(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Oh crap! How much will kena?!
$400 will kena based on today exchange rate of 1.31 - you are still at 366.80 niah so no worry lolz

sometime i dun understand how the spree work...wont they kena GST ??
Must give 开工红包 and 收工红包 right, usually how much is the market rate? Cos it's my first time...
that is my next question lolz ... 开工红包 ..4 years ago it was $30 as stated by Agency
收工红包 is up to individual ...for me i gave $128 cos she helped me cook some food for the full month celebration eg..glutinous rice ... red egg etc
Btw anyone nose bleed during preg? I haven't for awhile then suddenly today start again...

Was just feeling happy n relax that I finally zzz till daylight. Nv woke up at all... Went toilet to clear throat, n instead of phlegm out came a puddle of blood. Then when I clear my nose, another huge puddle. Then blood start flowing freely... Gt to use tissue to stop. Think need to see GP or Juz too heaty?
Btw anyone nose bleed during preg? I haven't for awhile then suddenly today start again...

Was just feeling happy n relax that I finally zzz till daylight. Nv woke up at all... Went toilet to clear throat, n instead of phlegm out came a puddle of blood. Then when I clear my nose, another huge puddle. Then blood start flowing freely... Gt to use tissue to stop. Think need to see GP or Juz too heaty?
think better go see doc for peace of mind

though this article seem to say it is normal
ya lorz...i have two parcels on standby to ship over to Sin liao... thinking I would add my next Fri order and all ship at one go!

last week diapers.com has 15% discount ... so i bought the braun ear thermometer and medela wipes...
the rest of my wishlist in diapers.com are good to have but not must haves... so need to see what Black Fri offers they have...
Huh? U can put 3 seats behind !?! You car must be big ...

2cm dilute can drag quite long right . I was stuck with that for 2wks for #1 lolz

My car width wider ... My Hb bought this car just because of the width lol

Ya ... That's what I think so ... But I think Gynae will want me to go deliver next week cos I natural . This week bb weigh already 3.2kg .. Dun think he will let the weight go up too high
I'm using xplory .. I love it so much .. The price ouch ... But I find that it's really closer contact to me and my girls love it ..

Now my Hb ask me to sell the stroller cheap cheap and buy new one ... Lol I told him who want to buy ? He says cheap la ... Few hundred can Liao ... Cos he's looking at the new xplory lol

Still remember when I insisted to buy years back , he's so reluctant due to the price . But after using it .. He also soooo in love with it .

If you've decided to sell your xplory stroller, let me know. I may be interested, esp if can use from newborn. :)
Nice and helpful Hb you have .. He always travel to Aussie ?

Gaia very cheap in Aussie ... I just bought 4 bottles ... Maybe will get more ... I like the products ... Even the adult series also Kekeke

Japan diaper is cheaper

Now I can start to eat happily Liao .. Cos bb est weigh is 3.2kg most likely Gynae will catch me to go give birth next week and I'm dilated 2cm already ... Now going to drink my coconut drink at east coast park before next week arrives ...

Hubby just finished his PhD studies in Australia and we have substantial investment business going on there that needs us to go there quite often. If you want to buy GAIA from Australia, you can tong pang from my hubby when he goes there in end Dec. :)

I like the Korean diaper brand Bosomi.

Lucky you!!! My baby may not reach 3kg at all due to my small size. Not big enough I worry he's too fragile, but too big I worry will be a difficult labour. :(
Are you in Jan mummies facebook? There is a mummy doing spree for Ralph Lauren now :p fyi..

Celeste is doing the spree on FB right? I'm trying to decide whether to go with Celeste or with Rkmum on this forum. Any advice? Seems like Rkmum orders super fast but it's easier to communicate with Celeste since she'll reply directly on FB.
RL and carters going to have a lot of sales one no need worry if miss this one lolz
btw the thanksgiving sales is up til november 24 leh... how come u all so rush to order lolz

Last night I was checking out the sale items on RL and within a span of an hour or two, some of the items I want to buy already kena sold out or out of stock!!!! Americans (or Singaporeans on sprees?) can be very kiasu too! Hence my hurry in case more items disappear.
My car width wider ... My Hb bought this car just because of the width lol

Ya ... That's what I think so ... But I think Gynae will want me to go deliver next week cos I natural . This week bb weigh already 3.2kg .. Dun think he will let the weight go up too high
you drive SUV har ? Sedan all very small... i dun think can fit 3 child seat

lolz .. good luck for next week... jiayu ... 3.2kg good weight liao
Btw anyone nose bleed during preg? I haven't for awhile then suddenly today start again...

Was just feeling happy n relax that I finally zzz till daylight. Nv woke up at all... Went toilet to clear throat, n instead of phlegm out came a puddle of blood. Then when I clear my nose, another huge puddle. Then blood start flowing freely... Gt to use tissue to stop. Think need to see GP or Juz too heaty?

I have nosebleed too.. but I am taking aspirin n Clexane, so this can happen. sometimes takes around 10-15mins to stop.. if it doesn't stop plz go see doc, or if it is too frequent.
Hubby just finished his PhD studies in Australia and we have substantial investment business going on there that needs us to go there quite often. If you want to buy GAIA from Australia, you can tong pang from my hubby when he goes there in end Dec. :)

I like the Korean diaper brand Bosomi.

Lucky you!!! My baby may not reach 3kg at all due to my small size. Not big enough I worry he's too fragile, but too big I worry will be a difficult labour. :(
due to your petite size ..if 3 kg and above you likely ended up with C sect you know ..cos your body build not big enuff to cater for such big bb...
Hehehe, now I can order my items without guilt! I'm unlikely to spend more than US$280. :p

I'm buying mainly for #1 and hub... Only 2pc for bb and a few pcs for nephews. Trying v hard to limit my buy loh! I buy things v chop chop de especially when there is a sales! Hahaha
If you've decided to sell your xplory stroller, let me know. I may be interested, esp if can use from newborn. :)

Okie . Let me confirm with Hb later after lunch . :)

Hubby just finished his PhD studies in Australia and we have substantial investment business going on there that needs us to go there quite often. If you want to buy GAIA from Australia, you can tong pang from my hubby when he goes there in end Dec. :)

I like the Korean diaper brand Bosomi.

Lucky you!!! My baby may not reach 3kg at all due to my small size. Not big enough I worry he's too fragile, but too big I worry will be a difficult labour. :(

I have not try the bosomi diaper yet . If it's good and cheaper in Korea , will ask Hb to get there when he is in Korea .. Now he stocked up merries for me, will buy 1-2 packets when he is in Japan .. Wanted to get moony, he says more ex ( more ex does not mean more ex than sg .. But more ex than merries .. He's calculating more than me lol )

Have to see your size . Good to have bb more than 3kg so easier to take care, but have to see case by case . If you petite size and going by c'sean then Okie .. Some mummies they dun mind to try natural with petite size too .. Have gf small size give natural with 3.82kg bb .. I was like "wow!!"

Maybe can check with Gynae ? Who will be able to give you better advise ?

Celeste is doing the spree on FB right? I'm trying to decide whether to go with Celeste or with Rkmum on this forum. Any advice? Seems like Rkmum orders super fast but it's easier to communicate with Celeste since she'll reply directly on FB.
See which one is more convenient for you ? Pick up venue ?

you drive SUV har ? Sedan all very small... i dun think can fit 3 child seat

lolz .. good luck for next week... jiayu ... 3.2kg good weight liao

Not sedan .. I also dunno what type is mine .. 6 seater car , big boot .. Something like stream but shorter and wider lol
Alamak my mum told me need n cny tic thriple price lor...some more start work n end work ang pao on top of salary...also her meals here..
How is urs?
your mom is a generous employer lolz ...

as far as i know..we only pay start and end work angbao + salary. her meal of course we cover cos she will be cooking for us so naturally will include her share of the meal wat ...
your mom is a generous employer lolz ...

as far as i know..we only pay start and end work angbao + salary. her meal of course we cover cos she will be cooking for us so naturally will include her share of the meal wat ...
She also eat confinement meals? Cos if only cook for hub dinner den bf n lunch I will need to pass her money to eat outside lor...
Have to see your size . Good to have bb more than 3kg so easier to take care, but have to see case by case . If you petite size and going by c'sean then Okie .. Some mummies they dun mind to try natural with petite size too .. Have gf small size give natural with 3.82kg bb .. I was like "wow!!"
Maybe can check with Gynae ? Who will be able to give you better advise ?

Not sedan .. I also dunno what type is mine .. 6 seater car , big boot .. Something like stream but shorter and wider lol

yah really wow ..petite size 3.82kg bb ..power...

no wonder ...6 seater car ... normal sedan only 5 seats but technically speaking is 4.5 seats cos the centre back seat quite small not a full size seat
and child seat easily occupy the whole size liao ..even booster seat also take 1 adult seat ... sometime i wonder how pple can squeeze 2 full child seat ..a maid and 2 adult in a sedan car.. the maid must be really slim lor ..else who to sit in the middle seat

She also eat confinement meals? Cos if only cook for hub dinner den bf n lunch I will need to pass her money to eat outside lor...

these confinement lady very SMART one .. they know how to cook their own food... some when do marketing will buy their favourite food and ask you to pay for it
so they dun necessarily eat your confinement food ..
you dun spoilt market give them additional money leh

my last confinement lady ..sometime she cook her normal food and sometime she eat confinement food with me ... see her mood
You can ask her to buy her own tickets and then you reimburse her later on? But if she never ask me to pay her for the bus tickets, I wouldn't offer to reimburse. :p
it is not market practice for us to pay ticket woh

btw have you all apply work permit for your CL ?
Ya lor, that's why don't spoil market. She never ask, I won't bother. I will just give her the 2 AP. Anyway, she also mentioned about the start work/finish work AP, never mention about bus ticket etc.
mine never mentioned at all lolz ... she kept asking ..want hand me down clothes or not ... or have i bought pillow ..if not she will get me one .. or am i fussy about food etc lolz ... and kept reminding me to let her know my C sect date
mine never mentioned at all lolz ... she kept asking ..want hand me down clothes or not ... or have i bought pillow ..if not she will get me one .. or am i fussy about food etc lolz ... and kept reminding me to let her know my C sect date

Your CL super on leh, my CL never mention any of these, guess it is still a bit early. I might call her sometime in December to ask her what to prepare, cuz she say I can prepare beforehand, or she will just buy when she comes to Singapore.

My CL rate is $2,500, but depending on when I deliver, she will need to leave by 17/2. I told her that as long as she works at least 3 weeks before 17/2 I will give her the full $2,500, otherwise, it will be pro-rated. That's why I hope my bb come out one week early (my EDD is 23/1), so that I can get my $$ worth. :p
Your CL super on leh, my CL never mention any of these, guess it is still a bit early. I might call her sometime in December to ask her what to prepare, cuz she say I can prepare beforehand, or she will just buy when she comes to Singapore.

My CL rate is $2,500, but depending on when I deliver, she will need to leave by 17/2. I told her that as long as she works at least 3 weeks before 17/2 I will give her the full $2,500, otherwise, it will be pro-rated. That's why I hope my bb come out one week early (my EDD is 23/1), so that I can get my $$ worth. :p
Wah urs is a good rate! Mine is charging 3k! N I don't even know if I can do 2wks.
Your CL super on leh, my CL never mention any of these, guess it is still a bit early. I might call her sometime in December to ask her what to prepare, cuz she say I can prepare beforehand, or she will just buy when she comes to Singapore.

My CL rate is $2,500, but depending on when I deliver, she will need to leave by 17/2. I told her that as long as she works at least 3 weeks before 17/2 I will give her the full $2,500, otherwise, it will be pro-rated. That's why I hope my bb come out one week early (my EDD is 23/1), so that I can get my $$ worth. :p
mine also $2.5K .. my guess why she so onz is because she know my family .. she look after my niece before and she know my mom cos same dialect group lolz which is also the reason why my mom ask me to find her lolz ... so she cannot anyhow lolz

by 37wks you should be able to know alrady...u see @fluffy_fluffy at 37wks already 2cm diluted ...i also like that around 36-37wks just that no action ..so C sect lolz
Okie . Let me confirm with Hb later after lunch . :)

I have not try the bosomi diaper yet . If it's good and cheaper in Korea , will ask Hb to get there when he is in Korea .. Now he stocked up merries for me, will buy 1-2 packets when he is in Japan .. Wanted to get moony, he says more ex ( more ex does not mean more ex than sg .. But more ex than merries .. He's calculating more than me lol )

Have to see your size . Good to have bb more than 3kg so easier to take care, but have to see case by case . If you petite size and going by c'sean then Okie .. Some mummies they dun mind to try natural with petite size too .. Have gf small size give natural with 3.82kg bb .. I was like "wow!!"

Maybe can check with Gynae ? Who will be able to give you better advise ?

See which one is more convenient for you ? Pick up venue ?

I bought Bosomi at Baby's Market at a discount, about 22 cents per piece for newborn diaper. Bosomi sells in Marine Parade (they didn't say exactly where) and NTUC Bukit Timah.

Every visit, gynae does the scan to monitor the bb's weight and the position of the placenta to see if natural birth is possible. She says she will scan my cervix later down the road too. Maybe she's confident the bb will not exceed 3kg hence she's closely monitoring re: the natural birth possibility. Power to your gf to be able to grow and give birth to 3.82kg bb!!! Miracles are possible, haha!

Rkmum has convenient (for me) pick-up venues in the West, while Celeste hasn't said. I've just asked her.

I'm buying mainly for #1 and hub... Only 2pc for bb and a few pcs for nephews. Trying v hard to limit my buy loh! I buy things v chop chop de especially when there is a sales! Hahaha

Well in this way I'm glad I'm expecting a boy. If it's a girl, I will not be able to control buying her all those pretty dresses and then it will be world war between me and hubby, lolol.
