(2014/08) August 2014

Finally I am home with my baby! But right now facing problem with latching as baby cries and struggles everytime I try to direct latch him :( but he must drink more otherwise will get dehydrated and jaundice go up...sigh...so no choice have to express out and spoon feed him for the time being...

today managed to spoke to a lactacian before discharging...she advised me to pump 5min and rest awhile to massage the breast before expressing for another 5min and continue the process for max of 20 to 25min...this really helps to prevent sore nipples! (for past 2 days in hosp I expressed non-stop for 15min and always get blister) also she mention don't try to squeeze or push your breast while pumping although more milk will flow out as this will hurt the milk ducts. Using her method I managed to pump out more from each side now compared to 2 days ago...guess I just have to be more patience with my breastmilk supply :p

my gynae on holiday. hahha.

Oops! Hehe
If u have no other signs of discomfort... Maybe wait and c? Else chiong strict to A&E if u have cramps ah!

U were on medication a few days bef ya? Sometimes will cause some changes. If milk supply decreases, more blood flow also or menses may come back. U can have good milk supply and menses at the same time too!
Finally I am home with my baby! But right now facing problem with latching as baby cries and struggles everytime I try to direct latch him :( but he must drink more otherwise will get dehydrated and jaundice go up...sigh...so no choice have to express out and spoon feed him for the time being...

today managed to spoke to a lactacian before discharging...she advised me to pump 5min and rest awhile to massage the breast before expressing for another 5min and continue the process for max of 20 to 25min...this really helps to prevent sore nipples! (for past 2 days in hosp I expressed non-stop for 15min and always get blister) also she mention don't try to squeeze or push your breast while pumping although more milk will flow out as this will hurt the milk ducts. Using her method I managed to pump out more from each side now compared to 2 days ago...guess I just have to be more patience with my breastmilk supply :p

Can totally feel what u went through coz I was suffering alot when I had #1. Everything was new and dunno how to latch and bb refused to latch. Haiz! But the LC really help me alot alot. Juz need to sacrifice "privacy". Hehe the breast kind of become "public", no longer private property! But the greatest joy is to be able to latch well and hear your bb coo with the Shiok Shiok look on its face. Jia you! It's a v tough but rewarding journey!! Stay positive and strong!
Hmm.... I'm reading a lot of c-sect cases. Any natural birth delivery process recently to share? Like in wat situation water bag burst, wat u do after that, how long it took, What did u think u did to make ur delivery so smooth, any other advice?
Coz I'm really hoping to do a natural delivery so hoping to copy some ideas here.

Delivery cannot be controlled. Can only pray and hope can do natural. Dilation, bb & mummy heart rate, mother's temperature, bb's size, ability to push and duration of labour plays a major role in determining if it'll be a ecsect. Ultimately, shd csect be advised, it's for the safety of mom and child.

Inducing, definitely comes w risk and a higher chance of ecsect.

Epidural, if u r on high dose and can't feel contraction at all, one might not be able to push at all. So don't overdose! (I so scared of the pain till I overdose for #1). I asked for the 2nd tube coz bb not out yet but ideally I shd reduce the dosage. I couldn't push at all.. Almost end up in csect. Gynae did a long cut and used forceps. End up w long cut and stitches. Not a nice story too coz recovery took 1M!

Best is to relax! Epi helps me relax (i cant bear contraction pain coming every 3min!! will make me cry in pain instead.) I also told midwife I don't know how to push. Can teach me as I really want a natural and smooth delivery! The midwife really help do a few practice rounds with me!!! I am Soo grateful!
Im currently 38w+4 days and also in the waiting game. Cant wait to offload as its getting more and more tiring. Anyone else in the waiting mode?
Im currently 38w+4 days and also in the waiting game. Cant wait to offload as its getting more and more tiring. Anyone else in the waiting mode?

Me! I'm 38w+ 3 days... I had contraction 2 days ago but it went away after a few hours! I thought I could finally deliver but still have to wait.... Mixed feelings... Want baby to come out quickly yet scare at the same time....
Dear mummies, how many ml of breastmilk does a newborn requires in a day??? I am trying to figure out am I feeding enough and whether I need to topup with formula as baby is mostly sleeping and I am not sure is he hungry or what...no poo poo after 6 hours liao
Pochacco123 do u have a confinement nanny? Usually a confinement nanny would know whether ur baby is hungry or not.
Me! I'm 38w+ 3 days... I had contraction 2 days ago but it went away after a few hours! I thought I could finally deliver but still have to wait.... Mixed feelings... Want baby to come out quickly yet scare at the same time....
Me too. I am 38w+5days. I just went to the gynae as i felt tt there is a reduction in baby movement. Will be checking in tonight for induction as dr is worried abt thr reduce baby movement thougj the ctg results appear fine. So scary.
Me too. I am 38w+5days. I just went to the gynae as i felt tt there is a reduction in baby movement. Will be checking in tonight for induction as dr is worried abt thr reduce baby movement thougj the ctg results appear fine. So scary.

Me...I'm currently 39wks2days 2nd baby somemore And still waiting... it's So tiring I'm aching everywhere..actually I feel I have no signs of contractions at all.. at least I felt some braxton hicks 3 wks ago But now My tummy is totally soft..

Worst thing is at My last visit to gynae last sat he only monitored ctg But din check for My dilation etc So I don't even know if I'm ready to go for natural birth.. nw I'm worried If it's possible for #1 to be natural But #2 to be caesarean.. I don't want csec!
Did you all bring your own breastpump to hospital?

I don't think it's necessary... And if im not wrong u can actually borrow the hospital breast pump if u want to stimulate milk.. plus there will be probably lactation nurses to help u..depends on which hospital also..
Dear mummies, how many ml of breastmilk does a newborn requires in a day??? I am trying to figure out am I feeding enough and whether I need to topup with formula as baby is mostly sleeping and I am not sure is he hungry or what...no poo poo after 6 hours liao

Uhm 40 ml..I rem my little one drank 40ml 3hrly per nurse when I fetched her back home.
hi mummies! i'm new to this forum. my EDD is 25th aug but am still deciding to go c-sect or natural? I wanted c sect because I have low tolerance for pain but I have people telling me c sect takes longer time to heal...can mummies share your experience with me? I have been having sleepless nights and headaches as well...
Oops! Hehe
If u have no other signs of discomfort... Maybe wait and c? Else chiong strict to A&E if u have cramps ah!

U were on medication a few days bef ya? Sometimes will cause some changes. If milk supply decreases, more blood flow also or menses may come back. U can have good milk supply and menses at the same time too!

no other discomfort. juz the bleeding like heavy then light then heavy then light. notice it gets heavy after I pump too. mabbe uterus contracting ba. but then I remember my menses came early when I had #1 too.
Dear mummies, how many ml of breastmilk does a newborn requires in a day??? I am trying to figure out am I feeding enough and whether I need to topup with formula as baby is mostly sleeping and I am not sure is he hungry or what...no poo poo after 6 hours liao

this is the general guideline.


is bb having jaundice? poo still black? if so u might want to feed more to flush out the all the black black poo.
Did you all bring your own breastpump to hospital?

can juz rent from hospital. think abt $20/day (I juz rented for a day. b4 that juz focus on recovery & direct latch). they'll help u sterilise & feed the ebm to ur bb. don't think they'll help u sterilise ur bottles & parts if u bring ur own pump. then abit troublesome to bring steriliser too?
this is the general guideline.

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is bb having jaundice? poo still black? if so u might want to feed more to flush out the all the black black poo.

Yup baby having jaundice and poo poo still abit black...its dark greenish...I am only able to express out and cup feeding him now as I am having problem with direct latching (baby is rejecting nipple due to mouth cannot open big enough and tounge always blocking the nipple)

sigh...feel v sad that I have no physical contact with my baby after all because I am having confinement and all I can do for him is express breastmilk...:(
Me...I'm currently 39wks2days 2nd baby somemore And still waiting... it's So tiring I'm aching everywhere..actually I feel I have no signs of contractions at all.. at least I felt some braxton hicks 3 wks ago But now My tummy is totally soft..

Worst thing is at My last visit to gynae last sat he only monitored ctg But din check for My dilation etc So I don't even know if I'm ready to go for natural birth.. nw I'm worried If it's possible for #1 to be natural But #2 to be caesarean.. I don't want csec!

I'm 39wks+ too and I realized after I stop working, my baby is in relax mode like me. Means dun move so much and No ache, no pain, got nothing to do, slp and eat only. This is more shiok than being on holiday. I feel I need to go toilet more frequently mayb due to baby lower position and sit on my pelvic muscle but apart from that I actually enjoy my time now.
Yup baby having jaundice and poo poo still abit black...its dark greenish...I am only able to express out and cup feeding him now as I am having problem with direct latching (baby is rejecting nipple due to mouth cannot open big enough and tounge always blocking the nipple)

sigh...feel v sad that I have no physical contact with my baby after all because I am having confinement and all I can do for him is express breastmilk...:(

understand how u feel. I'm also pumping now coz not fully recovered from mastitis. worse still is pump n throw. pump 7-8 times a day for nothing. hubby & mil taking care & feeding bb with fm. I don't get to carry him much too. spend more time with the breast pump than with bb. told hubby I can't make milk juz staring at the breast pump! also worried bb won't want to latch since fully on fm for this period of time. sigh. but on the other hand I also need the time to rest la. now juz focus on pumping & sleeping. hopefully can fully recover soon. sigh.
Thanks @kopibeanie !

How much mucus plug is common? I keep feeling the urge to pee and after I wipe, its red, red. Blobs of red. Scaring me! Went toilet 3 times since 4+am!
Thanks @kopibeanie !

How much mucus plug is common? I keep feeling the urge to pee and after I wipe, its red, red. Blobs of red. Scaring me! Went toilet 3 times since 4+am!
Red red means very soon. In my case I had been passing yellowish mucus plug for 3 to 4 days before I see brownish one for another 2 days and my water bag burst. Good luck!
Red red means very soon. In my case I had been passing yellowish mucus plug for 3 to 4 days before I see brownish one for another 2 days and my water bag burst. Good luck!

Really! Still passing out red. Waiting for 9am then call the clinic. Don't wanna call the 24 hour hotline haha
Yup baby having jaundice and poo poo still abit black...its dark greenish...I am only able to express out and cup feeding him now as I am having problem with direct latching (baby is rejecting nipple due to mouth cannot open big enough and tounge always blocking the nipple)

sigh...feel v sad that I have no physical contact with my baby after all because I am having confinement and all I can do for him is express breastmilk...:(

To clear jaundice bb have to poo out yellow. Sun tanning everyday especially stomach area to warm it up..
May I know for babies who are cleared from jaundice, do u still see the yellowish tint in their skin? After about 2 weeks plus, my baby's skin still got yellowish tint. Not sure if I should go to see PD for advice.
May I know for babies who are cleared from jaundice, do u still see the yellowish tint in their skin? After about 2 weeks plus, my baby's skin still got yellowish tint. Not sure if I should go to see PD for advice.

If you are not sure please go and see pd for peace of mind. Important mummy has good mental health during this period.

I'm still passing out red with every time I go to the toilet! Did you ladies who have delivered, pass out so much blood? Baby is OK. Still kicking away.

Made an appt to see gynae at 230pm. Packing my stuff now.....

I'm still passing out red with every time I go to the toilet! Did you ladies who have delivered, pass out so much blood? Baby is OK. Still kicking away.

Made an appt to see gynae at 230pm. Packing my stuff now.....

Think you baby wanna come out today!
Good luck and hope you will have a smooth delivery!

I'm still passing out red with every time I go to the toilet! Did you ladies who have delivered, pass out so much blood? Baby is OK. Still kicking away.

Made an appt to see gynae at 230pm. Packing my stuff now.....

Congrats! Ur baby coming liao. U going to join the breast feeding challenge grp soon. U r like so calm ah.
Hi mummies. My bb boy Logan was born already too :) water bag leaked on the 8th and was 4cm dilated when i was admitted to the hospital. Waited till 3pm but still 4cm. So was put on drip to speed up the dilation. However it didnt work. Only managed to dilate 1cm & my gynea said the water bag was still intact so she wants to break it as it should speed up the labour. Well it sure did cos the contraction became quite painful and i finally started to dilate more. Pushed for almost 2 hours b4 baby was born. Initially i couldnt push well as i was pretty numb from the epidural. They had to lower the dosage b4 i can push properly. Pushing is so tiring man!


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Haha.. Cos it may be a false alarm ma! Can still take weeks to come out right?

I'm having slight contractions and gets worse when I sit on the bed, so now just sitting on my chair and waiting for time to pass...

Maybe when the pain is excruciating then I'll be less calm.. Haha
Hi ladies,

My bb is officially an Aug baby even tho due date is 8sep.

Contracted started at 2am in the morn and ard 7am passed the mucous plug. Called gynae and got a slot to see him at 930am. But 905am water bag burst and went directly to hospital instead.

Reached Mount A at 10am, wheeled to delivery ward at 1010am, baby delivered at 1045am.

Natural without Epidural becos I was too late (9cm). Now resting in ward and feeling sore from the stitch and waiting for BB to be ready for BF.

Not yet prepared for BB's arrival but thankful for the whole journey and safety of BB!

Jiayou all the Mummies!
Baby ok. Gynae didn't check if I'm dilated. Said didn't want to stimulate. Checked the bleeding.. Told to call if still very heavy.

Else, just wait......

Baby approximately 3.2kg today!

Baby ok. Gynae didn't check if I'm dilated. Said didn't want to stimulate. Checked the bleeding.. Told to call if still very heavy.

Else, just wait......

Baby approximately 3.2kg today!


Alamak... like false alarm.
But who knows... maybe is TONIGHT! Heehee!
Baby ok. Gynae didn't check if I'm dilated. Said didn't want to stimulate. Checked the bleeding.. Told to call if still very heavy.

Else, just wait......

Baby approximately 3.2kg today!


Ur gynae very pro natural. Want to wait until got exciting birth story.
I'm also waiting! Gynae say bb 2.9kg and ready to pop next week! hehe...

So now mummies in the waiting mode are:-
kopibeanie & carine1
which hospital did u go that has pump rental service?
last time tmc dont have leh... i would love to rent a hospital grade pump and get all the parts sterilised by the nurses! So much more convenient! Less barangs to bring too!
kopibeanie & carine1
which hospital did u go that has pump rental service?
last time tmc dont have leh... i would love to rent a hospital grade pump and get all the parts sterilised by the nurses! So much more convenient! Less barangs to bring too!

mine is mt A. I tot all hospital got rent breast pump one. no ah? so u brought ur own pump & steriliser previously?

mine is mt A. I tot all hospital got rent breast pump one. no ah? so u brought ur own pump & steriliser previously?

ya loh... i used the medela wipes that can sterilise the parts!
Hubby also helped to bring home wash and sterilise. Luckily I live just like 10min away... and have many sets to rotate!
Was so confident then, just brought pre-packed sterilised bottles the last time only to be informed there is no pump for rent! hmph!

Mt A so nice!!
Maybe I call TMC and ask again! Or any mommy who delivered in TMC knows?
The parent craft centre has a few sets but all stationed inside the pumping room and it is now located opp the hospital!
