper body w boiled water every time I go to e loo. Feel so sticky n stinky how to DL bb?
I don't look forward to ending my confinement, maybe only the part on can bath freely and eat freely. My mums food is really delicious! Haha I can eat the same thing everyday.

Kinda scare to have to deal with bb alone in my hse. I am currently doing confinement at my mums hse. Heng.: my mum still welcome me to disturb her everyday after confinement. :p

This wk is the last wk le.. :(
Haven learnt to bath bb yet. Haha
My confinement is oso ending soon. CL leaving mid of next week. Starting to get cold feet liao cos I need to handle bb alone by then. Already starting to learn how to bath my bb. The 1st time I bath him, he is screaming his head out and poop twice on his towel. He scare I oso scare...lol
Wow u finished already! Envy! I only at my 6th day. Don't mind e food but the no shower, long sleeve, long pants n no strong air con is killing me! Bth! I have been sponging my upper body w boiled water every time I go to e loo. Feel so sticky n stinky how to DL bb?

Me just on the shower tap n clean.my body too. Cant tahan the hotness wor. Omg But heng nw after 12 days, i have started to shower alternate day... :)
U tried increasing the amt?
My gal went thru that 2 days ago, I figure increase the amt by abit and it worked. She happily go into the milk drunk state and doze off for 3 hrs.

we just increased late last week so my CL want to increase again only later this week. so now what we are doing is to feed a smaller amt more often, like instead of 110ml every 3 hrs, we are feeding 70ml every 2 hrs. but like still not enough...
Haha poo is normal la.. my mum so exprrienced also kena poo n pee from my gal.
Gonna try bathing her tml. Finger cross. Hahaa.

@bbcripps, I see. I also pump now. Don't direct latch Cox too painful and during that period, I really cannot take it that I am the only one who can feed n pacify her. Having a little post natal blues there. Haha
Felt better after I started pumping out, my mum n hub can help feed her. :p
I gotta confessed, since I not feeling engored. I slowly dragging my pumping to 4hrs haha.
My confinement is oso ending soon. CL leaving mid of next week. Starting to get cold feet liao cos I need to handle bb alone by then. Already starting to learn how to bath my bb. The 1st time I bath him, he is screaming his head out and poop twice on his towel. He scare I oso scare...lol

lol, i am procrastinating learning how to bath my bb, i tell myself i will learn closer to the departure date of my CL cos his neck will be stronger by then, less fragile :p i delivered on 5 Jan but my CL only came on 12 Jan, i extended her to 5 wks, so she's leaving on 14 Jan. i'm gonna be SOOOO sad!
we just increased late last week so my CL want to increase again only later this week. so now what we are doing is to feed a smaller amt more often, like instead of 110ml every 3 hrs, we are feeding 70ml every 2 hrs. but like still not enough...

U scared increase too fast?
Our bb same bday. Haha 110ml vs 75ml haha.
I think u should try stepping up the 3hr for 1x and see his reaction.. I observe mine for a couple of days and decided to increase Cox she keep showin signs that she is still hungry.
U scared increase too fast?
Our bb same bday. Haha 110ml vs 75ml haha.
I think u should try stepping up the 3hr for 1x and see his reaction.. I observe mine for a couple of days and decided to increase Cox she keep showin signs that she is still hungry.

i think if we up to 120ml he will finish... but dunno leh, i worried if we r stretching his stomach too fast :oops:
When should we start tummy time? My mum say around 2mth plus when the neck is stronger..

haha i just did the first session w my boy this evening, cos he was crying so much so we brought out the activity gym n let him try, n he promptly fell asleep. but must do under strict supervision la, cos worry if they turn their head n suffocate.
My confinement is oso ending soon. CL leaving mid of next week. Starting to get cold feet liao cos I need to handle bb alone by then. Already starting to learn how to bath my bb. The 1st time I bath him, he is screaming his head out and poop twice on his towel. He scare I oso scare...lol
Today also 1st time I shower my gal .. Scary man lolz .. She djn scream like the cl shower her so it Is a good thing cos that means I did it right and she enjoy lolz

and I also realized my bath tub is a bad choice lolz need to find my boy 's tub to you lolz
yes, why? cannot eat? :confused:
Cos stingray are considered " poisonous " .. And we are supposed to stay away these poisonous and shelled seafood for at least 6 months
I have checked with Gynae she did say from western medicine no such thing but If my wound do get itchy even after more than 6 months that mean my skin is sensitive so ideal to stay away from these food
linlin11: 7777404 said:
Me just on the shower tap n clmy body too. Cant tahan the hotness wor. Omg But heng nw after 12 days, i have started to shower alternate day... :)
wah. all of you manage not to bath? I shower right after I was discharged just that i didnt wash my hair until after 14 days. it was a torture not able to wash hair for 14 days.
Cos stingray are considered " poisonous " .. And we are supposed to stay away these poisonous and shelled seafood for at least 6 months
I have checked with Gynae she did say from western medicine no such thing but If my wound do get itchy even after more than 6 months that mean my skin is sensitive so ideal to stay away from these food

oic... huh so sad... :(
wah. all of you manage not to bath? I shower right after I was discharged just that i didnt wash my hair until after 14 days. it was a torture not able to wash hair for 14 days.

I'm the naughtiest... i showered n washed hair right after i was discharged, my oily scalp back then was enough to drive me into depression. i shower everyday now, n wash my hair every 2-3 days, but i did notice if i shower at night, i get so cold i have chills. so now i try to only shower in the afternoon.
wah. all of you manage not to bath? I shower right after I was discharged just that i didnt wash my hair until after 14 days. it was a torture not able to wash hair for 14 days.
So far CL have been boiling da fong cao for me to sponge daily but I still find my neck area sticky. Might b coz of the herbs. Anyway, will still use warm boiled water to clean my upper body whenever I can't tahan. So actually use the herbs or not really doesn't make anymore diff to me
do u all really dare to put fresh ebm outside room temp for 4 hrs :eek:
to me it is milk .. leave it outside for 30 mins i also cannot tahan and dare not give my gal already

Yup I will keep in room temperature if I know her feed is within the next two hours.. Else refrigerate le still have to heat up
wait for ur update :)
Ok i cant wait to see my LO too.

I think Tham now has many walking timebombs lol
agreed :) I think sometime he can deliver for a few mummies in same day lo.. saw his name appearing on the labor bulletin board 2 times when i went for hosp tour..

i only know u & blumiz.. LOL
have u seen blumiz in real life?

haha cant wait to see u all in real person.. scally we are next-door neighbor. must remember to update here when u give birth! hahaha
I'm the naughtiest... i showered n washed hair right after i was discharged, my oily scalp back then was enough to drive me into depression. i shower everyday now, n wash my hair every 2-3 days, but i did notice if i shower at night, i get so cold i have chills. so now i try to only shower in the afternoon.
Lol me too.. Mummy nagged at me but I didn't care cos weather too hot and hair too messy
@ding2505, I haven't tried any boosters that had a significant increase yet.... Maybe you can try salmon, oats, malt (holicks, milo) which are known milk boosters...

Also pump more often... If you are pumping 3h per day, increase the frequency will help to increase supply too. Also trytopower pump at least 1x each day....

How's ur bb now? Breathing better? Did u get the breathing monitor in the end? I didn't need to, but pd juz toldme to observe the area are his mouth when he drinks... Make sure it doesn't turn blue black which shows he is having difficulty breathing or lack of oxygen...

Hey hey, yah the nurse and pd at NICU also told me to observe whether the area ard his mouth turns blue as need to unlatch him if it does. Heng so far nvr, but bb breathing still v fast esp when latching n sucking. V loud breathing too. Pd say will take a few weeks to be better.
How's your baby's breathing so far? Still fast or normal alr?
Breathing monitor still haven't get. But think need to, am trying to see if can don't do without it but think I am anxious mum, will need a handy way to check on him esp after CL leaves.
Congrats! I can't waitfor comfinement to be over. So sick of the food.

I think my baby is going through growth spurt. I dl him every one hr):
And he still seems hungry):

Anyone experiencing the same thing?
Me !!!

I am sick of confinement food (mainly ginger) n I try to sneak out n have outside food.... with the help of my hubby haha

My baby is drinking every 1 hr now 60ml.. I am fainting!!! Buay tahan .. I told him drink more n drag longer lol
I use huiling too. Just finish 7 sessions with her. My stomach deflat quite a bit now left a blobing flab haha
Me too finished 7 sessions so far. I found the first few sessions the most effective. I'm back to pre preg weight. Tummy went down but still slightly flabby..
Same lady!! Feedback how ?? Last round she did a very good job to ease my lower back ache. This round like not so good. But i like her tummy massage. Really expel all dirty blood n waste ..
Agree with you on the tummy massage. After massage I always can pass out lots of clots and also pass motion easily. Esp first few days when I was constipated it helped alot. I haven't done any post natal massage before so I can't really compare but she's a nice lady n I always feel good after massage so I reckon it works for me.
Me !!!

I am sick of confinement food (mainly ginger) n I try to sneak out n have outside food.... with the help of my hubby haha

My baby is drinking every 1 hr now 60ml.. I am fainting!!! Buay tahan .. I told him drink more n drag longer lol

Wah drinking every 1hr very shiong!!
I miss sashimi! How soon can we eat that?

Qn: do u wake bb up for milk every 3hourly or let him wake up on his own then u feed him? My boy seems to drink more between 11.30-2am. After latch will cry, then will top up w fm. Give 30ml, he zzz then wakes up in another half hour give another 30ml, then another hour cry again. So I get CL to make 60ml n he actually finishes. Then zzz till 6am. Is it ok?
I'm the naughtiest... i showered n washed hair right after i was discharged, my oily scalp back then was enough to drive me into depression. i shower everyday now, n wash my hair every 2-3 days, but i did notice if i shower at night, i get so cold i have chills. so now i try to only shower in the afternoon.
wah. all of you manage not to bath? I shower right after I was discharged just that i didnt wash my hair until after 14 days. it was a torture not able to wash hair for 14 days.

Wow u 2 so onzz. I really nvr shower. Even my gynae say "u believe such thing har"?? Lol. But well my ccnfinement coming to 3rd wk and nxt sun is baby shower. So everything gg to be over soon. Too many thing happen during these period of times made me so sad too.
Wow u 2 so onzz. I really nvr shower. Even my gynae say "u believe such thing har"?? Lol. But well my ccnfinement coming to 3rd wk and nxt sun is baby shower. So everything gg to be over soon. Too many thing happen during these period of times made me so sad too.

You can start counting down already... What happened?
Me too finished confinement... Last Sun was the first time showering with normal water since Dec! My first non confinement meal was pancakes at Hoshino Coffee after Baby Fair ytd... I very sad my CL leaving tomorrow.... Holiday ending liao... Real life starts tmr!!!

Jiayou jiayou! Wanna ask something... My mum say cannot even wash hands with normal water? I was thinking how not to wash hands... Need to carry baby leh


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Wah drinking every 1hr very shiong!!
I m going crazy...

Doing confinement machiam n do lor... regret listening to my ah ma n hubby say they will help me....

My ah ma old already not like last time so can't help me much.

While hubby was very on initially. . But he has his work n reservist n once he tired he give me this black face.so end up who do?? All myself..

My sis was also very on ... for 2 weeks only.... she helps me with night feeds until 3am when she sleeps... now.... haizzz novelty wears off liao....

So tired waking up every 1 hr or so.. even morning also like this thus I can't rest lor... then my 2 elder kids only I can settle them too... haizz x

My mum can help but these few days due to cny coming soon she works till quite late.... she does help me on Sundays.

..... juz wanna rant here... haizzx
Wow u 2 so onzz. I really nvr shower. Even my gynae say "u believe such thing har"?? Lol. But well my ccnfinement coming to 3rd wk and nxt sun is baby shower. So everything gg to be over soon. Too many thing happen during these period of times made me so sad too.
Same here... very sad...

How's ur tummy? Smaller le?

My pre pregnancy weight 72kg.

Now I am 69.5kg liao... jiayou!! Wanna try pre pre pregnancy weight....

Dun think I can go till the weight of pre pregnancy for my #1 (52-56kg) haha...

I hope to lose till 60 plus I happy liao...

Btw anyone tried young living oil for slimming ?

my massage lady used a essential oil when massage tummy. Claims to help detox.. n it really detox smelly stuff n no constipation. ..
