(2014/07) July 2014

will the waiting time for Dr Joycelyn Wong be long? over the phone the nurse doesnt seem very friendly. dont know if i should switch to her. Had my 1st appt with another gynae cause want an earlier slot but Dr Joycelyn Wong dont have earlier slot.

congrats to all new mummies who just joined! :). thankfully still didn't vomit at all up to now. but starting to feel more nauseated. just try to breathe deeply to make it go away but appetite has suffered. happy not to gain any weight so far! wahahahahaha

beanny: u can always go for an early scan at act 5 weeks just to ensure it is not an ectopic preggy :). but they say as long as not bleeding or cramping badly, all is fine, so dun stress and enjoy yr symptom-free pregnancy!! not many mummies blessed with no symptoms!

I started spotting a couple of days ago and was a little bit worried. but thankfully, saw baby's heartbeat going nice and strong today so i know all is well! :) Thank God for the wonderful sight during the scan. I know all pregnant ladies see it, but to experience it myself is just pretty thrilling!! hahahahahaha
welcome :) which gynae r u visiting? first time mama?

Yup, first time mum :) With Dr Benjamin Tham. Saw blood clot beside waterbag last week, so i'm on one week MC.. Been trying for few years, so quite nervous now. Hope everything goes smoothly!
Hi mummies, I'm new here.. Tested positive on 9 no and going for my first scan on 27 nov with Dr Joceiyn Wong..
Any mummies with the same gynae?
Anyway, I tend to feel nausea and always vomit after a meal... Anyone experiencing the same problem?

Welcome tasty and wling! I'm only in my 5th week so no MS yet... hopefully, MS won't come at all. Haha... I'm enjoying my ability to eat anything while I still can! But there are mummies here experiencing MS too, so you have company. Hang in there... it's not going to last for too long.
Me me! I'm also seeing her on 27th Nov!
She delivered my No. 1, and I like her, so am going back to her.

As usual, no symptoms... it's starting to get abit worrying, esp when I feel spasms of pain in my lower left stomach area... keep imaging it's ectopic, arghhhh

Hi Beanny, what time is your appointment?
Mine is 3.30 pm.. hee
[qHi te="Davon, post: 6520408, member: 153943"]will the waiting time for Dr Joycelyn Wong be long? over the phone the nurse doesnt seem very friendly. dont know if i should switch to her. Had my 1st appt with another gynae cause want an earlier slot but Dr Joycelyn Wong dont have earlier slot.[/quote]

Hi Davon, it's about to 2 to 3 weeks wait.
hi everyone! new to this forum. Just found out i was pregnant last week. according to baby center EDD 17 July. This is my 2nd pregnancy. My first is 3 yrs old.
Does anyone experience cramping? i have been having cramps for the last 2 weeks and i am getting worried. I didnt have any symptoms with my no 1.
Welcome hippo! My baby center EDD is 18 July. :) My boy is already 7 years old. I understand that cramps are normal, and a sign of your uterus adapting to the changes. It is probably not an issue, but if you are worried, please consult a doc for your peace of mind.
My first
Me me! I'm also seeing her on 27th Nov!
She delivered my No. 1, and I like her, so am going back to her.

As usual, no symptoms... it's starting to get abit worrying, esp when I feel spasms of pain in my lower left stomach area... keep imaging it's ectopic, arghhhh

My #1 delivered by her. She's very nice n I will like to go back to her... But it's a little ex so I switched.
hi everyone! new to this forum. Just found out i was pregnant last week. according to baby center EDD 17 July. This is my 2nd pregnancy. My first is 3 yrs old.
Does anyone experience cramping? i have been having cramps for the last 2 weeks and i am getting worried. I didnt have any symptoms with my no 1.
Hey Hippo7, congrats! This is my #1 and I've been experiencing cramping for a few days now. It comes and goes.
I'm about 5w4d along.
My gynae said the cramping is caused by the womb expanding.
Wow, summerchubbie, you are reali a heavy sleeper. But you will need to adjust slowly..especially when ur bb is born. May have to sleep less and wake up more often then.

Ya man thats what my mum told me. Both my hubby and mum r worried that i will sleep thru baby cries. Haha
any mtbs with Dr Irene Chua? =D

I'm deciding between Dr Irene Chua and Dr Paul Tseng. The rates for both docs are about the same and both also come highly recommended. So still in a dilemma. Are you with Dr Irene Chua?
Me me! Gynae is dr Claudine tan. I go to her clinic at serangoon.
My sister and sis in law gave birth at tmc.

Thinking to join their hospital tour.

I will prob go with TMC too. My #1 was at TMC and it was a very pleasant experience.
Hi MTBs :)

I got married early last month. During the 4th week of our honeymoon, i suspect something was up. So i did a test kit and it came back positive. Managed to get a first appt with gynae upon our return and she narrowed it down to 3 weeks since conception. We could also see and hear baby's heartbeat. My second appt is this Saturday, which i guess makes me 6 weeks. EDD is end June or 1st July.

Hubby and i want to try for a kid immediately after we tie the knot and although we are generally healthy, we are in the high risk category. I worry whenever i travel, last week would be my last business trip for baby's sakes. Don't wish to lose sleep and health over-thinking the what-if this and that. It doesn't help to hear unpleasant opinions here and there about travelling (and myths) during the first trimester from those who only meant well. Hence we only broke the news to our close families and a couple of close friends. This week i'm feeling so much better except i've not had MS yet.

I hope to share and learn some tips and guides from fellow mamas along the way, especially in the diet. I believe natural remedy is the best. Thanks and congrats to all!
Hi MTBs :)

I got married early last month. During the 4th week of our honeymoon, i suspect something was up. So i did a test kit and it came back positive. Managed to get a first appt with gynae upon our return and she narrowed it down to 3 weeks since conception. We could also see and hear baby's heartbeat. My second appt is this Saturday, which i guess makes me 6 weeks. EDD is end June or 1st July.

Hubby and i want to try for a kid immediately after we tie the knot and although we are generally healthy, we are in the high risk category. I worry whenever i travel, last week would be my last business trip for baby's sakes. Don't wish to lose sleep and health over-thinking the what-if this and that. It doesn't help to hear unpleasant opinions here and there about travelling (and myths) during the first trimester from those who only meant well. Hence we only broke the news to our close families and a couple of close friends. This week i'm feeling so much better except i've not had MS yet.

I hope to share and learn some tips and guides from fellow mamas along the way, especially in the diet. I believe natural remedy is the best. Thanks and congrats to all!

Congrats Athecaine! Wow u managed to hear baby's heartbeat at your first gynae appointment.
Not everyone gets MS don't worry.

I'm sure you'll get a lots of tips in this forum.
Congrats Athecaine! Wow u managed to hear baby's heartbeat at your first gynae appointment.
Not everyone gets MS don't worry.

I'm sure you'll get a lots of tips in this forum.

Thanks Hot_Choc9 :)
My Gynae is quite good, she is Dr Selina Chua. Unfortunately we will be changing our Dr. as she doesn't go to Mt. A.
Welcome Athecaine and littlewyattmum! Wow Athecaine, you are so lucky to have hit the jackpot so quickly! Yup, I agree that you should just surround yourself with positive people who will only send you good vibes about your pregnancy. Just do what you feel right and trust that your instincts are enough to ensure that your baby will be well and happy.

As for Dr Paul Tseng and Dr Irene Chua, I asked my baby who she prefers (my guess is that it will be a girl) and it seems like she wants Dr Paul Tseng. Haha... so now will have to see if I'm lucky enough to squeeze in a spot with him. But even if cannot, I think Dr Irene Chua is a good 2nd option too, so will just shui2 yuan2.
for all who newly joined this forum, tinkerstars has kindly helped to set up a Fb group.
you can pm any of us here (and her) to add you to the group :)
Hey just wanna remind all mummies here that we have a FB group open to those with EDD July 2014 that is kindly created by tinkerstars, so you can PM me or tinkerstars your email address so that we can add you to the group. Look forward to more fun discussions with all of you on FB as well as here. :)
Haha... crystal cloud, we must be psychically connected, posted the same topic at almost the same time. :)
Welcome Athecaine and littlewyattmum! Wow Athecaine, you are so lucky to have hit the jackpot so quickly! Yup, I agree that you should just surround yourself with positive people who will only send you good vibes about your pregnancy. Just do what you feel right and trust that your instincts are enough to ensure that your baby will be well and happy.

As for Dr Paul Tseng and Dr Irene Chua, I asked my baby who she prefers (my guess is that it will be a girl) and it seems like she wants Dr Paul Tseng. Haha... so now will have to see if I'm lucky enough to squeeze in a spot with him. But even if cannot, I think Dr Irene Chua is a good 2nd option too, so will just shui2 yuan2.

Thank you mrsgg :)
I totally agree with you. Positivity is important. Whatmore, these 9 months will be the best time to enjoy some peace and quiet before our babies take over.

Can you please add me to the FB group? Thanks!
Hi all, I just self tested today and was positive! This will be my number 2. My 1st is a boy, just turned 17 mths old today too. Will be going to a gynae soon to confirm pregnancy. Hopefully it will be positive! But hope it wun be like my previous pregnancy which I vomited throughout entire pregnancy!!! Take care everyone!
Hi mrsgg, I just pm-ed u my emai for the fb closed group. Thanks.

I just went for my scan this am. Saw the tiny sac and heartbeat. So happy. This is my #1. I m with kkh. Dr says I m 6.6 weeks. Tot I was 7 weeks today according to the website. Haha. Nvr mind, next checkup in 2 weeks time. Only have duphaston and FA to support the pregnancy.
Thank you mrsgg :)
I totally agree with you. Positivity is important. Whatmore, these 9 months will be the best time to enjoy some peace and quiet before our babies take over.

Can you please add me to the FB group? Thanks!

Yes agreed!

Just PM me your email and I will add you to the group.
Hi mrsgg, I just pm-ed u my emai for the fb closed group. Thanks.

I just went for my scan this am. Saw the tiny sac and heartbeat. So happy. This is my #1. I m with kkh. Dr says I m 6.6 weeks. Tot I was 7 weeks today according to the website. Haha. Nvr mind, next checkup in 2 weeks time. Only have duphaston and FA to support the pregnancy.

Already added you. :)

Congrats! Wah... 6.6, so exact? Maybe website doesn't calculate to the decimal point, but it's close enough.
I'm deciding between Dr Irene Chua and Dr Paul Tseng. The rates for both docs are about the same and both also come highly recommended. So still in a dilemma. Are you with Dr Irene Chua?
Had my first appointment with her and will be going again next week :)
Pretty doctor. First impression is she is a capable doctor, knows her stuff well kind haha.
@mrsgg : I've PM-ed you my email :) Thank you.

Have added you mapleleafy!

For those of you who wishes to join the FB group, just note that it seems that a couple of mummies do not receive FB notification about being invited to the group. It is a FB issue, so you just need to wait for the email notification to come and you can access the group from there. :)

Newcomers can feel free to PM me your email to be invited to the group. I'll be happy to add you.
Had my first appointment with her and will be going again next week :)
Pretty doctor. First impression is she is a capable doctor, knows her stuff well kind haha.

Yup I read a lot of positive reviews about her online. If Dr Paul Tseng doesn't have space, I'll go to her. :)
Welcome new mummies here on this thread and congrats! Our FB group is expanding rapidly with more July mummies coming on board. Hope we can share along throughout this 9 months motherhood journey! This is my No. 2 and my no. 1 is 5 years old already. He's considered quite independent as he is sleeping on his own now and happily playing without bothering us during weekends. Jus that he's quite mischievous at times. So I think no. 2 has arrived in time and he's ready to share half of our love to another sibling. I'm in my 5th week but still no MS for me currently. Hopefully no MS..pray hard! But I got cramping feeling.
Yup, first time mum :) With Dr Benjamin Tham. Saw blood clot beside waterbag last week, so i'm on one week MC.. Been trying for few years, so quite nervous now. Hope everything goes smoothly!

WIng 273, dont worry too much. A happy mummy will have a happy baby.
Everything will go smoothly. Let's jiayou together
Hey just wanna remind all mummies here that we have a FB group open to those with EDD July 2014 that is kindly created by tinkerstars, so you can PM me or tinkerstars your email address so that we can add you to the group. Look forward to more fun discussions with all of you on FB as well as here. :)

Hi hi... pls add me on fb too.. [email protected].
Hi MTBs,

Tested positive at the clinic ytd when I went to see doc for fever, cough and flu.
This child is my #3, haven't told hb the good news yet, thinking if how to break the news to him. Any suggestions ?

Is the fb group secret ?
Hi mrsgg, I just pm-ed u my emai for the fb closed group. Thanks.

I just went for my scan this am. Saw the tiny sac and heartbeat. So happy. This is my #1. I m with kkh. Dr says I m 6.6 weeks. Tot I was 7 weeks today according to the website. Haha. Nvr mind, next checkup in 2 weeks time. Only have duphaston and FA to support the pregnancy.

Hi babycomecome, I'm with kkh too. which gynae are u seeing? I'm with A.Prof John Tee.
Hi MTBs,

Tested positive at the clinic ytd when I went to see doc for fever, cough and flu.
This child is my #3, haven't told hb the good news yet, thinking if how to break the news to him. Any suggestions ?

Is the fb group secret ?

Haha.. I took pic of my test kit, deco the pic a bit and send it to my hubby's what'sapp. it took him quite a while to understand what's happening as I watched his expression. He was kinda in shock for a good few minutes.

As for my family, cos it happened to be my dad's bday. So i asked my #1 and #2 to write him a bday card and signed off with their names and "baby". Then they realized there's a new addition.
Hi MTBs,

Tested positive at the clinic ytd when I went to see doc for fever, cough and flu.
This child is my #3, haven't told hb the good news yet, thinking if how to break the news to him. Any suggestions ?

Is the fb group secret ?
congrats to you.

yes, the fb is a secret grp.

Thks for the suggestion !
How old are your 2 kids ? Mine is 3 and 1.
U seeing John Tee at Private suite, considering to see him, any reviews of him and kkh ?

Thank you, will join the fb grp !!

Congrats to all July MTBs!!!
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